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资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除(英国)公司章程范本 英汉对照虽然调查显示我们的创意计划有很大的发展空间,但是各种如“漂亮女生”和“碧芝”等连锁饰品店在不久的将来将对我们的创意小屋会产生很大的威胁。调研结论:综上分析,我们认为在学院内开发“DIY手工艺品”商店这一创业项目是完全可行的。调研提纲:标题:大学生究竟难在哪?创业要迈五道坎 2004年3月23日(英国)公司章程然而影响我们大学生消费的最主要的因素是我们的生活费还是有限,故也限制了我们一定的购买能力。因此在价格方面要做适当考虑:我们所推出的手工艺制品的价位绝大部分都是在50元以下。一定会适合我们的学生朋友。据调查统计在对大学生进行店铺经营风格所考虑的因素问题调查中,发现有50%人选择了价格便宜些,有28%人选择服务热情些,有30%人选择店面装潢有个性,只有14%人选择新颖多样。如图(1-5)所示我们长期呆在校园里,没有工作收入一直都是靠父母生活,在资金方面会表现的比较棘手。不过,对我们的小店来说还好,因为我们不需要太多的投资。Memorandum And Articles Of Association Of FOOTBALL MARKETING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED “国际足球营销和管理有限公司”公司组织大纲和公司内部管理章程COMPANY NO3735935公司编号:INCORPORATED l8th March 2000成立日期:2000年3月18日PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES私营股份有限公司THE COMPANIES ACTS l985 TO 1989依据法律:19851989年的诸部公司法RM COMPANY SERVICES LIMITED有限服务公司SECOND FLOOR 80 GREAT EASTERN STREET LONDON EC2A 3JL 地址:TEL:01718650011电话:FAX:01718650655传真:(一)公司组织大纲THE COMPANIES ACTS 1985 TO 1989 19851989年诸部公司法COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES 股份有限公司Memorandum of Association of FOOTBALL MARKETING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED“国际足球营销和管理有限公司”组织大纲1The Companys Name is FOOTBALL MARKETING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED第一条 本公司名称为“国际足球营销和管理有限公司”2The Companys Registered Office is to be situate in England and Wales第二条 公司注册登记处为英格兰和威尔士3The Companys Objects are:第三条 本公司宗旨是:(1)Without prejudice to the objects hereinafter specified to carry on business as a General Commercial Company1)在不损害以下规定之前提下开展一般商业公司的业务;(2)To carry on any other business which may seem to the Company to be capable of being conveniently or advantageously carried on in connection or conjunction with any business of the Company with a view directly or indirectly to enhancing the value of or to render profitable or more profitable any of the Companys property,assets or rights or expertise2)开展公司认为能方便或有利开展的,且能直接或间接使公司的财产、资产、权利或专门知识增值或获利或增利的与本公司业务相关或相连的其他任何业务;(3)To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of the business property and liabilities of any company,firm,person or body carrying on or proposing to carry on any business which the Company is authorized to carry on or possessed of property suitable for the purposes of the Company3)收购或以其他方式购得和接管任何正在,或旨在开展本公司有权开展的业务的或能使本公司获得有利财产的任何业务的任何公司、商行、个人或团体的全部或部分业务财产和义务;(4)To purchase or otherwise acquire,take on lease or in exchange,let or hire any real or personal property or assets or any rights or privileges which the Company may think necessary or convenient or capable of being profitably dealt with in such manner as may be thought fit4)以被视为恰当的收购方式或其他方式购得,以租赁或交换方式接管,出租或租用本公司认为必要、方便或能使之获利任何不动产、动产、资产、权利或特权;(5)To amalgamate or enter into any partnership or into any arrangement or other association for sharing profits union of interests,cooperation,joint adventure,reciprocal concession or otherwise with any company,firm,person or body carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transactions which the Company is authorized to carry on or engage in or any business transaction capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the Company5)联合或参与任何合伙、协议或其他社团,以与正在或即将从事或进行本公司有权从事或进行且能直接或间接使本公司受益的业务交易之任何公司、商行、个人或团体分享利益联盟、合作、合资、互惠减让或其他类型的收益;(6)To subscribe,underwrite,purchase or otherwise acquire shares or stock in or securities or investments of any nature whatsoever and to subsidize or otherwise assist any such company