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北京大学自主招生、保送生语文试题(07A卷)一、标点下段古文,翻译划线部分的句子,并解释黑体字标出的词语(共20分,其中标点10分,翻译5分,释词5分):儒 之 为 教 大 矣 其 利 物 博 矣 笃 父 子 正 君 臣 尚 忠 节 重仁 义 贵廉 让 贱 贫 鄙 开 政 化 之 本 源 凿 生 民 之 耳 目 百王 损 益 一 以 贯之 虽 世 或 污 隆 而 斯 文 不 坠 经 邦 致 治 非 一 时 也 涉 其 流 者 无禄 而 富 怀 其 道 者 无 位 而 尊 故仲 尼 顿 挫 于 鲁 君 孟 轲 抑 扬 于 齐 后 荀 卿 见 珍 于 强 楚叔 孙 取 贵 于 隆 汉 其 余 处 环 堵 以 骄 富贵 安 陋 巷 而 轻王 公 者 可 胜 数 哉 自 晋 室 分 崩 中 原 丧 乱 五 胡交 争 经籍 道 尽 魏 氏 发 迹 代 阴 经 营 河 朔 得 之 马 上 兹 道 未 弘暨 夫 太 和 之 后 盛 修 文 教 搢 绅 硕 学 济 济 盈 朝 缝 掖 巨儒 往 往杰 出 其 雅 诰 奥 义 宋 及 齐 梁 不 能 尚 也 南 北 所治 章 句 好 尚 互有 不 同大 抵 南 入 约 简 得 其 英 华 北学 深 芜 穷 其 枝 叶 考 其终 始 要 其 会 归 其 立 身 成 名 殊方 同 致 矣 爰 自 汉魏 硕 学 多 清通 逮 乎 近 古 世 儒 必 鄙俗 文 武 不 坠 弘 之 在 人 岂 独 愚 蔽 于 当今 而 皆 明 哲 于往 昔 在 乎 用 与 不 用 知 与 不 知 耳 然 曩 之 弼 谐庶 绩 必举 德 于 鸿 儒 近 代 左 右 邦 家 咸 取 士 于 刀 笔 纵 有 学 优入 室 勤 逾 刺 股 名 高 海 内 擢 第 甲 科 若 命 偶 时 来 未 有望 于 青紫 或 数 将 运 舛 必 委 弃 于 草 泽 然 则 古 之 学 者禄 在 其中 今 之学 者 困 于 贫 贱 时 达 之 人 志 识 之 士 安肯 滞 于所 习 以 求 贫 贱者 哉 此 所 以 儒 罕 通 人 学 多 鄙 俗 者 也 选自隋书卷七十五儒林传序翻译: 释词: 百王:五胡:搢绅:缝掖:章句:二、请写出两个四字成语,要求该成语的四个字的读音分别为现代汉语拼音声调的阴平、阳平、上声、去声,顺序不论,例:南腔北调。(不得以此成语为答案)(10分),并对对联(10分)。 反 贪 廉 政 三 秋 雪 三、阅读下面的文章,并根据文意回答问题(共20分。4小 题,每小题5分)读小说白银谷白银谷,历史的大背景取自光绪二十五年到二十八年之间。这三年中,义和团席卷北中国,八国联军攻陷北京,清廷放弃京城仓皇出逃,随之而来的就是枪炮之下的屈辱。一个老大帝国风雨飘摇,蹒跚移步。可出人意外的是,在旧中国寿终正寝的尸体上,居然盛开出山西帮票号这们一朵奇葩。晋商们凭着自己创办的“汇通天下”的票号金融体系,在历史的绝境中自强不息,取天下之财,救旷世之危,写下了中国近代史上最富于传奇色彩,也最耐人寻味的一页。为了票号的自下而上,他们秘密商讨如何“违旨揽汇”打破朝廷的“禁汇令”。而当两宫出逃,皇上太后断炊无米几乎沦为乞丐的时候,山西商人却又商定“苦心接皇差”,为了接济朝廷,也为了求得生存,其一掷万金的气魄震惊朝野。在这一幕又一幕的历史戏剧中,你分明可以看到,一群卑微的商人竟然在不知不觉中成为历史狂潮下最机智顽强的生命。他们颠覆了传统社会森严的“士、农、工、商”的社会等级,他们所成就的不仅仅是“富可敌国”,更是对传统社会动摇根本的无声改造。白银谷里的商人们在谈到自己行业时,曾反复引用周易大传“系辞”里的一句话:“富有之谓大业,日新之谓盛德。”无疑,他们把自己的行业认作是一种创新。他们的“创新”已经成为对历史的改写。但是,在传统“历史”,彻底遗忘的内容。有了白银谷,我们可以相信,对于落下千古骂名的晚清历史,决不可以仅仅用“腐败落后”就一笔勾销。有了白银谷,我们可以真实地看到“历史”有太多的不真实。自觉的“借鉴旧白话”,是白银谷艺术上最为成功是为可贵的成果。白银谷向我们证明了,中国传统白话小说同学可以成为当代文学深厚丰富的资源。而对这个宝贵资源的轻视、忽视甚至彻底的无视,几乎一直贯穿了所谓新时期的文学。说来话长。一百年来,在历史的狂飙中成为中国语的白话,一百年来,在酷热的西风中洗心革面、备受煎熬的白话,几乎成了我们永远的话题这是一个百年的心病,这也是一个百年的大话题。在狂飙突进的新文化运动中,一种非此即彼的直线选择,使我们在获得白话的同时,却也丧失了文化的自信心。这在语言上表现尤其突出。于是,打开中国近代文学史,占主流地位的大都是只在作家们之间通用的、也只能印在纸上的翻译腔。这翻译腔不是文言,也不是白话,但确十二分的自命“高雅。”这个“高雅”不为别的,只为它很“洋”,很“不传统”,很“不中国”。这是一种潜藏了自我殖民化的语言,在“废除汉字”的极端呼吁声中,哪里还有汉语自信心的立足之地?“引车卖浆者流”的白话,竟然在一些人的笔下“洋”到比“文言妖孽”还难懂的地步。这真是白话的悲哀!一个世纪的白话文学,我们终于还是留下了鲁迅、沈从文、老舍、张爱玲、李劼人、赵树理、汪曾祺这们一些杰出的白话叙述者。但是,我们今天所普遍缺乏的仍然是一种语言的自觉。我所特别想指出的是,白银谷的语言化实践,对于当今的汉语文学是一个很好的呼吁和提醒。因为“借鉴旧白话”,白银谷古朴典雅;因为“加现代口语”,白银谷鲜活亲切;因为“滤去欧化痕迹”,白银谷充满了醇厚的汉语魅力。语言的不同,本不应当成为相互隔绝的闸门。中国的、外国的、历史的、现代化、庙堂的、民间的,一切人类的成果和想象,都应当成为我们语言的生命的资源。正所谓“富有之谓大业,日新之谓盛德”,白银谷里主人翁们追求的境界,又何尝不是为文者的向往?1、作者为什么说“历史有太多的不真实”?2、什么原因导致了“我们获得白话的同时,却也丧失的文化的自信心”?3、作者期盼的汉语发展道路是怎样的?4、文中数次引用周易大传“富有之谓大业,日新之谓盛德”,作者的用意是什么?