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常用的景观英文(参考) 1.主入口大门/岗亭(车行 & 人行) MAIN ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN ) 2.次入口/岗亭(车行 & 人行 ) 2ND ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN ) 3.商业中心入口 ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING CTR. 4.水景 WATER FEATURE 5.小型露天剧场 MINI AMPHI-THEATRE 6.迎宾景观-1 WELCOMING FEATURE-1 7.观景木台 TIMBER DECK (VIEWING) 8.竹园 BAMBOO GARDEN 9.漫步广场 WALKWAY PLAZA 10.露天咖啡廊 OUT DOOR CAFE 11.巨大迎宾水景-2 GRAND WELCOMING FEATURE-2 12.木桥 TIMBER BRIDGE 13.石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台 ROCKSCAPE WATERFALLS GROTTO/ VIEWING TERRACE 14.吊桥 HANGING BRIDGE 15.休憩台地(低处) LOUNGING TERRACE (LOWER ) 16.休憩台地(高处) LOUNGING TERRACE (UPPER ) 17.特色踏步 FEATURE STEPPING STONE 18.野趣小溪 RIVER WILD 19.儿童乐园 CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND 20.旱冰道 SLIDE 21.羽毛球场 BADMINTON COURT 22.旱景 DRY LANDSCAPE 23.日艺园 JAPANESE GARDEN 24.旱喷泉 DRY FOUNTAIN 25.观景台 VIEWING DECK 26.游泳池 SWIMMING POOL 27.极可意 JACUZZI 28.嬉水池 WADING weidi POOL 29.儿童泳池 CHILDRENS POOL 30.蜿蜒水墙 WINDING WALL 31.石景雕塑 ROCK SCULPTURE 32.中心广场 CENTRAL PLAZA 33.健身广场 EXERCISE PLAZA 34.桥 BRIDGE 35.交流广场 MEDITATING PLAZA 36.趣味树阵 TREE BATTLE FORMATION 37.停车场 PARING AREA 38.特色花架 TRELLIS 39.雕塑小道 SCULPTURE TRAIL 40.(高尔夫)轻击区 PUTTING GREEN 41.高尔夫球会所 GOLF CLUBHOUSE 42.每栋建筑入口 ENTRANCE PAVING TO UNIT 43.篮球场 BASKETBALL COURT 44.网球场 TENNIS COURT 45.阶梯坐台/种植槽 TERRACING SEATWALL/PLANTER 46.广场 MAIN PLAZA 47.森林、瀑布 FOREST GARDEN WATERFALL 48.石景园 ROCKERY GARDEN 49.旱溪 DRY STREAM 50.凉亭 PAVILION 51.户外淋浴 OUTDOOR SHOWER 52.拉膜结构 TENSILE STRUCTURE 53.台阶 STAIR 54.高尔夫球车停车场 PARKING ( GOLF CAR ) 55.健身站 EXERCISE STATION 56.晨跑小路 JOGGING FOOTPATH 57.车道/人行道 DRIVEWAY /SIDEWALK 58.人行漫步道 PROMENADE 59.瀑布及跳舞喷泉(入口广场) WATERFALL AND DANCING FOUNTAIN ( ENTRY PLAZA ) 60.特色入口 ENTRY FEATURE 61.石景广场 ROCKERY PLAZA 中国古典园林-classical Chinese garden中国传统园林-traditional Chinese garden中国古代园林-ancient Chinese garden 中国山水园-Chinese mountain and water garden帝王宫苑- imperial palace garden皇家园林-royal garden 私家园林-private garden江南园林-garden on the Yangtze Delta西方古典园林-western classical garden 英国式园林- English style garden中英混合式园林-Anglo-Chinese style garden意大利式园林- Italian style garden西班牙式园林-Spainish style garden法兰西式园林-French style garden勒诺特尔式园林-Le Notres style garden文艺复兴庄园-Renaissance style garden 洛可可式园林-Rococo style garden 巴洛克式园林-Baroque style garden庄园-manor,villa garden廊柱园-peristyle garden,patio绿廊-xystus迷阵-maze,labyrinth灵囿- Ling You Hunting Garden 周代术语灵沼-Ling Zhao Water Garden 周代术语灵台-Ling Tai Platform Garden 周代术语阿房宫-E-Pang Palace 秦代术语上林苑-Shang-Lin Yuan 汉代术语未央宫-Wei-Yang Palace 汉代术语洛阳宫-Luoyang Palace 魏代术语华清宫-Hua-Qing Palace 唐代术语艮岳-Gen Yue Imperial Garden 宋代术语圆明园-Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden颐和园-Yi-HE Yuan Imperial Garden承德避暑山庄-Chengde Imperial Summer Resort苏州园林-Suzhou traditional garden悬园- Hanging Garden 又称“悬空园”,“架高园”。英国皇家植物园-Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 又称“邱园”。