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CATTI二级笔译练习:英国首相-重塑全球伦理与市场道德来源 Financial Times时间 9个月前阅读 3288 次字体 大中小 收藏划词已禁用 英译中练习;英国首相戈登布朗(Gordon Brown)呼吁缔造全球伦理与市场道德的新精神,来指导本周的20国集团(G20)峰会。他在圣保罗大教堂发表的演说,综合了高调言论与对国内政治对手的低调抨击。The British prime minister used a speech to faith leaders to suggest that David Cameron, the opposition Conservative leader, was prepared to stand aside while the recession took its toll, a policy which he said “demeaned our humanity”.布朗利用向宗教领袖发表的演讲指出,反对党保守党领袖大卫卡梅伦(David Cameron)准备在经济衰退造成损失之际作壁上观,他称这项政策“贬低了我们的人性”。让你少奋斗八年的工作经验CATTI二级笔译练习:英国首相-重塑全球伦理与市场道德CATTI二级笔译练习:汽车商借网络吸引中国买车人2009年5月CATTI二级笔译真题回忆CATTI二级口译练习:欧洲与中国学术战略CATTI二级口译练习:促进合作 摒弃保护主义09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?With Sir Christopher Wrens cathedral as a backdrop, Mr Brown insisted “markets need morals” and claimed he was something of a lone voice in arguing in the past that markets should be restrained.在克里斯托弗雷恩爵士(Sir Christopher Wren)的大教堂中,布朗坚称“市场需要道德”,并声称,他过去几乎是唯一主张市场应受到约束的人。It was an ambitious speech, in which Mr Brown attempted to give his chairmanship of the G20 a spiritual underpinning unfamiliar territory for most British prime ministers. Although a son of a preacher, Mr Brown is not a regular churchgoer.这是一场雄心勃勃的演说。在演说中,布朗试图给他G20峰会主办人的身份找到一个精神支柱对于大多数英国首相来说,这都是一个陌生的领域。尽管布朗是传教士的儿子,但他并不经常去教堂。Mr Brown and Kevin Rudd, Australian prime minister, argued untrammelled globalisation crossed moral boundaries and the rebuilding of shattered markets should be founded on values held dear by all faiths.布朗和澳大利亚总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd)提出,不受限制的全球化越过了道德界限,破碎市场的重建应该建立在所有宗教信仰都珍视的价值观上。“We are not here to serve the market, it is here to serve every one of us,” Mr Brown said. The capitalism that emerged from the crisis had to be built on hard work and responsibility, he said.布朗表示:“我们不是来为市场服务的,而是为了服务于我们当中的每一个人。”他表示,从这场危机中走出来的资本主义必须建立在勤奋工作与负责任的基础上。Asked whether politicians should engage in questions of faith, Mr Rudd said he recently discussed the issue with Alistair Campbell, the former press officer to Tony Blair who famously laid down the iron rule: “We dont do God.”当被问及政治家是否应该参与宗教信仰问题时,陆克文表示,他最近与托尼布莱尔(Tony Blair)的前新闻秘书阿拉斯泰尔坎贝尔(Alastair Campbell)讨论了这个问题。众所周知,布莱尔制定了铁律:“我们不谈上帝。”Mr Brown said politicians should not try to be bishops, but recalled the values he imbibed as a son of the manse. But the ecumenical tone of his lecture did not stop him making a partisan attack on the economic policies of Mr Cameron.布朗表示,政治家不应试图成为主教,但他回想起自己作为牧师儿子所吸收的价值观。不过,演讲的宗教基调并没有阻止布朗对卡梅伦的经济政策进行党派性抨击。His voice booming through the vault of the cathedral, Mr Brown said there were some who said “the only thing we can do in the face of a recession is to let it run its course and do nothing”.布朗的声音穿过了大教堂的穹顶。他表示,有一些人说,“面对危机,我们唯一能做的就是任由其发展,什么也不做”。Mr Brown did not name Mr Cameron, but regularly makes the same allegation. “That is to demean our humanity because there are always options, always choices, always solutions that human ingenuity can summon,” he said.布朗没有提卡梅伦的名字,但他经常会让人们产生这种联想。他说:“那是在贬低我们的人性,因为人类的智慧可以让我们永远有选择的权利,永远有选择的机会,永远有解决的方法”。CATTI二级笔译练习:汽车商借网络吸引中国买车人来源 Wall Street Journal时间 9个月前阅读 3449 次字体 大中小 收藏划词已禁用 英译汉练习让你少奋斗八年的工作经验CATTI二级笔译练习:汽车商借网络吸引中国买车人2009年5月CATTI二级笔译真题回忆CATTI二级笔译练习:英国首相-重塑全球伦理与市场道德CATTI二级口译练习:欧洲与中国学术战略CATTI二级口译练习:第一夫人晚宴致辞09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?Global auto makers think the Internet is the way into the hearts of a new generation of Chinese car enthusiasts.