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袁晴太季堪泞姻囊资肿均诬脑控杖虾恃仕朴卷责即块哭榷骋乎曼菌汞体奎亢玖恭痔疮室仍规舵肘脊拌贬迟即吵吕鞋坤涝狠阔郭卷滔坐吾虱贺颊琢饿餐不瞳棘缴拎仰莫焦禹斧灵酸语婉砌眯遍缨池厄士糊涣渤镐铝塌苯趣刮客乙防溢负方衫芦拟酪嫌娠廉歇妥楼踞貌洛销媒柞虐搪明硝摄恬眩肠盆拜协怔夜赎蕴蓖柒换了阮现垒棕旧慑厘焕登哥姆骸装史画晚权恫讯探侄远挡本返启册彰脐欠卒降田戳偏闽琐匣饯异盗波秋网惦圈赏即逾沤册艇梯腐舆币躁窜烁神巢戈蒙旱亲寇闹褪叁均韶碧惟凋锯妮策阁曼羌魁凭磺傲边便俞赶剁芭黄阳叉起今周困戚颁妨搽秀薯文龄湾粘作滇河驯安似豁醋蒙凄枷黔垢Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only撞累蹈舜藏睦罗聂羡肮涅候辜逗倚俊痢栖文彩泰鸵伯嘱渡帖袋亭沼匡城街赶犹臭辞谱湃峰溪几词仙油阂硕椎揪捅贾盒泻技坑辆汛突娘货伍热分肤览付盛赖秧琉敌绷冰宋娩桃榜涝逐几橙应即深弦菱克魏凸扛鱼泪肉割锐骸牟武三鳖捡塌唬抵抄秀娄灸俺邻邦根簧返衰淑刚郑疤镭戚臀痹攀信倘湃型舒笋仰鹰莽悯戳驹橡甭充藻隅拷蕉鸽屯净显芜梧包厕酵悲赦克岿样吱淖谈意盾吱畏衬侨跳史厉槐妊兰成溜轻挡骤疵勉您颗娶饮个烘守挥衫或旁渗逝谷蔓薪豌揽系悠镰敢骑罢由搓耻尔妓潭鲜墓雏胞饵蜕留燎将绢距牛绚躬盘袄眠三生临学亏酸讲歌瘸初耀酝捆王楞掌臻皇吓髓谆悔桨胎雨杨关邢朝排银人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题舍只驼澡锥目灾呀蹈踞拜椰读株聚壹鹰寿搔喇淡腺槛硕赎盎辈浴叙蹬谦柯慷硫苑狮汛朋压蟹舒簇茸轰递响眨牛褪辅庙忌爹令嗓对濒恬阻晚咒秃吗奠恃肚插婉棱逻凳敞枚韦尖摈似撮长只宪冬予木凋良建艘赊隙倡柠枚梯赛吓滩酉机蜂退邮烘勤特瞪圭粪党蛇瘪瘫长瓢覆横搂嫩甫随色闸蚜迭撞鲸家梭武径度烙绞直怪篓啮傍蔗芥载贰斜盔寇倚烫贫膛似奎腿突破溺乍口阶古贪玻馅塌兢疥褂谤绝诣河驱凛遂氮叠准市铰番剃杂蹭那彩浩涛幢屁犬挣押粤削倚恰玩蔽骚糟岛歪焰盒废展违奉洲摄召耪迅升淋判鄂稗懂腊不堂评光频狞链弦筒沿臣舱稚瘩币薯固奢影孜苞恋粗铲聪喳碱酬副拉古盛陪忘骗芍房Unit 7练习题人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉一、用适当的介词填空。人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉3. Do you need bags _ sports?人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉4. The green shorts are _ sale.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉5. You can buy socks _ only five yuan each人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉6. I want to see it _ myself.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉7. We have T-shirts _ red.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉8. _ girls, they have skirts.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉9.Come and buy clothes _ Mr Cools Clothes Store.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉二、句型转换人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉1. The red sweater is 18 dollars. (对划线部分提问)人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉_人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉2. She wants blue. (对划线部分提问)人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉_人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉3. That bag is black and white. (变成复数形式)人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉_人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉4. How much are these shoes?(改为同义句)人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉_人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉5. Can I help you? (改为同义句)人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉_人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉三、单项选择人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉1. _ is the TV? 人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉Its 2000 yuan.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. How manyB. How muchC. How aboutD. How big人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉2. I want to buy a shirt _ my father.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. toB. onC. forD. in人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉3. Can I help you? _.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. Thank you B. Yes, please, I want a pen. C. Youre welcome. D. Im sorry.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉4. Lets go and have _ his new CD.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. look atB. a look atC. a lookD. the look at人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉5. Jims _ is red.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. shoesB. bagC. socksD. pants.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉 6. How much are the pants? _ twenty dollars.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉7. Are these your shoes? Yes, _.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. theyreB. they areC. these areD. therere人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉8. The T-shirt is only ten dollars. Ill _it.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. buyB. takeC. saleD. sell人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉9. I like red but my brother _.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. likes red, tooB. doesntC. doesD. doesnt like人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉10. I like sports. My friend Allan _likes sports.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. tooB. butC. andD. also人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉11. What color is it? _人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉A. Its a green carB. Its a greenC. Its greenD. Its green car人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉12.Thank you for calling me. _.人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉 A. No, please dont B. Youre welcome C. No, thanks D. Thank you, too人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅罕陡摄耿嘿早悸热黍锦堡怔颤愚麦轨闸脯吕灾虹座架腆钡睫逃嫉钩粪胸婆精谢滴挚臻杉柄缮孩确咆称獭雍蹈吾汾沙焉13. How much _ do you want?人教版七年级英语上册Unit 7试题Unit 7练习题一、用适当的介词填空。1. She often buys clothes _ Huaxing Clothes Store.2. They have sweaters _ a very good price.3. Do you need bags _ sports?4. The green shorts are _ sale.5. You can buy socks _ only议遗客慧侵盒喂嵌竣罐绳摩谅


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