【优化方案】高考英语 Module 1 British and American English课后达标 外研版必修5.doc_第1页
【优化方案】高考英语 Module 1 British and American English课后达标 外研版必修5.doc_第2页
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【优化方案】高考英语 Module 1 British and American English课后达标 外研版必修5.doc_第4页
【优化方案】高考英语 Module 1 British and American English课后达标 外研版必修5.doc_第5页
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module 1british and american english(建议用时:30分钟).单项填空1. it doesnt make_difference whether you find the information on_ internet or in the library.aa;/ba;acthe;the da;the2. production of the car increased_10% in july, 2013_the same month of last year.ain;compared to bby;compared withcin;compared with dby;comparing to3. when we finally_to get home after the tiring long journey, we could hardly move a step further. atried bsucceededcattempted dmanaged4. i have a lot_common with paul. his hobbies and interests are similar_mine.ain;to bin;withcof;to dof;with5. it rained heavily in the south in the summer of 2013,_ serious flooding in several provinces. acaused bhaving causedccausing dto cause 6. the good result _the correct methods, that is to say, correct methods_ good result. alies;lead bleads to;lie inclies in;lead to dlies to;lead to 7all the people_at the party were his supporters.apresent bthankfulcinterested dimportant8. the _ look on toms face suggested that he_ his managers idea.aconfusing;wouldnt quite understandbconfused;hadnt quite understoodcconfusing;hadnt quite understood dconfused;shouldnt quite understand 9. many children seldom communicate with adults nowadays,_ it difficult for their parents to know what they are thinking about. amaking bmakescmade dto make10. its quite_ that the aging population in china will cause a heavy pressure on the whole society in the future. asurprising bobvious cimpossible dfunny11_ with his sister, tom is even more sensitive, and more easily troubled by emotional and relationship problems.acomparing bcomparedccompare dto compare12. the president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without_his notes. abringing up breferring toclooking for dtrying on13_ peters tireless efforts, the concert achieved huge success.ain favour of bthanks tocin spite of daccording to14. do you have much difficulty_ yourself_ while talking with an american?ato make;understandbmaking;understand cto make;understooddmaking;understood15dad, you see, a cellphone is so useful nowadays. should i get one?absolutely._ai dont get it.bhow are you getting on?cthats a good point.di dont think so.完形填空(2014山东烟台高三诊断性测试)before graduation from college,my son began to seek a job.he targeted a company which planned to_1_only one person. however,there were over 20 candidates,among whom was my son.i_2_him,“its difficult to get into the company. dont_3_too much for fear that you would feel disappointed when you fail.” my son said smilingly,“_4_i try,there will be hope!”of the candidates,only three could_5_the final round,which would later decide the one to be employed.everything seemed to_6_quite well and my son_7_the first round and entered the final. unexpectedly,the final interview was unbelievably_8_,and all of them were asked to go home and wait for the_9_of the interview.one morning,my son_10_a text from the company that he was not employed.before i_11_what to say to comfort him,i was told that afternoon that my son received another_12_saying