四、作文(40分)题目:二十年之后的中国(要求:根据题目作文,文体不限,(诗歌除外),字数不少于800字。)北京大学自主招生、保送生数学试题(07A卷)(文科生只做前三题)问题1:设f(x)=x2-53x+196+.求f(1)+f(2)+f(50)的值。(25分)问题2:证明:对任何实数k方程x2+y2-2kx-(6+2k)y-2k-31=0过两个定点。(25分)问题3:解方程组(25分)问题4:设长方体的三边长为且bc.设P和Q为此长方形最远的两个顶点。求从P沿长方形表面至Q最短路程的长度。(25分)2007年物理试题题号1234567总分得分题1 (12分)设想地球、月球半径以及两球中心间距都缩小为原值的十分之一,但各自质量不变。(1)地面上每个人的重量将为原重量的多少倍?(2)月球绕地球运动的周期将为原周期的多少倍?题2 (12分)简述热力学第一定律和第二定律的内容。什么是第一类永动机和第二类永动机?它们能否被制作?为什么?题 3(12分)四个相同导体球A、B、C、D,其中一个(未必是A)不带电,一个带电Q0,另外两个分别带电-Q。(1)戴上绝缘手套后,用双手进行力测试:取两个球,彼此靠近但不接触,双手可感受其间有相互吸引力或者排斥力,同时可以识别此力较大还是较小(事先练习后,可判定Q球与-Q球间引力以及-Q球与-Q球间斥力同为较大者;Q球或-Q球与不带电球间引力为较小者)。通过两次力测试,发现A、B间有较小吸引力,A、C间也有较小吸引力,请再作次数尽可能少的力测试,判定A、B、C、D各球带电情况。(2)另设A带电Q0,B、C各带电-Q,令A、B相距,用仪器精确测得其间吸引力的大小F1,再令B、C相距,用仪器精确测得其间排斥力的大小F2。试问F1与F2谁大谁小?为什么?题4 (15分)北京地区地面附近地球磁场的水平分量记为B/,竖直向下分量记为。取电阻为R,半径为的金属圆环,将环如图1所示竖直放置后,绕着它的竖直直径旋转180,测得流过圆环的电量为Q1。再让圆环绕着它的东西水平直径如图2所示,转过90(上半圆环朝着图平面外侧旋转,下半圆环朝着图平面里侧旋转),测得流过圆环的电量为Q2。试求B/和。90图15、(15分)(1)顶角为的直角三棱镜,如图1所示。单色光经空气从斜边射入后在棱镜中的折射光线与棱镜底边平行。再从棱镜出射后,相对原入射光线的偏向角为,试求棱镜玻璃折射率n。3030图2(2)假设(1)问中的,再将另一个材料相同的较大直角三棱镜以图2所示方式拼接在图1三棱镜右侧。不改变原入射光线方位,试求从组合棱镜第一次出射到空气的光线相对原入射光线的偏向角。dPS*6、(14分)如图所示,用波长的紫外线 点光源S,正面照射金属铯的薄圆片P。(1)已知铯可发光电效应的极限频率,普朗克常量,试求铯的逸出功W和光电子从铯表面飞出时的最大动能Ek。(2)设点光源S发光强度极弱,每秒发出n01000个光子,铯片P的直径d=0.6,P与S的距离。再设每入射一个光子便能打出一个光电子,试问平均每隔多长时间t,P可出射一个光电子?ABCMh47、(20分)长、质量4m的匀质软绳,连接质量M的小物块后,与水平桌面构成的系统如图所示,桌面离地高度h4。绳与桌面、桌的侧面间均无磨擦,小物块与桌面的部分间无磨擦,过B后磨擦因数处处相同,记为。(1)设物块到达桌面C点刚好停住,其中,试求和物块运动过程中的最大速度值;(2)能否存在一个,使得物块运动到桌边刚好停下,且而后不再运动?(3)取,求物块停止运动且而后不再运动的位置。北京大学自主招生、保送生历史式题(07A卷)一、名词解释(每小题5分,共40分)1、夏商周断代工程2、马赛曲3、中体西用4、奥匈帝国5、样板戏6、柏林墙7、王国维8、二十四史(尽可能列出书名和作者)二、简答题(15分)请写出中国历代王朝都城的历史地名及今地名。三、论述题(45分)意大利哲学家克罗齐说:“一切历史归根结底都是当代史。”你对这句话是如何理解的?请举例说明历史研究中的非历史化倾向。以下空白为答题区:北京大学自主招生、保送生政治试题(07A卷)一、简答题目(共60分)1、俄国物理学家列别捷夫曾不无幽默地说过一句令人深思的话,“书柜比我懂得多,然而物理学家不是它,而是我”。他的话表明了知识创新的意义。请运用有关哲学原理,说明知识创新的一般条件。(10分)2、美国经济学家熊彼特认为,创新并不等于发明,创新是指“企业家对生产要素的新组合”,包括:(1)引进一种新的产品或提供一种产品的新质量;(2)采用一种新的生产方法(工艺);(3)开辟一个新的市场;(4)获得一种原料或半成品的新供给来源;(5)实行一种新的组织形式,例如,建立或打破一种垄断地位。试用经济学的知识说明:什么是生产要素?为什么生产要素的“新组合”会带来创新?为什么创新者不被认为是实验室的科学家,而被认为是企业家?(15分)3、许多国家制定了反垄断法,反对垄断是现代政府的基本态度。请说明政府角色与创新的关系。(10分)4、有人认为,保护知识产权就不应该反对垄断,而反对垄断就不应该保护知识产权,反以,政府只能在保护知识产权和反对垄断这两个选项中二者择一。请说明你对此观点的看法。(15分)5、结合中国的现实,说明中国政府在上述问题上应该坚持的基本立场。(10分)二、阅读理解题目(共40分)阅读材料,回答第13题美国学者约瑟夫S奈在其著作硬权力与软权力中指出:“传统而言,作战能力往往是检验大国的标尺。而现在,权力的定义不再强调昔日极其突出的军事力量和征服。技术、教育和经济增长因素在国际权力中的作用越来越重要,而地理、人口和原材料则变得越来越不重要了国际政治性质的变化常常使无形的权力变得更加重要。国家凝聚力、普世文化、国际制度正在被赋予新的意义简单地说,软性的同化权力与硬性的指挥权力同样重要”(约瑟夫S奈著:硬权力与软权力,门洪华泽,北京大学出版社2005年版,第97页)。