安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit2 Language Welcome to the Unit导学案 牛津译林版必修3(1).doc_第1页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit2 Language Welcome to the Unit导学案 牛津译林版必修3(1).doc_第2页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit2 Language Welcome to the Unit导学案 牛津译林版必修3(1).doc_第3页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit2 Language Welcome to the Unit导学案 牛津译林版必修3(1).doc_第4页




安徽省铜都双语学校2014年高中英语 unit2 language welcome to the unit导学案 牛津译林版必修3【佳句欣赏】(大声朗读三遍):i look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望很快能收到你的来信!【自研课导学】(时段:晚自习)预习内容及目标:预习课本p21内容,了解不同的语言形式,并阅读p102 文章,了解文章内容。 【晨读课】 1. 熟读unit1和p22-23的单词。 2. 大声朗读p22页课文【展示课导学】(一)学习内容:m3 unit 2 language welcome to the unit 第一课时 (二)学习主题:1.通过p21 五个模块的内容,了解不同的语言。 2.了解蜜蜂的独特语言。 (三) 定向导学互动展示 self-study & self-explorationcooperation & explorationshow & improvementconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间 15互动策略内容形式时间 23展示方案内容形式时间 22 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练热身活动:导生导学:有了语言,人们才能沟通,你知道世界上一共有多少种语言吗?你会几种呢?世界上用的最广的是哪种语言,使用人口最多的又是哪种语言?step1:看图回答问题1. 同学们,请将课本翻到p21,认真看21页的五个图标及解释,利用工具书,扫清下列单词障碍。language emoticons sign language braille inform 2. 看完书本提供的信息后,试着回答下列问题:1)how many different kinds of language are talked about in this section? what are they?2) are there any other kinds of languages?step2:灵动思维,我爱想问题在完成step1 之后,尝试回答下列问题:1)can you think of other ways that information can be exchanged?2) do you think english is important? why or why not?3) what are some good methods for studying english that you can share with your classmates?step3:了解蜜蜂语言,走进昆虫世界请同学们将书本打开到p102,认真阅读a部分文章,了解一下蜜蜂语言,并将蜜蜂是如何交流的简单地记录在随堂笔记处,可参照下方的表格。pair work:(10)1. 与你的合作对子交流讨论你不会的生难单词,扫清单词障碍;abcd2. 选择四人相互间一人认真讨论step1的2个问题。group work of five:(3)组长主持,带领组员讨论step2 的三个问题,做到真实有效地讨论,争取人人有自己的见解。team work of ten:(10)组长主持全员参与a.十人共同体讨论准备展示的主题,做到组长引领,组员参与,人人有事做。b. 积极准备预展和板书。展示主题一:“奇葩语言秀”向其他同学解说p21 五种不同的语言,并带动全班共同讨论还有哪些不同类型的语言,至少要讨论出来2种。【要求:展示时自然大方,声音洪亮清晰,全班互动气氛好。】展示主题二“蜜蜂的语言” 解说p102 文章的大概内容,并讲解蜜蜂是如何交流的。【要求:声音洪亮清晰,讲解详细,时间富余可朗读这篇短文。】step1:1) 2) step2:1) 2) 3) step 3: 等级评定: 【训练课导学】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间: 20 3.训练方式: 独立 ,自主完成 “日日清过关”巩固提升三级达标训练题 姓名 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: 一、基础题英汉互译1. language, in a broad sense, is the way information is expressed. 2. bees fly in circles to inform their partners about food or danger. 二、发展题根据p102 a部分文章填表:discovererkarl von frisch, an (1) language of beeswell-developed and (2) from those of other animalsways that bees talk with each other by touch (3) way that bees communicate (4) dance (when the food is far away )the (5) of waggles and the length of the dance tell how far away the food is; the way the dance is done tells how (6) the food is.the way she does the figure of 8 tells where the (7) is. (8) dance (when the food is close )the bee moves in small (9) .the dance tells that food is very near, but doesnt give (10) .三、提高题:完形填空there was once a millionaire who loved money than anything else in the world. he didnt know exactly how much he had, so he took on a little girl to _1_ all his money for him.it _2_ the little girl six days to count all the money. when she told the millionaire that he had forty-two _3_ dollars, he was _4_ with joy and asked, “ how much _5_ do you want?” he thought that _6_ she was only a child, he could _7_ her into taking a very small amount of money.the girl said, “well, i worked for six days, so i think you _8_ pay me for six days. give me two pennies for the first day. each day after that, just give me the amount you give me the day before, multiplied by itself.the _9_ thought that in this _10_ he would only have to give her a _11_ dollars. what a _12_ little girl! so immediately, he _13_ his lawyer sign up the contract, fearing that she would change her _14_ .on the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies, and on the second day, two pennies times two pennies, or four pennies.each day after that, he gave her _15_ number of pennies he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself. and by the sixth day, the foolish millionaire had to give the clever little girl all his money.1. a. bringb. countc. sendd. hide2. a. hadb. neededc. gotd. took3. a. millionb. dozenc. thousandd. hundred4. a. prideb. wildc. surprisedd. moved5. a. dollarsb. numberc. timed. pay6. a. as ifb. thoughc. ifd. because7. a. warnb. advisec. cheatd. set8. a. could b. wouldc. shouldd. might9. a. girlb. millionairec. twod. people10. a. measureb. wayc. pointd. means11. a. fewb. littlec. lessd. muc


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