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邹城二中2012-2013学年高一5月学情调查英语第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. what will the speakers have for dinner tonight?a. italian food. b. chinese food. c. american food. 2. what will the woman do?a. take a walk around the lake. b. have lunch with the man. c. go swimming with ray .3. what does the man worry about?a. he cant go to the exhibition. b. some famous paintings would be destroyed.c. he cant understand the guides language.4. when will the woman pick up the man?a. at 10:45 b. at 11:00 c. at 11:155. who might the man be?a. a waiter b.a doctor c. a teacher第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有后你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。6. what does the man want to do?a. see a horse race. b. rent an apartment. c. buy a house7. when will the womans friends come to oxford?a. in a month. b. in about 10 months. c. at least one year from now.听第七段材料,回答第8、9题。8. why does the man speak english so well?a. he studied abroad. b. he is american c. he often speaks english with westerners.9. what is the mans job?a. he is a translator. b. he is a teacher. c. he is a businessman.听第八段材料,回答第10、13题。10. when did the play start?a. at 8:15. b. at 8:45. c. at 9:15.11. who performed in the play?a. the mans wife. b. the mans daughter. c. the mans sister.12. what is the main reason that the man missed the play?a. he gave someone a ride home. b. he forgot all about it. c. he was stuck in traffic.13. where are the speakers?a. at a school. b. in the car. c. at home听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. which country is the woman in probably?a. canada. b. america. c. china.15. where was the credit card before it was stolen?a. on the counter of a store. b. in the fitting room. c. in the pocket of a dress16. what does the man need to know?a. the card number. b. the womans job. c. the amount of money on the card.17. how does the woman feel in the end?a. angry. b. relaxed. c. upset听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. where is the italian restaurant?a. on hook street. b. on webber street c. on willow street19. who will play basketball at 6:00 p.m. on wednesday?a. the grade 1 girls team. b. the grade 2 girls team. c. the grade 2 boys team.20. what do we know about the school?a. there was a fire in the cafeteria on monday.b. it will host two basketball games on tuesday.c. it needs one week to repair its kitchen equipment.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. _ party they held last night was completely _failure. a. a; a b. the; the c. the; a d. the; /22. though having lived abroad for years, many chinese people still _the traditional customs. a. perform b. observe c. possess d. support23. the doctor thought _would be good for you to have a holiday. a. this b. that c. one d. it24. only after they had discussed the matter for several hours _ a decision. a. do they reach b. did they reach c. they reached d. they reach25. how can i use this washing machine ? well , just _ the instructions. a. look up b. refer to c. make up d. agree to26. an 8-year-old child shouldnt do exercises _ for 18-year-olds. a. intended b. to intend c. intending d. having intended27. every possible means _ to prevent the pollution, but the sky is still gray. a. is used b. are used c. has been used d. have been used28. in order to find the missing child, villagers _ all they can over the past two years. a. did b. do c. have been doing d. had done 29. _exercise early in the morning has become part of his retired life. a. take b. takes c. taken d. taking30.the air quality in the city, _ is shown in the report, has improved in the past three months. a. as b. it c. what d. it 31.we shouldnt complain about being poor - many families are much _ than we are. a. better off b. well off c. worse off d. badly off 32. like so many others, the little tramp has rushed there _ gold , but without success. a. in search of b. in place of c. for lack of d. for fear of 33.the unemployment _ in this city has fallen from 16% to 8% in the past two years. a. speed b. rate c. welfare d. line34.gorge managed to _ several customers of the advantages of his product. a. remind b. accuse c. inform d. convince 35. progress so far has been very good. _, we are sure that the project will be completed on time . a. besides b. therefore c. however d. otherwise第二节 完形填空:(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。when i come across a good article in reading newspapers, i often want to cut and keep itbut just as i am about to do so, i find the article on the 36 side is as much interestingit may be a discussion of the way to 37 in good health, or 38 about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. if i cut the front article, the opposite one is likely to 39 damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text 40 the titletherefore, the scissors would 41 before they start, 42 halfway done when i find out the 43 resultsometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both worth your 44 . you can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be 45 up. ks5ubut you know the future is unpredictablethe changed situation may not allow you to do what is left 46 . thus you are 47 in a difficult position and feel sadhow 48 that nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? it may happen that your life 49 