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unit 4body language.语境填词1his _ (陈述) about the matter might deepen peoples _(误解) of him.2this is _(simple) my _(主观的) judgment. 3although he was _(anger)then,he _(问候) all the guests warmly as they arrived.4for the sake of the security of some _(minor),they need more troops to _(保卫)the border against possible attack.5my _(联合)with him goes back to our days in high school.at present,our dreams have come _(truely).选词填空1he walked _ the room and didnt know what to do with the matter.2he _ very _ ring me tonight.3she had to _ herself _ the guard dog.4he sent me a letter and some money _.5i was _ the president at the party.完成句子1玛丽坐在教室的窗户旁,正在读一本书。mary sat by the window of the classroom,_.2老师进来了,紧跟着是他的学生。the teacher came in,_.3她向我跑来。she _ towards me.4自他离开后的近几年发生了巨大变化。great changes have taken place in the past few years _.5这不是钱的问题而是时间的问题。it is a question _.单项填空1he has employed one of the top lawyers in the uk to _ him.aprotect bpreventcguard ddefend2what did he major _ at university?ain bat con dabout3tyron was very angry,but coolheated enough to _ rushing into the bosss office.aprevent bavoidcdefend dallow4_,most teenagers now listen to rock music.however,john likes classical music better.ain a word bin generalcin time din total5_ we move the picture over there?do you think it will look better?aif only bwhat ifcas if deven if6i promise ill go shopping with you tomorrow.you can _.adepend bbelievecdepend on me dbe depended7jack plays football _,if not better than,david.aas well bas well ascso well dso well as8as the first person _ the deep cave,he was admired for his courage.aexploring bto explorecexplored dexplores9not tom but his parents _ for the accident.ais to be blamed bis to blamecare to be blamed dare to blame10_ some officials,napoleon inspected his army.afollowed by bfollowedcbeing followed dhaving been followed1approach vt.& vi.接近,靠近;要求;对付;n.靠近,接近;态度,方法【归纳拓展】approach to.(做某事)的方法/途径;接近,靠近at the approach of在快到的时候make approaches to sb.和某人打交道,设法接近/取悦某人easy/difficult of approach(场所)易/难接近的;(人)易/难亲近的on approaching them,we saw it was a mother whale with her baby. (2010湖北,阅读理解a)当我们靠近时发现,这是一个鲸妈妈带着她的孩子。(2)we heard the sound of an approaching car.我们听见一辆车驶近的声音。【活学活用】(1)the school has decided to _ to discipline.学校已决定采取另一种方法解决纪律问题。(2)用method,way,approach,means填空his teaching _ presents a new _ to foreign language teaching._ this means they can increase their sales.change your _ of thinking,and youll feel better.(3)in the lecture,the famous lecturer referred to three different _ to the study of physics.ameans bmethodscways dapproache2represent vt.代表;象征;宣称;说明_ adj.典型的,有代表性的;n.代表【归纳拓展】represent sb./sth.as/to be.宣称某人为;把某事(物)叙述为represent sth.to sb.represent to sb.sth.向某人说明/传达某事stand for代表,象征on behalf of sb.on sb.s behalf为了某人;代替某人;代表某人even scotland is represented by a unicorn.(2008江西,阅读理解a)甚至苏格兰的象征就是独角兽。【活学活用】(1)one of the jobs of the un is to protect human rights and improve laws _ people who need help.联合国的职能之一就是保护人权和完善代表被救助者利益的法律。(2)you should _ the management.你们应向管理阶层说明你们的不满。(3)it _ “best quality”它代表着“最好的质量”。(4)he was only an athlete,but he_ his own country.apresented bexpressedcrepresented dexpected3defend v防御;辩解_ n辩护;保卫;防卫【归纳拓展】defend.against/from.保卫免受defend oneself自卫come to sb.s defence帮助(保护)某人in defence of为辩护;保卫(1)he has two guns and laser eyes to help you defend yourself when you go outside with him.(2009江西,阅读理解c)他有两把枪和激光眼,以便当你与他外出时保护你。(2)we needed more troops to defend our country against/from attack.我们需要更多的部队来保卫我们的祖国免受攻击。【活学活用】(1)hundreds gave their lives _ freedom.数以百计的人为捍卫自由而献出了自己的生命。(2)用defend,guard,protect填空when the troops were sent to _ against the enemies,the villagers were hidden in a cave to _ themselves from being wounded and made their dogs _ their houses.