凡尔赛宫苑-Versailles Palace Park枫丹白露宫园-Fontainebleau Palace Garden景-view,scenery,feature远景-distant view近景-nearby view障景-obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。借景-borrowed scenery,view borrowing对景-oppositive scenery,view in opposite place 缩景-miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery漏景- leaking through scenery框景-enframed scenery尾景-terminal feature主景-main feature副景-secondary feature配景- objective view夹景-vista line,vista 又称“风景线”前景-front view背景-background景序-order of sceneries景点-feature spot,view spot园林空间-garden space开敞空间-wide open space, wide space封闭空间-enclosure space意境-artistic conception, poetic imagery苍古-antiquity空灵-spaciousness, airiness动观- in-motion viewing静观-in-position viewing轴线-axis, axial line主轴-main axis副轴-auxiliary axis暗轴- hidden axis, invisible axis 又称“隐轴园林专业英语建史名词中英文对照(全国自然科学名词审定委员会1996年公布)园林史中国古典园林-classical Chinese garden中国传统园林-traditional Chinese garden中国古代园林-ancient Chinese garden 中国山水园-Chinese mountain and water garden帝王宫苑- imperial palace garden皇家园林-royal garden 私家园林-private garden江南园林-garden on the Yangtze Delta西方古典园林-western classical garden 英国式园林- English style garden中英混合式园林-Anglo-Chinese style garden意大利式园林- Italian style garden西班牙式园林-Spainish style garden法兰西式园林-French style garden勒诺特尔式园林-Le Notres style garden文艺复兴庄园-Renaissance style garden 洛可可式园林-Rococo style garden 巴洛克式园林-Baroque style garden庄园-manor,villa garden廊柱园-peristyle garden,patio绿廊-xystus迷阵-maze,labyrinth灵囿- Ling You Hunting Garden 周代术语灵沼-Ling Zhao Water Garden 周代术语灵台-Ling Tai Platform Garden 周代术语阿房宫-E-Pang Palace 秦代术语上林苑-Shang-Lin Yuan 汉代术语未央宫-Wei-Yang Palace 汉代术语洛阳宫-Luoyang Palace 魏代术语华清宫-Hua-Qing Palace 唐代术语艮岳-Gen Yue Imperial Garden 宋代术语圆明园-Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden颐和园-Yi-HE Yuan Imperial Garden承德避暑山庄-Chengde Imperial Summer Resort苏州园林-Suzhou traditional garden悬园- Hanging Garden 又称“悬空园”,“架高园”。英国皇家植物园-Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 又称“邱园”。凡尔赛宫苑-Versailles Palace Park枫丹白露宫园-Fontainebleau Palace Garden景-view,scenery,feature远景-distant view近景-nearby view障景-obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。借景-borrowed scenery,view borrowing对景-oppositive scenery,view in opposite place 缩景-miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery漏景- leaking through scenery框景-enframed scenery尾景-terminal feature主景-main feature副景-secondary feature配景- objective view夹景-vista line,vista 又称“风景线”前景-front view背景-background景序-order of sceneries景点-feature spot,view spot园林空间-garden space开敞空间-wide open space,wide space封闭空间-encloseure space意境-artistic conception,poetic imagery苍古-antiquity空灵-spaciousness,airiness动观- in-motion viewing静观-in-position viewing轴线-axis,axial line主轴-main axis副轴-auxiliary axis暗轴- hidden axis,invisible axis 又称“隐轴”1.主入口大门/岗亭(车行 & 人行) MAIN ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN ) 2.次入口/岗亭(车行 & 人行 ) 2ND ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN ) 3.商业中心入口 ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING CTR. 4.