【步步高】高中英语 Unit 16 Stories Period Two Name Stories同步测试 北师大版选修6(1).doc_第1页
【步步高】高中英语 Unit 16 Stories Period Two Name Stories同步测试 北师大版选修6(1).doc_第2页
【步步高】高中英语 Unit 16 Stories Period Two Name Stories同步测试 北师大版选修6(1).doc_第3页
【步步高】高中英语 Unit 16 Stories Period Two Name Stories同步测试 北师大版选修6(1).doc_第4页




period twolesson 2name stories基础落实.单词检测1v.使泄气,使灰心_;嘲笑,取笑_2n.重要性,意义_;艰苦,困苦_;小提琴家_;起源,开端;出身_;痛苦,困难_3adj.详细的;特定的_;反常的,不正常的_;生动的,逼真的_;音乐的_;令人钦佩的,极佳的_.短语检测1以命名name._2偶然遇见come _3支撑起hold _4依靠_ on5理解figure _6以结束,以告终end _7容忍,忍受put up _8特别,尤其_ particular.选词填空1yesterday i _ an old school friend in the street.2the city was _ president washington.3you can _ him to complete the task. he is very capable.4the whole meal was good but the wine _ was excellent.5roadworks on the motorway are _ traffic.翻译句子1寒冷的天气打消了人们出门的念头。(discourage)_2过去我常因自己的名字被取笑,于是我想办法改了名。(tease,figure out)_3他对工作的奉献让人钦佩。(admirable)_4我们不得不忍受办公室里的吸烟现象。(put up with)_5这种新药的发明对治疗艾滋病有重大意义。(significance)_能力提升.完形填空recently i heard a touching story which shows the power of words.mary had grown up knowing that she was _1_ from other kids and she _2_ it.with all the teasing of cruel children,she was convinced that no one,outside her _3_,could ever love her until she entered mrs. leonards class.mrs. leonard had a _4_ smile,a round face,and shiny brown hair.while everyone in her class liked her,mary came to _5_ mrs. leonard.in the 1950s,it was _6_ for teachers to give their children an annual hearing test.however,in marys case,in addition her cleft palate (腭裂),she was barely able to hear out of one ear._7_ not to let the other children have another “difference” to point out,mary would cheat on the test each year.the “whisper test” was given by _8_ a child walk to the classroom door,turn sideways,close one ear with a finger,and then _9_ something that the teacher _10_.mary turned her bad ear towards her teacher and _11_ to cover her good ear.she knew that teachers would often say things like,“the sky is blue,” or “what color are your shoes?”but not on that day.surely,god put seven words in mrs. leonards _12_ that changed marys life forever.when the “whisper test” came,mary heard the words,“i wish you were my little girl.”while words from a kind teacher can _13_ a heart,words from parents can powerfully set the _14_ of a life.if encouraging words were something _15_ spoken in your family,do say some words that can light up your own childs eyes and life,or even change his or her life.1a.strong bconfidentcusual ddifferent2a.liked badmittedchated daccepted3a.class bfamilycworld dschool4a.cruel bstrictcwarm dcomfortable5a.approach blovecrespect dadmire6a.normal btraditionalccommon duseful7a.determined bplannedcexpected dadvised8a.getting ballowingcrequiring dhaving9a.tell bspeakcrepeat dsing10a.spoke bwhisperedctalked dtold11a.pretended battemptedcbegan dmanaged12a.heart bmouthchead dbody13a.knock bawakecmelt dcalm14a.record bpositioncpace dcourse15a.rarely bimpressivelyccompletely dfrequently.语法填空i was born right here in this house and ive lived in this city all my life.that seems 1._(usual) these days,doesnt it?but its the way it used to be in the old days.people never used to move away from 2._ hometown.they were born in a place,and they lived there 3._ they died.my first wife died 10 years ago.we had 70 wonderful years together.we were very much alike.both of us loved 4._ good conversation.thats another thing that is changed.people used to talk to each other more in the past.5._ now young people just watch tv.yes,i have lived 6._ a hundred years.as for my secret of long life,well,i laugh a lot.7._(laugh) is very important and also i keep myself busy.i get a lot of exercise,too.ive always enjoyed sports.i went skiing and horseback riding 8._(regular) until i was 85.and i have always liked swimming.9._ a matter of fact,i still swim every day at the high school pool,and now ive married again.ive started doing a little 10._(run)!答案基础落实.1.discourage;tease2.significance;hardship;violinist;origin;suffering3.specific;abnormal;vivid;musical;admirable.1.after2.across3.up4.count5.out6.up 7with8.in.1.came d after3.count on4.in particular5.holding up.1.the cold weather discourages people from going out.2i used to get teased about my name,so i figured out a way to change it.3his devotion to the work is admirable.4we had to put up with the c


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