1620世纪主要支配国及其权力资源时期支配国主要权力资源16世纪西班牙黄金、殖民地贸易、雇佣军、王朝联系17世纪荷兰贸易、资本市场、海军力量18世纪法国人口、乡村工业、公共管理、陆军19世纪美国工业、政治凝聚力、财政与信贷、海军、自由规范、岛国位置(易于防卫)20世纪美国经济规模、科技领先、普世性文化、军事实力与联盟、自由国际机制、跨国传播中心资料来源:Joseph Nye, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power , New York: Basic Books, 1990, P.3.1、根据你的理解,作者所提到的“软权力”指的是什么?2、结合当代国际竞争特点,说明我国应当如何增强综合国力。3、从以上材料中找到一个你认为重要的话题,并起草一个用于课堂讨论的简要发言提纲。北京大学自主招生、保送生化学试题(07A卷)一、请举出两种以NaCl为主要原料的化学工业名称,并以化学方程式分别表示它们的反应原理。NaCl溶液含有(加略过量的除去),(加略过量的除去),(加略过量的除去)(最后用调节溶液的pH),除去这三种杂质的先后顺序为:二、用碳水化合物酿酒的一步反应是:(180g/mol)在酒化酶作用下转化为(46g/mol 0.79g/mL),反应式为:质量分数为1.7的能得多少体积百分的乙醇?三、人们早就发现柳树皮具有镇痛作用,后知其有效成分是水杨酸 ;因为它对胃肠道黏膜有刺激作用,19世纪末合成镇痛效果和水杨酸相当而副作用较轻的乙酰水杨酸(阿司匹林 。)20世纪又把阿司匹林通过乙二醇连接在高聚物上得缓释阿司匹林。1、水杨酸转变为阿司匹林的反应式为:2、制缓释阿司匹林的高聚物的化学式为:四、铵盐NH4A热分解反应是NH4+的质子转移过程:1、若不同铵盐中NH4+给出质子的倾向相近,则固态NH4P和固态NH4I,何者分解温度高?2、若HA有氧化性,将和NH3发生氧化还原反应。请分别写出NH4NO3、NH4NO2热分解方程式。五、1.0g P2O5(142g/mol)能和237mL(标准状况下)HCl(g)反应,请写出反应式六、用石墨电极分别电解下列两种溶液,写出电极反应式和实验现象含紫色石蕊的溶液阴极 现象阳极 现象含紫色石蕊的NaCl溶液阳极 现象阳极 现象English Test (A)Part I Vocabulary and Structure(20%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I.1. Because he was seriously ill, he in bed waiting for the doctor to come.A. layB. laidC. liedD. lain2. “Perhaps you should go home now.”“No, I insist here a while longer.”A. to stayB. for stayingC. on stayingD. to be staying3. As you know, the workers a fair wage for their hard work.A. askedB. declaredC. appliedD. demanded4. In my opinion, if you fail, dont lose your heart, just .A. dont stop to tryB. keep on tryingC. not give up tryingD. continue your tries5. The fact that a lat of factories were faced with a very difficult situation.A. informedB. intendedC. introducedD. indicated6. It would be a risk to let the child go to school by himself.A. followingB. passingC. runningD. carrying7. Take, for example, the situations that doctors met with almost every night.A. emergenceB. emergencyC. encourageD. entertainment8. It is recorded that much of London was by a big fire in the seventeenth century.A. destroyedB. damagedC. declinedD. decreased9. Teachers have been aware the need for the newer methods used in schools.A. aboutB. forC. ofD. with10. In this way, the school and the home join forces in bringing the fullest development of youngsters abilities.A. backB. downC. overD. about11. By the time you got to Greenwich you the most historic parts of London.A. will be seeingB. will seeC. are going to seeD. will have seen12. “I have forgotten to buy sandwiches.” “It doesnt matter. You can have .”A. some of usB. our someC. some of oursD. some of our13. If not for these armed