水景 WATER FEATURE 5.小型露天剧场 MINI AMPHI-THEATRE 6.迎宾景观-1 WELCOMING FEATURE-1 7.观景木台 TIMBER DECK (VIEWING) 8.竹园 BAMBOO GARDEN 9.漫步广场 WALKWAY PLAZA 10.露天咖啡廊 OUT DOOR CAFE 11.巨大迎宾水景-2 GRAND WELCOMING FEATURE-2 12.木桥 TIMBER BRIDGE 13.石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台 ROCKSCAPE WATERFALLS GROTTO/ VIEWING TERRACE 14.吊桥 HANGING BRIDGE 15.休憩台地(低处) LOUNGING TERRACE (LOWER ) 16.休憩台地(高处) LOUNGING TERRACE (UPPER ) 17.特色踏步 FEATURE STEPPING STONE 18.野趣小溪 RIVER WILD 19.儿童乐园 CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND 20.旱冰道 SLIDE 21.羽毛球场 BADMINTON COURT 22.旱景 DRY LANDSCAPE 23.日艺园 JAPANESE GARDEN 24.旱喷泉 DRY FOUNTAIN 25.观景台 VIEWING DECK 26.游泳池 SWIMMING POOL 27.极可意 JACUZZI 28.嬉水池 WADING POOL 29.儿童泳池 CHILDRENS POOL 30.蜿蜒水墙 WINDING WALL 31.石景雕塑 ROCK SCULPTURE 32.中心广场 CENTRAL PLAZA 33.健身广场 EXERCISE PLAZA 34.桥 BRIDGE 35.交流广场 MEDITATING PLAZA 36.趣味树阵 TREE BATTLE FORMATION 37.停车场 PARING AREA 38.特色花架 TRELLIS 39.雕塑小道 SCULPTURE TRAIL 40.(高尔夫)轻击区 PUTTING GREEN 41.高尔夫球会所 GOLF CLUBHOUSE 42.每栋建筑入口 ENTRANCE PAVING TO UNIT 43.篮球场 BASKETBALL COURT 44.网球场 TENNIS COURT 45.阶梯坐台/种植槽 TERRACING SEATWALL/PLANTER 46.广场 MAIN PLAZA 47.森林、瀑布 FOREST GARDEN WATERFALL 48.石景园 ROCKERY GARDEN 49.旱溪 DRY STREAM 50.凉亭 PAVILION 51.户外淋浴 OUTDOOR SHOWER 52.拉膜结构 TENSILE STRUCTURE 53.台阶 STAIR 54.高尔夫球车停车场 PARKING ( GOLF CAR ) 55.健身站 EXERCISE STATION 56.晨跑小路 JOGGING FOOTPATH 57.车道/人行道 DRIVEWAY /SIDEWALK 58.人行漫步道 PROMENADE 59.瀑布及跳舞喷泉(入口广场) WATER FALL AND DANCING FOUNTAIN ( ENTRY PLAZA ) 60.特色入口 ENTRY FEATURE 61.石景广场 ROCKERY PLAZA园林英语简明字典 AAccessibility 可达性Accessible route 易达的路线advance notice 事先通知aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量aerobic digesters 需氧消化池aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙stone walls 石头墙wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏aesthetic controls 审美控制aggregate base 混合基础AIA 美国建筑师协会Anaerobic digesters 厌氧分解池APA 美国规划师协会arterial streets 主干道as-built records 施工记录ASLA 美国景观设计师协会athletic facility 运动设施average walking distance 平均步行距离axioms 原理Bbackfill 回填backhoe 挖沟机bar charts 横道图barrier design 障碍设计beams 大梁bearing capacity 承载力benchmarks 水准点billing 帐簿biodiversity 生物多样性bioengineering 生物工程biomass 生物量bioretention ponds 生物滞留池boardwalks 栈桥bonding company 担保公司bonusesbuns 奖金boundary definition 边界确定boundary(边界) survey 边界测量brownfields 褐色土地bulldozersbul,duz 推土机business development 商业开发business parks 商业园区Ccadastralkdstrl survey 地籍测量camping 野营 candlepower 烛光度cantileveredkntili:v, -lev wall 悬臂墙cascading waterfalls瀑布叠水 certificates of payment 付款证明书certifications of compliance 应允证明书cesspools 化粪池,污水坑,污水渗井,粪坑change orders 变更单changes unauthorized 未经同意的变更channels, stormwater 雨水沟渠,槽,渠道circulation control 循环控制circulation patterns 环流模式clay lenses 粘土防渗层clay soil 粘土clean-up 清扫,清理,清除,提纯,净化clearing and grubbing 清理和除根client 业主climate zones 气候带closeout 竣工cluster treatment systems 集中式污水处理系统co-ordinates 坐标cold 寒带collected rainwater 收集起来的雨水collector streets 次干道colloidal soil 胶质土壤commercial center