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1 未来中国起重机的发展方向 随着中国经济的不断发展 ,现代科学技术不断更新,工业生产规模的扩大和自动化程度的提高,起重机在现代化生产过程中应用越来越广,作用愈来愈大,对起重机的要求也越来越高。尤其是电子计算机技术的广泛应用,促使了许多跨学科的先进设计方法出现,推动了现代制造技术和检测技术的提高。激烈的国际市场竞争也越来越依赖于技术的竞争。这些都促使起重机的技术性能进入崭新的发展阶段,起重机正经历着一场巨大的变革。 我国正以前所未有的速度进入全球化国际竞争市场,中国的起重机制造业面临着机遇与挑战并存的新形势。因 此中国起重机要不断发展和创新。现根据国内外起重机的新理论、新技术和新动向,结合实例,简要论述现代起重机的特征和未来中国起重机的发展方向。 1.重点产品大型化、高速化 由于工业生产规模不断扩大,生产效率日益提高,以及产品生产过程中物料装卸搬运费用所占比例逐渐增加,促使大型或高速起重机的需求量不断增长。起重量越来越大,工作越来越频繁,并对能耗和可靠性提出更高的要求。起重机已成为自动化生产流程中的重要环节。起重机不但要好用,容易维护,操作方便,而且安全性要好,故障要少,平均无故障工作时间要长。可靠性是国际 市场产品竞争的焦点,国外许多大公司都制定了可靠性内控标准。我国起重机的性能要赶超世界先进水平,最关键的是要改变传统的思维理念 ,提高可靠性,使起重机具有优异的耐久性、无故障性、维修性和使用经济性。 2、系列产品模块化、标准化、组合化和实用化 许多起重机是成系列成批量的产品,采用系统多目标整体优化方法进行起重机系列设计已成为发展重点,通过全面考虑性能、成本、工艺、生产管理、制造批量和使用维护等多种因素对系列主参数进行合理匹配,以达到改善整机性能降低制造成本,提高通用化程度,用较少规格数的零部件组成多品 种、多规格的系列产品,充分满足用户需求。 用模块化设计代替传统的整机设计方法,将起重机上功能基本相同的构件、部件和零件 制成有多种用途,有相同联接要素和可互换的标准模块,通过不同模块的组 2 合,形成不同类型和规格的起重机。对起重机进行改进,只需针对某几个模块。设计新型起重机,只需选用不同模块重新进行组合。由于提高了通用化程度,可使单件小批生产的产品改换成具有相当批量的模块生产,实现高效率的专业化生产,降低制造成本。能以较少的模块形式,组合成多品种多规格的起重机,满足市场需求,增加竞争能力。 3、通用产 品轻型化、小型化和多样化 有相当批量的起重机是在一般的车间仓库使用,要求并不很高,工作并不十分繁重。如何提高这些起重机的适用性,降低制造成本,是市场竞争能否获胜的关键。考虑综合效益,要求起重机尽量降低外形高度,简化结构,减小自重和轮压,也可使整个建筑物高度下降,建筑结构轻型化,降低造价和使用维护费用。因此电动葫芦桥式起重机和轻型梁式起重机会有更快的发展,并将大部分取代中小吨位一般用途桥式起重机。 用户的需求性促进了起重机的多样性。起重机的系列参数范围进一步扩大,功能选择进一步增加,一机多用产品进一步得到发展,以增强应变能力。在一般使用场合采用无线遥控操作的比例也将逐步增多。 芬兰科尼起重机公司经过长期的开发和创新,已形成一个轻型组合式标准起重机系列。整个系列由组合式工字形单梁、箱形单梁、悬挂箱形单梁、角形小车箱形单梁、偏轨箱形双梁和 UKA 流动工作站多个品种组成。主梁与端梁相接共有 20 多种形式,可适合不同建筑物和不同起吊物的要求。每种规格起重机都有三种单速及三种双速可供任意选择,并且大小车运行 采用变频控制作为标准配置,还能根据客户要求、使用工况做针对性的设计。操纵方式有地面手电门自行移动、手电门随小车移动、手电门固定、远红外或无线电遥控、司机室固定、司机室随小车移动、司机室自行移动、 PLC编程控制等多种选择,外加不同的导电形式,不同的电控形式,通过不同的组合,可搭配成百上千种起重机,充分满足用户不同的需求。 4、产品性能自动化、智能化和集成化 起重机的更新和发展,很大程度上取决于电气传动与控制的改进。将自动化技术和机械传动技术相结合,将先进的微电子技术、电力电子技术、光缆通讯技术、液压技 术、模糊控制技术应用到机械的驱动和控制系统,实现自动化和半自动化。使起重机组成的物料搬运系统具有更高的柔性,以适应未来多批次少批量的柔性生产模式。 3 大型高效起重机的新一代电气控制装置已发展为全电子数字化控制系统。主要由全数字化控制驱动装置、可编程序控制器 PLC、故障诊断及数据管理系统、数字化操纵给定检测等设备组成。它赋于起重机以信息功能,可进行信息传递、处理及动力控制,大大提高了综合自动化水平。目前控制方面重点发展吊具防偏防摇技术,取物装置自动取、卸物技术,位置检测及自动位置控制技术,故障自诊断监控 技术等。 电气传动方面重点开发以微处理机为核心的高性能电气传动装置,使起重机具有优良的调速和静动特性,可进行操作的自动控制、自动显示与记录,起重机运行的自动保护与自动检测,复杂条件下的远距离遥控等,以适应自动化生产的需要。 科尼起重机针对一些特殊行业,采用激光装置查找起吊物的重心位置,依靠超声波传感器引导取物装置抓取货物。大车和小车运行采用编码轨系统测定路径,起升高度采用恒定张紧的测量索和角度发生器测定。起重机采用磁场变换器或激光达到高精度定位。起重机上安装了近场感应系统,可避免起重机之间的 互相碰撞。采用无线遥控时载重称量也能在远控发射机上显示。起重机上还装有微机自诊断监控系统,该系统能提供大部分常规维护检查内容,如钢丝绳状况,减速器油温油位,车轮轴承温度,起重机载荷、应力和振动情况,制动器摩擦衬片的寿命及温度状况等。 5、产品设计微机化、精确化和快速化 随着电子计算机技术的广泛应用和系统工程、优化工程、价值工程、可靠性工程、创造工程和人机工程等现代设计理论的不断发展,促使许多跨学科的现代设计方法出现,使起重机的设计进入创新、高质量、高效率的新阶段。目前,计算机辅助设计 (CAD)已逐步深入到设 计的各个阶段和设计工作所涉及的各个领域。不仅能利用计算机运算速度快、计算精度高、存储信息量大和逻辑推理能力强等优点代替人工进行方案选择、计算分析与绘图,而且还能通过人机交互,最大限度地发挥设计人员的创造力和经验。国际上一些大型的起重机公司都广泛应用 CAD 彻底抛弃了传统的图板。并且还与计算机辅助工艺规划 (CAPP)和计算机辅助制造 (CAM)相衔接,做到了无图化生产。 芬兰科尼起重机公司对其所有产品采用三维模拟仿真设计,对每个受力点进行模拟计算,使每个配件都能发挥理想的效用;并且科尼起重机公司以预先编制 程序和设计标准为基础开发了高质,高效和先进的设计软件以确保起重机的安全性和可靠性。采用相同和标准的方法设计起重机和选择科尼的标准零部件,遍布全球的科尼工程师均可采用公司集中开发的软件,方便而先进的工程软件使得起重机设计更便捷和可 4 靠。钢结构的优化设计和零部件正确选择确保起重机在其整个寿命内安全可靠,级别适宜,性能稳定。 随着起重机的高速化和大型化,还需进一步深入开展对起重机载荷变化规律、动态特性和疲劳特性的研究。进一步开展对起重机整机及零部件的可靠性试验研究,提供起重机新的设计方法和数据。极限状态设计 、优化设计、可靠性设计、有限元法、模块化设计、疲劳设计将会更深入全面地得到应用。 6、产品构造新型化、美观化和综合化 结构方面采用薄壁型材和异型钢,减少结构的拼接焊缝,提高抗疲劳性能。采用各种高强度低合金钢新材料,提高承载能力,改善受力条件,减轻自重和增加外形美观。桥式类型起重机桥架大多采用箱形四梁结构 (两根端梁 ,两根主梁 ),主梁与端梁采用高强度螺栓联接,便于加工、运输与安装。 在机构方面进一步开发新型传动零部件,简化机构。“三合一”运行机构由于结构紧凑。拆装方便、调整简单并运行平稳,将成为 起重机运行机构的主流,减速器壳体、卷筒及滑轮等的制造都以焊代铸,能减轻自重、增加承载能力和改善加工制造条件。减速器齿轮采用硬齿面,以减小体积,提高承载能力,增加使用寿命。 7、售后服务快捷化、专业化和人性化 公司的发展很大程度来自于售后服务是否完善,对客户来说自己所购买的产品售后是否有保障,设备出现故障时能否即时处理,减少对生产的影响。 芬兰科尼起重机公司在电气系统方面采用了接插件设计,每部分控制电路都采用对号入座,大大提高了安装与维修的效率;在电气系统中加入了监控单元,对电气系统进行故障自 检,电子显示屏显示错误信息,并对使用过程中的违规操作进行数据储存,这些数据都可以导入 PC 设备,从而很快的分析出原因,排出故障。科尼的培训中心,不仅仅只为科尼公司的技术人员和检测人员提供培训,同时也为客户的服务人员,起重机操作人员提供系统全面的设备培训。科尼“以客户为本”的宗旨,为客户解除后顾之忧,使客户能把更多的关注投入到生产发展上。 总结过去,中国的起重机应吸取国内外起重机的新理论、新技术和新动向,提高产品的可靠性,走现代化起重机之路,以强大的技术实力,融入国际化市场的大舞台! 