



河南省肿瘤医院(中英文版)河南省肿瘤医院坐落于黄河之滨的省会郑州,1977年筹建,1984年正式开诊。2010年,医院挂牌成为郑州大学附属肿瘤医院,完成了从社会型医院向教学型、研究型医院迈进的历史性跨越。Established in 1977 and put into operation in 1984, Henan Cancer Hospital, is located in Zhengzhou City, the capital of Henan Province, near the Yellow River. Appointed as an affiliated Cancer hospital of Zhengzhou University in 2010, it has achieved the historic leap from a public hospital to a teaching and research one.经过30多年的发展,医院已成为中原地区唯一一所集医疗、科研、预防、教学、康复为一体的三级甲等肿瘤专科医院,开放床位数1849张,设临床医技科室30个,拥有职工2197人,其中高级职称286人。河南省肿瘤防治办公室、河南省肿瘤研究院、河南省抗癌协会、河南省血液病研究所、河南省肿瘤诊断治疗质量控制中心、河南省食管癌诊疗中心、河南省血液病治疗中心、河南省乳腺癌诊疗中心等13个省级肿瘤诊疗中心以及河南省卫生厅肿瘤干细胞重点实验室、河南省博士后研发基地等均设在我院。从开放床位、医疗设备、诊疗水平、人才团队诸多方面考量,均居河南省专科医院首位。Through development for more than 30 years, it has been the only Grade-3 and Class-A special Cancer hospital merging medical treatment, scientific research, prevention, teaching and rehabilitation into a single whole in the Central Plains. It has 1849 sickbeds, 30 clinic medical technology departments and 2197 employees including 286 ones with senior technical titles, hosting 13 provincial Cancer diagnosis & treatment centers such as Cancer Prevention & Treatment Office, Cancer Institute, Anti-Cancer Association, Haemal Disease Institute, Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment Quality Control Center, Esophagus Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment Center, Haemal Disease Treatment Center and Mammary Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment Center, and Cancer Stem Cell Labs under Henan Provincial Department of Health and Post-Doctoral R&D Center. It ranks first in special hospitals in Henan Province in terms of the number of sickbeds, treatment equipment, medical treatment standard, talent team.医院的胸外科、中西医结合科及护理部是国家临床重点专科。胸外科、放疗科、血液科、内科、放射科及乳腺科是省级临床医学重点学科。目前,胸外科的食管癌手术、血液科的造血干细胞移植手,术、乳腺科的乳腺癌规范化治疗、放疗科的精确放射治疗技术等,均居国内领先水平。头颈科在甲状腺、口腔颌面部、下咽及喉等部位肿瘤的诊治及修复方面独具优势。妇瘤科按照国际标准对宫颈癌、卵巢癌和子宫内膜癌进行规范化治疗。中西医结合科突出中药在肿瘤综合治疗中的作用,降低药物毒副作用、提高患者生存质量。内科、放射介入科、普外科、肝胆胰外科、生物治疗科、骨软组织科等都形成了独特优势。This hospital has its departments of chest surgery, radiotherapy, hematology internal medicine, radiation and mammary as provincial key disciplines and its departments of chest surgery, nursing, combine traditional chinese and western medicine as state key clinical specialty. So far, it has had its chest surgery departments esophagus cancer operation, hematology departments stem cell transplantation, mammary departments mammary cancer standardized treatment and radiotherapy departments accurate radiotherapy take lead in China; neck-head surgery departments Cancer treatment of thyroid, oral and maxillofacial region, hypopharynx and throat characterized by unique advantages. Its women Cancer department adopts international standard treatment for cervix cancer, ovary cancer and endometrium cancer. Its Integrated Chinese & Western Medicine Department focuses on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine on comprehensive treatment of Cancer, reduction of drug side effect and improvement of the life quality of patients. Its departments of internal medicine, interventional radiation, general surgery, hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery, biotherapy and bone & soft tissue have formed their own advantages2010年3月,累计投资2.95亿元的门诊医技大楼正式开诊,这座大楼是目前全国肿瘤专科医院中最大的门诊单体建筑,已成为展示医院一流服务和良好形象的窗口。In March 2010, its outpatient service building with an investment of 295 million Yuan was put into operation. This building is the largest of its kind in China, serving as a first-class services and image window.