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学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考我国第三方物流中存在的问题、原因及战略选择【摘要】我国物流业发展刚刚起步,第三方物流的理论和实践等方面都比较薄弱。本文指出我国第三方物流存在的问题在于国内外第三方物流企业差距、物流效率不高、缺乏系统性管理、物流平台构筑滞后、物流管理观念落后等。分析了产生上述问题的原因,并提出了精益物流、中小型第三方物流企业价值链联盟、大型第三方物流企业虚拟化战略等三种可供选择的第三方物流企业发展战略。【关键词】第三方物流;精益物流战略;价值链联盟;虚拟化战略1 引 言长期以来,我国国内企业对采购、运输、仓储、代理、包装、加工、配送等环节控制能力不强,在“采购黑洞”、“物流陷井”中造成的损失浪费难以计算。因此,对第三方物流的研究,对于促进我国经济整体效益的提高有着非常重要的理论和实践意义。本文试图对我国策三方物流存在的问题及原因进行分析探讨,并提出第三方物流几种可行的战略选择。 物流的定义在完成商业交易之后,物流将以最低成本和最高效益的方式执行将商品从供应商(卖方)流转到顾客(买方)的过程。这就是物流的定义。在物流过程中,既需要诸如物流设施和设备(物流运输工具等)的硬件,也需要对物流实施信息化管理进行物流标准化。此外,政府和物流组织的支持也不可或缺。物流的三大主要功能 (1)创造时间价值:同种商品因所处时间的不同而有着不同的价值。在商品流转过程中,往往会处于某种停滞的状态,物流的专业术语就称之为储存。储存创造了商品的时间价值。 (2)创造场所价值: 同种商品因所处位置的不同而有着不同的价值。这种因商品流转过程中而产生的附加增值称之为物流的场所价值。 (3) 同配送加工价值:有时,物流活动也能创造配送加工价值,这种物流加工主要改变商品的长度、厚度和包装形态。物流中经常提到的“分割成更小的部分”就是配送加工中最为常见的形式。大多数物流加工都能创造商品的附加价值。2.物流作为新兴的商务领域,经历了从传统物流向现代物流发展的两个阶段。这两个阶段的不同主要体现在以下两个方面: (1)现代物流采用了集装技术。商品物流往往从包装开始,而后经历运输、储存和配送等过程。整个过程始终在物流标准化的前提下运行。以物流基础模数尺寸600400MM为基础,制定出物流模数尺寸12001000MM,并将其放大至25912438MM,即形成集装箱的高度与宽度标准尺寸。并能调整成适合铁运、汽运和船运的集装箱标准规格尺寸。 (2)信息技术在现代物流中尤其重要。条形码、销售时点系统、电子数据传输系统、全球卫星定位系统的使用,极大地提高了物流活动的效率和精确程度。而互联网更加有助于物流管理的市场开发、运营和管理。国际物流很多企业正通过出口、许可、合营或跨国经营涉足国际市场。这种趋势仍将持续。随着这种趋势的发展,开发国际物流网络成为必须。整合物流管理和成本分析将更加复杂和困难。国际化将呈现出以下未来趋势: (1)物流将更多地承担起国际义务 (2)对外贸易区的数量和规模的扩大 (3)国际有纸作业和单据制作的数量的减少 (4)更多的涉外仓储业务由出口企业经营和控制 (5)小企业的数量增长 (6)物流服务企业的涉外经营,如公营仓储业务和国际运输商 (7)增加多配送渠道从某些方面讲,国际运输等同于国际物流。因此,当涉足国际贸易领域时,企业必须建立国际物流系统以提供需要的产品或服务。国际物流的更重要的发展在于大力采用先进的信息系统和实行独立的部门运作。4.包装。包装执行两个基本的功能营销和物流。就市场营销而言,包装承担促销和广告的功能。其尺寸、重量、颜色和印制的信息会对顾客产生吸引力并将产品信息传达给顾客。当企业涉足国际市场营销时,包装就显得更为重要。出口到国外的产品需要运输更长的距离,经历更多的装卸搬运。而物流包装在物流过程中起到了保护产品的作用。废弃物处理。物流过程中的活动也应当包括高效快速地对废弃物进行装卸、运输和仓储。如若废弃物能够重新利用或回收,物流企业应当合理安排并将其运送到再生产或再加工地点。退货处理。退货处理通常叫做反向配送。买方可能因各种原因将产品退回卖方。多数物流系统未能对此类事件作出足够妥善的处理。在很多行业,消费者因维修保证、更换或回收而退回产品,因而反向配送的成本可能会很高。由于顾客对退货政策的要求更加灵活、更加实惠,反向配送将更加重要。 5.第三方物流第三方物流提供了所有的物流活动。他们在第一方(供应商或生产商)和第二方(买方或顾客)之间扮演着桥梁或设施供应商的角色。第三方物流提供商的基本目标是降低供应商的整体物流成本,提高顾客服务水平。第三方物流增长十分迅速。成本降低和对更好更便宜的服务的需求是增长背后的动力。第三方物流提供商能够将来自几家企业的业务进行整合,并能提供频繁的提货和交货,而企业内部运输无法做到。(第三方物流发展的)其它原因如下:* 企业并不专长于物流* 企业自身没有足够的物流资源* 对实施更好的物流运作的期盼,或没有时间开发内部物流所需要的能力* 企业正投资一项新领域,该领域有着不同的物流需求* 外包物流运营可能比整合物流运营更加有吸引力2 我国第三方物流业存在的主要问题(一)我国策三方物流企业与国外第三方物流企业的差距较大,具体表现在以下几个方面:1、规模经济及资本差距明显。由于国外的大型第三方物流企业从全球经营的战略出发,其规模和资本优势是毫无疑问的,尤其初创时期的我国策三方物流业,本身的规模就很小,国外巨头雄厚的资本令国内企业相形见绌。2、我国策三方物流业企业提供的物流服务水准及质量控制远不如国外同行。当国内一些企业还在把物流理解成“卡车加仓库“的时候,国外的物流企业早已完成了一系列标准化的改造。同时,国外的物流组织能力非常强大,例如德国一家第三方物流公司,公司各方面的物流专家遍布欧洲各地。如果有客户的货物需要经达不同的国家,那么欧洲各地的这些专家就在网上设计出一个最佳的物流解决方案。这种提供解决方案的能力就是这第三方物流公司的核心能力,而不像国内公司号称拥有多少条船,多少辆车。3、我国加入WTO后物流产业的门槛降低。在物流服务业方面:我国承诺所有的服务行业,在经过合理过渡期后,取消大部分外国股权限制,不限制外国服务供应商进入目前的市场,不限制所有服务行业的现有市场准入和活动。同时在辅助分销的服务方面也作出了类似的承诺。这些方面的限制将在以后34年内逐步取消,在此期间,国外的服务供应商可以建立百分之百的全资拥有的分支机构或经营机构,国内物流服务业将直面国际竞争。(二)资源浪费严重,第三方物流效率不高。从微观上看,由于受计划经济体制的影响,长期以来许多企业,尤其是国有企业走的是“大而全”、“小而全”的路子,它们拥有自己的仓库、车队、甚至远洋船队,造成物流过程的大量浪费,具体表现为仓库的闲置,物流业经营分散,组织化程度低,横向联合薄弱。而能够提供一体化、现代化、专业化、准时化、高效服务的第三方物流企业则很少。从宏观上看第三方物流未能跟上经济发展的步伐形成产业化经营的模式,而仅仅是同交通运输、邮电通讯、商业物资、对外贸易等行业的综合与协作。(三)缺乏系统性管理,装备标准化程度低。目前我国大部分第三方物流企业是传统体制下物资流通企业基础上发展起来的,服务内容主要停留在仓储、运输上,缺乏系统性管理,物流的效率低,第三方物流的功能得不到有效发挥。另外,我国物流部门条块分割,使得物流环节中运输方式与装备标准不统一,流物设施标准不配套,导致第三方物流无效作业的增加,速度降低和成本上升。(四)第三方物流平台构筑滞后,信息化程度低。第三方物流配送平台包括实体网络和信息网络,实体网络指物流设施、交通工具、交通枢纽等在地理位置上的合理布局而形成的有形网络;信息网络指第三方物流企业与客户利用信息技术,把各自的信息资源链整合而形成共享的信息资源网络。我国实体网络的现状是:第三方物流装备水平较低,而且信息网络也缺乏必要的公共物流交流平台。(五)国内企业的物流管理观念仍然十分落后,极大制约着第三方物流的发展。