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虚拟语气 1 概念 虚拟语气 表示说话人所说的不是事实 而是一种愿望 假设 或推测 2 一 虚拟语气在if非真实条件句中 过去式be were should would could might do haddone should would could might havedone 过去式 be were shoulddoweretodo should would could might do 3 Ifyouhadstudiedhardbefore youwouldhavepassedtheexam 过去虚拟 1 如果我是你 我会接受他的建议 现在虚拟 2 如果明天下雨 我会待在家里 将来虚拟 3 如果你以前好好学习 你会通过考试的 IfIwereyou Iwouldaccepthisadvice Ifitrained shouldrain weretorain tomorrow Iwouldstayathome 4 Youdidn tletmedrive Ifwe inturn you sotired drove didn tgetdrove wouldn tgetweredriving wouldn tgethaddriven wouldn thavegot 5 1 if从句中 省略if were had should可以放在句首 用于倒装结构 否定词not不能放在前面 1 IfIwereyou Iwouldaccepthisadvice 2 Ifitshouldraintomorrow Iwouldstayathome 3 Ifyouhadstudiedhardbefore youwouldhavepassedtheexam Hadyoustudiedhardbefore WereIyou Shoulditraintomorrow 6 itraintomorrow wewouldhavetoputoffthevisittotheYangPuBridge WereB ShouldC WouldD Will Ifitshouldraintomorrow 省略if 用部分倒装 7 2 错综时间虚拟语气当从句与主句时间不一致时 动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间作出相应的调整 Ifyou follow myadvicejustnow you be betternow Ifyou study hardbefore you be acollegestudentnow hadfollowed wouldbe hadstudied wouldbe 8 Ifyou withGeorgeearlier you soangrynow talked wouldnotbehadtalked wouldnotbewouldtalk wouldnotbehadtalked wouldnothavebeen 9 Ifwehadtakensucheffectivemeasuresmuchearlier theriver soseriouslynow isnotpollutedwouldnotbepollutedhadnotbeenpollutedwouldnothavebeenpolluted 10 3 含蓄虚拟语气在虚拟语气中 并不总是出现if引导的条件句 而通过其它手段来代替条件句 常用的有otherwise or without butfor 倘没有 要不是 等 1 Iwasillthatday Otherwise Iwouldhavetakenpartinthesportsmeeting IfIhadn tbeenillthatday Iwouldhavetakenpartinthesportsmeeting 11 2 Hetelephonedtoinformmeofyourbirthday orIwouldhaveknownnothingaboutit 3 Without Butforyourhelp wecouldn thavefinishedtheworkaheadoftime Ifithadnotbeenforyourhelp 12 Withoutelectricity humanbeinglife quitedifferenttoday iswillbewouldhavebeenwouldbe 13 Butforhishelp I shouldnothavesucceededhavenotsucceededdidnotsucceedhadnotsucceeded 14 Hehesitatedforamomentbeforekickingtheball otherwisehe agoal hadscoredscoredwouldscorewouldhavescored 15 Itisstrangethat 他居然会这样说 真是奇怪 Itisnecessarythat 有必要派他去北京 二 虚拟语气在主语从句中的使用1 It snecessary strange natural important impossible that主语 should 动词原形 he should sayso hebesenttoBeijing 16 2 Itisapity ashame asurprise nowonderthat主语 should V原形 Itisagreatpitythat 他居然会这样想 真是一件憾事 he should thinkso 17 3 Itis wassuggested ordered demanded proposed 1234 that 主语 should V原形It ssuggestedthattheplanshouldbecarriedout Itissuggestedthat 有人建议 晚会周六举行 theparty should be heldonSaturday 一个坚持insisted 两道命令ordered commanded 三条建议advised suggested proposed 四点要求demanded required requested desired 18 Itisrequiredthatyou atsix willarriveB arriveC arrivedD wouldarrive2 Itisstrangethatthelazyboy passtheexam A hasB shouldC wouldD might 19 3 Itisnecessarythatourdrinkingwater cleaner A shouldbemadeB ismadeC wouldbemadeD wasmade 20 三 虚拟语气在宾语从句中的使用1 在wish引导的宾语从句中 过去时 were 过去完成时 had donecouldhavedone Should would could might 动词原形 Iwish that he visit ustomorrow Iwish that he visit ustoday Iwishhe visit usyesterday wouldvisit visited hadvisited 21 IwishI themeetinglastweek A couldattendB attendedC haveattendedD hadattended 22 2 在表示坚持 要求 命令 建议的宾语从句中 一个坚持 两个命令 三个建议 四个要求 that主语 should V原形Thedoctorsuggestedthathe should try try tolosehisweight Heinsistedthatwe should tell tell himthenews insist order command advise suggest propose demand require request desire 23 注意 suggest 表明 暗示陈述语气建议虚拟语气Herpalefacesuggestedthatshe be ill Herfriendssuggestedthatshe send tohospitalimmediately Insist 坚持说 陈述语气坚持要求虚拟语气Heinsistedthathe notsteal themoney Heinsistedthathe set free was should besent hadn tstolen should beset 24 3 在wouldrather宁愿wouldpreferwouldsooner 宾语从句中hadratherwouldassoon与现在或将来事实相反过去时动词过去式 were与过去事实相反过去完成时haddoneIwouldratheryou come herenow Iwouldratheryou come heretomorrow Iwouldratheryou nottell methetruthyesterday came hadn ttold came 25 四 虚拟语气的其他用法1 asif asthough 好像 从句 与wish一样 ifonly 要是 就好了 IfonlyI be abirdIfonlyyou listen toouradvice IfonlyI be asuperstarsomeday Helooksasifhe anartist Hetalkedabouttheaccidentasifhe it were hadlistened wouldbe were hadseen 26 2 Itis high about time that 从句动词过去式should 不可省略 do该是某人做某事的时候了 Itishightimethatyougotup shouldgetup 27 I mgettingtired it stimewe home A goB aregoingC wentD shouldbegoing 28 3 在forfearthat incase lest引导的从句中 若用虚拟语气时 从句谓语为 should do 并且should能省略 forfearthat lest incase不能省略Sheexaminedthedooragainforfearthatathief come in 她又把门检查了一遍 以防盗贼的进入 Hestartedoutearlierlesthe be late 他早早的就出发了以防迟到 should come should be 29 4 在sothat inorderthat所引导的目的状语从句中 从句中的谓语为 may might can could doshouldHegoesclosertothespeakersothathe himclearer hear 他走近说话的人以便能听得更清楚 Hereadthelettercarefullyinorderthathe aword miss 他把信读得很仔细以便不漏掉一个字 canhear shouldnotmiss 30 5 用于 May 主语 动词原形 其他 Mayyouhavealongandhappylife 祝您快乐长寿 Mayyoumakegreate
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