(3)the fortress (堡垒)is_ by its cannon,_ by its walls and guarded by sentries (哨兵)adefended;defended bprotected;protectedcdefended;protected dprotected;defended4.ease n安逸;安心;轻松;v.减轻_ adj.容易的;安逸的【归纳拓展】at ease舒适,快活,自由自在feel/be at ease(感到)舒适而无忧虑;(感到)完全松弛ill at ease(因不安而)心神不定stand at ease!稍息!(军事口令)with ease容易地;无困难地here are three steps to ease the current food crisis and avoid the potential for a global crisis.(2008上海,阅读理解d)有三个措施可以缓解目前的粮食危机并避免潜在的全球危机。【活学活用】(1)i never feel _ in his company.跟他在一起,我总是感到很不自在。(2)_,peter.ill help you out. 别着急,彼得,我来帮你解决。(3)_ the pain by the medicine,he can walk as usual now.(2011金华调研)aeasing;ofbhaving eased;ofceased of;bydhaving eased of;by5in general总的来说;通常【归纳拓展】generally speaking总的来说;一般来说on the wholeto be short/briefto sum up总的来说in conclusion总而言之all in all总的来说but in general,marriage means more housework for women and less for men.(2009全国,阅读理解b)但总的说来,婚姻对妇女来说意味着更多的家务,而对男人来说则是更少。【活学活用】(1)_,about 10% of the candidates are eventually offered positions.一般来说,大约10%的求职者最终得到了职位。(2)_,her work has been good,but this essay is dreadful.(2011大庆月考)ato conclusion bin the word call in all don short6turn ones back to背对;背弃【归纳拓展】turn back往回走,折回get back恢复;取回bring back归还look back on/upon回忆,回顾he went over to say hello to her,but she turned her back to him.他走过去向她问候,但是她不理睬他。【活学活用】(1)i _ those days as the happiest time of my life.我回顾那些日子,把它看作是我生活中最快乐的日子。(2)you can borrow my car if you promise to_ it_ tomorrow.(2010萍乡模拟)aturn;back bbring;backcget;back dreturn;back7however,people from places like spain,italy or south american countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.译文_ _句式提取:be likely to do 某人有可能做某事it is possible (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)可能做某事【活学活用】(1)they _ fired by the company because of their fault.由于他们的过失,他们可能被公司解雇。(2)_ for him to come here.他可能来这里。they _ over child health care. (2010福建,阅读理解b)他们极有可能对孩子的医疗服务问题做出决定。(4)i think jack is_ to win,but im not sure.apossible bprobable ccertain dlikely8she looked as if she was from a middle eastern country,.译文_句式提取:as if引导从句(1)as if/though可引导表语从句和状语从句。若表示与现在事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用过去式,be动词通常用were(有时也可用was);若表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词则用had过去分词;若表示与将来事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词则用would动词原形。(2)如果as if/though引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符,就要使用陈述语气。【活学活用】(1)he talks about hong kong _ there before!他说起香港来好像他以前去过似的!(2)its my birthday today._ you didnt know!今天是我的生日,你好像不知道似的!(3)it looks_you are ill.you should go to see the doctor.aas bas thoughcwhich dwhether写作句型公式1主句unless从句i will come on monday unless you write me to the contrary.我将于星期一来,除非你写信叫我不来。2祈使句,and/and then/or主句one more step,and you will fall into the river.take one more step,and you will fall into the river.if you take one more step,you will fall into the river.taking one more step,you will fall into the river.如果你再往前走一步,你就会掉到河里。3ifnecessary/possible/important等主句if necessary,i will do it as soon as possible.如果必要,我将尽快做此事。日常交际用语37know something back to front:to know something thoroughly对某事了解很透彻you cant fool her!she knows the regulations back to front!你骗不了她!她对这些规则一清二楚。38lifes too short:to say that something is too unimportant to worry about or spend time on人生太短暂,没有必要为琐事担心或浪费时间dont think about that annoying matter;lifes too short.别想那件不愉快的事了,没有必要为它浪费时间。答案课前准备区.1.statement;misunderstanding2.simply;subjective3.angry;greeted4.minorities;defend 5association;true.1.up and down2.is;likely to3.defend;against 4as roduced to.1.reading a book2.followed by his students3came running4.since he left5.not of money but of time.1.ddefend此处表示“为辩护”。2amajor in专修某一科目。3b句意为:虽然tyron很生气,但是他头脑很冷静,不会做不恰当的事情;即“不会”冲进老板的办公室。所以用avoid最合适;prevent常用于prevent sb.(from) doing sth.