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江苏省邗江中学(集团)2013-2014学年高二英语下学期期中试题注意事项:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分。考试时间120分钟。考生将第卷填涂在答题卡上,第卷答案写在答卷纸上,答在试卷上无效。第卷(选择题,三部分,共80分)第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. where are the speakers?a. in a car. b. on a plane. c. on a train.2. what did the man do? a. he got some money. b. he checked on something.c. he stopped at a traffic light.3. what does the number refer to? a. a telephone number.b. a room number.c. a ticket number.4. whats the man doing? a. painting the wall. b. building the small house. c. fix the top of the house.5. what does the woman mean? a. she agrees with the man. b. she doesnt know kim. c. kim doesnt deserve to be on the committee. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. what is the relationship between the speakers?a. teacher and student. b. doctor and patient. c. director and actor.7. how will the woman get home? a. she will drive herself. b. she will take the bus. c. she will get a ride from the man.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. whats going on in the womans department?a. the kitchen pipe is blocked. b. there is a problem with her refrigerator. c. there is a leak coming from her ceiling. 9. where does the man live?a. below the woman. b. above the woman. c. on the same floor as the woman.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. why was the woman upset at first?a. the cat threw up on her floor. b. the man forgot to do the cooking.c. the man didnt wash her floor properly.11. what is safe to use according to the man? a. water. b. the special cleaner. c. water mixed with vinegar.12. what is the mans attitude in the end? a. sorry. b. confused. c. angry.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. what did the man do for mr. johnsons company? a. he got a loan for the company.b. he worked on the website. c. he introduced some clients.14. why did the man make the phone call? a. he hadnt received his payment yet. b. his payment was not the correct amount. c. he owed mr. johnson some money.15. what will the woman do for the man? a. give him a new check. b. ask mr. johnson to call him back. c. give him mr. johnsons cell phone number.16. how does the man sound generally? a. satisfied. b. sorry. c. unhappy.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. when does brad have to wake up every morning? a. at 4:30. b. at 5:30. c. at 6:30.18. what did brad lose in the stream?a. his shoes. b. his fishing pole. c. the fish he caught.19. why did the other kids laugh at brad?a. he dropped the food in the fire.b. he got lost in the forest.c. he was not good at telling stories.20. how does brad feel about going home? a. sad. b. indifferent. c. excited.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分30分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. many people do believe that he has such _great potential in singing that in time he will turn _ singer.a. a; / b. /; the c. a ; a d. /; /22. presley is known _ an early pioneer of rock music, mixing the sounds of country music and rhythm-and-blues with _ was then the new rock-and-roll style.a. as; what b. for, what c. as; which d. for; which23.besides proper diet, exercise is one of the key _of a healthy lifestyle.a. categoriesb. components c. ranges d. processes24.youd better not speak of it at the beginning of the story, otherwise it may _ the surprisingending. a. give away b. give up c. give out d. give off25.the spokesman was seated in front of all the journalists at the press conference, _ to answer all kinds of questions.a. preparedb. preparingc. to be prepared d. having prepared26.his action dont _ with his words. as a result, nobody wants to be friends with him.a. respondb. correspondc. opposed. convey27.i dont like fish, so i _ eat it unless i was extremely hungry. a. neednt b. shouldntc. cantd. wouldnt28.sorry, i am too busy now. if i _ time, i would certainly go for an outing with you. a. have hadb. had had c. have d. had29. you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. a. however a serious problem b. what a serious problem c. however serious a problem d. what serious a problem30.there is much truth in the idea _ kindness is usually served by frankness. a. why b. which c. that d. whether31.-its nicenever before_ such a special drink!-im glad you like itai have had bi had c. have i had dhad i32. hello, tom. this is mary speaking. what a coincidence! i _ about you.a. was just thinking b. just thought c. have just thought d. would just think33its going to be some time _ he sees his father again, _ business has just been started in switzerlandaafter; whobbefore; whosecwhen; whosedsince; who34when you go by train, make sure you take an express, stops only at big stations.aone bone that cthat dwhat 35.-do you know if linda is willing to take charge of the program?