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dawn 1 n C,U / dn dn / 英 / dn /1.the time at the beginning of the day when light first appears 黎明,破晓SYN daybreak duskWhen dawn broke (= the first light of the day appeared ) , we were still 50 miles from Calcutta.破晓的时候,我们离加尔各答还有50英里。I was up at the crack of dawn (= very early in the morning ) to get the plane.我一大早就起来赶飞机。We worked from dawn to dusk (= through the whole day while it is light ) .我们从早干到晚。the cold light of dawn清冷的晨曦at dawnThe boats set off at dawn.天一亮船队就出发了。2.the dawn of civilization/time etcthe time when something began or first appeared 文明的开端/宇宙初开等People have been falling in love since the dawn of time.亘古以来就有爱情。THESAURUS BEGINNING3.a false dawnsomething that seems positive or hopeful but really is not 虚幻的希望There was talk of share prices recovering, but that was just a false dawn.有人说股价会回升,但那不过是镜花水月而已。dawn 2 v I 英 1.if day or morning dawns, it begins 破晓,天亮The morning 时间作主语。dawned fresh and clear after the storm.暴风雨过后,破晓时天朗气清。2.if a period of time or situation dawns, it begins 某一时期或情形开始The age of Darwin had dawned.达尔文时代开始了。3.if a feeling or idea dawns, you have it for the first time 第一次有某种感觉想法It began to dawn that something was wrong.于是开始想到什么地方出了差错。PHRVB 短语动词dawn on sb phr v醒悟的内容作主语。醒悟的内容作主语。if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the first time 开始明白某个事实,醒悟The ghastly truth dawned on me.我开始明白了可怕的真相。It dawned on me that Jo had been right all along.我开始明白乔一直都是对的。threshold n C / rehld, -ld rhold /英 / rehld, -ld /1.the entrance to a room or building, or the area of floor or ground at the entrance 门口,门槛She opened the door and stepped across the threshold.她打开门,跨过门槛。2.the level at which something starts to happen or have an effect 某事开始发生或产生效果的起始点Eighty percent of the vote was the threshold for approval of the plan.80%的票数是这个计划能够获得批准的“门槛”。a high/low pain/boredom etc threshold (= the ability or inability to suffer a lot of pain or boredom before you react to it) 很高/低的忍痛力/耐乏味能力等3.at the beginning of a new and important event or development 在重要事件的开端SYN brinkbe on the threshold of sthThe creature is on the threshold of extinction.这种生物已濒临灭绝overstate v T / vstet ovstet / 英 / vstet /1.to talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important, serious etc than it really is 把讲得过分;夸大,夸张;SYN exaggerate;OPP understateTo say that all motorists speed in residential areas is overstating the case.说所有驾驶员都在住宅区内超速行驶是言过其实了。The importance of a childs early years cannot be overstated (= is very important ).儿童幼年期的重要性怎么强调也不为过。overstatement n C,UIts an overstatement to say that the mans a fool.说那男人是傻瓜有点过分。understate v T / ndstet ndstet / 英 / ndstet /to describe something in a way that makes it seem less important or serious than it really is 轻描淡写地叙述;淡化某事的重要性或严重性The press have tended to understate the extent of the problem.媒体想淡化问题的严重程度。exaggerate v I,T / zdret gzdret / 英 / zdret / to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is 夸大,夸张,言过其实I couldnt sleep for three days Im not exaggerating.我三天没睡觉了一点不夸张。its easy/difficult/impossible to exaggerate sthIts difficult to exaggerate the importance of sleep.睡眠的重要性怎么说也不为过。preclude v T / prklud prklud / formal 英 / prklud /to prevent something or make something impossible 阻止, 防止,使不可能;排除,消除 【正式】rules that preclude experimentation in teaching methods禁止进行教学方法试验的规定preclude sb from doing something Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate. 单是年龄问题不会妨碍他参选。overlap 1 I,T AC / vlp ovlp / 英 / vlp /( past tense and past participle overlapped , present participle overlapping )1.if two or more things overlap, part of one thing covers part of another thing 与某物部分重叠,交搭,叠盖One of Jillys front teeth overlaps the other.吉里的一颗门牙与另一颗有些交叠。The tiles on the roof overlap.屋顶的瓦片相互叠搭在一起。2.if two subjects, ideas etc overlap, they include some but not all of the same things 两种学科、观念等部分交叉Maxwells responsibilities overlap yours, so you will be sharing some of the work.马克斯韦尔的职责和你的有重叠,所以有些工作你们将共同承担。two great men with overlapping interests两位兴趣有共同之处的伟人+ with The study of sociology overlaps with the study of economics.社会学研究和经济学研究有共通之处。