结构,表示“防止,预防”,avoid意为“避免”,后面跟名词或动名词作宾语;defend意为“保卫”;allow意为“允许”。4bin general一般来说,相当于generally speaking。5bwhat if.?要是怎样?if only常引导虚拟条件句或感叹句。6cdepend on此处表示“相信”。7bas well as意为“和一样好”;if not better than是插入语。8b名词或代词前有序数词、最高级、the very等修饰时,常用不定式作后置定语。9d考查词组be to blame应该受责备;not.but.不是而是,连接并列主语时,其谓语动词的单复数形式应与就近的名词或代词保持一致。10a考查过去分词短语作状语。课堂活动区1活学活用(1)adopt a different approach(2)method;approachbyway(3)d在这四个选项中与介词to搭配的只有approach。故选d项。2representative活学活用(1)on behalf of(2)represent your complaints to(3)represents/stands for(4)c句意为:虽然他只是一个运动员,但他代表的是自己的国家。represent代表,符合句意。3defence活学活用(1)in defence of(2)defend;protect;guard(3)c句意为:堡垒被大炮、城墙和士兵保卫着。defend强调积极抵抗敌人;protect不含积极抵抗的含义。故选c项。4easy活学活用(1)at ease(2)take it easy(3)cease sb.of the pain减轻某人的痛苦,其被动式为sb.be eased of the pain by sth.;c为过去分词短语作状语,he为其逻辑主语。5活学活用(1)in general(2)call in all总的来说,固定搭配,其它搭配不符合题意。6活学活用(1)look back on(2)b句意为:如果你答应明天归还它,你能借我的车。bring.back归还。7然而,来自西班牙、意大利或南美国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能接触对方。活学活用(1)are likely to be(2)its possible(3)were more likely to make decisions(4)d人作主语,故选d项。8她看起来好像来自中东国家,活学活用(1)as if he had been(2)as if(3)bit looks as if/though.为固定句型,表示“看起来似乎”,故选b项。课时规范训练.单项填空(建议用时8)1every student in our class had an application form in his or her hand,but no one knew which office _.ato send it to bto send itcto be sent to dto have it sent2my _ to teaching is different from yours.aapproach barrange capproval dattitude3i cant remember when exactly the robinsons left _city.i only remember it was _ monday.athe;the ba;the ca;a dthe;a4the thirteen stars on the american flag_ the thirteen colonies that announced independence.ashow bsigncrepresent dexplain5john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.oh,_!(2011青岛模拟)acheer up bwell donecgo ahead dcongratulations6many people lost their lives_ the benefit of our country.ain defence bin charge ofcdefend of din defence of7the play _ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.(2011烟台模拟)aproducedbbeing producedcto be produceddhaving been produced8although they are more than 70 years old,they can climb to the top of the mountain_.which of the following is wrong?awithout difficulty bat easecwith ease deasily9a small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city,_ all four people on board.akilled bkillingckills dto kill10_,your composition is well written.ain general bgeneral speakingcfor short din all11peter_ his words when he realized his mistake.(2011济宁月考)atook back bgot backclooked back dturned back12look,dark clouds are gathering.it is_ to rain soon.aprobably bpossiblyclikely dperhaps13eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_yesterday.(2010青州期中)awas happening bhappenschas happened dhad happened14jane is a bright and diligent girl_ her brother jack is just the opposite.awhen bas chowever dwhile15i think_ impossible that he should be so impolite.athis bthat cit dwhich.完形填空(建议用时16)when middleaged alex quit his job and made up his mind to become a freelance(selfemployed) writer,no one could tell for sure whether he would succeed or not.he found a cold storage room in a building,set up a(n) _16_ typewriter and settled down to work.after a year or so,however,alex began to_17_himself.he found it was difficult to earn his living by_18_what he wrote.but alex determined to put his dream to the test_19_it meant living with uncertainty and fear of_20_.this is the shadowland of hope,and_21_with a dream must learn to live there.one day alex got a call,“we need a(n)_22_,and were paying $6,000 a year.”$6,000 was_23_money in 1960.it would enable alex to get a nice apartment,a used car and more._24_,he could write on the side. _25_the dollars were dancing in alexs head,something_26_his senses.he had dreamed of being a_27_full time.