八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I do(第6课时)Reading Maybe you should learn to relax!教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I do(第6课时)Reading Maybe you should learn to relax!教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I do(第6课时)Reading Maybe you should learn to relax!教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I do(第6课时)Reading Maybe you should learn to relax!教案 人教新目标版.doc_第4页
八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I do(第6课时)Reading Maybe you should learn to relax!教案 人教新目标版.doc_第5页




unit2 reading: maybe you should learn to relax!(第6课时) teaching goals:(1)students can talk about their problems and find out some ways to solve their problems.(2) new words and phrases: football, until, fit, as much as possible, pressure, complain, include, pushy, send, all kinds of, compare, crazy, themselves, adult, on the one hand, on the other hand, organized.(3)to be able to write a passage, describe their own feelings about their lives.preview:1. 单词互译:足球 到为止 适合,适应 包括,包含 推动,督促 派遣,打发 (反身代词)他们自己 自由 pressure complain pushy compare crazy adult organized 2. not until, fitinto , sendto, by themselves, its time for/to,as much as possible, take part in, see doing, compare with, on the one/other hand.通过课件闪现单词,让学生一起快速回答单词含义,达到复习效果,然后进行记忆比赛,看谁能在短时间内将课件闪现的全部单词记住的最多。(设计意图:由于本篇课文中出现的生词较多,单词的复习和对文章中短语的设计可以让学生更轻松的理解原文,实行抢答可以充分调动学生的积极性。)warming up and leading in:1. the teacher asks some students questions: what do you do after school every day? what do you usually do at home on weekends? let students discuss in groups. then let some students say about their after-school activities.(设计意图:从学生们周围感兴趣的事情出发可以调动学生的积极性,因为谈论的是同学们自己的事情所以有话可说,有事可做,学生的参与性高,课堂效果较好。)2. sum up: i know you are very tired. you have much homework to do. you have to study for tests. in the future, youll have to study harder and get higher grades. so you are under too much pressure. no matter what after-school activities you do, you should learn to relax! while-reading activities:一、 skim reading:do you want to know the students lives in other countries? lets find out the answers together. give students four questions to check if you understood it well.a. what time can the three children go home?b. what do doctors and teachers think of these children? c. what kinds of clubs do you know? d. when does the competition start?ask them to discuss in groups and show their answers to us. although their answers arent very incomplete, encourage them to study by themselves.(设计意图:通过快速阅读,以小组为单位快速找出问题答案,这样可以使学生对文章意思大概有所了解。)二、 intensive reading:1. (通过仔细阅读完成思维图,方便学生宏观上更好的把握本段课文,根据提示完成复述课文的任务,降低难度。)(讲解知识点,让学生巩固重点句型)2. (设计意图:以判断正误的形式可以使学生很轻松的找到答案,学生自己通过阅读得出的答案印象会更深刻。由于这两段句型及短语较多,让学生以小组为单位找出重难点,其中一个小组代表发言,其他小组可以补充或对原文提出疑问,然后一起解答。这样的小组合作,小组互助可以帮助学生自主学习习惯的养成。)(学生找出重难点后,由老师在梳理一下知识点,将这两段的知识点展现在大屏幕上,让学生更清晰的掌握这些短语及句型。然后以填空的形式将两段文章呈现出来,既可以让学生朗读课文,也可以重点突出想强调的单词,达到当堂巩固的效果。)3. (本部分采取连线形式,这种简单的方式可以调动更多的学生去参与,提高学生积极性,效果较好。整体理解文章意思之后,老师讲解知识点。然后依然通过短文填空的形式朗读课文,这样做更多的学生能在课上将文章里的重点单词及短语掌握,可以树立学生学习英语的信心。)post-reading activities:1. listen to the tape, find out some difficult words for yourself. pay attention to the pronunciation of those words.(此环节可以让学生有自我消化的时间,听课文的同时也纠正了自己个别单词的发音。)2. today we have learned the text “maybe you should learn to relax”. what can we learn from the text? when we feel under pressure, we should learn to relax. we also should have good ways to relax. for example, we could eat healthy food, try to have a good life habit, do sports, talk with others, and try to be outgoing and so on.homework and conclusion:you are dr alice green. write a letter to cathy taylor. give advice about what she should do with her children.(课后作业让学生以一位心理医生的名义给一位母亲写封信,以提出如何对待孩子的建议。学生能从自身实际出发结合自己所学知识加以运用。)当堂检测:一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. on sundays i always have lots of things (do).2. children need (organize) activities, but they also need time to play.3. do you believe that he can study by (he)?4. he finds it (difficulty) to plan things for himself.5. teachers always complain about (teach) tired students in school.二、根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空一词。1.昨晚我直到9点钟才睡觉。i go to bed 9 yesterday evening.2.请尽可能多地吃蔬菜。please eat vegetables .3.刚才我看见他在做作业。 just now i saw him homework。4.父母们总是拿自己的孩子与其他的孩子做比较。parents are always their children with other ones.5.我发现我很难为自己安排生活。i find to plan things for .当堂检测答案:一、1.to do 2.organized 3. himself 4.difficult 5.teaching二、1.didnt until 2. as much as 3.paringwith 5.it,myself不足之处:在课堂教学中,尽管以学生的练为主,但并不是所有的学生都得到了充分的锻炼,回答问题时大部分学生能活跃起来,然而一堂课中,有学生多次发言,也有学生一次也未能举手主动发言,所以如何调动所有学生的积极性是课后要关注


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