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第二节冠词 考点精讲精练 冠词分不定冠词a an 定冠词the和 零 冠词 即不用a an或the 也没有其他限定词 三种类型 考点1 不定冠词a an的用法 考点精讲 a an是不定冠词 a用在发音以辅音音素开头的单词前 an用在发音以元音音素开头的单词前 具体如下表 考题再现 1 2016自贡 thereis h intheword hour andthe h doesn tmake sound a an ab a anyc an any 2 2016重庆 marywantstobe gooddoctorwhenshegrowsup a ab anc thed a a 3 2016无锡 tomwantstostudyat universityineurope buthehasn tdecidedwhichonetogotoyet a anb ac thed 4 2015汕尾 worldreadingdayis april23 it s specialdaythatwasfoundedbytheun a on ab in ac on and in b a 5 2014茂名 jimis 11 year oldboy heenjoysplaying football a an theb a c an 6 2014广东 ericisnotgoingtonanjingby plane instead heistaking train a ab a c a thed the a c a 考点演练 7 doyoulikehenry yes ido heis boy a adishonestb andishonestc ahonestd anhonest d 8 grandpaoftentakeshisdogfor walkalongthestreetaftersupper a ab anc thed 9 it snot goodideatostudyfortoolongwithout break a a ab the thec a thed the a a a 10 thatperformancewas greatsuccess theaudiencecouldn tstopclappingtheirhands a ab c and the 11 ithinkenglishis usefullanguage andit salso importantlanguage a an ab a anc an thed a the a b 12 haveyouseen pen ileftitherejustnow isit yellowone ithinkisawitsomewhere a a theb the thec the ad a a d 考点2 定冠词the的用法 考点精讲 考题再现 1 2016滨州 inchinese date5 20hasasimilarpronunciationto iloveyou makingit luckyandromanticday a a theb ac the ad a 2 2016扬州 haveyouseen cartoonfilmzootopia ofcourse it s mostinterestingfilmi veeverseen a a theb the ac a ad the the c d 3 2016天津 tianjinis beautifulcityin northofchina a a ab a thec the d the 4 2015广东 doyoulike moviebighero6 yes itis interestingfilm ilikeitverymuch a a anb the anc a thed the a b b 5 2014佛山 thankyoufor invitation iamlookingforwardtotheparty a ab anc the 6 2014深圳 ienjoyedtheperformanceverymuch yes itwasreallygood ithink boyinwhitewasthebestactor a ab anc thed c c 考点演练 7 what excitingnewsitis is newstrue a an theb an ac thed a 8 doyouknowwhat mostusefulinventioninthe20thcenturyis computer ithink a the ab a ac the thed the c c 9 thereis bigsquarein centerofourtown a a theb the ac the thed a a 10 john mayiuseyourcar iwanttogotothelibrary sure hereis key a ab anc thed a c 11 weshouldgiveourseatsto oldwhentheygetonthebus a ab anc thed 12 howabout charityshow ishouldsayitwas success a the ab the c a ad a c a 考点3 不用冠词 零 冠词 的情况 考点精讲 在英语中 不用冠词的现象称为 零 冠词 考题再现 1 2016盐城 ithinkplaying footballisagoodwaytolearnthespiritofteamwork a ab anc thed 2 2016泰安 iusuallyride biketoschool butthismorning iwenttoschoolby bus a a theb the ac ad a d d 3 2016巴中 mikeis honestboy heoftenplays basketball a a b an thec an 4 2016丹东 ilikefastfoodfor breakfast me too ialwayshaveitwith cupofcoffee a a ab the ac thed a c d 5 2014梅州 misszhangwillgoto americafor importantmeetingnextmonth a an anb anc ad an the 考点演练 6 billlikesplaying chess buthedoesn tlikeplaying guitar a b the c the thed the b d 7 what sweetmusic doyouknowwhowroteit beethoven ithink a b ac and the 8 edithhascaught


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