5 Chinas future development direction of crane Along with Chinas economic development, modern science and technology constantly updated, the expansion of the scale of industrial production and automation degree rise, crane in modern production process used more and more widely, and more and more big role, to the requirements of the crane more and more is also high. Especially the wide application of electronic computer technology, prompted many interdisciplinary advanced design method appears, promote the modern manufacturing technology and detection technology improvement. The fierce international competition in the market also rely more and more on technology competition. These have prompted the crane technical performance into a new stage of development, crane is experiencing a big changes. country is in an unprecedented speed into the global international competition market, Chinas crane manufacturing are facing opportunities and challenges of the new situation. Thus Chinas development and innovation to crane. Now according to the domestic and foreign crane of new theories, new technology and new trends, combined with examples, briefly discusses the modern crane characteristics and the future development direction of Chinese crane. 1. The key product large-scale, quick running With the industrial production scale unceasingly expands, the production efficiency is increasing day by day, and the product manufacturing process materials handling fee increase gradually proportion, prompting the large or high-speed crane growing demand. The weight is more and more big, the work is more and more frequent, and the energy consumption and demand higher reliability. Crane has become an important link in the automatic production process. Crane is not only to use, easy maintenance, convenient operation, and better safety, failure to less, the average trouble-free time should be 6 long. Reliability is the focus of the products in the international market competition, the overseas many big companies have formulated reliability internal control standards. The performance of the crane to catch up in the advanced world level, the most important thing is to change the traditional thinking principle, improve reliability to make excellent durability, crane sex, maintainability and use without efficiency. 2.series product modularization, standardization, combination, and practical Many crane is a series of batch into product, the whole system multiobjective optimization methods for crane series design has become the focus of development, through the overall consideration performance, cost and process, production management, manufacturing batch and maintenance of the many factors such as parameters for reasonable matching series, in order to improve the comprehensive performance. Reduce manufacturing cost, improve generalization degree, with a relatively small number of parts specifications many varieties and specifications of products, fully meet user requirements. Use the modular design of the whole machine instead of traditional design method, the crane function basically the same components, components and parts are made from a variety of purposes, with the same connection elements and interchangeable standard module, through the combination of different modules, form different types and specifications of the crane. In crane was improved, just for one several modules. A new design crane, need to choose different modules combination again. Due to improve the generalization degree, can make mini-batch production of products with a batch convert the module production, achieve high efficiency specialized production, reduce the production cost. To less module form, a combination of many specifications varieties of crane, meet the market demand, increasing competition ability. 