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山东省泰山外国语学校2011-2012学年八年级英语上学期月考试题 牛津版(第一卷)一、听力(共 20 分,每小题 1分)(一)听句子,选出你所听到的单词。 ( )1. a. butter b. but c. bread d. tomato( ) 2. a. potato b. watermelon c. tomato d. chicken( ) 3. a. french b. chicken c. tomato d. children( ) 4. a. finish b. relish c. english d. relax( ) 5. a. another b.other c. others d. butter(二)听问题,选出正确答案。( ) 6. a. yes, i did. b. yes, i didnt c. yes, i was. d. no, i wasnt.( ) 7. a. yes, there is. b. no, there arent. c. yes, there is some. d. no, there were some.( ) 8. a. i was born in shnghai. b. he was born in wuhan. c. i was born in 1983. d. he was born in taian.( ) 9. a. i want to play basketball. b. i want to be at home. c. i want to be a teacher. d. i want to move to the usa.( )10. a. it was fun. b. it is sunny. c. it is interesting. d. it was cold.(三)听对话,判断正误(正确为t,错误为f)。( )11. they want to make fruit milk shake. ( ) 12. they need three bananas. ( ) 13. they dont need a watermelon. ( ) 14. two apples should be enough. ( ) 15. they also need only one orange.(四) 听短文,填入所缺单词。 we got 16_ 1,000 letters, faxes and e-mail from our readers about their new years resolutions. many readers are going to work 17_ in school this year. lots of readers are 18_ to play sports. some readers are gointg to eat 19_ vegetables. a few readers are goint to learn a new language. some girls are going to exercise more to keep 20_. some parents are goint to study the subjects their children learn at school. they want to communicate better with their kids. one old lady is going to leave her job and she wanted to find a job as a language teacher in china.二单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)21. we must cut_ the tomatoes and put them_ the blender.a. off; in b. up; into c. down; into d. over; in22. i want to buy _.a. two bottles of milks b. two bottles of milk c. two bottle of milk d. two bottle milks23. i would like to buy some apples. _ are they?a. how many b. how c. how long d. how much.24. please_ my name_ the list.a. add; up b. add; to c. add; in d. to add; on25. joe didnt have much fun_ last sunday.a. to skate b. skates c. skated d. skating26. he wanted mary _ yesterday.a. came b. come c. comes d. to come27. “have a good trip.” “_.”a. you are welcome b. dont say it. c. the same to you. d. thank you.28. my sister _ middle school half a year ago.a. will finish b. finishes c. finished d. finish29. “_ was she born?” “in 1895”a. when b. where c. while d. what time30. “stop_ and listen to me,” he said to the students.a. write b. writing c. to write d. writes31. - _ did he sneeze? -for about 3 hours.a. how long b. how c. how soon d. when32. jenny and her parents _ going to visit the palace museum tomorrow.a. is b. am c. are d. will be33. if you are going to be an actor, you have to _.a. take act lessons b. take acting lessons c. take acting lesson d. do nothing34. my father is eating breakfast and watching tv_.a. also b. as well as c. at the same time d. either35. there are _ 50 students in our class.a. more b. over c. many d. few三完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分)i was born in a small river. 36 i was young, the river was my 37 . i didnt know my parents, but i had 38 brothers and sisters. i swam about and played all day 39 them. at that time i 40 look like my parents. i had no legs 41 i had a long tail(尾巴). so i looked like a fish. then my tail became shorter and 42 . and then i have four legs and a very short tail. i know i 43 no tail at all soon. im going to be like my parents. then im going to jump out of the water. im going to live on land and in the water, too. im going to eat 44 insects(昆虫)-bad insects. 45 am i?36. a. before b. after c. when d. if37. a. home b. house c. family d. room38. a. a hundred of b. hundreds of c. hundred of d. two hundreds39. a. except b. for c. of d. with40. a. didnt b. wasnt c. dont d. werent41. a. so b. and c. but d. because42. a. short b. shorter c. shortest d. longer43. a. am going to have b. am having c. have d. had44. a. a lot of b. a lot c. lot of d. much45. a. when b. why c. which d. what四阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题1分)a你坐过飞机么?如果没有,欢迎你乘坐本次航班。“ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. i hope you are enjoying your flight to milan this morning. now we are passing over the nice city of geneva, in the west of switzerland. if you are sitting on the left hand side of the plane, you can see the city from the window. we are flying at 10,000 meters and we are flying at a speed of 700km/h. im afraid this morning is not very good. its raining and theres a light wind blowing. enjoy the rest of your flight. thank you for flying with us today.”46. they are flying to milan_.a. in the evening b. in the morning c. at noon d. tomorrow47. geneva city is in the _ of switzerland.a. east b. north c. west d. south48. they can see geneva city _ of the plane.a. on right side b. from the right window c. next to milan d. on the left side49. the plane is flying_ meters an hour at the moment.a. one thousand b. ten thousand c. seven hundred d. seven hundred thousand 50. whats the weather like in milan this morning?a. its rainy and windy. b. its very good. c. its snowing and theres light wind. d. its nice and sunny.b星期天你通常几点起床?