and with or without guarantee to sell,hold,reissue or otherwise deal with such shares,investments,stock or securities and any rights or options in respect thereof and to buy and sell foreign exchange6)认购、接管、收购或以其他方式购得任何性质的股份、股票或证券、投资,以补贴或以其他方式协助此种公司附担保或不附担保销售、持有、再发行或以其他方式处理此种股份、投资、股票或证券或其相关的任何权利或期权,并买卖外汇;(7)To build,develop,construct,maintain,alter,enlarge,pull down,remove or replace any buildings,works,factories,roads,structures or facilities of all kinds and plant and machinery necessary or convenient for the business of the Company and to join with any person,firm or company in doing any of the things aforesaid7)建造、开发、建筑、维护、变更、扩大、拆除、搬迁任何建筑物、工场、工厂、道路、任何类别的结构或设施以及本公司业务所需或适合的设备和机器,且参与任何个人、商行或公司从事上述任何事项;(8)To enter into any arrangements with any Government or Authorities supreme,municipal,local or otherwise and to obtain from any such Government or Authority all rights,concessions,authorizations and privileges that may seem conducive to the Companys objects or any of them8)与任何政府或上级当局,包括市级、地方或其他,签订协议以从此种政府或当局处获得有益于本公司宗旨的一切权利、特许、授权和特权;(9)To obtain the grant of,purchase or otherwise acquire any concessions,contracts,licenses,grants,trade marks,copyrights or rights of any kind,patents,inventions,privileges,exclusive or otherwise,authorities,monopolies,undertakings or businesses,or any right or option in relation thereto,and to perform and fulfil the terms and conditions thereof,and to carry the same into effect,operate thereunder,develop,grant licenses thereunder,and turn to account,maintain or sell,dispose of,and deal with the same in such manner as the Company may think expedient9)获准、购买或以其他方式得到特许、合同、执照、准予、商标、版权或任何类别的权利、专利、发明、特权(排他或不排他)、权力、专营权、担保或业务或任何与其相关的权利或期权,并履行和执行其条款和条件,使其产生效力,根据其进行运作、开发、发放执照,并按本公司认为适宜的方式对其进行利用、持有或出售、处置和处理;(10)To apply for,promote and obtain any provisional order,Act of Parliament or charter for enabling the Company to carry any of its objects into effect or for effecting any modification of the Companys constitution or for any other purpose which may seem expedient and to oppose any proceedings or applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the Companys interests10)申请、设法通过和得到省命令、议会法令或特许,以使本公司顺利实施其宗旨,或进行公司章程修正和达到任何被视为适当的目的,并防止任何可能会直接或间接损害公司利益的诉讼或请求;(11)To promote or join in the promotions of any company for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the business,property,assets,rights and liabilities of any company whether or not having objects similar to those of the Company or for any other purpose which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit the Company and to place or guarantee the placing of,underwrite,subscribe for or otherwise acquire all or any part of the shares,debentures or other securities of any such other company11)努力或与任何公司一起努力以获得任何公司的全部或部分业务、财产、资产、权利和义务,或达到其他直接或间接有利于本公司的目的,且订购和确保订购、包销、认购或以其他方式获得其他此种公司的全部或任何部分的股份、债券或其他证券;(12)To enter into any arrangements or contracts with any person,firm or company for carrying on the whole or any part of the business of the Company,and to fix and determine their remuneration,which may be by way of money payment,allotment of shares(either fully or partly paid)or otherwise12)与任何个人、商行或公司签订协议以开展本公司的全部或任何部分业务,且制定和确定其报酬,报酬可以现金、分配股份(缴足股款或部分缴纳股款的股份)或其他方式予以支付;(13)To sell,exchange,Tease,grant licenses,dispose of,turn to account or otherwise deal with the whole of the undertaking,property,assets,rights and effects of the Company or any part thereof for such consideration as may be considered expedient and in particular shares,stock or