3. general product light-duty, miniaturization, and diversification 7 There are quite a batch of crane is in general use workshop warehouses, the requirement is not very high, work is not very heavy. How to improve the applicability of the crane, reduce manufacturing cost, is the market competition can the keys of success. Consider benefit, and requirements to minimize appearance crane height, simplified structure, reduce weight and wheel pressure, also can make the whole building highly drop, light-duty architecture structure, reduce the costs and maintenance costs. So the electric hoist bridge crane and light beam type faster development opportunity lifting, and will replace most of medium and small tonnage general purpose bridge crane. The user needs of promoting the diversity of crane. The crane series parameters range further expand, function selection to further increase, multi-use further develop products, in order to improve capability. In general use occasions the remote proportion also will gradually increase. Finland coney crane companies after long-term development and innovation, and has formed a light combined standard crane series. The whole series single by combined i-section box single-girder, hanging box single-girder, Angle form small trunk form, partial rail single box beam and flow workstation double UKA of varieties. The main girder beams with various forms of 20 connect, suitable for different buildings and different lifted the requirement of content. Each specification cranes have three single speed and three double speed for any choice, and the big car running USES frequency conversion control as standard equipment, can also according to the customer request, do the design of specific aim operating conditions. Control have ground flashlight door to mobile, flashlight door with the small car mobile, flashlight door fixed, far infrared remote control, the driver or radio fixed, driver, with room room car mobile, the driver room to move, PLC program control and so on many kinds of choices, and different conducting form, the application of 8 different forms, through the different combination, can match hundreds or thousands of kind of crane, fully meet the needs of different users. 4. product performance automation, intelligent and integration Crane update and development, to a great extent, depends on the electric drive and control improvement. Will automation technology and mechanical transmission technologies, advanced microelectronics technology, will power electronic technology, fiber optic cable communication technology, the hydraulic pressure technology, the fuzzy control technology is applied to mechanical drive and control system, and realize the automatic and semi-automatic. Make up of crane materials handling system has higher flexible, to meet the future batches of small quantity flexible production mode. Large efficient crane of a new generation of electrical control equipment has been developed as the electronic digital control system. Mainly by the digital control drive device, PLC programmable controller, fault diagnosis and data management system, digital manipulation of a given detection equipment. It with the information function of the crane fu, information transmission, processing and power control, greatly improving the integrated automation level. Currently control key development sling anti-eccentrically the wave technology, take content device to be automatic take things, unloading technology, position detection and automatic position control technology, fault diagnosis monitoring technology, etc. Electric drive in microprocessor key development as the core of the high-performance electric transmission device, make the crane with excellent speed and static dynamic characteristics, can undertake operating automatic control, automatic shows and records, crane operation of the automatic protection and automatic detection, under complicated conditions such as long distance remote, in order to adapt to the needs of the production of the automation. 