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A 1. a (an) 2. abandon 3. ability 4. able 5. abnormal 6. aboard 7. abolish 8. abortion 9. about 10. above 11. abroad 12. abrupt 13. absence 14. absent 15. absolute 16. absorb 17. abstract 18. absurd 19. abundant 20. abuse 21. academic 22. academy 23. accelerate 24. accent 25. accept 26. acceptable 27. access 28. accessible 29. accident 30. accommodation 31. accompany 32. accomplish 33. according to 34. account 35. accountant 36. accumulate 37. accuracy 38. accuse 39. accustomed 40. ache 41. achieve 42. achievement 43. acid 44. acknowledge 45. acquire 46. acquisition 47. acre 48. across 49. act 50. action 51. active 52. activity 53. actor 54. actress 55. actual 56. AD 57. ad 58. adapt 59. add 60. addicted 61. addition 62. address 63. adequate 64. adjust 65. adjustment 66. administration 67. admirable 68. admire 69. admission 70. admit 71. adolescent 72. adopt 73. adore 74. adult 75. advance 76. advantage 77. adventure 78. advertise 79. advertisement 80. advice 81. advise 82. advocate 83. affair 84. affect 85. affection 86. afford 87. afraid 88. Africa 89. African 90. after 91. afternoon 92. afterwards 93. again 94. against 95. age 96. agency 97. agenda 98. agent 99. aggressive 100. ago 101. agree 102. agreement 103. agricultural 104. agriculture 105. ahead 106. aid 107. AIDS 108. aim 109. air 110. aircraft 111. airline 112. airmail 113. airplane 114. airport 115. airspace 116. alarm 117. album 118. alcohol 119. algebra 120. alike 121. alive 122. all 123. allergic 124. alley 125. allocate 126. allow 127. allowance 128. almost 129. alone 130. along 131. alongside 132. aloud 133. alphabet 134. already 135. also 136. alternative 137. although 138. altitude 139. altogether 140. always 141. a.m./am,A.M./AM 142. amateur 143. amaze 144. amazing 145. ambassador 146. ambassadress 147. ambiguous 148. ambition 149. ambulance 150. America 151. among 152. amount 153. ample 154. amuse 155. amusement 156. analyse 157. analysis 158. ancestor 159. anchor 160. ancient 161. and 162. anger 163. angle 164. angry 165. animal 166. ankle 167. anniversary 168. announce 169. annoy 170. annual 171. another 172. answer 173. ant 174. Antarctic 175. antique 176. anxiety 177. anxious 178. any 179. anybody 180. anyhow 181. anyone 182. anything 183. anyway 184. anywhere 185. apart 186. apartment 187. apologize 188. apology 189. apparent 190. appeal 191. appear 192. appearance 193. appendix 194. appetite 195. applaud 196. apple 197. applicant 198. application 199. apply 200. appoint 201. appointment 202. appreciate 203. approach 204. appropriate 205. approve 206. approximately 207. arbitrary 208. arch 209. architect 210. architecture 211. Arctic 212. area 213. argue 214. argument 215. arise 216. arm 217. armchair 218. army 219. around 220. arrange 221. arrest 222. arrival 223. arrive 224. arrow 225. art 226. article 227. artificial 228. artist 229. as230. ash 231. ashamed 232. Asia 233. Asian 234. aside 235. ask 236. asleep 237. aspect 238. assess 239. assignment 240. assist 241. assistance 242. assistant 243. associate 244. association 245. assume 246. assumption 247. astonish 248. astronaut 249. astronomy 250. at 251. athlete 252. Atlantic 253. atmosphere 254. atom 255. attach 256. attack 257. attain 258. attempt 259. attend 260. attention 261. attitude 262. attract 263. attraction 264. attractive 265. audience 266. aunt 267. authentic 268. author 269. authority 270. automatic 271. autonomous 272. autumn 273. available 274. avenue 275. average 276. avoid 277. awake 278. award 279. aware 280. away 281. awful 282. awkward B283. baby 284. bachelor 285. back 286. background 287. backward(s) 288. bacon 289. bad (worse, worst) 290. badminton 291. bag 292. baggage 293. bake 294. bakery 295. balance 296. balcony 297. ball 298. ballet 299. balloon 300. bamboo 301. ban 302. banana 303. band 304. bandage 305. bank 306. bar 307. barbecue 308. barber 309. bare 310. bargain 311. bark 312. barrier 313. base 314. baseball 315. basement 316. basic 317. basin 318. basis 319. basket 320. basketball 321. bat 322. bat 323. bath 324. bathe 325. bathroom 326. bathtub 327. battery 328. battle 329. bay 330. BC 331. be 332. beach 333. bean 334. bear 335. beard 336. beast 337. beat (beat, beaten) 338. beautiful 