目前,新病房大楼正在紧张施工当中,这座大楼设计地下2层、地上23层,建筑面积共11.3万平方米,拟设病床2000张。新病房大楼建成投入使用后,将使医院的规模跃居全国同类医院的前列。At present, its new inpatient building is under construction. This building will have 23 stories including 2 underground stories, a construction area of 0.113 million square meter and 2000 sickbeds. Upon completion, this building will make this hospital take lead in China in terms of scale.近年来,医院的临床科研取得突破性进展:2010年获批国家自然科学基金项目4项,在省卫生厅直属医院中居首位;获批郑州大学7个硕士学位点及3个临床医学专业学位博士点(内科、外科及肿瘤学),4个专业已纳入郑州大学2011年度硕士研究生招生计划。有24名专家被郑州大学遴选为博导和硕导。年仅35岁的血液病专家房佰俊入选“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选名单,他也是省直卫生系统唯一入选专家。由河南省肿瘤研究院院长宋永平教授领衔的“干细胞移植与生物治疗”研究团队荣获河南省2010年度“创新型科技团队”。In recent years, this hospital has achieved breakthroughs in clinical scientific research: in 2010, it took lead in immediate hospitals under Henan Provincial Department of Health in having 4 projects included into National Natural Science Funds, obtained 7 masters degree programs and 3 doctoral professional degree programs of clinical medicine (departments of internal medicine, and surgery and oncology) of Zhengzhou University, 4 majors included into the enrolment plan of master candidates 2011 of Zhengzhou University, 24 experts selected as doctoral supervisors and master supervisors by Zhengzhou University. 35-year-old expert of haemal disease Fang Baijun has been included into the national candidate list of National Candidates of the New Century AD Talents Program, the only one of his kind in the immediate health system under Henan Provincial Peoples Government. The research team of “Stem Cell Transplantation & Biotherapy” leaded by Prof. Song Yongping, President of Henan Provincial Cancer Institute won the title of Henan Provincial “Creative Technology & Science Team” 2010. 2009年以来,累计投资上亿元,购置大型诊疗设备30余台。国内首台西门子影像引导下直线加速器(适用于全身大部分肿瘤的精确放疗)也落户医院。具有国际水平的PET-CT、适形调强照射治疗系统、瓦里安高能直线加速器、神经外科手术导航系统、电子胃镜、电子肠镜、电子支气管镜、乳腺机等一系列大型医疗设备,使医院的设备配置达到国内同类医院的先进水平。Since 2009, this hospital has invested over 100 million Yuan and purchased 30 large pieces of diagnostic equipment including Siemens Images directed linear accelerator (applicable to accurate radiotherapy of Cancers in most parts of human body), the first one in China, internationally advanced PEC-CT, Conformal intensity-modulated radiation therapy system, Varian high-energy accelerator, nerve surgery navigation system, electronic gastroscope, electronic colonoscope, electronic bronchoscope, mammary machine, making its treatment equipment take lead in similar hospitals in China.近年来,医院强化科学管理,通过富有时代特色与鲜明个性特征的医院文化建设,逐步提炼形成了“致力三早、造福中原”的医院使命、“以人为本、科学发展”的办院理念、“团结、务实、博学、创新”的院训、“追求卓越、赶超一流”的医院精神等一系列医院文化体系,造就了一支素质过硬、德艺双馨的职工队伍,营造了“尊重病人、关爱病人”的良好氛围。医院先后获得“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国卫生系统思想政治工作先进集体”、“省级文明单位”、“省双十佳单位”等荣誉称号,并两次获得“全国医药卫生系统先进集体”的殊荣。In recent years, it has focused on scientific management. Promoting the hospital culture characterized by the times and individuality, it has gradually developed the ideas of “early prevention, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment and benefiting the people in the Central Plains”, “putting people first and scientific development”, “remaining united, pragmatic, knowledgeable and innovative” and “seeking excellence and perfection”, an excellent team with both a good character and professional competence and a patient-friendly environment. It has won multiple honors of “Natio


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