greatly on your preference of one choice to the otherin fact that is what 50 is like: we are often 51 with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable (吸引人的) like a newspaper cutting. it often occurs that your attention is drawn to one thing only 52 we get into another. the 53 may be more important than the latter and give rise to divided mindi 54 remember a philosophers(哲学家)remarks: when one door shuts, another opens in life so a casual (不经意的) 55 may not be a bad one36afront bsame copposite deither37aget bkeep clead dbring38aa report bnews ca theory dadvice39areduce bsuffer cprevent d cause40aon bfor cwithout doff41ause bstay cprepare dhandle42aor bbut cso dfor43asatisfying bsurprising cregretful dimpossible44acourage bstrength cattention dpatience45agiven bheld cmade dpicked46anear balone cbehind dabout47acaught battracted cfilled dstruck48adares bdeals ccomes ddoes49agoes bchanges cprogresses dimproves 50alife bsociety cnature dstudy51asupplied bfaced cconnected dfixed52abefore bafter cuntil das53afollowing bnext cabove dformer54aalmost balso conce dstill 55atreatment bchoice caction dremark (评论)第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c和d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ai met the old man at a cafe. “did you hear the radio news yesterday?” he asked me. “no,” i replied. “anything exciting?” “exciting? no! something very sad. a group of hungry dogs killed and ate my best friend.”“oh, dear!” i cried. “how did it happen?” “he was working on the hillside when the dogs attacked him. when he didnt return, i went to the hillside and found” “his body?” i asked. the old fellow drank half of his coffee. “no. i told you they were hungry dogs, didnt i? the big bones were lying everywhere. but they found this.” he pushed open a match box he was holding in his hand. in it was a mans thumb, lying on some white bloody material.“this is my friends right thumb. the dogs ate the rest of him”. the old man began to cry. he finished his coffee quickly and left the cafe. i drank mine and called the waiter. “ill pay the gentlemans bill. his poor friendhow terrible!” “youve heard the news?” the waiter laughed. “sure. theres a hole in the bottom of the match box. he put his own thumb through the hole. the blood is red ink, i believe. is the story worth a cup of coffee, sir?” “but he held the box in his right hand.” “yes, but listeners look into the box. they just cant take their sight off that terrible thing.” “and when he tells the story, he gets free cup of coffee!” i said, laughing. “yes, sir, but only from strangers who come to this town, and, of course, he does us no harm!”56. we can learn from this passage _.a. the writer had known about the old man before.b. the old man made a living by telling jokes in the caf.c. the writer came to the cafe for the first timed. what had happened to his best friend made the old man mad.57. having heard the old mans story, the writer _.a. couldnt help laughing immediately.b. didnt believe him at all. c. showed great mercy upon him.d. bought the old man another cup of coffee.58. it turned out that the thumb in the match box was actually _.a. the right thumb of his best friend.b. the thumb he stole from the dead body of an unknown person.c. something made of bloody white materials.d. his own right thumb.59. the waiter hadnt let out the truth of the old mans story earlier because _ .a. the old man helped the cafe in some way.b. he was nobody but the best friend of the old man.c. the old man wouldnt pay for his coffee if he did. d. the waiter hadnt seen through the old mans trick.bif you want to be a success, study at the university of waikato is right for you. the university is internationally recognized for its excellence and achievements. it will help you develop advanced research skills. as a university student you can get first-class research facilities (设施) with trained teachers to help, support and advise you in your study. we pride ourselves on our high standards, our research success and our international recognition. for further information: infwaikato.ac.nz. degreewe offer a wide choice of bachelors degrees (学位) for international students, which includes: arts, communication studies, social sciences, etc. bachelor of music and bachelor of education are only for new zealand citizens, for further information: degwaikato.ac.nz. tuition fees(学费)tuition fees are different from department to department, generally from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. for further information: tuiwaikato.ac.nz. accommodation(住宿)you can have a room in a 4-bedroom flat, which will cost about $100 a month with other regular living costs of about $150 a month for one person. for further information: accwaikato. ac.nzhealththe student health service provides excellent medical services for students. the medical centre is open five days a week, including student holidays with four doctors and nurses to meet your medical needs. for further information: healwaikato.ac.nz. sportsthe centre is a great place to have sports activities. trained exercise teachers can help you work out a training plan and keep you active. the sports hall has volleyball, basketball and indoor football courts and a swimming pool as well. there are also a large number of sports clubs at waikato. for further information: sport waikato.ac.nz60. if you want to