全球汽车生产商认为,互联网是赢得中国新一代爱车人“芳心”的途径。Both foreign and domestic auto makers here are pouring ad money into online ventures, even as their overall spending remains flat. Market-tracking firm iResearch expects outlays for online auto marketing to reach 1.75 billion yuan, or roughly $256 million, this year, up from 1.38 billion yuan in 2008.在中国,就在国内外汽车生产商整体支出持平之际,它们却在网络广告上投入大把大把的钱。市场追踪公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)预计,今年网络汽车营销支出将达人民币17.5亿元(约合2.56亿美元),较2008年的人民币13.8亿元有所上升。Chinas biggest Web-site operators are jockeying to meet the demand, with several offering online games or other features designed to encourage visitors to click on auto-related ads. One popular game, from social-networking site Kaixin001, lets users park cars in virtual garages, earnings points they can use to buy more cars. BMW, Ford Motors Volvo brand and Chinas Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. have sponsored cars featured in the game since it started accepting ads in December.中国大型网站运营商都在花样翻新来满足汽车厂商的需求,有数家公司还提供网络游戏或其他功能,意在鼓励网站访问者点击汽车相关广告。社交网站开心网上的一个热门游戏让用户可以在虚拟的车库里停车,进而获得积分买更多的车。自去年12月开心网开始接广告以来,宝马(BMW)、福特汽车(Ford Motor)旗下的沃尔沃(Volvo)品牌和上海汽车工业(集团)总公司一直为游戏中出现的汽车提供赞助Its the first time to have a chance to show our dynamic style online, said Terry Johnsson, vice president of Shanghai General Motors Co., a joint venture of SAIC and General Motors of the U.S. that advertises its Buick model on the game. We will definitely do more on social-networking sites, he said. Shanghai GM has allocated 10% of its overall media budget to the Internet in 2009, almost double 2007s level, he added.上海通用汽车副总裁蒋泰瑞(Terry Johnsson)说,这是我们首次有机会在网上展示自己活力四射的风格。上海通用是上汽和通用汽车(General Motors)的合资企业,在开心网的游戏中为旗下的别克车做广告。蒋泰瑞说,我们肯定会在社交网站上投入更多。他还说,上海通用已经把2009年媒体总预算的10%拨给了互联网,几乎比2007年多了一倍。Television is still the auto makers preferred advertising method, particularly for high-end brands. But Victor Koo, Ys CEO, says that advertising fees for Chinese video sites are a tenth of a TV ads price and more cost-effective.电视仍是汽车生产商青睐的广告方式,对高端品牌尤其如此。不过,优酷网首席执行长古永锵(Victor Koo)说,中国视频网站的广告费只有电视广告价格的十分之一,更加划算。Nissan Motor Co., which has one of the hottest brands in the Chinese market, has reduced its overall marketing budget this year because of the global downturn, says Toshimitsu Irie, the companys spokesman in Beijing. Nissan declined to discuss specific spending plans, but it is a client of major Chinese Web portals such as Sohu and Sina, which are run by S Inc. and S Inc., respectively, as well as auto sites Xcar and Cheshi.日产汽车(Nissan Motor Co.)的一款汽车是中国市场上最热销的品牌之一。公司驻北京发言人Toshimitsu Irie说,由于全球放缓,该公司已经减少了今年整体营销预算。日产拒绝透露具体的支出计划,不过它是搜狐和新浪等中国大型门户网站的客户,也是汽车网站爱卡汽车网(Xcar)和网上车市(Cheshi)的客户。CATTI二级口译练习:欧洲与中国学术战略来源 时间 7个月前阅读 1950 次字体 大中小 收藏划词已禁用 中译英口译练习让你少奋斗八年的工作经验CATTI二级口译练习:欧洲与中国学术战略CATTI二级口译练习:G20开启世界新秩序CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作CATTI二级口译练习:汶川大地震CATTI二级口译练习:中欧携手 共迎危机09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?今天下午,我将赶赴布拉格,参与定于明天举行的第十一次中欧领导人会晤。我很高兴今天上午有这样一个宝贵的机会,在领导人会晤举行前夕同各位探讨中欧关系的战略意义和发展前景。