forces, the situation there what it is today.A. is neverB. would never have beenC. will never beD. was never14. Not only any harm, it helps digestion and is good for health.A. does the germ not do youB. that the germ will not do youC. the germ does not do youD. that the germ will do you 15. It is clear that a great deal of energy this way.A. are wastedB. were wastedC. has wastedD. is wasted16. Both the buses will stop at the Peace Hotel, and you can take of them to get there.A. eachB. eitherC. anyD. both17. She asked almost everyone she knew what kind of clothes for the party.A. wearingB. wearC. to wearD. wears18. Spring , we may perhaps look forward to better weather.A. having comeB. has comeC. having teen comeD. is coming19. They were expecting the doctor to finish the operation dawn.A. onB. tillC. inD. before20. your daughter is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about.A. WhenB. SinceC. ThoughD. AfterPart II Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I.Passage IMr. Richards was quite good at shooting with a rifle (来福枪), and he had taken part in several competitions in his small town. He had never actually won a prize, but each time he had done well and once he had come in fourth.Then he had to go to a big city on business for a month, and as he had noting much to do in the evenings, he joined the local rifle club, and spent several pleasant evenings shooting there.The rifle club had a very good first team, which used to take part in a lot of important shooting competitions. One of these took place while Mr. Richards was with them, and of course he went to see it. But one of the members of the clubs team suddenly fell ill just before the match, and the captain had to choose somebody else to take his place in a hurry. He had heard that Mr. Richards had taken part in several competitions already, and he had seen for himself at the club that, although he was not up to the standard of the clubs first team, he was quite a good shot. He therefore invited him to take the sick mans place.Mr. Richards felt greatly honored to be asked to shoot for such a good team, but he also felt very nervous, because he was afraid of making a fool of himself and letting down his team.In fact, he was so nervous that he could not keep his hand from trembling while he was shooting, with the result that he did very badly in the competition . When he took his score card to his captain , he said , “After seeing my score , I feel like going outside and shooting myself. ”The captain looked at