339. beauty 340. because 341. become (became, become) 342. bed 343. beddings 344. bedroom 345. bee 346. beef 347. beer 348. before 349. beg 350. begin(began, begun) 351. beginning 352. behalf 353. behave 354. behaviour 355. behind 356. being 357. belief 358. believe 359. bell 360. belly 361. belong 362. below 363. belt 364. bench 365. bend (bent, bent) vt. 366. beneath 367. beneficial 368. benefit 369. beside 370. besides 371. betray 372. between 373. beyond 374. bicycle 375. bid 376. big 377. bike = bicycle 378. bill 379. biography 380. biology 381. bird 382. birth 383. birthday 384. birthplace 385. biscuit 386. bit 387. bite (bit, bitten) 388. bitter 389. black 390. blackboard 391. blame 392. blank 393. blanket 394. bleed 395. bless 396. blind 397. block 398. blonde 399. blood 400. blouse 401. blow 402. blow (blew, blown) 403. blue 404. board 405. boat 406. body 407. boil 408. bomb 409. bond 410. bone 411. bonus 412. book 413. booklet 414. boom 415. boot 416. bored 417. boring 418. born 419. borrow 420. boss 421. botany 422. both 423. bother 424. bottle 425. bottom 426. bounce 427. boundary 428. bow 429. bowl 430. bowling 431. box 432. boxing 433. boy 434. boycott 435. brain 436. brake 437. branch 438. brand 439. brave 440. bravery 441. bread 442. break (broke, broken) 443. breakfast 444. breakthrough 445. breast 446. breath 447. breathe 448. brick 449. bride 450. bridegroom 451. bridge 452. brief 453. bright 454. brilliant 455. bring (brought, brought) 456. broad 457. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) 458. brochure 459. broken 460. broom 461. brother 462. brown 463. brunch 464. brush 465. Buddhism 466. budget 467. buffet 468. build (built, built) 469. building 470. bump 471. bunch 472. burden 473. bureaucracy 474. burglar 475. burn(burnt, burnt 或ed, -ed) 476. burst 477. bury 478. bus 479. bush 480. business 481. businessman 482. businesswoman 483. busy 484. but 485. butcher 486. butter 487. butterfly 488. button 489. buy (bought, bought) 490. by 491. bye C492. cab 493. cabbage 494. cafe 495. cafeteria 496. cage 497. cake 498. calculate 499. call 500. calm 501. camel 502. camera 503. camp 504. campaign 505. can 506. canal 507. cancel 508. cancer 509. candidate 510. candle 511. candy 512. canteen 513. cap 514. capable 515. capital 516. capsule 517. captain 518. caption 519. car 520. carbon 521. card 522. care 523. career 524. careful 525. careless 526. carpenter 527. carpet 528. carriage 529. carrier 530. carrot 531. carry 532. cartoon 533. carve 534. case 535. cash 536. cassette 537. cast (cast, cast) 538. castle 539. casual 540. cat 541. catalogue 542. catastrophe 543. catch (caught, caught) 544. category 545. cater 546. Catholic 547. cattle 548. cause 549. caution 550. cautious 551. cave 552. CD 553. ceiling 554. celebrate 555. cell 556. cent 557. centigrade 558. centimetre 559. central 560. centre 561. century 562. ceremony 563. certain 564. certificate 565. chain 566. chair 567. chairman chairmen 568. chairwoman chairwomen 569. chalk 570. challenge 571. challenging 572. champion 573. chance 574. change 575. changeable 576. channel 577. chant 578. chaos 579. chapter 580. character 581. characteristic 582. charge 583. charity 584. chart 585. chase 586. chat 587. cheap 588. cheat 589. check 590. cheek 591. cheer 592. cheerful 593. cheers 594. cheese 595. chef 596. chemical 597. chemist 598. chemistry 599. cheque (美check) 600. chess 601. chest 602. chew 603. chicken 604. chief 605. child (复children) 606. childhood 607. chocolate 608. choice 609. choke 610. choose (chose, chosen) 611. chopsticks 612. Christian 613. Christmas 614. church 615. cigar 616. cigarette 617. cinema 618. circle 619. circuit 620. circulate 621. circumstance 622. circus 623. citizen 624. city 625. civil 626. civilian 627. civilization 628. claim 629. clap 630. clarify 631. class 632. classic 633. classify 634. classmate 635. classroom 636. clause 637. claw 638. clay 639. clean 640. cleaner 641. clear 642. clerk 643. clever 644. click 645. client 646. climate 647. climb 648. clinic 649. clock 650. clone 651. close 652. cloth 653. clothes 654. clothing 655. cloud 656. cloudy 657. club 658. clue n. 659. clumsy a. 660. coach n. 661. coal n. 662. coast n. 663. coat n. 664. code n. vt665. coffee n. 