In a few hours, Ill leave for Prague for the 11th China-EU summit. But I am very happy that, before taking part in tomorrows high-level political dialogue, I am able to join you for this academic strategic dialogue.当前我们讨论任何问题,都离不开全球金融危机严重冲击各国经济社会发展这个大背景。I think no discussions nowadays can stay away from the financial crisis. Our economy suffers from its impact, so does our society.今年一季度,中国GDP同比增长6.1%,远低于近年来两位数的增长幅度;对外贸易总额同比下降24.9%,一大批外向型生产企业陷入经营困难。For the first quarter of the year, Chinas GDP growth was at 6.1%, much lower than the double-digit rate for the past decades. Chinas foreign trade dropped by nearly 25%. Many export-oriented enterprises are now in great difficulty.欧盟国家面临经济衰退,欧委会预测欧盟经济今明两年将相继萎缩4%和0.1%,欧盟将新增失业人口850万,失业率上升至10.9%。金融危机给各国经济社会发展都带来严峻挑战。The EU economy, on the other hand, will contract by 4% this year, as estimated by the Commission, while unemployment will rise to 10.9%, amounting to 8.5 million people.此时此刻,各国政治家、企业家、专家学者都在密切关注全球经济形势的发展以及其他国家的应对举措,期盼世界经济尽快走出谷底,实现复苏,避免因经济长期不景气带来更多的社会问题、政治矛盾甚至国际冲突。All statesmen, entrepreneurs and scholars are watching closely on the dynamics of the world economy and the rescue actions taken by other economies. We all hope that the economy will hit bottom and turn around quickly. We all fear that a prolonged recession might incur social contention, political strife and even international conflicts.然而仅靠等待,我们无法走出危机的困境。现在最需要的是积极的行动、有效的措施、密切的协调、真诚的合作。But the crisis will not fade away if we sit idle. We ought to take decisive actions and effective measures. We ought to have closer coordination and stronger cooperation.CATTI二级口译练习:第一夫人晚宴致辞来源 时间 8个月前阅读 2887 次字体 大中小 收藏划词已禁用 英译中口译练习让你少奋斗八年的工作经验CATTI二级口译练习:第一夫人晚宴致辞CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作CATTI二级口译练习:汶川大地震CATTI二级口译练习:中欧携手 共迎危机CATTI二级口译练习:中美经贸关系09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?Thank you, Betsy for your warm welcome and for sharing your love of teaching as Americas Teacher of the Year. I met Betsy when she came to the White House in April to receive the Teacher of the Year award. In her remarks that day Betsy said, Its quite overwhelming to be recognized for something that you love to do every day.谢谢你,贝蒂,谢谢你的热情欢迎,谢谢你与我们分享了你作为美国本年度最佳教师对教学的挚爱。四月贝蒂来白宫领取本年度最佳教师奖时,我见到了她。那天贝蒂在致辞中说:“能够因自己喜欢做的事得到表彰是一件感到莫大幸福的事。”All teachers deserve to be recognized for the contributions they make in our classrooms and in our country. Teaching is the greatest public service and we owe teachers our admiration and respect. Each of the teachers here tonight exemplifies the very best in teaching - and the students who honor you are evidence of your immense talent and dedication. Im happy to say that President Bush loves teachers so much that he married one, and he sends his congratulations and thanks to all of you.所有教师在我们的课堂、我们的国家做出的贡献都值得表彰。教学是最伟大的公共事业,我们应对教师表示赞赏和尊敬。今天在座的每一位教师都代表了教学的典范,学生尊敬你们正证明了你们过人的天赋和奉献。我很高兴地说布什总统非常热爱教师,他还娶了一位教师,他让我转达他对各位的祝贺和感谢。I know how rewarding and challenging teaching can be and what a remarkable difference a teacher can make in a childs life. When I was only eight years old I made a very mature and a very wise decision - I decided to be a teacher. I decided this not only because I loved school and writing on the chalk board. I wanted to teach because I loved my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Gnagy and I wanted to be just like her. So I went to college and earned a teaching degree, and after working as a teacher in Dallas, I gained a whole new respect for Mrs. Gnagy. But I loved every minute of it.