3.if two activities or periods of time overlap, the second one starts before the first one has finished 活动或时间上重叠,交叉The second phase of development overlaps the first.发展的第二阶段和第一阶段有重叠。+ with My vacation overlaps with yours.我的假期和你的有重叠。overlap 2 n C,U AC / vlp ovlp / 英 / vlp /1.the amount by which two activities, ideas, things etc overlap 两种活动、观点、事物等交叉的数量,重叠部分a large degree of overlap很大程度上的重叠+ between There is considerable overlap between the girls and boys test results.女孩和男孩的测试结果有相当多的共同之处。+ of an overlap of about two centimetres大约两厘米的交叠部分pathetic adj / petk ptk / 英 / petk /1.something or someone that is pathetic is so useless, unsuccessful, or weak that they annoy you 无用的;差劲的;令人生厌的Youre pathetic! Here, let me do it.你真没用!来,让我做吧。I know it sounds pathetic now, but at the time I was frightened.我知道现在听起来挺窝囊,不过当时我很害怕。Vic made a pathetic attempt to apologise.维克很勉强地道了歉。2.making you feel pity or sympathy 招人怜悯的,可怜的The child looked a pathetic sight.那个孩子看上去很可怜。pathetically adv / -kli -k /She whimpered pathetically.她可怜地啜泣了起来。pollute v T / plut plut / 英 / plut /1.to make air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use 污染 空气、水、土壤等beaches polluted by raw sewage受未经处理的污水污染的海滩The factory pollutes the air and water.那家工厂污染了空气和水。heavily/severely/badly etc pollutedThe island has been seriously polluted by a copper mine.该岛被一座铜矿严重污染了。pollute sth with sthThe rivers had been polluted with aluminium.河流受到了铝污染。2.to spoil or ruin something that used to be good 毁掉;败坏an artist spiritually polluted by money and fame被名利腐蚀了灵魂的艺术家3.pollute sbs mindto give someone immoral thoughts and spoil their character 毒害荼毒某人的思想Violence on television is polluting the minds of our children.电视暴力正在毒害我们孩子的思想。ponder v I,T / pnd pnd / formal 英 / pnd /1.to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that has happened 仔细考虑,深思 【正式】SYN considerHe continued to ponder the problem as he walked home.他一边往家走一边继续思考那个问题。+ on/over/about The university board is still pondering over the matter.大学董事会仍在考虑那个问题。ponder how/what/whetherJay stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.杰伊静静地站了一会儿,琢磨着要不要去。THESAURUS THINK 1figure 1 n C S1 W1 / f fgj / 英 / f /1.NUMBER 数字1) usually plural 一般用复数 a number representing an amount, especially an official number 尤指官方公布的数据,数字Government figures underestimate the problem.政府的数据对这一问题反映不足。Its about 30,000 in round figures (= to the nearest 10, 20, 100 etc ).凑个整数大约是三万。unemployment/sales/trade figuresOhios employment figures for December俄亥俄州12月份的就业数字2) a number from 0 to 9, written as a sign rather than a word 从0到9的数字符号,位数 double figures , single figuresthe figure 2 数字2executives with salaries in six figures薪资达六位数的管理人员a four/five/six figure number (= a number in the thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands etc) 四位数/五位数/六位数2.AMOUNT OF MONEY 钱的数目a particular amount of money 金额+ of an estimated figure of $200 million 估计为两亿美元的金额3.PERSON 人 cult figure at 见 cult 21) someone who is important or famous in some way 重要的或有名的人物,人士the outstanding political figure of his time他那个时代杰出的政治人物a leading/key/central figureSeveral leading figures resigned from the party.数位重要人物退出了该党。2) someone with a particular type of appearance or character, especially when they are far away or difficult to see 身影,人影a tall figure in a hat一个戴帽子的高个子身影Through the window I could see the commanding figure of Mrs Bradshaw.透过窗户,我看到了布拉德肖太太威严的身影。4.WOMANS BODY 女性的身体the shape of a womans body 女性的体形,身材,身段She has a good figure .她身材很好。Most women have to watch their figure (= be careful not to get fat ) .大多数女性不得不注意保持身材。keep/lose your figure (= stay thin or become fat) 保持/破坏身材5.father/mother/authority figuresomeone who is considered to be like a father etc, or to represent authority, because of their character or behaviour 父亲/母亲/权威者形象6.figuresplural 复数 the activity of adding, multiplying etc numbers BrE 计算,算术 【英】SYN arithmetica natural ability with figures算术天赋have a head for figures (= be good at arithmetic) 有算术头脑7.MATHEMATICAL SHAPE 数学中的图形a geometric shape 几何图形,几何形状A hexagon is a six-sided figure. 六边形是一种有六条边的几何图形。