666. coin n. 667. coincidence n. 668. coke n. 669. cold a. n. 670. collapse vi. 671. collar n. 672. colleague n. 673. collect vt. 674. college n. 675. colour n. vt. 676. column n. 677. comb n. v. 678. combine vt. 679. combination n. 680. come (came, come) 681. comedy 682. comfort 683. comfortable 684. command 685. comment 686. commercial a. 687. commission n. 688. commit v. 689. commitment n. 690. committee n. 691. common a. 692. communicate v. 693. Communism n. 694. Communist n. a. 695. community n.696. companion n. 697. company n. 698. compare vt. 699. compass n. 700. compensate v. 701. compete vi. 702. competence n.703. competition n. 704. complain v. 705. complaint n.706. complete a. vt. 707. complex a. n. 708. complicated a. 709. component n. 710. composition n. 711. comprehension n.712. compulsory a.713. computer n. 714. concentrate v.715. concept n.716. concern v./ n.717. concert n. 718. conclude v. 719. conclusion n. 720. concrete a.721. condemn v. 722. condition n. 723. conduct vt. 724. conductor n. 725. conference n. 726. confident a. 727. confidential a. 728. confirm v. 729. conflict n. v. 730. confuse v. 731. congratulate vt. 732. congratulation n. 733. connect vt. 734. conscience n.735. conscious a.736. consequence n.737. conservation n. 738. conservative a. 739. consider vt. 740. considerable a.741. considerate a. 742. consideration n. 743. consist v. 744. consistent a.745. constant a. 746. constitution n. 747. construct v. 748. construction n. 749. consult v. 750. consultant n. 751. consume v. 752. contact v. n. 753. contain v. 754. container n. 755. contemporary a. 756. content a. n. 757. context n. 758. continent n. 759. continue vi. 760. contract n. 761. contradict v. 762. contradictory a.763. contrary n. a. 764. contribute v. 765. control vt. n. 766. controversial a. 767. convenience n. 768. convenient a. 769. conventional a. 770. conversation n. 771. convey v. 772. convince v.773. cook n. v. 774. cooker n. 775. cookie n. 776. cool a. v. 777. cooperation n. 778. cope vi. 779. copy n. v. 780. corn n. 781. corner n. 782. corporation n. 783. correct v. a. 784. correction n. 785. correspond vi. 786. corrupt a. v. 787. cost n. v. (cost, cost) 788. cottage n. 789. cotton n. 790. cough n. vi. 791. could modal v.(can的过去式)792. council n.793. count vt. 794. counter n. 795. country n. 796. countryside n. 797. county n.798. couple n. 799. courage n. 800. course n. 801. court n. 802. courtyard n. 803. cousin n. 804. cover n. v. 805. cow n. 806. crack v.807. crash n. v.808. crayon n. 809. crazy a. 810. cream n. 811. create vt. 812. creature n.813. credit n. 814. crew n. 815. crime n. 816. criminal n. 817. crisis n.818. critic n.819. critical a.820. criticism n.821. criticize v.822. crop n. 823. cross n. 824. crossing n. 825. crossroads n. 826. crowd n. vt. 827. cruel a. 828. cry n. v. 829. cube n. 830. culture n. 831. cup n. 832. cupboard n. 833. cure n. vt. 834. curious a. 835. currency n. 836. current n. a. 837. curriculum n.(pl la) 838. curtain n. 839. cushion n. 840. custom n. 841. customer n. 842. customs n. 843. cut (cut, cut) v. n. 844. cute a.845. cycle vi. 846. cyclist n. D847. dad = daddy n. (口语) 848. daily a. ad. n. 849. dam n. 850. damage n. vt. 851. damp a. n. 852. dance n. vi. 853. danger n. 854. dangerous a. 855. dare v. aux. 856. dark n. a. 857. darling n.858. dash v. n. 859. data n. 860. database n. 861. date n. v. 862. daughter n. 863. dawn n. 864. day n. 865. dead a. 866. deadline n.867. deaf a. 868. deal n. v. 869. dear a. n. 870. death n. 871. debate n. v. 872. debt n. 873. decade n. 874. decide v. 875. decision n. 876. declare vt. 877. decline v.878. decorate vt.879. decoration n.880. decrease v. 881. deed n. 882. deep a. ad. 883. deer n. 884. defeat vt. 885. defence (美defense) n. 886. defend vt. 887. define v. 888. definite a. 889. definition n. 890. degree n. 891. delay v. n. 892. delete vt. n. 计893. deliberate a.894. delicate a.895. delicious a. 896. delight n. v897. deliver vt. 898. demand vt. 899. denmanding a.900. dentist n. 901. deny v.902. department (缩Dept.) n. 903. departure n. 904. depend vi. 905. deposit n. v.906. depression n.907. depth n. 908. describe vt. 909. description n. 910. desert n. 911. desert vt. 91
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