山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学八年级英语上学期月考测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学八年级英语上学期月考测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学八年级英语上学期月考测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学八年级英语上学期月考测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第4页
山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学八年级英语上学期月考测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第5页




山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学八年级英语上学期月考测试题 人教新目标版class:_ name:_ grade:_一、选择题:(每题1分,共25分)1、whats the matter, tony? i have _fever. a. an b. / c. a d. the2、“_ give up (放弃), then you can be successful.” a. always b. sometimes c. never d. please3、 im a little bit _. i want to drink some water. a. hungry b. tired c. angry d. thirsty4、_are you staying there? just for two days. a. how long b. when c. how often d. how many5、 you look tired, you should have a good rest for _ days. -that sounds good. a. a few b. few c. little d. a little 6、 if you eat chocolate, maybe youll be fatter(更胖的). a. too much b. much too c. too many d. so many7、 do you go to the movies? hardly ever. a. how long b. how often c. how many times d. how soon8、vegetables are good our health, so we should eat them every day. a. at b. for c. in d. with9、_is very interesting to swim in the river in summer,but its dangerous. a. this b. that c. it d. he10、im tired and stressed out. you should _. a. study hard b. go to the dentist c. listen to light music d. stay out late11 what are you doing for your vacation? _. a. im going hiking. b. i went to the beach. c. i often go to the mountain. d. i like going bike riding.12、my sister is only two years old, and i have to _ her on sunday. a. look for b. look after c. look like d look at13、 _ dasan is from canada, he can speak chinese very well. i know he studies chinese hard. a. although b. and c. so d. but14、were going to mountain tai this weekend. _.a.have a good rest b. have a good time c. its dangerous d.ok15my mother has a backache in hospital _. a. whats the matter? b. im sorry to hear that c. im not feeling well d. shell be all right soon.16. li lei works in england . he comes to china _ . a. three time a year b. three times a year c. three times year d. three time year17. his grandmother is well because she often _ . a. exercises b. smokes c. sleeps d. sings18. here _ the results _ the student activity survey. a. is ; with b. are ; of c. is ; of d. are ; with19. you have a _ . you should stop eating anything. a. headache b. backache c. stomachache d. fever20. thank you a lot for giving me so much _ on how to learn english well. a. advice b. idea c. hope d. answer21. you shouldnt _ when you are tired at night. a. go to bed early b. stop working c. work too late d. have a rest22. yesterday i didnt finish my homework _ midnight(半夜). a. to b. until c. at d. on23. people smell (闻)with their_. a. noses b.ears c. hands d. mouths 24. were tired because we have_yin. a. too many b. too much c. many too d. much too 25. -do you often brush(刷) your_? -yes, i do. a. tooths b. toothes c. teeth d. teeths 二、完形填空(每空1分,共10分)what do the people usually do on weekends ? some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football . mr smith 2 hard in a factory during (在期间) the 3 . on the weekends, he usually 4 the same thing. on saturday he washes his car and on 5 he goes with his family to a village(村庄)by car. his uncle and aunt 6 a farm there . it isnt a big one, but there is always 7 to do on the farm. the children help with the animals and give them some 8 . mr and mrs smith help in the field. at the end of the day, they are all 9 and mr smiths aunt 10 them a big meal. ( ) 1. a. play b. stay c. be d. so( ) 2. a. works b. does c. makes d. studies( ) 3. a. day b. year c. week d. month( ) 4a. does b. do c. make d. has( ) 5 a. friday b. saturday c. thursday d. sunday( ) 6. a. bring b. has c. have d. find( ) 7. a. much b. many c. any d. most( ) 8. a. food b. rice c. cakes d. fruit( ) 9. a. happy b. angry c. full d. hungry ( ) 10.a. give b. puts c. makes d. does三、阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)asarah was ill, she went to see the doctor. “ doctor, im not feeling well,” she said. “ every time i do my homework, i feel tired. if i go to school on foot, i have to sit down and rest for ten minutes.”the doctor looked at her carefully. at last he said, “ nothing much. but im afraid you are eating too much.”“i dont understand, what do you mean ? ”asked sarah. “i mean you eat too much food,” said the doctor. “ oh! you mean im too fat. thats a problem.” said sarah. “what should i do if i dont want to be heavy !”“ the answer is easy,” said the doctor. “ if you want to be thin and healthy, you shouldnt eat a lot of food and you also should do much exercise.”