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素能提升演练(二十八)选修6 unit 3. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空due to; get accustomed to; feel ashamed of; decide on; feel like;in spite of; take risks; get into; be addicted to; reach for1. “have you _ a date for your wedding?”the girls mother asked. 2. happiness is a choice. _ it at the moment it appears. 3. dont let yourself _ bad habits. 4. it will be a long time before you _ the local food. 5. one cannot be successful in business unless one is willing to _. 6. the child _ computer games, which makes his parents very worried. 7. _ repeated failures, he kept on until he succeeded. 8. it was reported that all the flights were delayed _ the terrible weather. 9. do you _ taking a walk along the river after supper? 10. she _ losing face in public. . 完成句子1. it was _ while in office that he was sentenced to five years in prison. (abuse)他上任期间滥用权力导致了他五年的牢狱之灾。2. at the conference, over ninety countries approve of an agreement to _. (ban)大会上,90多个国家支持关于禁止使用这些化学品的协议。3. it is said that the planes being late _ the heavy fog. therefore, we have nothing to do but wait. (due)据说,航班因大雾而延误,我们只好等待。4. it is reported that _ doesnt take long. however, it is very difficult to get rid of drugs. (addict)据报告说,毒品上瘾用不多长时间,然而想要戒掉就难了。5. my roommate , in the past two years, _ the hot summer weather in wuhan and now he is becoming to love the city. ( accustomed )在过去的两年里我的室友已经习惯了武汉炎热的夏季,并开始喜欢这座城市了。6. children who are living in hunger and poverty _ food, clothes and books. (desperate)生活在贫困地区的孩子们急需食品、衣物和书籍。7. _ was that his girlfriend didnt attend his birthday party. (disappoint)令他失望的是他的女朋友没参加他的生日聚会。8. i _ those bystanders who didnt give any help to 2-year-old wang yue struck by a van on october, 13, 2011. (ashamed)2011年10月13日两岁的王悦被一辆轻型货车辗轧后,这么多旁观者都没向她施救,我为这些路人感到羞耻。9. it was the second time that he _ to climb that tall tree. (risk)这是他第二次冒险爬那棵高树。10. it is high time that you _ your homework. (finish)该完成你的家庭作业了。. 多项选择1. it was a(n) _ situation,because the restaurant was too expensive for us but we didnt want to just leave. a. amazingb. curiousc. desperated. awkward2. things can easily go wrong when people are under _. a. stressb. weightc. load d. strength3. 2012济宁模拟 the _ on driving after drinking alcohol is being carried out all over the country, which is helpful to reduce traffic accidents. a. withdrawalb. prejudicec. aimd. ban4. 2012南漳模拟the plane is _ to arrive at 8 pm. ,but the foggy weather makes it hard to say. a. sureb. possiblec. owingd. due5. he always did well at school _ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. a. in spite ofb. regardless ofc. on account ofd. in case of6. 2012黄冈模拟sometimes parents control of young kids will be thought to be such an invisible rope with which to tie them tightly that they _ tried to cut ita. thoroughlyb. desperatelyc. visuallydextremely7. 2012宁波模拟my daughter, _ all kinds of meat, would not like to eat any vegetable, which worries me a lot. a. devoted tob. addicted toc. accustomed tod. exposed to8. he _ his position as president by giving jobs to his friends in exchange for money. a. gainedb. changedc. abusedd. refused9. the conference has been held to discuss the _ of global warming on peoples lives all over the world. a. importanceb. effectsc. protectiond. attitudes10. at first driving requires a lot of concentration, but over time, it just becomes _. a. authenticb. availablec. automaticd. awake. 完形填空2012临沂模拟mothers day drew near, and john was driving by a flower shop. he said to himself, “i will send mom some 1 . ” he entered it and saw a boy 2 with the clerk. “how many roses can i 3 for six dollars? ” the boy asked. the clerk was trying to explain that roses were 4 . maybe the boy would be happy with carnations(康乃馨). “no, it has to be red roses, because thats my moms 5 . she was sick last year and i didnt 6 much time with her. ” he said again. 