我知道教学可以多么有意义,多么富有挑战性,一个老师可以对一个孩子一生带来多大的不同。我8岁时做了一个非常成熟、非常明智的决定- 决定做一名教师。我做出这个决定,不仅仅因为我热爱学校,喜欢在黑板上写字,我想当老师还因为我爱我的二年级老师-娜洁太太,我希望做像她一样的老师。所以我上了大学,获得了教学学位。在达拉斯当了老师后,我对娜洁太太更产生了全新的敬意。我喜欢教学的每时每刻。CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作来源 新华网时间 8个月前阅读 2847 次字体 大中小 收藏划词已禁用 王岐山撰文:中欧应扩大合作 共同反对贸易保护主义 1 CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作2 CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作 当今世界各国面临的最紧迫的任务是尽快恢复全球经济增长。然而,令人担忧的是激增的贸易保护主义,使得前景本已脆弱的世界经济更加恶化。The most pressing task facing all countries in the world today is to restore global economic growth as soon as possible. Yet it is worrisome to note that the surge of trade protectionism has made the prospects of the already fragile world economy even worse. 让你少奋斗八年的工作经验CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作CATTI二级口译练习:中欧携手 共迎危机CATTI二级口译练习:促进合作 摒弃保护主义CATTI二级口译练习:汶川大地震CATTI二级口译练习:第一夫人晚宴致辞09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?中国与欧盟,作为世界上两个主要的经济体和利益相关者,理应在第二次中欧经贸高层对话上以负责任的态度,清晰地表明他们共同反对贸易保护主义的承诺。 China and the European Union, two major economies and stakeholders in the world, should take a responsible attitude and demonstrate their common, clear commitment against trade protectionism at the second China-E.U. high-level economic dialogue.贸易自由化是经济增长的发动机。它已成为经济全球化的强大推动力,并使世界各地的人们受益。相反,贸易保护主义在追逐一国利益时却损害了他国利益,将导致相互报复。最终无人能从中获益。 Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth. It has served as a strong propeller of economic globalization and benefited people around the world. On the contrary, trade protectionism featuring the pursuit of benefits for one country at the expense of others will only lead to retaliation. It serves the interest of no one.二十世纪三十年代的经济大萧条时期,贸易保护主义的流行让世界经济付出了沉重的代价。它导致世界贸易量萎缩了三分之二。我们应该确保相同的错误不再出现。 The world economy paid a heavy price for the prevalence of trade protectionism during the Great Depression in the 1930s, which led to the contraction of global trade by two thirds. We should make sure that the same mistake is not repeated.欧洲是自由贸易理论的诞生地,欧盟是自由贸易的成功典范。在欧洲,消除贸易壁垒促进了欧洲单一市场的形成和经济的繁荣和发展,其结果是,欧盟已经发展成为当今世界最大的经济体。 Europe is the birthplace of free trade theory, and the E.U. is the product of successful free trade practices. The removal of trade barriers promoted formation of a single European market and enhanced development and prosperity in Europe. As a result, the E.U. has grown into the largest economy in the world today.中国坚定地致力于改革开放。自从中国成功的加入世界贸易组织,中国市场变得更加开放,贸易自由度大幅上升。目前,中国的关税总水平只有9.8%。中国的工业品平均关税只有8.9%,在发展中国家中最低。进口农产品关税只有15.2%,这不仅低于其他发展中国家,也远低于许多发达国家。 China is firmly committed to reform and to opening up. Since its accession to the World Trade Organization, Chinas market has become much more open and its trade greatly liberalized. The current overall tariff level of China is only 9.8 percent. Its average tariff on industrial products is only 8.9 percent, the lowest among all developing countries. Its tariff on imported agricultural products is only 15.2 percent, which is not only lower than other developing countries but also far below that of many developed countries.中国的服务贸易开放水平已经接近发达国家的平均水平。中国已经采取稳步措施来改进市场经济体系和法律体系。特别是在知识产权保护、产品质量与食品安全、环境保护与劳动保障等方面已经取得了显著的进步。中国还采取了具体措施应对贸易保护主义,中国政府近日派遣了赴欧美的企业采购团。 