the card for a few minutes and then said , “Well, you had better take two bullets with you if you do that.”21、How did it happen that Mr. Richards took part in the competition for the clubs first team?A) He was a member of the clubs first team.B )He was a first-rate shot in competitions.C) He wanted to take the sick mans place.D) He took part in the competition at the invitation of the captain.22、How did Mr. Richards feel after the competition?A) He felt uncomfortable.B) He was very much shocked.C) He felt very much ashamed.D) He was very angry with himself23、According to the passage, which of the following was true of Mr. Richards?A) He joined the local club to compete with other members.B) He was a man who had a strong sense of self-respect.C) He always came in first in all the competitions he took part in.D) He was full of confidence before the competition.24、What does the last sentence “You had better take two bullets with you if you do that.” mean?A) You are such a dad shot that you might miss the target while trying to kill yourself.B) The quality of the bullets is very dad. You had better take an extra one.C) One bullet is not powerful enough to kill a person.D) There are two bullets left in your rifle. You had better use them up.25、The tone of the last sentence is .A) humorous B) ironicalC) sad D) impolitePassage 2But enough of the joys of childhood. What about its pains? How many of us suffered during those happiest days of our lifeour schooldays? School is two things. It is the childs first taste of independence, the place where he must stand on hisown two feet, and stand up for himself. And it is the place where he gains the knowledge that is to prepare him for life in the outside, grown-up world of jobs and running a house and what to do in ones spare time.Nobody can govern childrens relationships with each other. There must be worked out by each child individually. But the question of what children learn, and how they should learn it, is continually being debated and re-debated. Nobody dares any longer to defend the old system, which was good enough for our grandparents. The theorists of modern psychology(心理学)have stepped in to argue that we must understand the needs of children. Children are not just small adults; they are children who must be respected as such.Well, you may say ,this is as it should be, and a good idea. But think further. What happens? Education becomes the responsibility not of teachers, but of psychologists. What happens then? Teaches worry too much about the