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义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(沪教版)八年级下册八年英语教学设计孟冬梅海州九年一贯制学校2014年5月16日A Teaching DesignTitle:Helping those in need.Class Type:Listening and Speaking.Grade:EightI.Teaching Principles1. The analysis of the teaching materials. According to the English Curriculum standard,the general teaching aim is to develop the students comprehensive abilities of using English.a:Arouse the students interest in learning English by the practice of listening and speaking.b:Develop their good learning habits of listening and speaking.c:Strengthen their confidence of communicating in English.d:Form effective listening and speaking strategies.e:On the other hand,it is a listening and speaking lesson.The lesson is focused on the topic of helping those in need,which is related to our life,so it is helpful to improve learning interest of students and also provide a good chance to the moral coaching.2. The analysis of the learners.a:The students in Grade Eight have the ability to complete the tasks by cooperating.b:The students listening abilities are poor commonly .So we will listen to the recording more then once .c:Know about the topic in speaking well,it is easy to arouse the students interest in talking about the topic,but they may meet some difficulties in expressing their ideas.II.Teaching contents:1. Listening (P.6)2. Speaking A:Talk time (P.10) B:Speaking up (P.10)III.Teaching aims: 1.Language items:a:Enhance the abilities in vocabulary,grammar and daily expressions.read and understand the words:pay community.b:Learn to use the phrases: be going/planning to do be thinking about doing2. Ability aimsa: Extract and record key information ability of listening comprehension.b:Use the correct pronunciation intonation to express certain or uncertain plan or willingness. 3. Emotion and attitude Set up to serve others and society service consciousness.IV.Teaching methods:1. Learnercentered2. Taskbased activitiesV.Important points:Learn to use the phrases:1. be going/planning to do sth.2. be thinking about doing sth.VI.Difficult points:In listening and conversation,we can tell the variety of the speakers pronunciation intonation,and understand their meanings.VII.Expectations of the teaching results1. In a word,our students are the center of our class,we hope to improve the students abilities in listening and speaking through the teaching of the class.2. Set up an example of serving others and society heart and soul.VIII.Teaching proceduresStep 1: Warmingup 1. Ask the students to think about: “What groups of people need our help?”and write the answers on the blackboard,if necessary,give them a hand,for example: “the old,the poor,childrenHow should we help them?”S1:the oldoffer them seats on the bus.S2:the pooroffer them food,clothes and money,etc.S3:childrentake good care of them and play with them.Step2:leadingin:Lets listen to a recording, capture the key information in the listening material.1. Ask the students to find out the title and question in the listening part,and look at two pictures,then answer the following questions a:Was this interview from a TV programme or a radio programme?(From a radio programme)b:What types of moneyraising activities did the students take part in ?(possible answers:A dance competition/An art festival and a book fair/a charity fair)2. Look at the contents in the table.a:Students read the listening exercises in the table.First,find out what kind of information is missing in the blank,and remember hearing in focus correctly.b:Students read and understand the two words :pay community.3. Teacher plays the recorder,students finish the practice.4. Teacher plays the recorder again and students check the answer together.5. Students read the following sentences and determine who is speaker?a:We organized a dance competition for students.Dorisb:All the students sold their old books and CDS.Davidc:Their classes have raised money for their school and old people in the community.Host.d:We have enough money to buy new books for the school library now.Dorise:We raised more than two thousand yuan.Dorisf:Well use the money to buy food and clothes for old people in the community.Davidg:You raised one thousand five hundred yuan.Host.Step3:Learn: “Talk time”.1. The Teacher asks the students. “What are you going to do if you want to raise money?”Encourage the students to think about it actively,and lead in the teaching of “Talk time”2. The Teacher writes the example on the blackboard and leads the students to read it:Im going/planning to hold a food fair/an art festival.And help them sum up when we are sure about our plan,we use the phrase:“be going/planning to do”and explain it can be used to express the plan and the willingness.3. The Teacher writes the example on the blackboard and leads them to read it:Im thinking about holding a singing competition/food fair.Then help them to sum up the phrase: “be thinking about doing.”and explain it can be used to express:a:Anything has not been determined yet.b:Dont be sure of ones plan4. Students read the following sentences with correct pronunciation intonation and say out if their meanings are sure or not.a:Shes going to buy a new dress.(S)b:Im thinking about going to a cinema.(NS)c:Marys thinking about learning to play the piano.(NS)d:Cindys parents are planning to fly home next week.(S)e:Were thinking about starting a music club.(NS)f:Im going to go to bed early tonight.(S)5. Teacher plays the recording of “Talk time”. The students read after it and understand the variety of the pronunciation and intonation.6. In two pairs,the students finish the practive in the part of “Talk time”.Step4:Learn “speak up”. Talk about the voluntary activity which the students are going to take part in.Look at the picture1. In “speak up”, students read the instruction word and the contents in the options box, then read the conversation after the recorder.2. Students start“brainstorm”,think about more.voluntary activities.Teacher will write their voluntary activities that they say on the blackboard .3. Students form groups of four,follow the conversation,interview each other and discuss the voluntary activities which they are going to take part in.4. The teacher invite some groups to show their interview process in front of the whole class.5. Students write a report according to their own interview as following example. I interviewed three of my classmates. _ would like to _ because he/she thinks that _ . _ Chooses to _ because _ . _ Wants to _ .He/She believes that _ .Step5:Homework:1. Follow the contents in “speak up”, make a conversation and writ


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