【状元之路】.高中英语 语篇提能4.3 外研版必修3.doc_第1页
【状元之路】.高中英语 语篇提能4.3 外研版必修3.doc_第2页
【状元之路】.高中英语 语篇提能4.3 外研版必修3.doc_第3页




语篇提能阅读理解ait is only during the last few years that man has generally realized that in the world of nature a balance exists between all forms of life. no living thing can exist by itself: it is a part of a system in which all forms of life are joined together. if we change one part of the nature order, this will in its turn almost certainly bring about changes in some other part.the cutting down of forests reduces the supply of oxygen.the killing of weeds and insects by chemicals leads to the widespread poisoning animals and birds.the throwing of the waste products into the ocean does harm to life in the sea, while waste gases change the chemical balance of the atmosphere.and so we could go on, adding more examples, until in despair we might feel like giving up the struggle to control and keep within limits these harmful human activities. man is very clever at changing the world around him to satisfy his immediate needs, but not so clever at looking far ahead, or at thinking about what the future results of his action might be.1the first paragraph mainly tells us that_.aeverything in nature cannot exist alonebnot all living things can exist naturallycall living things in nature depend on each otherdman has well known the importance of the balance of nature for a long time2the examples given in the second paragraph are used to prove that_.ait is very important to protect forestsbthese are some living things which can exist all by themselves without changecall forms of life belong to a system in which all the parts can be changed for one anotherdwe cannot change one form of life or matter without disturbing the balance of nature3the third paragraph suggests that_.aman not only think about his immediate needs instead of the future resultsbman is very clever at planning his distant futurecman often feels that he has to give up in desiredman is always anxious to control and keep his activities within limits4which of the following is the best for the title of this article?athe secret of naturebthe balance of naturecthe natural systemdthe changes of nature答案与解析:1解析:a、b两项都是部分否定,d项说人类明白生态平衡的重要性已经很长时间了,与原文“the last few years”不符,只有c项与“no living thing can exist by itself”相符。答案:c2解析:本段举例说明生态系统不能破坏,否则就会产生不良的变化。答案:d3解析:第三段表明人类渴望将有害的活动控制在一定的范围内。答案:d4解析:本文主要讲生态平衡和破坏生态平衡的危害。答案:bbbecause of the development of agriculture, the area of land affected by sand has gradually increased. during the 1950s and 1960s the land affected by sand expanded on average into 1,600 square kilometres per year. by the 1990s, the area had reached 2,500 square kilometres per year. this kind of situation is particularly serious in many regions upwind(逆风的) from beijing. fengning city in hebei province and duolun city in inner mongolia lie to the north of beijing,and in the last 50 years the population of these two cities has grown by 2 to 3 times. in order to obtain more resources, the inhabitants have been busy with heavy farming, tree cutting and keeping animals. the result is that the soil has sustained damage,and the sand layer below the earth is now exposed on the ground and the ground is rapidly being controlled by the spread of sand.china has already noticed this problem, and has taken measures to save the land. nowadays, some land used for farming has returned to forestland and grassland. the chinese government announced that it would invest more than rmb 600,000,000 to control beijings sandstorms in the coming years. only by decreasing the damage caused by man and restoring the natural environment will it be possible to well control the sources of sand and dust. we hope in the not distant future,we will solve the problem successfully and effectively.5compared with 50s and 60s, the land affected by sand per year increased by _ square kilometres by the 1990s.a1,600 b2,500c900 d1,1006the major measure that the chinese government has taken is _.acontrolling the growth of the populationbmaking better use of natural resourcesckilling fewer animals and cutting fewer trees dreturning some land to forestland and grassland7according to the passage, it can be inferred that _ was the major factor of the environmental damage.aman banimalcnature ddesert答案与解析:5解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,在五六十年代沙漠化的土地以每年1 600平方千米的速度增长,而到了90年代,则以每年2 500平方千米的速度增长,增长了900平方千米。答案:c6解析:细节理解题。从最后一段第二句“nowadays, some land used for farming has ret


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