例如:有些企业认为库存等信息是商业机密,必须由企业自身来管理,而对将该类企业活动外包出去的管理理念难以接受,往往造成企业自身物流控制管理水平低下,削弱了企业的市场竞争力。3 产生问题的原因分析(一)缺乏现代化物流知识和专业物流管理人才。这一点是目前制约中国第三方物流业发展的最主要的瓶颈之一。物流知识,尤其是现代综合的第三方物流知识远未得到普及,只是知道它的主要的业务领域是提供运输和仓储服务,而不知道它是对这些传统业务的新的整合,其业务领域也远过单纯的运输和仓储而成为连接原料、半成品供应、生产过程中物料流动、成品配送的全过程的服务,成为涵盖商流、实物流、资金流、信息流等于系统的综合体系。(二)未能有效利用现代科技手段。这种现状极大地制约了第三方物流企业的培育,影响了企业综合竞争实力的提高。中国加入世贸组织,国内第三方物流企业将面临来自国外的强有力的竞争,国内第三方物流业很难提供低成本、高质量、高效率的服务。(三)受到传统管理体制的制约。在传统的条块分割的体制安排下,第三方物流的许多活动被割裂至各个不同部门,如交通运输、邮电通讯、对外贸易、国内贸易等,仅运输业就牵涉到铁道部、交通部等若干部门,部门之间缺乏高效协作,致使运输过程中各运输方式的转动环节耗费大量时间和成本,成为物流过程中的“陷阱”。此外还有海关管理程序、物资采购等方面的一些规定也影响了物流企业综合服务水平的提高和业务领域的拓展,进而制约了第三方物流产业的快速发展。4 第三方物流企业的战略选择归纳国外几种最新的物流理论,并结合当前国外第三方物流发展实践,第三方物流企业的战略选择可以有以下三种:(一)精益物流战略由于物流理论和实践的滞后,我国大部分第三方物流企业还是粗放式经营,还不能准确定位自己的物流服务。如果不尽快扭转这一局面,将对我国第三方物流业的发展产生制约作用。精益物流理论的产生,为我国的第三方物流企业提供了一种新的发展思路,为这些企业在新经济中生存和发展提供了机遇。精益物流起源于精益制造的概念。它产生于日本丰田汽车公司在上世纪70年代所独创的“丰田生产系统”,后经美国麻省理工学院教授研究和总结,正式发表在1990年出版的改变世界的机器)一书中。精益思想是指运用多种现代管理方法和手段,以社会需求为依据,以充分发挥人的作用为根本,有效配置和合理使用企业资源,最大限度地为企业谋求经济效益的一种新型的经营管理理念。精益物流则是精益思想在物流管理中的应用,是物流发展中的必然反映。所谓精益物流是指:通过消除生产和供应过程中的非增值的浪费,以减少备货时间,提高客户满意度。精益物流的目标在于根据顾客需求,提供顾客满意的物流服务,同时追求把提供物流服务过程中的浪费和延迟降至最低程度,不断提高物流服务过程的增值效益。精益物流系统的特点在于它是高质量、低成本、不断完善、由顾客需求拉动型的物流系统。它要求树立顾客第一的思想、准时、准确、快速地传递物流和信息流。总之,精益物流作为一种全新的管理思想,势必会对我国的第三方物流企业产生深远的影响,它的出现将改变第三方物流企业的粗放式的管理观念,形成第三方物流企业的核心竞争力。(二)建立中小型第三方物流企业的价值链联盟中小型的第三方物流企业由于本身不能独立提供全程一站式物流服务的缺点,同时由于资产规模小、服务地域不宽使中小型第三方物流企业在我国物流业中处于劣势。因此对于中小型第三方物流企业来说,从企业自身资源出发,构造各自的核心竞争力才是关键。由于中小型第三方物流企业功能的单一与不完备,因此建立在各自的核心竞争力基础上构造的物流业务的合作是一种有效弥补企业能力缺陷,构成物流竞争优势的可行方法。价值链是采用系统方法来考察企业所有活动及其相互作用以及分析获得企业竞争优势的各种资源。企业的价值活动分为两大类:基本活动和辅助活动。基本活动是涉及产品的物质创造及销售、转移给买方和售后服务的各种活动。辅助活动是辅助基本活动并通过提供外购收入、技术、人力资源以及各种职能以相互支持。运用价值链理论来分析考察第三方物流企业的价值链构成,可以发现,在辅助活动方面,第三方物流企业与一般企业并没有什么不同,而在基本活动方面第三方物流企业有其特点。第三方物流企业一般不存在商品生产过程,只有流通环节的再加工过程,不占主要环节,广泛的第三方物流企业的基本作业活动因而变成存储、运输、包装、配送、客户服务及市场等环节。基本作业活动的各环节,由于企业自身资源和能力的有限,不可能在每一个环节中都占有优势,这种在某些价值链环节方面的不足,造成了企业整体物流机能的不完备,缺乏相应的竞争力,使某些具有相对优势的价值链环节也因整体的不足而发挥不出应有的功效。所以物流产业内的中小型第三方物流企业联盟,应该是建立在彼此之间价值链基础上的互补性合作,充分利用专业性物流公司的专业化物流机能和物流代理企业的组织协调的柔性化综合物流能力的互补性。对于中小型第三方物流企业来说,应该从企业价值链的优势环节入手,发掘并形成企业的核心竞争力,通过价值链的重构来扬长避短。(三)大型第三方物流企业的虚拟化战略在IT和互联网飞速发展的时代,企业不能单打独拼,而必须在竞争中求协作,在协作中求发展。因此,产生于现代条件下的现代大型第三方物流的虚拟化发展有很强的必要性。大型第三方物流企业的虚拟化是指物流经营人将他人的资源为己“所有”,通过网络,把他人变成自己物流的一部分,借助他人的力量突破有形界限,延伸、实现自身的各种功能,进而扩展自己的能力,增强自己的实力。所以,物流的虚拟化是以信息技术为连接和协调手段的临时性、动态联盟形式的虚拟物流。现代综合物流的虚拟化,以电子通讯技术为手段,以客户为中心,以机会为基础,以参与成员的核心能力为条件,以协议目标和任务为共同追求,把不同地区、国家的现有资源迅速组合成一种没有围墙,超越空间约束,靠电子网络手段联系,统一指挥的虚拟经营实体,以最快的速度推出高质量、低成本的物流服务。现代大型第三方物流的虚拟化包括功能、组织、地域三个方面的虚拟化。功能虚拟化是第三方物流企业借助IT技术将分布在不同地点、不同企业内承担不同职能的物流资源(信息、人力、物质等资源)组织起来去完成特定的任务,实现社会资源的优化。组织虚拟化是指物流组织的结构始终是动态调整的,不是固定不变的,而且具有分散化、柔性化、自主管理、扁平的网络结构,自己可根据目标和环境的变化进行再组合,及时反映市场动态。地域虚拟是指第三方物流企业通过互联网络将全球物流资源连接起来,消除障碍和国家壁垒,使生产管理实现“天涯若比邻”。外文文献原文部分Chinas third-party logistics problems, causes and strategic choiceAbstract: Chinas logistics industry has just started, third-party logistics and other aspects of the theory and practice are relatively weak. The paper points out the problems of the Third Party Logistics is the gap between domestic and international third party logistics, logistics efficiency is not high, the lack of systematic management, and logistics platform to build lag behind the concept of logistics management, and so on. Analyzed the causes of such problems arising and proposed lean logistics, small and medium enterprise value chain alliances third party logistics, large third-party logistics companies such as