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英语中考备考关键-重点词汇辨析(一)1. clothes, cloth, clothingclothes 统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth 指布,为不可数名词 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用 a piece of, an article ofclothes cloth clothing dress 的区别、clothesclothes和dress都可以表示“衣服”的意思。Clothes泛指衣服,是只有复数形式的名词,主要指衣着的各个部分,包括外套、西装、衬衣、裤子、裙、鞋、帽、内衣等,不指一件衣服。如,He always wears dark clothes.他总是穿深色的衣服。Clothes只有复数形式,前面不能加 a ,this , that 和数词,但是可以加 many , these , those 等。(错)this clothes , three clothes(对)these clothes , many clothesClothes作主语时,后面的动词用复数形式。如,These clothes are new.这些衣服是新的。要表达“一件衣服”用 a suit of clothesput on ones clothes 穿衣服,take off ones clothes 脱衣服She bought a good many clothes .She often wears beautiful clothes .clothe 是及物动词“给穿衣,供养,笼罩”He has to work hard to feed and clothe his large family .Now they are able to feed and clothe their children properly .The trees are clothed in green leaves . 树上披上了绿装。、DressDress所表示的范围较窄,指外面穿着的衣服(外衣),有修饰的意味,指外出应酬和社交的衣服(礼服,盛装);尤其指妇女的连衣裙及某种特殊场合下穿的服装(礼服)。如:evening dress晚礼服 。此时,dress为可数名词。Dress也可作不可数名词,统一指男女的外衣。如,Whos that girl in red dress? 穿一身红衣服的那个女孩是谁?Mr Wang cares little about dress.王老师不太注意穿着。dress 作为可数名词是女人或者孩子穿的衣服,a dress 通常指 an article of womens clothing .The person opposite the street , who wears a dress , is a woman , not a man .dress 可以构成特殊的服装,如 national dress 民族服装,evening dress 夜礼服,court dress法官服、Clothcloth指做衣服用的材料(布料、毛料、丝绸等),它是物质名词,不可数,没有复数形式。如:a piece of cloth一块布料(不能说a cloth)How much cloth does it take to make a coat for the child?给这个孩子做件上衣要多少布?注意 cloth指“具体用途的布”时,是可数名词。如:a table cloth一块桌布 a dish cloth擦盘子的布,two table clothsHave you any cloths for polishing the furniture ? 你有擦家具的布吗This woman cleaned the floor with an old cloth .、Clothingclothing是衣服、服装的总称,指除衣裤外还包括帽子、鞋袜等。集体名词,只有单数形式。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,(如:food, clothing and shelter衣、食、住)不能说 a suit of clothing , 但可以说 an article of clothing , two articles of clothing 一件(二件)衣服。Our clothing protects us from the cold . 我们的衣服为我们御寒。The shop sells womens clothing . 这家商店出售妇女服装。A coat is an article of clothing.上衣是一件衣服。首先应区分开 cloth 与 clothes / clothing:cloth表示“布”、“衣料”,是不可数名词。如:She bought some cloth to make herself a dress. 她买了些布要给自己做一件连衣裙。表示用作某种特殊用途的布(如:桌布,台布,揩布等),是可数名词。如:Clean the windows with a soft cloth. 用块软布擦窗子。clothes 和 clothing 均可表示“衣服”,用作“衣服”的统称,但在用法上有差别:1.clothes 是一个没有单数形式的复数名词, 其前不可加不定冠词,也不可加数词,但可用 some, these, those, many, few 等词修饰。如:正:those clothes / few clothes / many clothes误:a clothes / two clothes / three clothes2. clothing 是不可数名词。如:They wear very little clothing. 他们衣服穿得很少。3. 比较而言:clothes 的含义比较具体,而 clothing 的含义则比较抽象。从语体上看,clothing 比 clothes 更正式。比较:I changed my clothes. 我换了衣服。He is washing his clothes. 他在洗衣服。Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们吃得好,穿得好。若不考虑其细微区别,两者常可换用(注:一个是复数,一个不可数)。