other securities whether fully or partly paid up13)出于适当考虑以出售、交换、租赁、特许、处置、利用或用其他方式处理本公司的全部或任何部分担保、财产、资产、权利和动产,以及特殊股份、股票或其他证券,不论其是否缴足股款;(14)To pay for any rights or property acquired by the Company,and to remunerate any person,firm or company rendering services to the Company whether by cash payment or by the allotment of shares,debentures or other securities of the Company credited as paid up in full or in part or in any other manner whatsoever,and to pay all or any of the preliminary expenses of the Company and of any company formed or promoted by the Company14)支付本公司所购置的任何权利或财产,对向本公司提供服务的任何个人、商行或公司进行偿付,此种偿付可以现金、股份分配、债券或其他任何缴足或部分缴纳款项的证券予以支付,并支付本公司或任何由本公司组建的或创立的其他公司的前期支出;(15)To invest the monies of the Company not immediately required for any other purpose of the Company by the purchase of the shares or securities of any company or by the purchase of any interest in land or buildings or in such other manner as shall from time to time be considered expedient15)将本公司不急需的资金投资收购其他公司的股份或证券,或购置土地或建筑物所有的利益,或按随时视为适当的其他方式进行投资;(16)To guarantee the payment of any debentures,debenture stock,bonds,mortgages,charges,obligations,interest,dividends,securities,monies or shares or the performance of contracts or engagements of any other company,firm or person and to give indemnities and guarantees of all kinds and to enter into partnership or any joint purse arrangement with any person,firm or company having objects similar to those of the Company or any of them16)保证支付任何债券、公司债务、公债、按揭、抵押、债、息、利、证券、款项或股份,保证履行对任何公司、商行或个人的合同或承诺,且提供各种赔偿和担保,与宗旨类同本公司的全部或部分宗旨的任何个人、商行或公司建立合伙关系或签订合资协议;(17)To guarantee or give indemnities or provide security whether by personal obligation or covenant or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking,property and assets both present and future and uncalled capital of the Company,or by all or any of such methods,the performance of any contracts or obligations of any person,firm or company whatsoever17)以个人义务或合同或以按揭或抵押本公司目前和将来的全部或任何部分的承诺、财产和资产以及未收资金的形式,或以全部或任何此种方式保证、补偿或担保任何个人、商行或公司的任何合同或义务得以履行;(18)To advance,lend or deposit money or give credit to or with any company,firm or person on such terms as may be thoughts fit and with or without security18)按适当的条款预付、借付、存放或赊借款项给任何公司、商行或个人,有无担保不论;(19)To draw,make,accept,endorse,discount,execute and issue,and to buy,sell and deal with bills of exchange,promissory notes,debentures,bills of lading,warrants and other negotiable or transferable instruments or securities19)开立、制作、承兑、背书、贴现、签发、买、卖和处理汇票、本票、债券、提单、栈单和其他流通或可转让票据或证券;(20)To raise or borrow and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation of the Company,and to receive money on deposit or loan in such a manner and on such terms as may seem expedient and in such manner as may be thought fit and in particular by mortgages and charges and the issue of debentures or debenture stock or other securities of any description upon all or any part of the undertaking,property,assets and rights of the Company both present and future including any uncalled capital of the Company20)以视为适宜的方式和按适宜的条款,以及以适当方式和具体用本公司目前,将来的全部或部分承诺、财产、资产和权利以及未收资金以按揭、抵押、发放债券或公司债票或任何类型的证券的方式,举债或借债并担保或解除本公司的债务或义务;(21)To establish and maintain or contribute to any scheme for the acquisition by trustees of shares in the Company or its holding company to be held by or for the benefit of employees(including any Director holding a salaried employment or office)of the Company or(so far as for the time being permitted by law)and of the Companys subsidiaries and to lend