virtualization strategy choice of three third-party logistics enterprise development strategies.Keywords:Third party logistics;lean logistics strategy;value chain alliances; virtualization strategy1. IntroductionFor a long time, Chinas domestic enterprises procurement, transportation, warehousing, agents, packaging, processing, distribution and other aspects of control is not strong, in the Procurement black hole, Logistics trap in the waste is difficult to calculate losses. Therefore, third-party logistics research, the overall effectiveness in promoting the improvement of Chinas economy has a very important theoretical and practical significance. This article attempts to my policy of three logistics problems and analysis of the causes of and propose several possible third-party logistics strategic choice.The Definition of LogisticsAfter completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier( seller) to the customer( buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment( logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the government and logistics association should be in place.Three major functions of logistics (1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods. (2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics. (3) Distribution processing value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, “ cutting into smaller parts” is the most commonly seen distribution processing within logistics create added value for goods.2. Logistics is a new commercial area, developing from the traditional stage to a modern one. The main differences between these two stage include: (1) Modern logistics adopts containerization techniques. The goods transfer process starts with packaging, followed by transportation, storage and distribution. The whole process is operated under logistics standards. Based on the logistics base module of 600400mm, from the logistics module of 1,2001,000mm, and enlarge to the size of 2,5912,438mm-the size of highwide of the container. It can be adjusted to the standard sizes of containers for trains, trucks and ships. (2) Information technologies are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of the logistics activities. Internet further assists the market development, operation and management of the logistics industry.3.International Logistics An increasing number of companies are involving in international markets through exporting, licensing, joins ventures, and ownership. This trend should continue. With such expansion there is a need to develop worldwide logistics networks. Integrated logistics management and cost analysis will be more complex and difficult to manage.There are some future trends in internationalization: (1) More logistics executives with international responsibilities (2) Expansion of the number and size of foreign trade zones. (3) Reduction in the amount of international paperwork and documentation (4) More foreign warehousing is owned and controlled by the exporting firm (5) Increasing number of smaller firm (6) Foreign ownership of logistics service firms, e. g., public warehousing and transportation carriers. (7) Increasing multiple distribution channelsThe international transport and the international logistics are same things in some way. So, when the international trading involved, the firm must establish international logistics systems to provide the products