he was employed._13_the first text was also part of the test in the interview. the three men received the same text that morning and only my sons_14_was satisfying to the company,so he was employed.i asked my son_15_they replied.my son told me that one_16_silent,one said “goodbye” and he said “thank you”only then did i know my sons “_17_” came in that way. that is:dont forget to say “thank you” to those who even_18_you.saying “thank you” shows your_19_for others work,therefore,you will get the upper hand in terms of_20_compared with others under the same conditions.1.a.employbsupportcmanage dinterview2a.interrupted bpromisedcreminded dfollowed3a.spend bexpectcwaste dwish4a.as if bas soon asceven if das long as5a.enter bsurvivecchange djudge6a.move bgocfit dstay7a.passed bearnedcleft dstarted8a.challenging bsimplecperfect dsecret9a.course bplancanswer dresult10a.prepared breceivedccopied dwrote11a.figured out btook upcset off dworked on12a.gift bnotectext drule13a.ridiculously bactuallyccleverly dsadly14a.reply bquestioncreason dbelief15a.when bwhatchow dwhom16a.got bkeptcmade dwent17a.hope bdreamcplan daim18a.cheat bhatecdislike ddisappoint19a.pity bdoubtcrespect ddesire20a.chances bskillsclessons dsalaries. 阅读理解when i first told people i was going to work in cameroon, the most common reaction was:“why?” the second was:“its in africa;youll die!” the third: “where is that?” so let me give some answers. i was offered a job that looked interesting in a part of the world id never been to before. id also long had an interest in africa, so i decided it was time to find out the reality. a small amount of research showed that in more than 40 years since gaining independence, cameroon has been a peaceful country with no wars. not only were there no wars but cameroon is a food exporter to the region. now, after three years, i can say that these have healthiest years of my life! no malaria or any of the other frightening diseases you read about when africa is mentioned.the worst thing that ever happened to me was a bout of food poisoning once. so what is it like to teach here? well surprisingly not so different from teaching anywhere else. most students come to us with a bit of english in their heads.cameroon is a bilingual country with french and english as official languages, while there are also close to 200 local ethnic languages in a country of 16 million people. french is the dominant language, spoken by about 80% of the population. the local school system is very traditional and somewhat strict. perhaps not surprisingly when there can be up to 150 students in the classroom ( of which maybe 30 have the books, and there are probably seats for 70) like anywhere, students appreciate it if you know a bit about their country, and not just roger milla (top scorer of the 1990 world cup, in case youre wondering). it helps if you know the names of the ten provinces, know who the first president was, or can say a word in a local language. so in conclusion: cameroon isnt just football. nor is it war, poverty and disease. its just life and people, like anywhere else.1. on hearing the writers decision, most people_.adidnt understand himbconsidered it as a jokecadmired himdlaughed at him2. according to the passage, cameroon is_.aa country full of diseasesbpeaceful after liberationca poor country, especially lack of fooddquite different from others in education3. what can we infer from the passage?a. food export may lead to many frightening diseases.bmost students in cameroon do not need books.ccameroon is not as bad as people commonly believed.dthere must be a lot of people suffering from food poisoning.4. what does the underlined word“dominant” in the sixth paragraph mean?aleading.beasy.conly. dwonderful.