design 商业中心设计communication 电信,交流community commercial 社区商业community facility standards 社区设施标准community parks and recreation planning data 社区公园和文娱体育规划资料community scale 社区尺度community standards 社区标准compaction 压实competition pools 竞赛用游泳池composting toilets 堆肥厕所conceptualization 概念化concrete crib wall 混凝土格笼墙cones of vision 视锥connected imperviousness 连续的非渗透地面conservation standards 保护标准constructed wetlands 人工湿地construction 施工brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙stone walls 石头墙wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏construction document 施工文件construction layout 施工布局construction observation 施工监理construction permits 施工许可construction sequence 施工顺序construction survey 施工测量contingencies 临时费contingency allowance 临时津贴contract 合同responsibilities 责任types of 类型unauthorized changes 未经同意的变更contract documents 合同文件control points 控制点conveyance techniques, stormwater 雨水的输送技术corrective observation 校正性(补救性,修正性)检查(监理)corridors 廊道cost data 造价数据cost estimate components 造价估算内容equipment costs 设备费equipment crew costs 设备人工费general requirements costs 一般要求的费用labor cost 人工费location 位置,地点material 材料overtime 加班费productivity 生产率project scale 项目规模quantity take-off methods 起点数量法cost estimating 造价估算cost plus 造价累计court games 场地运动court surface 运动场地地面CPM 关键路径法Critical Path Method. See CPM 关键路径法,见CPMCSI 施工规范原理culverts 涵洞,暗沟,管道cut operations 挖方工程Ddatum 数据decking平台面,铺板decks平台,甲板 basic components 基本内容design requirements 设计要求estimating design load 估算设计荷载framing method 结构方法plank-and-beam framing 厚木板梁框架platform framing 平台框架material 材料hardware 五金件wood 木料,木材site analysis 场地分析span tables 跨度表structural design 结构设计decks, function of 平台的功能deferred maintenance 延期维修(维护)demolition, general 整体破坏demolition ,selective 选择性破坏density 密度design development 设计扩初,设计深化design framework 设计框架design impacts 设计影响design quality 设计质量design speed 设计速度detail scale 细部尺度detention ponds 滞留池development 开发industrial. See industrial development 工业,见工业开发residential. See residential development 居住,见居住开发development programming 开发计划development types, industrial and business 开发类型,工业和商业dimensional Criteria 标注标准dimensions 标注dimension of human figures 人体尺度direct labor 直接人工费disconnected imperviousness 不连续的非渗透地面disposal 处理,处置,排除,清除DL. See direct labor DL.见直接人工费drainage 排水,流域面积,排洪,排水系统drinking water 饮用水dry detention ponds 干滞池durability 耐久性EEames, Charles and Ray 查理?埃姆斯和雷earthwork 土方ecological impact 生态影响economic impact 经济影响edge habitat 边缘栖息地edge restraint 边缘限制electrical lines 电力线embodied energy 蕴藏能量endwalls 尾墙energy 能量embodied. See embodied energy 具体化的,见蕴藏能量,具体能量energy costs 能量造价environmental impact analysis 环境影响分析environmental impact statement (EIS) 环境影响报告书(EIS)scoping process 确定范围程序environmental modification 环境修复equipment costs 设备费equipment crew costs 设备人工费equivalents 相等物,等同物estimating 估算stormwater runoff 雨水径流量estimating water flows 估算水流量evaluation 评价evapotranspiration rate 土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量速率exotic plant species 外来植物物种eye