- , does it?a. it makes no time b. it counts for nothing c. it doesnt hurt to ask d. it doesnt make sense第二节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)some years ago, there was a poor man named lazarus. he begged at the gate of a wealthy person. lazarus was ill and 36 to eat the leftovers that might fall from the rich mans dinner table, while the homeowner was rich enough to 37 the fine things in life. the 38 between the two was obvious.in time, the poor man gave in to his disease and died. yet, in contrast to his earthly existence, his heavenly life was the opposite as he found himself sitting at the table of abraham in heaven, enjoying 39 and fine food.later, the wealthy person died. 40 , instead of being carried by angels to heaven, he 41 himself in the depths of hell. when he looked 42 a great chasm (深渊) that separated heaven from where he was, he called out to abraham to have lazarus bring him water he might use to stop his thirst from his suffering.but abraham replied to the rich man that, in life, he had received all the good things money could buy while lazarus led a poor life, and that now lazarus was receiving his 43 for his faithfulness while the rich man was being 44 due to his faithlessness. besides, the chasm between them was too great and 45 anyone crossing from heaven to hell. the rich man would have to endure his suffering.the story was intended to convey two 46 . the one is that it is foolish to focus on earthly wealth instead of on heavenly wealth, something that wouldnt 47 . the other one is that its our duty to take care of those less 48 . in spite of his material blessings, the rich man didnt use his 49 wisely to provide comfort for lazarus and others like him. therefore, do you have a comfortable life? have you ever come into contact with those who are unlucky? if so, do something you can to 50 their terrible conditions! 36. a. deservedb. hesitatedc. regrettedd. expected37. a. wasteb. enjoyc. holdd. donate38. a. competenceb. balancec. contrastd. bond39. a. peaceb. successc. deathd. pain40. a. besidesb. thereforec. howeverd. otherwise41. a. putb. foundc. shutd. left42. a. acrossb. forc. intod. via43. a. supportb. rewardc. admissiond. weakness44. a. adjustedb. treatedc. refusedd. punished45. a. preventedb. keptc. caughtd. undertook46. a. theoriesb. lessonsc. themesd. phenomena47. a. leave outb. fade awayc. run awayd. break out48. a. fortunateb. commonc. intelligentd. hardworking49.a. brainb. heartc. strategyd. wealth50.a. protect b. escape c. relieve d. overcome第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)a academically, my extensive course work in the art history department at michigan state university has allowed me to gain an understanding and appreciation for the art your company exhibits. i also have studied the elements of arts management, including audience development and fund-raising as a part of my recent arts management class at michigan state university. as a part of that class, i worked for the bce museum, examining their marketing strategies, as well as other institutions, in an effort to discover the most effective and efficient manner to promote their upcoming exhibition. this rewarding experience sharpened my desire to continue in this field and helped me develop the tools i need to be an effective arts administrator. i have also been able to spend time working for the bce museum specifically as a survey assistant, which has further strengthened my interest in museum studies. my previous summer work experience as a reporter for the xwz newspaper has provided me with a strong base of communication and helped me learn how to develop and work on several projects at once, write about a diverse range of topics, work quickly and efficiently, and further developed my interest in becoming a better marketeer. i firmly believe that i will be a good fit in columbias innovative environment. thank you for your time and consideration. sincerely, greg miller51. from to the letter we can learn that columbia .a. is the center of the export industry b. is managed by michigan state universityc. has a great need for marketing assistants d. has the ideal environment for arts administrators52. greg miller has the following learning and work experience except .a. an arts administrator b. a newspaper reporterc. a survey assistant in the bce museum d. a student in the art history department 53. greg millers experience of working for the xwz newspaper helps him .a. write good news and become a good reporterb. discover the best way to promote products c. communicate and work efficiently d. enjoy contemporary art and culture better bsix years ago, a miami woman walking through the hall of an office building casually noticed two men standing together. several minutes after her leaving, the men murdered a person working in the building. police investigators determined that the woman was the only witness who had seen the two suspects, and could possibly describe them. in an interview with police, her memory of the men proved disappointingly unclear.several days later, psychologist ronald p. fisher was brought in to get a more complete description from the woman. fishers interview produced a breakthroughthe woman reported a clear picture of one of the suspects. she then recalled several details about his appearances. this information gave police important leads that enabled them to arrest the suspects and close the case. police investigators found the help from fisher because of his rich knowledge in conducting the so-called cognitive (认知的) interview, a kind of memory-rebuilding process. in its original form, the cognitive interview focuses on guiding witnesses through four general recalling techniques: thinking about physical surroundings and personal feelings that existed at the time of past events, reporting everything that comes to mind about those events no matter how broken or unconnected, retelling events in kinds of time orders, beginning to end, end to beginning, forward or backward, and accepting different views while recalling events.usually, an interviewer begins the cognitive approach by encouraging the witness to take an active role in recalling information rather than giving answers only to someone elses questions. the witness first describes what happened in his or her own words, with no interviewer interruptions. the interviewer then goes further with specific techniques, such as having the witness tell the details of what happened from different aspects.experiments with police detectives trained in this demanding interview method find that they get nearly 50% more information from witnesses than before training, while error rates remain about the same.54. what is the purpose of this passage? a. to give an description of a murder case in an office. b. to explain why fisher was invited to a police interview. c. to describe how cognitive method helps the woman to recall. d. to give the readers an idea of cognitive interview. 