



Module 2 重点知识点荟萃1 play an important part in 在。中起重要作用,对。有重要影响,in 后接名词或动名词,part前可以用small,large ,significent修饰。 He played an important part in the TV show. Diet plays the leading role in the treatment.考考你:1,E-mail ,as well as telephone_an important part in daily communication. A is playing B have played Care playing D play 2The more important thing about cotton in history is the part it _in the Industrial Revolution . A played B had played C was playing D playing 2 behave vi 行为,举止. He has behaved shamefully towards his wife . Cant you make your little boy behave himself 你不能教你的小孩礼貌点或规矩些吗?3approach (1) 走近,接近As we approached this lamp ,I saw a man coming towards us .(2) 找,接近某人There was only one person whom I could possibly approach.(3) 对待,处理问题,任务等。He approached the difficulty with great thought .(4) 名词,接近,快到With the approach of Christmas the weather turned colder .(5) 名词,方式方法When learning a foreign language ,the best approach is the study of the spoken language .考考你:(1)Before trying to solve the puzzle ,let us consider the best way to _it. A come near B approach C deal to D refer to (2) When it _the noon ,we compared the task A approached B arrived C got D came (3) Id like to ask his opinion but I find him _ A approache d B approach C to approach D approaching 4 vanish vi 消失 不复存在The thief vanished into crowd.My hopes of success have vanished .5 blink (1)v 眨眼He blinked in the bright sunlight .How long can you stare _ _your eyes (不眨眼)(2)闪烁Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon 海港的灯火在水平线上闪烁着。相关短语:(1) blink the fact that 。不考虑 不顾及。 You cant _ _ _( 不考虑)that the country s economy is suffering (2) blink something away (back)尽力用眨眼来控制或遮掩,尤指眼泪 Although in pain ,she bravely blinked back her tears n.眼泪 眼光on the blink 尤指机器 不灵 出故障The washing machines_ _ _again (出毛病)6 invisible adj 看不见的 反义词 visible be invisible to sb 对。是看不见的The stars are invisible to the naked eyes (肉眼)7 doubt v 怀疑(1) I doubt if /whether .肯定句中用 if /whether 引导She doubted if/whether that was what he wanted I dont doubt that he is honest 在否定句和疑问句中后接 that 注:在肯定句中,若用that则表示“认为。未必可能,恐怕。不会,doubt 明确地否定了从句的内容。I doubt that he will come (2)名词 怀疑 疑问,不可数名词 有事做可数名词并常用复数“怀疑“No one has any _about his ability (怀疑)A sudden doubt came to my mind .In doubt 怀疑,不肯定 without (a)doubt 毫无疑问一定地no doubt 无疑地 beyond /out of doubt 毫无疑问地,确实地make no doubt of 对。毫不怀疑考考你:There is no doubt _radio and television are important means of communication A which B that C what Dwhether 8, hesitate v n hesitation 犹豫hesitate to do sth I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes . 9 dream v dreamed dreamed, dreamt dreamt(1) 做梦,梦见I dreamed that I was flying to the moo n.(2)梦想,梦到 常与 not ,little,never连用表示想不到I little dreamed of _you here .真没想到在这儿见到你 可数名词,梦想 做梦 have a dream .进入梦乡 go to ones dreams 考考你:In the morning we smoked and talked and never _going out _exercise .A dream of ,except B dreamt ,except for C dreamt of ,except for D dream ,except 10. revenge (1) v 报仇,复仇He was determined to revenge his dead father (2) n 复仇 相关短语报仇,复仇 take revenge on sb 为了报复 in revenge for sth They swore to take revenge on the kidnappers.Terrorists bombed the police station in revenge for the arrests Possess v 拥有 具有 控制 支配具有某种品质 be possessed of She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament .11.marry (1) 嫁,娶,和。结婚。They married a French girl .重点句型:(1)marry sb to They married their daughter to a rich man .(2) be married to sb 与某人结婚,表状态,可延续。get married to sb 与某人结婚,非延续,不与表一段的时间状语连用Its two years since they got married 结婚两年了=They have been married for two years .It is two years since they were married 离婚两年了。=The married couple separated two years ago .12put down 放下,镇压,记下,击败He put down the box and had a rest .The army is determined to put down all opposition He failed to put down the opponent 对手Hold out 伸出,提供,坚持,维持,忍耐。He _ _his hand in friendship 伸出I think the car will _ _till we reach London 维持Everyone has agreed on the plan but Peter ,Hes still _ _坚持(3) put out 伸出,熄灭,扑灭,使烦恼。He is never _ _by expected problems 难倒,使烦恼。考考你;The forest guards often find campfires that have not been _completely .A turned down B put out C put away D turned over 13 pass by 经过,从。旁边经过,忽略A bus passed by just a moment ago .He just pass


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