如: He spent a lot of money on clothes clothing. 他花了许多钱买衣服。 2. incident, accidentincident 指小事件, accident 指不幸的事故 He was killed in the accident.incident表示某事件的变数插曲,或者某种可预知的灾难。accident表示突发性的偶然事件,发生率更小一点。happy accident就是意外收获,偶然发现incident,accident和event都可作“事件”讲,但有区别:incident通常指任何不是很重要的事件,还可指政治上的事件或事变;accident通常指偶然发生的不幸事件;event指重要事件,特别是有历史意义的重大事件。 3. amount, numberamount 后接不可数名词,number 后接可数名词 a number of students这一对词都能用作名词和动词,又都表示数目、总数之意,故很易混淆。.它们之间的区别是,amount用于不可数名词,表示量; number用于可数名词,表示数。例:He has contributed a considerable amount of money to the Chinese University of Hong Kong.(amount为名词)他捐了一笔为数可观的钱给香港中文大学。Our expenditure amounts to fifty thousand dollars a month.(amount为动词)我们每月的开支达五万元。Every year the Hong Kong Book Fair draws a large number of visitors.(number为名词)每一年香港的书展吸引了大量的观众。.Amount除作数量、总额解外,亦可表示价值之意。例:Your information is of little amount.(名词)你的情报没有什么价值。It is unlikely that the forthcoming talks will amount to very much.(动词)看来即将举行的会谈不会有多大意义。.与amount一词搭配使用的字很多,常用的有:respectable(相当大的数量);trifling(微不足道的数额);approved(核准的数额);vast(大量);average(平均数);aggregate(总额);required(所需数);proper(适量).与number搭配的形容词亦不少,常见的有:round (整数);serial(编号);small(为数不多);astonishing(数目惊人);even(偶数);odd(奇数);high(大数);low(小数);huge(immense)(巨大的数量);limited(有限的数目);maximum(最大量);minimum(最小量);cardinal(基数);ordinal(序数);atomic(原子序数)4. family, house, homehome 家,包括住处和家人,house 房子,住宅,family 家庭成员。My family is a happy one.family、house和home都与“家”有关,但所指对象和用法不同。、family的意思是“家庭、家庭成员”,与居住的房子无关。当family作为整体概念的“家庭”讲时是单数;当“家庭成员”讲时是复数,如:Mr.Richards family is very large.(理查德先生家里的人很多。)(单数)My family are very well.(我家里人都很好。)(复数)、house的意思是“房屋、住宅”,一般对家人所居住的建筑物而言。如:There are many new houses in our village.(我们村里有很多新房子。)、home的意思是“家”,主要指一个人出生或居住的地方,房屋是其中的一部分,因而也有“家乡、故乡”的意思,它具有house所没有的感情色彩(如“团聚”、“思念”等),如:East or West,home is best.(金窝银窝不如自己的草窝。) 5. sound, voice, noisesound 自然界各种各样的声音,voice 人的嗓音,noise 噪音I hate the loud noise outside.这是一组与“声音”有关的名词,在使用上有区别。sound泛指任何声音,不论其高低、是否悦耳等。如:I heard the sound of running water. 我听见流水声。Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。noise表示“噪音、喧闹”,指的是人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声。它可以作可数名词,也可以用作不可数名词。如:I heard some strange noises last night. 昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。Theres a lot of noise here. 这个地方人声嘈杂。voice用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音,也可指发言权。用于其它方面时,常含悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声,乐器声音等。如:Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声说。 6. photo, picture, drawingphoto 用照相机拍摄的照片,picture 可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing 画的画Lets go and see a good picture. photo多指“照片”。例如:Its a nice photo.这是一张好照片。Are there any photos in the book?书里有照片吗?“照相”应译为“take a photo(picture)”. picture多指“图画”,也可指“照片”,常与photo互换,但photo不能作“图画”解。例如:Is there a tree in the picture?画里有棵树吗?May I take a picture for you?