55. the cognitive interview helped the woman to recall more by _. a. strengthening her memory b. giving her encouragement c. rebuilding her memory d. giving her more time56. it can be inferred from the passage that in a cognitive interview, the interviewer mainly plays a _ role. a. directing b. questioning c. disappointing d. interrupting57. what is the key point of the cognitive interview? a. the interviewer should interrupt the witness from time to time. b. the witness is encouraged to take an active role in recalling information. c. the interview should take place outside the police station. d. the witness should recall details at the scene of the event.58. police trained in the cognitive interview method can _. a. get more information from the witness than before b. decrease the error rate c. solve the cases more quickly d. use the method more skillfully than the psychologistsclast week, on a flight to washington, i met a confident businessman who asked me about my profession when sitting himself down comfortably next to me. i told him that i am an educator, and for twelve years i have been trying to develop and promote critical thinking about learning in mainstream education. “goodness, it must be the most difficult task in the world!” he thought for a moment. “why do you do this?”i talked about how i had started teaching geography. i told him about the struggles of being a headmaster. and then i told him what i have come to regard as my real turning-point experience.it was back in 1984, when i visited what was known at the time as one of the most outstanding high schools on the eastern seaboard. after two days there i was totally amazed. i had never met such a fine collection of young people, every one of them apparently confident, enthusiastic, sensitive and well able to manage their futures. i asked the principal how this had been achieved and he smiled. “we believe in functional literacy for all young people; that is, the ability to feel confident that you can handle the challenges of modern society. that confidence comes when you know that you are able to manage your own learning and will be able to handle that throughout a lifetime. and that,” he concluded, “requires the highest possible skills in thinking, communicating, collaborating and decision-making.”“but, for goodness sake, those are just the skills im looking for among my employees,” exclaimed my companion. “thats just what industry has been trying to tell the academic world for years. instead of listening, you continue to perpetuate (使永久) a set of practices which are opposite to those very skills needed in employment. you teachers think that life is about working alone on some piece of academic research in an ivory tower (象牙塔) different from the daily routines. you just dont understand about working with confusion, nor do you accept the importance of rule-of-thumb calculations or even simple guesswork! this is the real world. there are real issues. what are you or anyone else going to do about just that?”59. what was the turning point in the authors teaching career?a. his meeting with a confident businessman.b. his appointment as a headmaster.c. his beginning to teach geography.d. his visit to a high school on the eastern seaboard.60. what does the principal mean by “functional literacy”?a. the ability to read, write and make calculations.b. the ability to do every assignment on ones own.c. the ability to communicate and collaborate with others.d. the ability to feel confident in the face of challenges.61. we can infer from the passage that the businessman _.a. is critical of the way students are taught in schoolsb. attaches great importance to work experiencec. thinks highly of the teaching professiond. is not satisfied with the performance of his employees dmy mother celebrates her 90th birthday today. she has asked me to keep it a secret and tell people she is only 89. for some reason she seems to think this sounds better. we really have our share of disagreements, but on this one i stand firm: i think 90 sounds pretty fantastic.my mother says she never thought she would live this long. she was weak and had two near fatal (致命的) illnesses under the age of 12. and then there was the fear of cancer. her mother died of breast cancer when my mother was just 17, at a time when there was no such thing as breast cancer awareness month. when i was 17 years old, i was worried that my life would parallel hers. i never shared my fears. instead i would lie awake at night in my bed with the yellow and orange flowered bedspread she had made for me, counting how much time we had left together. what i didnt know until years later was that she had had the same fear. she told me how she w


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