8.PAINTING/MODEL 绘画/模型a person in a painting or a model of a person 绘画或模型中的人像,人形the figure in the background背景中的人物 figurine9.DRAWING 图( written abbreviation 书面缩写为 fig. )a numbered drawing or a diagram in a book 书中有编号的图,图表10.put a figure on it/give an exact figureto say exactly how much something is worth, or how much or how many of something you are talking about 准确说出价值 数量Its worth a lot but I couldnt put a figure on it.这东西值很多钱,但是我说不出具体数字。11.a fine figure of a man/womansomeone who is tall and has a good body 身材好的男子/女子12.a figure of funsomeone who people laugh at 被嘲笑的人13.ON ICE 在冰场上a pattern or movement in figure skating 花样滑冰中的花样figure 2 v S1 W3英 1.I to be an important part of a process, event, or situation, or to be included in something (以重要地位)出现Reform now figures high on the agenda.眼下,改革是当务之急。+ in/among Social issues figured prominently in the talks.社会问题是会谈的重点。My wishes didnt figure among his considerations.我的愿望不在他的考虑之中。2.T to form a particular opinion after thinking about a situation informal 经过考虑后认为,以为 【非正式】figure (that)From the way he behaved, I figured that he was drunk.从他的行为来看,我认为他醉了。It was worth the trouble, I figured.我认为这点麻烦值得。3.that figures/(it) figures1) used to say that something that happens is expected or typical, especially something bad 尤指不好的事在意料之中,早就料到了It rained the whole weekend. Oh, that figures.“整个周末都在下雨。”“噢,早料到了。”2) used to say that something is reasonable or makes sense 这有道理,这合乎情理It figures that shed be mad at you, after what you did.你那么做,她对你发火是在情理之中的。4.go figuresaid to show that you think something is strange or difficult to explain AmE spoken 这就怪了 表示认为某事奇怪或难以解释 【美,口】He didnt even leave a message. Go figure.“他甚至没有留个口信。”“这就怪了。”5.T to calculate an amount AmE 计算 【美】SYN work outIm just figuring my expenses.我正在计算自己的开支。PHRVB 短语动词figure on sth phr v especially AmE informalto expect something or include it in your plans 预料到;计划,打算 【非正式,尤美】She was younger than any of us had figured on.她比我们大家想的都年轻。figure sb/sth out phr v1.to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened 弄懂,搞清楚SYN work outIf I have a map, I can figure it out.要是我有地图的话就能弄明白了。Dont worry, well figure something out (= find a way to solve the problem ) .别担心,我们会找到办法解决的。figure out how/what/why etcCan you figure out how to do it?你能想出来怎么做吗?2.to understand why someone behaves in the way they do 弄明白,理解某人SYN work outWomen. I just cant figure them out.女人,我就是弄不懂她们。ponder pndvt.1.默想;深思;考虑:I pondered the incident,asking myself again and again how it could have happened.我反复思考那件事,一再自问究竟是怎么回事。2.衡量,估量:She pondered her words thoroughly.她说每一句话都要仔细掂量。3.回想,反思:to ponder the events of history回想种种历史事件vi.1.沉思,默想,仔细考虑:With great seriousness he pondered upon the problem.他极其严肃地仔细考虑问题。v.ponder v I,T / pnd pnd / formal 英 / pnd /1to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that has happened 仔细考虑,深思 【正式】SYN considerHe continued to ponder the problem as he walked home.他一边往家走一边继续思考那个问题。+ on/over/about The university board is still pondering over the matter.大学董事会仍在考虑那个问题。ponder how/what/whetherJay stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.杰伊静静地站了一会儿,琢磨着要不要去。account 1 n C S1 W1 / kant ka u nt / 英 / kant /1description 描述a written or spoken description that says what happens in an event or process 叙述,描写,报道Chomskys account of how children learn their first language乔姆斯基关于儿童如何学习第一语言的描述+ of He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened.他因受惊过度而无法描述所发生的事情。blow-by-blow account (= a description of all the details of an event in the order that they happened) 一五一十的叙述a blow-by-blow account of how England lost to Portugal英格兰队如何负于葡萄牙队的详细报道eye-witness/first-hand account (= a description of events by someone who saw them) 目击者的/第一手的描述Eye-witness accounts told of the unprovoked shooting of civilians.目击者讲到平民无故被枪击。This gives a first-hand account of the war.这是关于这场战争的第一手报道。2at a bank 在银行( written abbreviation 书面缩写为 a/c ; acct. )an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay more in or take money out 账户My salary is paid into my bank account.我的工资直接存入我的银行账户。Ive opened an account with Barclays Bank.我在巴克莱银行开了一个账户。My husband and I have a joint account (= one that is shared between two people ) .我和丈夫有个联名账户。 