我给你照张相好吗?. drawing多指“线条图”、“素描”,如工程图、钢笔画和铅笔画等。例如:Are there any photos in the book?书里有照片吗?No, there arent any photos, but there are many drawings.没有,但有许多图。 7. vocabulary, wordvocabulary 词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word 具体的单词 He has a large vocabulary.vocabulary是指词汇或词汇量,要广义点。.He commands a large vocabulary.他掌握大量词汇。.His English vocabulary is limited.他的英语辞汇极有限。.Your Latin vocabulary is good.你拉丁文的词汇量不错。.He has a very large vocabulary.他的词汇量很丰富。word是指单词,要狭义点。What does this word mean?这个词是什么意思?new words 新单词 8. population, peoplepopulation 人口,人数,people 具体的人 China has a large population.population, people, person 和 man 都与“人”有关,但其用法及所指对象有所不同。. population 表示“人口”时,是集体名词,被看作一个整体。在句中作主语时,后面的谓语动词用单数形式。当我们说一个城市、地区或国家的人口时,一般说 has a population of (有人口), has a large/ small population(人口众多/稀少)。问有多少人口时应用 what,而不用 how many/ much。如:Wuhan has a population of about seven million.武汉大约有七百万人。Whats the population of the world?全世界有多少人口?如果指一个整体人口中有多少人是干什么的,则强调的是一部分人,谓语动词应用复数形式。More than half of the population of our city are business people.我们城市人口的一半以上是商人。Three quarters of the population of country are farmers.那个国家人口的百分之七十五是农民。 people 作“人、人们”讲时,它总是以单数形式表示复数概念。我们可以说 many/ a lot of people, three hundred people, 但不可说 a/one people。the people 指“人民”或确指的“人们”。另外, people 作“民族”时,有单复数之分。a people 为“一个民族”, peoples 为许多国家或地区的不同民族。如:Im afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor.恐怕有些人忘了扫地。We study for the people.我们为人民而学习。There are 56 peoples in China.另有五十六个民族。. person 着重指“个别人”,可以指 man, woman 或 child,有单复数形式。“一个人”是 a person 。但表示大批的人,如“1000人”应说 1,000 people, 不说 1,000 persons。Who is the youngest person in your class?你们班谁的年纪最小?Everyone likes a person with good manners.人人都喜欢有礼貌的人。 man 有时作男人的总称,有时作“人类、人”解(包括男女在内),其前一般不加冠词。a man 可指“一个人”,也可指“一个男人”、“男子汉”。Man is taller than woman. 男人比女人高。如:No man has traveled farther than to the moon.没有人到过比月球更远的地方。He is a man of few words.你是一个少言寡语的人。 9. weather, climateweather 一天内具体的天气状况,climate 长期的气候状况 The climate here is not good for youweather和climate这两个词的词义有细微的差异,使用场合也有所不同。(1)weather“天气”,指某时、某地的特定的,具体的天气情况: what”s the weather like this morning ? 今天早晨天气怎么样?(2)climate:“天气、气候”,指某地总的气候状况,指一贯的,并非某一天的天气状况。它也可以用来比喻政治气候。 i can”t get used to the hot climate here . 我无法适应这里炎热的气候。简单说,weather指某地一时的天气,如寒暖、晴雨和干湿的变化情况(a particular condition of wind,rain,snow,sunshine,etc.);Climate 指某地的平均气候或经常性的气候(average weather conditions)。例句:The climate of our country is mild,but individual places experience bad weather.我国的气候是温和的,但有时个别地区也会出现坏天气。A drier climate would be good for your health.比较干燥的天气也许会对你的健康有好处。What is the weather like today?今日天气如何?In Hong Kong people seldom wear galoshes in wet weather.在香港下雨天很少有人穿童鞋。weather之前是不可以用不定冠词a来修饰的。例如我们不可以说:What a brilliant weather!应把a删去。另外,用作比喻义时,climate与weather都指“环境”,“情况”,但使用场合有些不同。例如:The favourable poli


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