根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(每小题2分,共10分)( )1 . what was the matter with sarah ? she felt _ . a. tired b. sad c. sore in the back d. hungry( ) 2. sarah went to school _ . a. by bike b. by bus c. by car d. on foot( ) 3. the doctor told her that _ . a. she must eat much food b. she ate too much c. she was too thin d. she was ill( ) 4. _ is a problem. a.eating less food b. being too fat c. working too hard d. playing too much sports( ) 5. sarah wants to _ later. a. eat a lot of meat b. be fat c. do more exercise d. stay at home for some days b bruno was a boy of eight. his father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. he lived not far from his school. he always walked there and walked home. on his way to school, he had to pass a playground(操场). it was very wet after it rained. one day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. his mother became angry and said, “dont play in the water on your way home from school!”on the next day bruno came home with wet and dirty clothes. his mother became even angrier. “ill tell your father if you come back wet again,” said his mother. “hell punish(惩罚)you, you know.” the third day the little boy was dry(干燥的) when he came home.“youre a good boy today”, his mother said happily. “you didnt play in the water.”“no,” the boy said unhappily. “there were too many older boys in the water when i got there this afternoon. there wasnt any room(空地方)for me at all!”根据文章内容选择正确答案6.bruno went to school every day. a. by bikeb. by busc. by card. on foot7.the playground was between . a. two classrooms b. the cinema and shop c. brunos house and school d. the shop and brunos school8. the little boy liked to play on the playground . a. when it snowedb. when there was some water there c. when the children played football there d. when his father was busy with his work9.bruno was afraid of (害怕) the most. a. his father b. his mother c. his teacher d. the older boys10. that afternoon, the boys clothes were dry because . a. nobody made room for him in the water b. there was no water on the playground c. he took off his clothes before he played there d. he played in the water carefullycwhowhatwherewhenpetervisiting the great wallbeijingoctober 1stsusanhikingmountain longoctober 3rdtomcampingwest lakeoctober 2ndjimexercisehome6:00-7:00 amjimdoing homework8:00-11:00 amjimwatch tv9:00-11:00 pm11. whats peter doing for vacation?a. camping b. hiking c. visiting the great wall12. where is susan spending her vacation?a. beijing b. mountain long c. west lake13. when is tom leaving?a. oct. 2nd b. oct. 3rd c. oct. 5th14. jim is _at ten oclock in the morning.a. exercising b.doing homework c. watching tv 15. jim is watching tv _.a. at 9:00 am b. at 9:30 pm c. at 11:00 am d some of my classmates are not feeling well. tom has a toothache. he cant eat anything. jack has a bad headache. his father asks him to lie down and rest. so he doesnt go to school today. peter is stressed out, because the exam is coming. nancy has a stomachache because she ate too much yesterday. so she couldnt eat anything today. jim has a headache and he is stressed out, too. lucy has a cold and toothache. she will see a dentist this afternoon.16. whats the matter with tom? a. headache b. toothache . c.stomachache17. why doesnt jack go to school? a.his mother asks him not to go. b. the doctor asks him not to go c. he doesnt feel well.18. what food can nancy eat? a. apples b. nothing. c. chips19. who is stressed out? a. peter b. jim c. peter & jim20. what should lucy do? a. drink some water b. eat chocolate c. listen to music四、情景交际(每小题1分,共5分) 从方框中选择适当的句子填空,补全对话。a. when did it start ? b. where did you go ? c. i have a stomachache.d. you are hungry. e. im not feeling well. f. i ate an apple.g. i studied hard.a: mum, _ (1)b: whats the matter with you ?a: _ (2)b: _ (3)a: about one hour ago.b: what did you eat for breakfast ?a: _ (4)b: an apple? no more ?a: no more.b: oh! _ (5) you should have some porridge.五、根据句意和首字母完成下列句子,使句子通顺,合理。(5)1. a_my grandfather is 70, he is still in good health.2. my parents got a_ because i fought with my classmate.3. she has a t_, so she wants to see a dentist.4. he e_ two or three times a week. so he is very strong. 5. i am b_my little sister next sunday.六、 根据所给汉语完成句子。(每空1分,共10分) 1 至于做家务,我母亲做了大部分。 _ _ housework,my mother does most of it. 2有一个平衡的饮食是容易的。 its easy to eat a _ _ _.3我希望风景如画的农村将有助于你忘记所有的麻烦。 i hope that the beautiful country will help you _ all your _ _.4 他计划度过一个轻松愉快的假期。 he plans_ _a very pleasant vacation. 5. 我不喜欢离开太久。 i dont like_ _for too long. 七、用括号内所给的词的正确形式填空(15分).1. my _ lifestyle helps me get good gr


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