money(so far as aforesaid)to any such employees to enable them to acquire shares of the Company or its holding company and to formulate and carry into effect any scheme for sharing profits with any such employees21)制订和执行或促使完成以托管方式,由或替本公司以及本公司子公司的雇员(包括任何任有支薪职务的董事)购买本公司或其控股公司股份之方案,且借款(就以上规定而言)给此种雇员,使其能够购买本公司或其控股公司的股份,并制订和实施与此类雇员分享利润的任何方案;(22)To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or noncontributory pension or superannuation funds for the benefit of,and to give or procure the giving of donations,gratuities,pensions,allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or any such holding company or otherwise is allied to or associated with the Company,or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company,and the wives,widows,families and dependants of any such persons;to establish and subsidize and subscribe to any institutions,associations,clubs or funds calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance the interests and wellbeing of the Company or of any such other company and make payments to or towards the insurance of any such person and do any of the matters aforesaid either alone or in conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid22)建立和维持或促使建立和维持劳资双方共同缴纳或由雇主单方缴纳的年金或退休金基金,以维护现在或曾经受雇于或服务于本公司或其子公司、控股公司、联姻公司或联合公司者,或现在或曾经就任本公司或此种其他公司董事或高级职员职务者,或其妻子、遗孀、家人以及赡(抚、扶)养人的利益,且给予或促使给予他们捐赠、退职金、年金、津贴或酬金;建立、补贴和捐助为维护或促进本公司或此种其他公司利益和福利,并向上述任何人进行支付或提供保险,且独自或与上述此种其他任何公司合作以完成上述任何事项的任何机构、社团、俱乐部或基金会;(23)To purchase and maintain insurance for or for the benefit of an person or persons who are or were at any time directors,officers or employees or auditors of the Company,or of any other company which is its holding company,or any company which is associated with the Company,or of any subsidiary undertaking of the Company or trustees of any pension fund in which any employees of the Company or of any such other company or subsidiary undertaking are interested, including(without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing)insurance against any liability incurred by such persons in respect of any act or omission in the actual or purported execution and/or discharge of their duties and/or in the exercise or purported exercise of their powers and/or otherwise in relation to their duties, powers or offices in relation to the Company or any such other company, subsidiary undertaking or pension fund and to such extent as may be permitted by law to indemnify or to exempt any such person against or from any such liability;for the purposes of this clause“holding company”and“subsidiary undertaking”shall have the same meanings as in the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies Act 198923)为或替现在或曾经任何时候就任过本公司或其控股公司、其联营公司、其附属企业或与本公司或此种其他公司或附属企业雇员年金基金有关的受托机构之董事、高级职员、雇员或审计员的任何个人或多人投保和续保,包括(但不限于)对此种人士事实或旨在实施任何行为或不作为和/或履行他们的职责和/或行使或旨在行使他们的权力和/或履行其他与本公司、任何此种其他公司、附属企业或年金基金相关的其他责任、权力或职责时所产生的任何责任险,且在法律允许的范畴内,担保或免除此种人的任何此种责任,本条款中的“控股公司”和“附属企业”应具有1985年颁布,后于1989年公司法所修正的公司法所含的同样含义;(24)To distribute among the members of the Company in specie or otherwise any property or assets of the Company subject to any consent required by law24)在公司股东中按法律所规定的协议照章或以其他方式分配本公司的任何财产或资产;(25)To procure the registration,recognition or incorporation of the Company in or under the laws of any territory outside England25)促使本公司依照英格兰之外的任何领地的法律予以注册登记,获得批准或组建;(26)To issue any securities which the Company has power to issue for any other purpose by way of security or indemnity or in satisfaction of any liability undertaken or agreed