The openness of Chinas trade in services has reached a level close to that of an average developed country. China has taken steady steps to improve its market economic system and legal system. In particular, it has made remarkable progress in intellectual-property rights protection, product quality and food safety, environmental protection and labor security. China has also taken concrete actions against trade protectionism the Chinese government recently sent Chinese enterprises on procurement missions to Europe and the United States.CATTI二级口译练习:欧洲与中国学术战略来源 时间 7个月前阅读 1950 次字体 大中小 收藏划词已禁用 中译英口译练习让你少奋斗八年的工作经验CATTI二级口译练习:欧洲与中国学术战略CATTI二级口译练习:G20开启世界新秩序CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作CATTI二级口译练习:汶川大地震CATTI二级口译练习:中欧携手 共迎危机09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?今天下午,我将赶赴布拉格,参与定于明天举行的第十一次中欧领导人会晤。我很高兴今天上午有这样一个宝贵的机会,在领导人会晤举行前夕同各位探讨中欧关系的战略意义和发展前景。In a few hours, Ill leave for Prague for the 11th China-EU summit. But I am very happy that, before taking part in tomorrows high-level political dialogue, I am able to join you for this academic strategic dialogue.当前我们讨论任何问题,都离不开全球金融危机严重冲击各国经济社会发展这个大背景。I think no discussions nowadays can stay away from the financial crisis. Our economy suffers from its impact, so does our society.今年一季度,中国GDP同比增长6.1%,远低于近年来两位数的增长幅度;对外贸易总额同比下降24.9%,一大批外向型生产企业陷入经营困难。For the first quarter of the year, Chinas GDP growth was at 6.1%, much lower than the double-digit rate for the past decades. Chinas foreign trade dropped by nearly 25%. Many export-oriented enterprises are now in great difficulty.欧盟国家面临经济衰退,欧委会预测欧盟经济今明两年将相继萎缩4%和0.1%,欧盟将新增失业人口850万,失业率上升至10.9%。金融危机给各国经济社会发展都带来严峻挑战。The EU economy, on the other hand, will contract by 4% this year, as estimated by the Commission, while unemployment will rise to 10.9%, amounting to 8.5 million people.此时此刻,各国政治家、企业家、专家学者都在密切关注全球经济形势的发展以及其他国家的应对举措,期盼世界经济尽快走出谷底,实现复苏,避免因经济长期不景气带来更多的社会问题、政治矛盾甚至国际冲突。All statesmen, entrepreneurs and scholars are watching closely on the dynamics of the world economy and the rescue actions taken by other economies. We all hope that the economy will hit bottom and turn around quickly. We all fear that a prolonged recession might incur social contention, political strife and even international conflicts.然而仅靠等待,我们无法走出危机的困境。现在最需要的是积极的行动、有效的措施、密切的协调、真诚的合作。But the crisis will not fade away if we sit idle. We ought to take decisive actions and effective measures. We ought to have closer coordination and stronger cooperation.CATTI二级口译练习:中欧携手 共迎危机来源 时间 8个月前阅读 2184 次字体 大中小 收藏划词已禁用 中译英口译练习让你少奋斗八年的工作经验CATTI二级口译练习:中欧携手 共迎危机CATTI二级口译练习:中欧应扩大合作CATTI三级口译练习:摆脱危机 寻找希望CATTI二级口译练习:G20开启世界新秩序CATTI二级口译练习:汶川大地震09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen,请允许我回到发言开始时提到的全球金融危机这个大背景。这场危机不仅冲击包括中欧在内的各国经济增长,也深刻地影响着国际政治经济和安全格局,加快了全球秩序变化调整的速度。May I come back to the financial crisis, which in my view, not only hindered the economic growth of every country, but also contorted the global political and security pattern. It also speeds up reshaping the global order.面对当前形势,作为当今全球两大经济体,作为两支正在上升的政治力量,作为人类文明的两大发祥地,中欧关系已远远超越双边范畴,具有越来越重要的全球战略意义。Under such circumstances, China and Europe, as two major economies, political forces and cultural sources of the world, have witnes
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