bank account , checking account , current account , deposit account , profit and loss account , savings account3take account of sth ( also 又作 take sth into account )to consider or include particular facts or details when making a decision or judgment about something 考虑到某事,把某事考虑进去These figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation.这些数字没有把通货膨胀率的变化考虑进去。4on account of sthbecause of something else, especially a problem or difficulty 因为某事,由于某事She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem.因为背部有问题,她被建议穿平底鞋。5accounts1) plural 复数 an exact record of the money that a company has received and the money it has spent 账目The accounts for last year showed a profit of $2 million.去年的账目显示利润为200万美元。2) U a department in a company that is responsible for keeping records of the amount of money spent and received 公司的财务部Eileen works in accounts.艾琳在财务部工作。6on accountif you buy goods on account, you take them away with you and pay for them later 赊账7with a shop/company 商店/公司an arrangement that you have with a shop or company, which allows you to buy goods or use a service now and pay for them later 可先使用后付款的赊欠账户SYN credit accountCan you charge this to my account please?你能把这记在我的(赊欠)账上吗?an unlimited-use Internet account一个能无限使用的因特网后付费账户8bill 账单a statement that shows how much money you owe for things you have bought from a shop 账单SYN billpay/settle your account (= pay what you owe) 付账/结账James left the restaurant, settling his account by credit card.詹姆斯用信用卡结完账离开餐厅。9arrangement to sell goods 售货安排an arrangement to sell goods and services to another company over a period of time 一段时间内的交易安排Our sales manager has secured several big accounts recently.我们的销售部经理最近拉到了好几笔大生意。10by/from all accountsaccording to what a lot of people say 根据各方面所说It has, from all accounts, been a successful marriage.谁都说这是一桩美满的婚姻。11on sbs accountif you do something on someones account, you do it because you think they want you to 为了某人的缘故Please dont change your plans on my account.请不要为了我而改变你的计划。12on your own accountby yourself or for yourself 靠自己;为自己Carrie decided to do a little research on her own account.卡丽决定自己做点研究。13on no account/not on any accountused when saying that someone must not, for any reason, do something 决不,绝对不On no account must you disturb me.你千万不要打扰我。14by sbs own accountaccording to what you have said, especially when you have admitted doing something wrong 据某人自己所说Bentley was, by his own account, over-sensitive to criticism.据本特利自己说,他对批评过于敏感。15on that account/on this accountconcerning a particular situation 由于那个/这个缘故There neednt be any more worries on that account.没有必要再为那事担心了。16give a good/poor account of yourselfto do something or perform very well or very badly 表现好/表现差Kevin gave a good account of himself in todays game.凯文在今天的比赛中表现出色。17bring/call sb to accountto force someone who is responsible for a mistake or a crime to explain publicly why they did it and punish them for it if necessary formal 追究某人的责任 【正式】The people responsible for the accident have never been brought to account.这起事故的责任人一直没有被追究责任。18put/turn sth to good accountto use something for a good purpose formal 善用某物,充分利用某物 【正式】Perhaps she could put some of her talents to good account by helping us.通过帮助我们,也许她可以把自己的某些才能充分发挥出来。19of no/little accountnot important formal 不重要,没关系 【正式】As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.她渐渐长大,父亲对她也不重要了。account 2 v S3 W2 英 PHRVB 短语动词account for sth phr v1to form a particular amount or part of something 占一定数量或比例Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.非裔美国人占美国人口的12%。2to be the reason why something happens 是的原因SYN explainRecent pressure at work may account for his behavior.他的行为也许是最近的工作压力导致的。3to give a satisfactory explanation of why something has happened or why you did something 解释,说明SYN explainCan you account for your movements on that night?你能说明一下你那天晚上的行踪吗?4to say where all the members of a group of people or things are, especially because you are worried that some of them may be lost 说明在何处Three days after the earthquake, more than 150 people had still to be accounted for.地震发生3天后,仍有150多人下落不明。sustain v T W3 AC / ssten ssten / 英 / ssten /1MAKE STH CONTINUE 使某事继续to make something continue to exist or happen for


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