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课时教学设计 课 题Unit 2 Colours Lets talk A课时第 3 周第 2 节教 材分 析 The teaching material has two parts. Firs let the students learn the greetings in the morning and introduce characters . Then use the language in the real situations freely. Then practice and consolidate the language of lets talk by the game.学 情分 析 The students can use good morning to greet to the teacher . In this lesson , introducing somebody is important. This is 教 学目 标Be able to listen and say “Good morning! This is .”Be able to use the sentences in the real situation.教 学重 点Listen and say “Good morning! This is ”教 学难 点Use the sentences in the real situation.教 具准 备 Tape and cards.时 间教 学 过 程修 订11213213 33534442Step 1 Warm-up & Revision1. Play the song “Hello”. The students and the teacher sing the song together , and play the rhythm.2. Greeting each other.3. Ask the students act out the dialogue of Unit 1.【设计意图:通过对话表演,培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力。】Step 2 Presentation1. Draw a sun on the Bb. And writ e 8:00am beside it . Teach Good morning. 2. The teacher greets to the students : Good morning . Im Miss What s your name ? the students answer: My names the teacher shake hands with the student and say nice to meet you .【设计意图:用简笔画来创设早上的情境,让学生在情境中感受语言,学习问候语Good morning! 】 3. Read after the teacher : Nice to meet you (Notice the pronunciation of nice .)4. Ask a student to the front . Help the teacher finish a dialogue . T: Good morning. Whats your name ?S1: My names T: Nice to meet you. Then introduce the student: This is 5. The teacher play the chant of Unit 1 “Im going to school . ” lead to “Lets go to school.” The teacher carry the bag and point the picture on the Bb. “Lets go to school.” Then guide them to answer “Ok.”6. The students repeat and imitate “Lets go to school.7. Listen to the tape and repeat.8. Act the dialogue.【设计意图:语言的交际不能脱离情境,通过情境的创设让学生来体会语言的意义,进行模仿、操练。】Step 3 Practice 1. The teacher show the headdress of the apple , ask a student to the front to help the teacher make a dialogue.T: Good morning. Whats your name ?S1: My names Miss / Mr Apple.T: Nice to meet you.Choose a pupil to replace the teacher , After they practice expertly , they can replace with real English names.2. The students come to the front in pairs . one of them choose the headdress of Chen Jie , Mike , Wu Yifan , Sarah, Zip or Zoom ,the other pupil introduces : This is If they say it correctly . get a score. 3. Game: throw the ball. The teacher throws a ball to one of the pupils and says : “Lets go to school ” The pupil answers : Ok. Then go on throw the ball.4. Introduce the cartoon character . play the music and pass the ball. When the music stops , the pupil who has the ball introduces : This is the next pupil should greet : Hello ! Nice to meet you!【设计意图:通过一系列的任务活动,让学生运用语言。】Step 4 HomeworkRead the dialogue three times.板书设计Unit 2 ColoursGood morning!This is Nice to meet you.教学反思课时教学设计 课 题Unit 2 Colours Lets learn A课时第 3 周第 3 节教 材分 析The teaching material presents five words about colours: red, yellow, green, blue in lets learn. Then practice and consolidate the worlds by TPR in lets do.学 情分 析Some of the students has learnt the five worlds so they are easy for many of the students. Should notice the pronunciation of th (mouth).教 学目 标1. Be able to listen , read and say the words: red, yellow, green, blue in English.2. Be able to know about the order and understand listening the order and do the right order.3. Stimulate their interests of learning English, and foster the habit and ability of listening and speaking.教 学重 点Listen , read and say the five words : red, yellow, green, blue教 学难 点The pronunciation of mouth.教 具准 备 Tape and cards.时 间教 学 过 程修 订2432234543522Step 1 Warm-up &Revision 1. Free talk “Good morning! Nice to meet you.”2. Guessing game Revise the words in unit 1. : pencil , pen, crayon, eraser, ruler.3. Simon says Show me your pencil/ruler/ eraser/ crayon/ pen.【设计意图:通过游戏、表演来复习旧知,热身。为新课做准备】 Step 2 Presentation1.The teacher shows the picture of rainbow and teach blue . green, yellow, red and purple.2. Listen to the tape , repeat and point. 3. The teacher draw a smile face beside the color she likes. And says: I like Then ask the students repeat.4. Game : Listen and do. Show me your crayon. Show me your red crayon.【设计意图:通过简笔画和指令来使单词的学习更生动形象,让学生更好的理解、掌握新词。】Step 3 Practice1.The teacher says a kind of the colors and point a student and the student says the color and point a thing that is the same color.2.Game : guessing colors. Ask the student to the front and choose one of the color cards, and ask the student to guess what color it is ? they have three times to win the game.3. Jumping on the color mat. Put the color mat on the grant, divide the students into two groups , every group sent a contestant jumps onto the correct color mat, when the teacher says a kind of the colors.4.Ask the students to open their book and draw a smile face and say: I like 5. Listen and do the actions.6. Work in pairs and put the crayon on the desk and make orders each other: Show me your red crayon. 7. Put up the pictures of lets do on the Bb. Ask a student to the front to do the actions according to the pictures and the other students say the orders. Whos right who is winner.【设计意图:通过听、读、画、做等多样的游戏活动来巩固新词。】Step 4 Sum-up HomeworkSing the song for your parents.Preview the next lesson, and try to read the new words.板书设计Unit 2 ColoursBlue green yellow red purple教学反思课时教学设计课 题Unit 2 Colours Letters and sounds课时第 4 周第 1 节教 材分 析本课学习字母a,Bb,Cc,Dd大小写在四线格中的正确占格,以及认读以这些字母开头的单词8个,并能够熟练的读出26个字母顺序。学 情分 析 学生在三年级上学期就开始学习26个字母书写和发音,这还是新课标修改后的第一个学期的学习,对学生来说正确的发音和手写体书写及占格还是有些难度的,所以本课重点指导字母笔顺和四线格中正确占格,8个单词简单了解。教 学目 标1、能够听、说、读、写字母Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd2、能够初步掌握3个辅音字母在单词首字母的发音3、激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生合作意识教 学重 点掌握字母A a,Bb,Cc,Dd的正确发音和在四线格中正确书写教 学难 点掌握3个辅音字母在单词首字母的发音教 具准 备录音磁带时 间教 学 过 程修 订2233-4113-43-43-43-435-72Step1 Warm-up&Re


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