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2013高考英语二轮(完形填空)三月天天练(1)及答案aone of my favourite family photographs was taken last year at disneyland. we were at the _1_ of a ride called “splash mountain” and the picture was taken just as we were starting to _2_ down. disneyland cleverly designed an automatic camera, _3_ at the most frightening part of the ride to take photos of the riders. these _4_ pictures are then displayed at the exit of splash mountain and are available to _5_. they are not expensive.i love this photograph because its so real. _6_ ,when you are going to take pictures, you tidy your hair and _7_ a pretty smile,wanting to look best. this picture is _8_, showing a perfect mixture of _9_ and terror on our faces. my husbands _10_ is open in a scream as he hangs on to me. my son is _11_ his baseball cap backwards so it wont fly off.every time i look at that photograph, i feel _12_. through this picture,i sense that life should be a(n) _13_ and that we should have courage and enjoy new _14_ all the time. however,most of the time we draw back _15_ fear. fear is a kind of sick feeling that can _16_ us from experiencing new interesting things in life. in fact, _17_ franklind. roosevelt said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.so,when you feel like youre at the top of a roller coaster with a huge, _18_ drop right before your eyes, that is not the time to retreat (撤退). that is the time to _19_. thats the time to put a big smile on your face,scream if you need to,hug those you _20_ and move forward towards the new adventures ahead.文章从在迪斯尼乐园游玩时在最刺激的时刻自动拍摄的照片谈起,通过美国前总统franklindroosevelt说的话“我们唯一恐惧的是恐惧本身”引出主旨:要勇敢地面对所面临的恐惧,拥抱你喜爱的事物勇往直前。1a. end b. top c. bottom d. back答案:b。从下文的were starting to _2_ down可推断出,此处为top。at the top of在的顶上。2a. turn b. cut c. break d. rush答案:d。由splash mountain这一刺激乘坐游戏的常识可知,此处为从最高处快速下冲,故选rush(冲,奔)。turn(翻转)具有一定的干扰性。3a. paced b. organized c. performed d. established答案:a。由语境可知,迪斯尼公司很聪明地设置了一些自动摄像机,调整拍摄时间,在乘坐者感受最刺激的时刻拍照。pace为定步速(或速度),调整的速度(或步调)。如:the teacher paced his teaching to his students abilities.教师根据学生的能力调整教学进度。establish(建立,制定,确立,创办)虽具有一定的干扰性,但动宾搭配不对,也不符合语境。4a. ugly b. surprising c. popular d. funny答案:d。由常识可知人在感觉最刺激的时候,恐惧和高兴相交融的样子一定很滑稽可笑。funny好笑的,滑稽的,有趣的。5a. see b. enjoy c. buy d. charge答案:c。由常识可知迪斯尼乐园之所以这么做是出于商业经营的角度,提供有趣又不贵且有纪念意义的照片供游客购买。故选c。6a. usually b. finallyc. gradually d. hardly答案:a。通常,在我们拍照时7a. take over b. make up c. burst out d. put on答案:d。通常在你准备照相时,你会整理一下头发,带上一副笑容以展现自己最美的一面。put on戴上,put on(wear)a smile带着笑容。8a. informal b. natural c. regular d. serious答案:b。迪斯尼乐园的这些照片是自然的。natural自然状态的,不做作的,逼真的。9a. doubt b. worried c. joy d. pride答案:c。在脸上完美地展示了快乐与恐惧的融合。由空后的terror和常识可得出结论。10a. mouth b. nose c. arm d. hand答案:a。由空后的open in a scream和常识判断,应该是张大嘴巴,而不是张开双臂。 11a. showing b. dressing c. wearing d. having答案:c。我儿子正反着戴他的棒球帽以免飞走。wear穿着,戴着,佩带着,蓄着(衣服、饰物、帽子、手表、项链、胡子、笑容等)。12a. curious b. excited c. nervous d. ashamed答案:b。每次当我看到那张照片时,我就觉得兴奋。13a. struggle b. picture c. stage d. adventure答案:d。通过这张照片,我意识到生活也应该是一种冒险经历。adventure冒险,冒险精神,激动人心的活动,冒险活动。14a. decisions b. experiences c. impressions d. thoughts答案:b。我们应该始终有勇气欣赏这种新的经历。experience经验,体验,经历,阅历。15a. because of b. instead of c. in place of d. in spite of答案:a。然而,大多数时候我们因为恐惧而退缩。由行文逻辑可知,此处表示因果关系。16a. protect b. defend c. prevent d. guard答案:c。恐惧是一种可以阻止我们体验生活中新鲜有趣的事情的不健全的、病态的感觉。prevent sb.from doing sth.,阻止某人做某事。protect.from保护以免受伤害或损失。17a. which b. as c. what d. when答案:b。as sb.says正如某人所说的18a. scary b. confusing c. disappointing d. angry答案:a。由空前的at the top of a roller coaster可知是令人害怕的。scary可怕的,提心吊胆的,引起恐慌的。19a. expect b. prepare c. advance d. function答案:c。那不是退缩的时刻,那是前进的时刻。由上一句可知设空处应是和retreat(撤退)相对的一个词,故选advance(前进)。20a. admire b. notice c. support d. love答案:d。那是展现自己灿烂笑容,必要时可以高声尖叫,拥抱那些你所喜爱的事物并且勇敢前进去面对前面新的冒险。从语境和动宾搭配的角度看,love最佳。*结束第*套even though it was only october, my students were already whispering about christmas plans. with each passing day everyone became more anxious, waiting for the final school bell. upon its 1 everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except daviddavid was a small boy in ragged clothes. i had often wondered what kind of home life david had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so 2 for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. but something made david 3. i can still remember he was always 4 a smile and willing to help. he always stayed after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. we never talked much. he 5 just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly head for homeweeks passed and the 6 over the coming christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of school before the holiday break. i smiled in 7 as the last of them hurried out of the door. turning around i saw david quietly standing by my desk.“i have something for you.” he said and 8 from behind his back a small box. 9 it to me, he said anxiously, “open it.” i took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. i lifted the lid and to my surprise saw nothing. i looked at davids smiling face and back into the box and said, “the box is nice, david, but its 10 .”“oh no it isnt” said david. “its full of love. my mum told me before she died that love was something you couldnt see or touch unless you know its there.”tears filled my eyes 11i looked at the proud dirty face that i had rarely given attention to. after that christmas, david and i became good friends and i never forgot the meaning 12 the little empty box set on my desk.1. a. warning b. ringing c. calling d. yelling 2. a. modestly b. naturally c. inaccurately d. inappropriately3. a. popular b. upset c. special d. funny4. a. expressing b. delivering c. wearing d. sharing 5. a. would b. should c. might d. could6. a. argument b. excitement c. movement d. judgment7. a. relief b. return c. vain d. control 8. a. searched b. found c. raised d. pulled 9. a. holding b. handing c. sending d. leaving10. a. cheap b. empty c. useless d. improper 11. a. as b. until c. because d. though12. a. from b. behind c. over d. towards 参考答案1-5bdcca 6-10 badbb 11-12 ab*结束section c (12) directions: complete the following passage by using one word that fits the context. visit the edinburgh festivalevery year, thousands of people come to edinburgh, the capital city of scotland, to be part of the edinburgh festival. for three weeks every august and september the city is filled with actors and artists from 48 over the world. they come to edinburgh 49 the biggest arts festival in britain. during this time the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from 50 morning till late


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