“thanks but no,”alex said_28_,“im going to stick it out and write.”after alex got off the phone,he_29_everything he had:two cans of vegetables and 18 cents.alex put the cans and cents into a_30_bag,saying to himself,“theres everything youve made of yourself so far.”finally his work was_31_in 1970.instantly he had the kind of fame and success that_32_writers ever experienced.the shadows had turned into limelight.then one day,alex_33_a box filled with things he had owned years before._34_was a paper bag with two cans and 18 cents.suddenly he_35_himself working in that cold storage room.it reminds alex,and anyone with a dream,of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the shadowland.16a.expensivebpricelesscexcellentdused17a.doubtbtrustcregretdhate18a.buyingbsellingcreadingdappreciating19a.what ifbnow that ceven thoughdas if20a.failurebsuccessclossdperspiration21a.someonebnobodycanyonednone22a.writerbbosscmanagerdassistant23a.littlebrealcfalsedhigh24a.stillbbesideschoweverdtherefore25a.ifbbecausecasdbut26a.clearedbdestroyedchurtdstruck27a.writerbdancercdriverdassistant28a.hurriedlybslowlycfirmlydhesitantly29a.pulled apartbpulled out cpulled downdpulledback30a.plasticbpapercclothdmetal31a.publishedbcompletedcwrittendpunished32a.poorbfewcfamousdgreat33a.pickedbsearchedcsoughtdfound34a.outsidebbelowcinsidedabove35a.remindedbcalledcdescribeddpictured.阅读理解(建议用时8)helen thayer,one of the greatest explorers of the 20th century,loves challenges.she says,“i like to see whats on the other side of the hill.” she has gone almost everywhere to do that.in 1988,at the age of 50,she became the first woman to travel alone to the north pole.she pulled her own sled(雪橇) piled with 160 pounds of supplies,and during her trip no one brought her fresh supplies.accompanied(陪伴) only by her dog charlie,she survived cold weather and meetings with polar bears.in fact,charlie saved her life when one of them attacked her.near the end of her trip,a forceful wind blew away the majority of her supplies.the last week of the trip,she survived on a handful of nuts and a little water each day.helen goes to challenging places not only for adventure,but also for education.before her arctic journey,she started a website called adventure classroom.on the site,she shares her adventures in order to motivate(激发) students.she explains,“although kids often see the world in a negative way,without hope for their future,we work to inspire them to set goals,plan for success and never give up.”helen grew up in new zealand.her parents were athletes and mountain climbers.following her parents example,she climbed her first mountain at 9.later,she climbed the highest mountains in north and south america,the former ussr and new zealand.in 1996,she took on another challengethe sahara desert.she and her husband,bill,walked 2,400 miles across it!in 2001,she and bill traveled on foot from west to east through the gobi desert in mongolia.they hope to travel in mainland china into sichuan and tibet to study pandas this year.helen plans to continue taking trips.shell use her explorations,writing,photography and environmental work to create programs for her adventure classroom website.she wants to inspire her students never to stop facing challenges!36we learn from paragraph 2 that_.ahelen thayer is the first person to reach the north polebhelen thayer ate nothing during the last week of her tripchelen thayer traveled to the north pole together with her husbanddcharlie prevented helen being attacked by polar bears37why does helen travel to different places worldwide?afor fun. bfor education.cfor money. dfor fame.38why did helen pick up mountain climbing as a child?ashe was eager to go on with her adventur


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