7 inside of john was 8 by the boys voice, and he looked at the clerk silently whispering that he would pay for the boys roses. the clerk said, “okay, i will give you a dozen red roses 9 your six dollars. ” the boy almost jumped into the air. he took the flowers and 10 out of the store. john 11 his own flowers and made sure that delivery would include a 12 telling his mother how much he loved her. as he drove away from the 13 , he was feeling very good. as he waited at the light, he saw the boy enter a park through two huge gates. suddenly, he realized it was not a park. it was a cemetery(墓地). he could see the boy turn in by gate and walk along the fence. as the light 14 , he pulled over, got out of the car, and began to 15 the boy, thirty or forty steps behind him. the boy stopped by a small monument and went down on his 16 . he sobbed and laid the roses on the 17 . john heard him speak, “mommy, why did i not tell you how much i love you? why did i not tell you one 18 time? god, please tell my mommy i love her. ”john walked back to his car, 19 in eyes. he drove quickly to the shop and told the clerk he would take the flowers 20 . he wanted to make sure of it and tell his mother just how much he loved her. 1. a. giftsb. rosesc. chocolates d. cards2. a. talking b. playing c. quarrellingd. joking3. a. pay b. cost c. get d. pick4. a. special b. expensivec. beautiful d. free5. a. fit b. interest c. habit d. favorite6. a. save b. spend c. offer d. take7. a. something b. everythingc. nothingd. anything8. a. touched b. interrupted c. persuaded d. changed9. a. with b. for c. through d. by10. a. wandered b. jumpedc. walked d. ran11. a. ordered b. suggested c. demanded d. hid12. a. letter b. notec. belt d. book13. a. station b. shop c. home d. park14. a. damaged b. changed c. remained d. sold15. a. draw b. follow c. protect d. picture16. a. way b. heartc. feet d. knees17. a. grave b. school c. playground d. hospital18. a. more b. less c. often d. happy19. a. excitements b. tears c. fear d. comfort20. a. personally b. exactlyc. seriouslyd. honestly. 短文写作photographer wantedwe are looking for applications for the photographer for our steps. if interested, please email to harryoursteps. org. application deadline: may 15th, 2012假如你是李华,你校校刊our steps的招聘启事引起了你的兴趣,请根据下列信息用英文写一封申请信。姓名:李华 性别:男年龄:16 年级:高二兴趣:摄影、写作、户外运动其他:活泼、开朗、精力充沛;曾获杭州市摄影比赛青少年组二等奖应聘目的:参加社会实践活动,丰富业余生活注意:1. 词数: 120左右。2. 可根据需要适当增加细节。3. 信的开头、结尾已给出。harry, im writing to apply for the photographer for our steps. _i am looking forward to hearing from you. yours sincerely, li hua答案解析. 1. decided on 2. reach for 3. get into 4. get accustomed to 5. take risks 6. is addicted to 7. in spite of 8. due to 9. feel like10. feels ashamed of. 1. because he abused his power 2. ban the use of these chemicals3. is due to4. being addicted to drugs 5. has been accustomed to6. are desperate for 7. what disappointed him 8. felt ashamed of9. had taken risk 10. finished/should finish . 1.【解析】选d。根据because从句的意思可知,这是很难为情的局面,awkward意思为“难为情的;局促不安的”,符合题意。amazing令人惊奇的;curious好奇的;desperate绝望的;拼命的。2.【解析】选a。句意:在有压力的情况下,人容易把事情搞砸。under stress固定搭配,意为“在压力之下”。3.【解析】选d。句意:禁止酒驾已在全国实施,这有助于减少交通事故。ban禁令;withdrawal收回;撤销;prejudice偏见;aim目标。4.【解析】选d。句意:飞机定于晚上8点到,但因为雾天,什么时候到还不确定。due在此表示“预定的”。sure确信的;possible可能的;owing to 因为。5.【解析】选a。句意:尽管不时地做些兼职的工作,他在学校表现一向不错。in spite of尽管;regardless of不考虑;on account of因为;in case of如果,万一。6.【解析】选b。句意:有时父母对孩子的控制就像是一条无形的绳索,越想拴得紧,他们越拼命地挣脱。desperately拼命地;thoroughly彻底地;visually看得见地;extremely极端地。7.【解析】选b。这里指我的女儿对各种肉食上瘾。be devoted to奉献于;致力于;be addicted to对上瘾;be accustomed to习惯于;be exposed to暴露于。8. 【解析】选c。abuse在此意为“滥用(职权)”,从题干中by giving jobs to his friends in exchange for money可推知选c项。9.【解析】选b。考查名词辨析。effects意思是“影响”,即讨论全球气候变暖对人们生活的影响。其他选项不合题意:importance意思是“重要性”;protection意思是“保护”;attitudes意思是“态度”。【变式备选】it doesnt make any _ now what he saysits too late for apologies. a. differenceb. effectc. progressd. development【解析】选a。句意为:现在他说什么都不起作用了道歉为时已晚。make a(any) difference(to)sb. /sth. 对有影响,起重要作用;have an effect on sb. /sth. 对有影响,有作用;make progress取得进步;make development取得发展。只有a项从意思和搭配上符合题意。10.【解析】选c。句意:一开始驾驶需要集中精力,但是一段时间后就成为无意识的行为。automatic意思为“无意识的;不经思考的”;authentic可靠的;真正的;available可用的;有效的;awake醒着的;清醒的。. 1.【解析】选b。根据第一句母亲节就要到了,可知john是想在母亲节给妈妈送花的,故b项最合适。2.【解析】选a。由下文小男孩和店员的对话可知他们没有“玩耍(play)”,没有“吵架(quarrel)”,也没有“开玩笑(joke)”,而是在“交谈(talk)”。3.【解析】选c。此处的语境是:我花六美元能买多少玫瑰?pay表示“支付”,常用pay money for sth. 结构:cost表示“花费”,它的主语一般是物。4.【解析】选b。由下文he would pay for the boys roses及店员的其他话语可知小男孩的六美元买不起玫瑰,因为玫瑰很贵(expensive)。5.【解析】选d。妈妈最喜欢玫瑰花了,favorite此处是名词,“表示最喜爱的人或物”。6.【解析】选b。我跟她共同度过的时间不多。spend度过(时光)。7.【解析】选a。john内心的某些东西被触动了;something表示不确定的指代。8.【解析】选a。由he would pay for the boys roses, 可知他被小男孩感动了(touched)。9.【解析】选b。你可以用六美元买一打玫瑰。for用作介词时,可以表示“交换”。10.【解析】选d。由上文的 “the boy almost jumped into the air. ”可知小男孩因买到了玫瑰而特别高兴,所以他拿着玫瑰跑(run)出了花店。11.【解析】选a。由下文可知john订购了花,order有“订购”的意思。12.【解析】选b。他要求邮送玫瑰时附上一个字条(写上他有多爱他的妈妈)。送花的时候附带一张字条为常识,显然不可能是附上一封信,所以a项中的letter不符合题意。13.【解析】选b。由上文可知john是去花店买花,所以他从店(shop)开车离开。14.【解析】选b。由上文的 “as he waited at the light”,和下文的 “he pulled over”可知交通灯变了(changed)。15.【解析】选b。由下文的 “


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