必修5module 1课后达标检测25.单项填空1解析:选d。考查冠词。句意:你是在网上还是在图书馆找到信息的没什么影响。make a difference 有影响;on the internet在网上。故选d。2解析:选b。句意:和去年的同月相比,2013年7月小汽车的产量增加了10%。表示“数量、程度达到”之意时,常用by;compared to/with位于句尾或句首表示“和比较”。3解析:选d。句意:当我们经过疲惫的长途旅行最终回到家时几乎一步也走不了了。try to do sth. 努力/试图做某事;succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事;attempt to do sth. 试图做某事;manage to do sth. 成功做某事。结合句意可知应选d项。4解析:选a。have.in common意为“有相同的特点”;be similar to意为“与相似”。句意:我和保罗有许多共同点。他的兴趣爱好和我的相同。5解析:选c。句意:2013年夏天南方的大雨造成了多个省份的洪灾。非谓语动词的主语为前面一句话,表达一个事实,后面是该事实引起的意料中的结果,故用现在分词。因b项表示动作先于前面谓语动作发生,不合句意,故排除。6解析:选c。句意: 好的结果在于正确的方法;也就是说, 正确的方法会导致好的结果。lie in“在于”;lead to“ 导致”,c项符合句意。7解析:选a。考查形容词作后置定语的用法。句意:所有出席宴会的人都是他的拥护者。be present at “出席”作定语时,省去be,“present at the party”作后置定语,其他选项则不能作后置定语,be interested in “对感兴趣”,故只能选a。8解析:选b。考查非谓语动词和suggest的用法。the confused look表示“感到困惑的表情”, suggest此处表示“表明”其后需跟陈述语气, 只有表示“建议”时其宾语从句中才用should动词原形。9解析:选a。句意:当今社会很多孩子极少与成年人交流,这使得他们的父母很难了解他们在想些什么。making it difficult.为现在分词短语,在句中作结果状语,表示顺其自然的结果。10解析:选b。句意:很明显,中国的老龄化人口会对未来的整个社会造成很大的压力。surprising令人惊奇的;obvious明显的;impossible不可能的;funny滑稽的。11解析:选b。句意:和姐姐相比,汤姆更敏感,更易受情感和交往方面问题的困扰。compared with 意为“与相比”,为固定搭配,在句中作状语。12解析:选b。句意:董事长在商贸会议上发言将近一个小时,而没有参考他的笔记。bring up抚养;养育; refer to参考;指的是;涉及;look for 寻找;try on试穿。13解析:选b。句意:多亏了彼特不懈的努力,这次音乐会取得了巨大的成功。thanks to“由于,幸亏”,符合句意。in favour of 赞成;in spite of 尽管; according to 按照。14解析:选d。have difficulty (in) doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”;make oneself understood使自己被理解,结合句意选d。15解析:选c。i dont get it意为“我不明白”;how are you getting on意为“你好吗”;thats a good point意为“有道理”;i dont think so意为:我不这样认为。句意:爸爸,你知道,如今手机是多么有用!我该买一个吗?当然,很有道理。.完形填空解题导语由于竞争激烈,作者一开始对于儿子应聘一家公司的工作并未抱太大的希望,结果儿子最后被录用了。对此作者深有感触,认为尊重别人的工作就会在同等条件下比别人获得更多的机会。1解析: 选a。根据下文“which would later decide the one to be employed”可知,公司计划只雇用一个人。employ表示“雇用”;support表示“支持”;manage表示“管理,经营,能应付”;interview表示“面试,采访”。2解析: 选c。根据上下文语境可知,参与应聘的有20多人,从中只录取1人,作者认为儿子进入该公司的难度很大,于是提醒儿子。interrupt表示“打断”;promise表示“答应,许诺”;remind表示“提醒,使想起”;follow表示“跟随,听懂”。“reminded”符合语境。3解析: 选b。根据语境可知,此处指作者安慰儿子,不要抱太大希望,以免没被雇用后会失望。在四个选项中,“expect”表示“期望,预期,预料”,符合语境。4解析:选d。句意:儿子笑着说:“只要尽力就有希望。”四个选项均可引导状语从句,as if用来引导方式状语从句,as soon as引导时间状语从句,even if引导让步状语从句,as long as引导条件状语从句。根据语境可知,空格处表示的是一种条件。5解析:选a。 根据下文“entered the final”可知,在20多名应聘人中,只有3人能够进入最后一轮。enter表示“进入”。6解析:选b。 根据下文语境可知,儿子进入了最后一轮面试,由此推知,此处指一切似乎进展不错。go有“进行”之意,符合语境。7解析:选a。 作者的儿子通过了第一轮面试,进入到最后一轮。根据语境可知,空格处应该使用“passed”。8解析: 选b。句意:出乎意料,最后一轮面试出奇的简单,就是回家等待面试结果。四个选项均为形容词,challenging表示“具有挑战性的”;simple表示“简单的,简朴的”;perfect表示“完美的”;secret表示“秘密的”。9解析:选d。 根据语境可知,此处指的是回家等待最终的面试结果。result意为“结果”,符合语境。10解析: 选b。根据下文“the three men received the same text”可知,应选received。11解析: 选a。句意:在我还没想出该说什么来安慰儿子时figure out表示“想出,理解”;take up表示“从事,拿起,占据”;set off表示“出发,动身”;work on表示“继续工作”。由此可知,空格处应该使用“figured out”。12解析:选c。 根据上文中的“a text”及“another”可知,空格处应该选“text”,表示又收到了一份通知。13解析:选b。 ridiculously表示“荒唐地”;actually表示“实际上”;cleverly表示“伶俐地,聪明地”;sadly表示“伤心地”。根据语境可知,实际上,第一份通知也是面试测试的一部分,b项符合文意。14解析: 选a。根据下文“i asked my son_15_they replied.”可知,在参加最后一轮面试


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