9 Coney crane for some special industries, using laser device it the center of gravity of the search that position, rely on ultrasonic sensors guide take content device grab goods. And the car running the cart coding rail systems measure path, lifting height of the constant tensioning measurement cable and Angle generator determination. Crane used magnetic field or laser achieve high precision positioning converter. The crane installed near field induction system, can avoid the each other between crane collision. Using wireless remote control truck when weighing also can be in that remote control on the launch. The crane with microcomputer diagnosis monitoring system, this system can provide most of the routine maintenance and inspection content, such as wire rope status, reducer oil temperature oil level, wheel bearing temperature, crane load, stress and vibration, the brake friction burr and life expectancy of the temperature condition and so on. 5. the design of the product of computerization, precision and quickly Along with the wide application of electronic computer technology and system engineering, optimizing the engineering, value engineering, reliability engineering, engineering and man-machine engineering to create the development of the modern design theory, prompting many interdisciplinary modern design method appears, make the design of the crane, high quality, and innovation in the new stage of high efficiency. At present, the computer aided design (CAD) has gradually into the design of each stage and design work involved in various fields. Dont Can only use computer operation speed, high precision, store information and logical reasoning ability strong advantages to replace artificial scheme selection and calculation analysis and drawing, but also through the human-computer interaction, maximum design personnels creativity and experience. Some large crane on international companies are widely used CAD thoroughly discards the traditional board. And still with computer aided 10 process planning (CAPP) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) link up, do no pictures of production. Finland coney crane company on the product all the 3 d simulation design, each bearing point to simulate calculation, and that every accessories can play the ideal utility; And coney crane company with programmed procedures and design standards for the development foundation of high quality, high efficient and advanced design software to ensure the safety and reliability of the crane. Use the same standard method and design and choice of crane coney standard parts, all over the worlds coney engineers are can use focuses on the development of software, convenient and advanced engineering software makes crane design more convenient and reliable. The steel structure of the optimization design and the parts to ensure the correct choice in the whole span crane safe, reliable, and suitable for level, stable performance. Along with the fast pace and large crane, must have further research on crane load change rule, dynamic characteristic and fatigue property of research. Further research on the reliability of the machine parts and crane test research, a new design method and provide crane data. Limit state design, optimization design, design reliability, finite element method, the modular design, fatigue design will be more comprehensive, to get the application. 6. product structure, MeiGuanHua and integration of new type The structure of a thin-walled profile and the special-shaped steel, reduce the joining together of weld structure, improve the anti-fatigue performance. With various kinds of high strength low alloy steel new materials, improve the bearing capacity, improve the stress condition, reduce weight and increase the beautiful appearance. Bridge type type crane bridge is used mostly box four beam structure (two of the girders, two of the main girder), the main girder beams with high strength bolt connection, and facilitate processing, transportation and installation. 11 Further development in institutions new transmission parts, simplifying the mechanism. operation organization because of compact structure. Disassembling convenient, easy adjustment and smooth operation, will become the mainstream of the crane operation organization, reducer, drum and pulley shell in the manufactu
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