and service demanded. The most significant development in international logistics will be the increasing sophistication information system adopted and independent departments to operate.4.Packaging. Packaging performs two basic functionsmarketing and logistics. In marketing the packaging acts promotion and advertising. Its size, weight, color, and printed information attract customers and convey knowledge of the product. When firms are involved in international marketing, packaging becomes even more important. Products sold to foreign countries travel greater distances and undergo more handling operations. The logistics package is to protect the products during the process of logistics.Scrap disposal. The logistics process must effectively and quickly handle, transport, and store waste products. If they can be reused or recycled, logistics company should arrange and move them to the reproduction and reprocessing locations.Return goods handling. The handling of return goods is often called reverse distribution. Buyers may return items to the seller for a number of reasons. Most logistics systems are not good enough to handle such cases. In many industries, consumers return products for warranty repair, replacement, or recycling, reverse distribution costs may be very high. Reverse distribution will become more important as customers demand more flexible and favorable return policies. 5.Third Part Logistics ( TPL) Third Part Logistics provides all the logistics services. They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first part( supplier or producer) and the second part( buyer or customer). The primary objectives of third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer.Third Part Logistics have been growing rapidly. Cost reduction and demands for batter and cheaper services are the main drives behind the growth. A third part logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pickups and deliveries, whereas inhouse transportation cannot. Other reasons are as follows:* The company does not specialize in logistics;* The company does not have sufficient resources;* Eager to implement better logistics operation or does not have time to develop the required capabilities inhouse;* The company is venturing into a new business with totally different logistics requirements;* Merger or acquisition may make outsourcing logistics operations more attractive than to integrate logistics operations.2 Third party logistics industry in Chinas major problems(A) The national policy of three logistics companies and foreign big gap between third-party logistics companies, specifically in the following areas:1, economies of scale and capital gap significantly. Because third-party logistics companies large foreign strategic departure from the global business, its advantages of scale and capital is no doubt, especially start-up period of three logistics policy I, its very small size, strong capital that foreign giants China enterprises to shame.2, I state policy of the logistics enterprises provide three logistics service level and quality control rather than foreign counterparts. When some domestic enterprise is still in logistics interpreted as trucks, add warehouse logistics enterprises abroad already completed a series of standardized transformation. Meanwhile, foreign logistics organizational ability so powerful, Germany, for example, a