to be undertaken by the Company26)以担保或保证或履行任何本公司承担或同意承担之义务的方式,发放任何本公司有权发放的任何目的的证券;(27)To do all or any of the things and matters aforesaid in any part of the world,and either as principals,agents,contractors,trustees or otherwise,and by or through subsidiary companies,agents,subcontractors or trustees or otherwise,and either alone or in conjunction with others27)以委托人、代理人、承包人、受托人或其他身份,经或通过子公司、代理人、分包人或受托人或其他人之手,单独或与他人合作,在世界各地实施上述所有或部分事项;(28)To do all such other things as may be considered to be incidental or conducive to any of the above objects28)实施所有可被视为上述任何宗旨所附带或有助于上述任何宗旨的其他事项。And it is hereby declared that the objects of the Company as specified in each of the foregoing paragraphs of this clause shall be separate and distinct objects and shall not be restrictively construed but the widest interpretation shall be given thereto,and they shall not,except where the context expressly so requires,be in any way limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other subclause or the order in which the same occur or by the name of the Company特此声明:本条上述各款所具体规定的宗旨应作为本公司独立和不同的宗旨,对其不应作限制性解释而应尽量扩大解释,除文本上下文明文规定之外,其不得因参照或因根据本大纲其他任何条款的术语或含同样术语的命令或从本公司的名称所作的推论而受到任何限制或局限。4The liability of the Members is limited第四条 股东的有限责任。5The Authorized Share Capital of the Company is 1,000 divided into 1,000 Shares of 1 each第五条 本公司的注册股本为1,000英镑,分为1,000股,每股为1英镑。WE,the Subscribers to this Memorandum of Association wish to be formed into a Company pursuant to this Memorandum;and we agree to take the number of Shares shown opposite our respective names我们,本组织大纲的署名人,希望按本大纲之规定组建一个公司;我们同意认购列在我们各自姓名旁的股份数量。_Number of Shares NAMES and ADDRESSES of SUBSCRIBERStaken by each Subscriber 每位署名人认购的股数署名人的姓名和地址_EMMANUEL COHEN ONE(姓名) 1股2nd Floor 80 Great Eastern Street London EC2A 3JL(地址)Company Director 公司董事VIOLET COHEN ONE(姓名) 1股2nd Floor 80 Great Eastern Street London EC2A 3JL(地址)Company Director_(公司董事)Total shares taken: TWO 总认购股数 2股_DATE the 12th day of March 2000 日期:2000年3月12日WITNESS to the above signatures:签名见证:RM COMPANY SERVICES LIMITED 有限服务公司2nd Floor 80 Great Eastern Street London EC2A 3JL(地址)Company Formation Agent公司组建总办但这些困难并非能够否定我们创业项目的可行性。盖茨是由一个普通退学学生变成了世界首富,李嘉诚是由一个穷人变成了华人富豪第一人,他们的成功表述一个简单的道理:如果你有能力,你可以从身无分文变成超级富豪;如果你无能,你也可以从超级富豪变成穷光蛋。“漂亮女生”号称全国连锁店,相信他们有统一的进货渠道。店内到处贴着“10元以下任选”,价格便宜到令人心动。但是转念一想,发夹2.8元,发圈4.8元,皮夹子9.8元,好像和平日讨价还价杀来的心理价位也差不多,只不过把一只20元的发夹还到5元实在辛苦,现在明码标价倒也省心省力。(二)公司内部管理章程THE COMPANIES ACTS 1985 TO 1989 法律依据:19851989年的诸部公司法COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES 股份有限公司Articles of Association of FOOTBALL MARKETING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED“国际足球营销和管理有限公司”内部管理章程PRELIMINARY 总则1The Company is a private Company and accordingly no shares,debentures or other securities of the Company may be offered to the public第一条 本公司是一家私营公司,故本公司的股份、债券或其他证券可能不对公众出售。2The Regulations contained in Table A in the Companies(Tables A to F)Regulations 1985,shall,except as hereinafter provided and so far as not inconsistent with the provisions of these Articles,apply to the Company to the exclusion of all other regulations or Articles of Association第二条 1985年公司条例(附表AF)附表A中所含的诸项规则应当适用于本公司,且先于其他所有规则或公司章程,本章程规定的和与本章程规定相符的除外。3In these Articles the expression“the Act”means the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies Act 1989第三条 本章程中词组“the Act”指1985年颁布,后经1989年公司法所修正的公司法。ALLOTMENT OF SHARES 股份分配4(a)Subject to Section 80 of the Act,all unissued shares shall be at the dispos
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