



第二套国际武术竞赛套路长拳难度分值个案Example of Value of Degree of Difficulty of ChangquanSecond Set Routine of International Wushu Taolu Competition腾空摆莲 360度 TengkongBailian TKBL 360(0.2分)324ALotus kick 360腾空飞脚 Tengkong FeijiaoTKFJ(0.2分)312AFlying front kick旋风脚360度跌竖叉 Xuanfengjiao XFJ 360+Deishucha DSC(0.2分+0.1分)323A+4Whirlwind kick 360landing on front split 旋子 Xuanzi XZ (0.2分)333AButterfly侧空翻 Cekongfan CKF(0.2分)335ACartwheel roll注:动作难度1分、连接难度0.1分、累计难度1.1分Note: Degree of Difficulty of Movements: 1 point; Degree of Difficulty of Transitions: 0.1 point; Sum of Degree of Difficulties: 1.1 points. 武术自选套路难度等级及评分表单位姓名性别项目规定长拳身高型号动作难度与连接难度图示(1) 312A 323A+4 324A (2) 333A(3)213A登记说明按照套路中出现的动作难度、连接难度及创新难度的内容,按先后顺序计算好难度分值,由左至右填。1、难度评定统计和临场评定栏运动队不要填写。2、在套路行进路线上用“ ”表示难度在此出现的起始位置,并注明动作符号。连接难度符号必须记在动作难度符号的下面。3、用“ ”表示起势,“ ”表示收势,“”表示路线,“ ”表示方向。4、示例: Bj +L2 难度标示5、“ ”代表裁判长席。6、身高单位:厘米。 (4) 335A难度等级临场评定动作难度1.0动作难度连接难度0.1连接难度创新难度创新难度累计难度1.1累计难度教练员签名:裁判员签名:1难度内容324A312A323A+4难度分值0.临场评定2难度内容333A难度分值0.2临场评定3难度内容难度分值临场评定4难度内容335A难度分值0.2临场评定Application and Assessment Form for the Degree of difficulty of Optional TaoluEmployerNameGenderEventCompulsory ChangquanHeightApparatus modelILLUSTRATION OF DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY OF MOVEMENTS AND TRANSITIONS(1) 312A 323A+4 324A (2) 333A(3)213ARegistration ExplanationAccording to the content of the degree of movement, transitions and innovation movement, calculate the value of degree of difficulty successively and fill in from left to right.1. The degree of difficulty statistics and assessment on spot column is for official use. 2.” “ in the Taolu route stands for the starting position of the degree of difficulty. Symbol of degree of difficulty of transitions must note under the symbols of the degree of difficulty of the movement.3.” ”stands for starting posture, “ “ stands for closing posture, “” stands for the Taolu route,” “ stands for direction. 4.Demonstration Bj +L2 Mark of degree of difficulties5.” “stands for the seat of the Head Judge.6.Height unit: cm.(4) 335ADegree of difficulty RegistrationAssessment on spotDegree of difficulty of movements1.0Degree of difficulty of movementsDegree of difficulty of transitions0.1Degree of difficulty of transitionsDegree of difficulty of innovation movementDegree of difficulty of innovation movementSum of the degree of difficulties1.1Sum of the degree of difficultiesSignature of the CoachSignature of the Judge1Content of the degree of difficulty324A312A323A+4Value of the degree of difficulty0. on spot2Content of the degree of difficulty333AValue of the degree of difficulty0.2Assessment on spot3Content of the degree of difficultyValue


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