third-party logistics company, all aspects of logistics experts across all over Europe. If the goods by a customer needs of different countries, so these experts from all over Europe in online design a the best logistics solutions. This provides solutions is the ability that the core competence of third-party logistics companies, unlike domestic companies claim to having many ship, how many car.3, Chinas accession to WTO, lower the threshold of the logistics industry. The logistics service industry: our commitment to all of the services sector, after a reasonable transition period, to cancel most of the foreign equity limit does not restrict access to foreign service providers the current market, do not restrict all the service sectors and the existing market access activities. The secondary distribution services while also making a similar commitment. These restrictions will be phased out after 3-4 years, during which foreign service providers can create a hundred per cent wholly-owned subsidiaries or business sector, the domestic logistics industry will face international competition.他十分高兴地回家去了。(十分 特别非常格外 )(B) serious waste of resources, third party logistics efficiency is not high. From the microscopic point of view, due to the impact of the planned economy, a long time many enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises to go the large, small route, they have their own warehouse, fleet, and even ocean-going vessels team, resulting in wasting a lot of the logistics process, the specific performance of the idle warehouse, logistics decentralized operation, the low level of organization, transverse joint weak. And to provide integrated, modern, professional, punctual, efficient services to third-party logistics enterprises are very small. From a macro point of view of economic development of third-party logistics failed to keep up with the pace of the formation of industrial management model, but only with the transportation, telecommunications, commercial materials, foreign trade and other sectors of the integration and collaboration.一、汉语拼音(立足让学生进一步熟悉和练习巩固):(C) the lack of systematic management, equipment standardization is low. Most of the current third-party logistics enterprises in China under the traditional system based on materials circulation enterprises developed, the service mainly stay in the storage, transportation, lack of systematic management, logistics, low efficiency, lack of effective third party logistics functions Play. In addition, the fragmentation of Chinas logistics sector, making the link in the transportation logistics and equipment standards are not uniform, does not support current standards for physical facilities, resulting in the increase in third-party logistics invalid operation, speed, and reduce costs.(D) third-party logistics platform to build lag, lower degree of information technology. Third-party logistics and distribution platforms, including physical network and information network, physical network refers to the logistics facilities, transportation, transportation hubs in the geographical location of the rational distribution and the formation of physical network; information networks that use third-party logistics business and information technology, Information resources to their chain integration and the formation of a shared network of
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