psychological implications(含义)of their lessons, and forget about the subjects themselves. If a child dislikes a lesson, the teacher feels that it is his fault, not the childs. So teachers worry whether history is relevant to modern young children. And do they dare to tell stories about violent battles? Or will this make the children themselves violent? Can they tell their classes about children of different races, or will this encourage racial hatred?You see, you can go too far. Influenced by education theorists, who have nothing better to do than write books about their ideas, teachers leave their teacher-training colleges filled with psychological ideas about children and their needs. Since one modern method rapidly replaces another, the poor kids will have had a good bellyful(过量)by the time they leave school.The result is that the children become bored and restless, and the teachers feel hopeless. The educational theorists invents new the theories; the parents are dissatisfied with their bad-tempered, ill-educated, undisciplined children, and blame the teachers. The children become violent: they get angry at both lessons and teachers, learn nothing, and play with knives in the classrooms. The teachers become frightened of the pupils, who are unable to keep control, and often leave the profession altogether.26、“The happiest days of our life” refer to the days when .A) we enjoyed childhoodB) many of us sufferedC) we enjoy independenceD) we were schoolchildren27、What the modern theoretical psychologists argue is that .A) nobody should defend the old systemB) children are adults though they are smallC) teachers should understand childrens needs D) children are better if they know what they learn28、What happens when education becomes the responsibility of psychologists?A) Teachers worry more about the subjects they usually teach.B) Teachers think more of the influence their lessons give on children.C) Teachers think of it more important to teach children history.D) Teachers dare to present lessons about violent battles.29、How do newly-qualified teachers go about their jobs?A) They use new methods and change them one after another.B) They make the children suffer over a long period.C) They make good preparations for their subjects.D) They fail to use their psychological training in their jobs.30、What is the result of this state of affairs?A) The teachers educate the children into a state of boredom.B) The parents are angry about their childre


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