get more information about arts, you can write to _.a. sportwaikato.ac.nz b. healwaikato.ac.nzc. degwaikato.ac.nz d. infwaikato.ac.nz61. which of the following statement is true?a. you dont have to pay more than $5000 a year.b. everyone cant choose the bachelor of music.c. if you want to know more about health, you can visit accwaikato. ac.nz.d. you can live in a flat with two bedrooms.62. according to the text, what will you do if you are ill during christmas holidays?a. go to a hospital nearby.b. buy some medicine in a drug store.c. see a doctor at the school medical centre.d. try to get help from your classmates.cif you live in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you dont have to be like everyone elseyou can be differenti cant give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower, but here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt, if they work for your life1do lesscut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each dayfocus not on quantity but on qualitypick 2 or 3 important thingsor even just one important thingand work on those first2have fewer meetingsmeetings are usually a big waste of time and make you rushtry to have blocks of time with no interruptions, so you dont have to rush from one meeting to another3give yourself time to get ready and get thereif youre constantly rushing to appointments or other places you have to be, its because you dont allot(分配) enough time in your schedule for preparing and for travelingfill your schedule to allow time for this stuffif you think it only takes you 10 minutes to get ready for work or a date, perhaps give yourself 30 to 45 minutes so you dont have to shave in a rush or put on makeup in the car4practice being comfortable with sitting doing nothingwhen people have to wait, they become impatient or uncomfortabletry standing in a line and just watching and listening to people around youit takes practice, but after a while, youll do it with a smile5realize that if it doesnt get done, thats oktheres always tomorrowand yes, i know thats a frustrating(令人感到挫败的) attitude for some of you who dont like laziness or living without firm deadlines, but its also realitythe world likely wont end if you dont get that task done todayyour boss might get mad, but the company wont collapse and the life will unavoidably go ontry these things outlife is better when unrushedks5uremember the quote: if nature can get everything done without rushing, so can you63which can be the best title of the passage?ahow to give out our life? bhow not to hurry in our life? cwhat to do with our life? dhow to change our life?64if you think you need 10 minutes to get ready for the date with your boyfriend,_ayou dont have to put on makeup byou should arrange 10 minutes for itcyoud better squeeze(挤出) about 35 minutes out for itdyou should rush there65according to the passage, we can know_aif we follow the authors advice, our life will be betterbwe should try to do all the things better on our task listctheres always tomorrow, so we can put off the thing that must be done today till tomorrowdeven if we do as were told by the author, we cant change anything66the underlined word collapse has the similar meaning to _adevelop rapidly bpay enough cdrop suddenly dfail completelydstudents who date (约会)in middle school have significantly worse study skills, are four times more likely to drop out of school and report twice as much alcohol and tobacco use than their single classmates, according to new research from the university of georgia.romantic relationships are a trademark of adolescence, but very few studies have examined how adolescents differ in the development of these relationships, said pamela orpinas, study author and professor in the college of public health and head of the department of health promotion and behavior.orpinas followed a group of 624 students over a seven-year period from 6th to 12th grade.each year, the group of students completed a survey indicating whether they had dated and reported the frequency of different behaviors, including the use of drugs and alcohol. their teachers completed questionnaires (调查表)about the students* academic efforts. he found some students never or hardly ever reported dating from middle to high school, and these students had consistently the best study skills according to their teachers. other students dated infrequently in middle school but increased the frequency of dating in high school.at all points in time, teachers rated the students who reported the lowest frequency of dating as having the best study skills and the students with the highest dating as having the worst study skills,” according to the journal article. study skills refer to behaviors that lead to academic success such as doing work for extra credit,being well organized, finishing homework, working hard and reading assigned chapters.dating a classmate may have the same emotional complications of dating a co-worker, orpinas said, when the couple break up. they have to continue to see each other in class and perhaps witness the ex-partner dating someone else. it is reasonable to think this could be linked to depression and divert (转移)attention from studying.”dating should not be considered a ceremony of growth in middle school,”orpinas concluded.67. when doing his study,


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