是不是和本文作者一样是个小懒虫呢?it was sunday. i never get up early on sundays. i sometimes stay in bed till lunchtime. last sunday i got up very late. i looked out of the window. it was dark outside. “what a day!” i thought, “its raining again.” just than (正在那时), the telephone rang. it was my aunt lucy. “im in your city now,” she said, “im coming to see you.”“but im still (仍然) having breakfast,” i said.“what are you doing?” she asked.“im having my breakfast.” i repeated.“oh, dear,” she said, “do you always get up so late? its one oclock!”51. when aunt lucy telephoned, the writer_a. was coming to see his aunt lucy b. was in bed c. was having lunch d. got up a short time ago52. aunt lucy was surprised (惊讶) because_.a. it was one oclock b. it was too late c. the writer had his breakfast d. the writer had breakfast so late53. the writer _ gets up early on sundays.a. never b. usually c. often d. we dont know.54. “what a day!” here means “what a _ day!”a. good b. bad c. fine d. hard55. in the seventh line of the passage, the word “repeated” means_.a.不好意地说b. 大声说c. 重复说d. 笑着说c下面是一张明信片及写在明信片上的短信,你能看懂么?试试看!dear fiona:here we are on the farm of nykonos in the south of american, and we are having a good time. we are staying in a village. there are a lot of children here. we are playing games all day. im writing this letter in the house you can see in the picture on the other side of this postcard. jacque is learning to swim, and terry is lying in the sun. john is reading a newspaper and the children in the village are playing football near the river now. what are you doing now? we are enjoying the holiday (假期) very much. see you soon! love, janet fiona graham 22, park streetstowontheworld gloucester shire england56. who is writing the postcard?a. fiona b. janet c. terry d. jacque57. where are they staying now?a. north of the great wall b. in the south of england c. in a big city d. in a village58. how many friends of fiona are there in the passage?a. four b. three c. only one d. two59. where does fiona live?a. on the farm. b. in america. c. on park street. d. in nykonos60. which one is not right?a. john is reading a newspaper. b. the children are swimming in the river. c. terry is lying in the sun. d. janet is in the house.d.下面是一张barbican theater 的海报,仔细看,然后选择最佳选项回答问题。barbican theater29 may2 junea dream playtime: evenings at 7:15 pm (29 may at 7pm)tickets: weekdays-20(adults) 16 (children) sat-23(adults) 17 (children)barbican theater617 june (not 10,11,12,15 june)swan laketime: 6,7,8,9,16, june at 7:45 pm; 17 june at 5 pmtriple billtime: 13,14 june at 7:45 pmtickets: weekdays-19(adults) 15 (children)sat/sun-21(adults) 17 (children)barbican card discount( 折扣):first night tickets for 12 each61. you may watch a dream play at _ on 30 may.a. 10am b. 5pm c. 7pm d. 7:15pm62. if you want to watch swan lake, you can go to barbican theater on _.a. 29 may b. 5june c. 13 june d. 16 june63. you may watch _ if you go to barbican theater on 14 june.a. swan lake b. triple bill c. a dream play d. both swan lake and triple bill64. you can buy a first night ticket for swan lake at the price of _ with a barbican card.a. 12 b. 15 c. 24 d. 3065. if your father your mother ant you want to buy three tickets for triple bill on tuesday, how much will you pay?a. 45 b. 51 c. 57 d. 532007 2008学年上学期初二年级月考试题英 语 试 题(第二卷)得 分 栏题号一二三四五六七八总分得分选择题答案栏(共65分,每小题1分)题号123456789101112131415答案题号212223242526272829303132333435答案题号363738394041424344454647484950答案题号515253545556575859606162636465答案16_ 17_ 18_ 19_20_ 五、词汇运用(共20 分,每小题 1分)(一) 根据句意及所给信息完成单词。66. you should bring a g_ to a birthday party.67. if i meet yao ming, i must get his a_.68. he wants to be a doctor in the f_.69. i bought a car just now. lets go for a d_.70. she likes playing the violin very much. she wants to be a v_ when she grows up.71.our new house has a so big y_. i really like it.72. im going to r_ somewhere quiet and beautiful.73. -where are you going to work? -im not sure y_.74. its boring if you are always at home. why not have some o_ activities?75. the little girl cant walk. she is only eight m_ old.(二) 所给单词的适当形式填空。76. he went to tsinghua university and _ (major) in english.77. john is a _(love) grandfather.78. i went ice_(skate) with my best friend last week.79. when vivian finished_(practice) the accordion, it was already ten oclock.80. im going to_(move) from dalian to beijing after high school.81. mary _(win) first prize in the speech competition.82. we _(watch) a movie about living in the future.83. i _(have) a bowl of noodles for lunch. it was terrible.84. he _(leave) here just know. so he isnt here.85. i _(get) to school late yesterday.六、口语表达。(共 10分,每小题 2分)l: did you make a new years resolution this year, kim?k: yes, lucy, i did.l: 86_?k: im going to make the soccer team.l: 87_?k: im going to practice really hard, and i


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