levels 视平线Ffabric reinforcement 纤维加固,织物加强件facilities planning data 设施规划数据feasibility planning 可行性规划federal regulations 联邦规范flood protection 防洪historic preservation 历史保留National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) 国家环境政策法案(NEPA)NPDES general permits NPDES一般性许可Section 10 permit 第10条许可Section 404 permit 第404条许可fee 费用cost plus fixed 固定费用之和lump sum 总数,总合retainer 律师费fences and walls 栅栏和围墙fences, wood and metal 栅栏,木栅栏和金属栅栏aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑components 组分,内容construction 施工structural considerations 结构方面的考虑field orders 现场通知单field sports 田径运动field surfaces 田径运动场地面field surveys 现场测量fill operations 填方工程fill, general 一般性填方 filter strips 滤器,滤池,过滤,滤水filtration 过滤filtration systems 过滤系统finish grading 设计标高flexible pavement 柔性地面铺装flood protection 防洪follow ups 连续footage 尺长footcandle 英尺烛光footing drains 基座处排水,立足点排水footings 立足点forward spatial bubbles foundations 基础fragmentation 破碎Freeway or Distributor Systems 高速路或分配者系统French drains 法式排水friction coefficient 摩擦系数frost depth 结冻深度,冰冻深度frost-thaw cycle 结冻-融化周期functional requirement 功能要求Ggarden pool 花园游泳池general conditions 一般情况general contractor 总承包商general demolition 整体破坏general fill 总填方general requirements 一般要求general requirements costs 一般要求的费用general roadway standards 一般道路标准geodetic survey 测地学测量GIS 地理信息系统golf and driving ranges 高尔夫和高尔夫练习场grading 场地平整granular soil粒状土壤gravity wall 重力墙graywater 灰水greenfields 绿色用地,绿色土地ground covers 地被植物groundwater protection 地下水保护groundwater recharge 地下水补给groundwater resources 地下水资源,地下水储量growing season 生长期guarantees 抵押物Hhand level 手动水平仪handrailings 扶手hazardous plants 有毒植物headwalls 头墙heavy duty 重型的,责任重大的herbaceous plants 草本植物highway 高速公路historic preservation 历史保留horizontal alignment 平面设计hot arid 炎热干燥hot humid 炎热潮湿hydrographic survey 水文测量hydrologic cycle 水文周期Iilluminance 亮度impervious surface ratio 不渗透地面比例industrial development 工业开发industrial parks 工业园区infiltration beds 渗透床infiltration ponds 渗透池infiltration wells 渗透井infiltration, stormwater 雨水渗透inspection 检查installation 安装Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) 保险赔偿比例地图interpretation 注释,解释invasive species 入侵物种irrigation 灌溉irrigation ponds 灌溉池塘irrigation systems 灌溉系统irrigation water, sources of 灌溉水水源Jjob meetings 工作会议joists 托梁Llabor costs 人工费lagoons 塘lamp characteristics 灯具的特点landscape assessment 景观评价Landscape Coefficient(KL) 景观系数(KL)landscape planning 景观规划landscape planning strategies 景观规划对策landscape plantings, calculating water景观种植用水量的计算large-scale sites 大型场地layout and surveying 布局和测量layout methods 布局方法layout plans 平面图,布局平面layout requirements 布局要求layout survey 布局测量leaching fields 沥滤场light depreciation 不强烈的抗议light duty 轻型的lighting 照明atmosphere and character 气氛和特征orientation and identification 方位和识别safety and security 安全和治安limit-of-work line 工作期限local or minor streets 当地的或小街道local regulations 当地规范(规定)aesthetic controls 审美控制construction permits 施工许可planned unit devel


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