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云南省芒市中学高一英语unit 18 inventions the 2nd, 3rd, period教案一教学内容及解析内容: tell students how to develop their creativity and imagination of invention解析: discussion to help the students know something about the ways of creative thinking.二. 目标及其解析目标: enable the students to understand the importance of creativity and train the students reading ability.解析: introduce some important methods of creativity of invention and get the students to master the useful expressions and sentences.三教学中出现的问题1. how to get the students to improve their reading ability.2. how to help the students know something about the ways of creative thinking.3. learn and master the words and expressions.四教学支持条件a blackboard , a tape recorder五. 教学过程设计 教学基本流程 leading-pre-reading-while-reading-post-reading-consolidation 教学情景step1. leadingtest your iq!1. who never sees a doctor even he or she is ill?2. which month has 28 days?3. how can we lay two pairs of chopsticks to make a chinese character? 设计意图: motivate the students interests师生互动: first students speak them then check the answersstep 2. pre-reading(skimming and questions)1. the best title of the article is probably_a_.a. creativity b. great thinkers c. how to solve problems d. connection2. how do people come up with ideas for new inventions? how many ways are mentioned?设计意图: give the students a clear idea about this passage师生互动: according to the tape, the ss choose the answers step 3. while-reading find out what the following ways mean.para.2 think outside the box try new ways to solve a problem.para.3 make connections para.4 take another look at itlook at a problem in as many ways as possible.para.5 keep trying 设计意图: learn more about the structure of this passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph师生互动: teacher enable the students to understand the text better.step 4.post-reading (true or false )1 most inventors have a high iq. ( f )2 the things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand. ( t )3 its impossible to learn how to be creative. ( f )4 the best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer. ( f )5 inventors try to avoid failure. ( f )6 the more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution. ( t )7 most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error. ( t )设计意图: deal with the detail question and understand the text further.师生互动: let the students do them and check answersstep5 discussion time to test your creativity!三、目标检测从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. gilber lectricity and edison the electric bulb.a. found; discovered b. discovered; inventedc. invented; found out d. found out; discovered.2. i hope my dream will one day.a. realizeb. be realized c be come trued. came right设计意图: 通过应用所学知识完成练习题达到巩固所学知识的目的。如单词,固定表达的各种体形中的应用,加深印象,充分理解。师生活动:有的题可师生一起做,有的要求学生独立完成教师核对。配餐作业 a组题:选择正确的词组填空.be connected with come up with be aware ofas with get stuck allow for after allkeep track of break away from trial and error1. bank statements help you _ where your money is going.10. it will take about an hour to get to the destination, _traffic delays.设计意图:help the students understand these phrases, sentences structuresb组题:根椐句子意思你能填上所缺单词吗?1. he applied for a p_for his latest invention- a new method of removing paint.5. each number in the series 2-4-8-16 is twice as large as the p_ number.设计意图:review these words again and master them furtherc组题: 阅读理解 most of the people who appear most often in the history books are great conquerors(征服者) for that is what is going to mean in a war; it means saying that might is right.1.most people believe that the greatest countries are those that . a. built the highest pillars b. were beaten in battle by the greatest n


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