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广东省河源市九年级英语《Unit4 T3 sectionC》学案(无答案) 仁爱版.doc_第4页




课题:unit4 topic3 i dont think aliens can be found in space section c p97-98学习目标与要求:1. 了解更多关于火星的知识。 2. 掌握在原级比较中表示事物之间倍数、分数和百分数等数量关系的句型。模块一:自主学习(独立进行) (self-study & self-exploration) 预时25分钟学法指导学习内容随堂笔记step 1 听读天地培养语感 1、关于火星,你知道些什么?它看起来是什么样子的?让我们仔细听p97的1a, 完成学习内容处的句子。2、听p98的2【work alone】,完成空格处。3、大声地朗读1a的文章,并理解大意。step2.品读-读出理解1.阅读1a课文和2,在课本划出学习内容处step2.1的重点词汇,并抄下来,看谁找得又快又准确;2. 根据课本1a的内容,完成p97,1b。3. 在理解的基础上完成学习内容处step2.3重点句梳理和语法。step 3 核对 小组内相互检查练习完成情况;小声交流,并相互评定等级。(1-5)。step1. 1听读课文1a,完成下列句子。1. mars is _ _ planet from the sun in our solar system.2. its diameter is _ as wide as that of the earth.3. it looks like a _ and _ _.4. the gravity on the surface of mars is about _ as strong as it is on earth.5. the air has only _ oxygen.step 2.1 翻译下列词组。太阳系 以命名_ 旋转_相隔 在夜空_two-fifths as strong as_搜索_更糟糕的是_step2.3 重点句梳理1. 【例句观摩】(1)so a person who weighs 90 kilos on earth weighs only 36 kilos on mars.所以,一个在地球上重90公斤的人在火星上只重36公斤。(2) what on earth are you doing? 你究竟在干什么?【解析】在(1)句中划线部分是_(宾语从句/定语从句),对_进行修饰或限制。这里who作weighs的_不能省略。而且由于被修饰词a person是第三人称单数,所以这里用weighs,而不用_。【归纳】观察(1)(2)两句,on earth有两种意思:_,_,作的意思讲时,常放在特殊疑问代词之_(前/后)。2. 【例句观摩】 i often miss the family, but the excitement of being on mars is worth it! 虽然我经常想念家人,但是在火星上的兴奋是值得的。 the novel is well worth reading. 这部小说很值得一读。【解析】中,“值得”_,“很值得做”_。及时训练:( ) the science fiction is worth _. because it can make you interested in science. a. read b. reading c. to read d. read it3.【例句观摩】1. its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth. 它的直径是地球直径的53%2. the gravity on the surface of mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on the earth. 火星表面的引力大约是地球表面引力的五分之二。3. the students in our school are twice as many as those in yours. 我们学校里的学生是你们学校里的学生的两倍。4. the weather in beijing isnt as hot as that in wuhan.【探究发现】1、2、3句都是表示原级比较的句型,其一般结构为:a+谓语动词+_/_/_+as+_+ as + b.第4句的结构是as+_+ as,其中that指代上文的_,若是复数名词则用_代替。互评等级:_(1-5)模块二:交流研讨(小组合作、展示、评价,质疑)预时25分钟(cooperation , exploration , show & improvement)学法指导研讨内容随堂笔记step4交流研讨10学科大组长组织,全体站立,围着白板,带领组员共同探讨右侧交流研讨部分内容,并形成统一的组内意见;step5 展示17在抽签完成的情况下,学科组长将本组的展示任务进行讨论汇总,形成统一的方案并进行责任分工,为展示做准备。 step6 质疑与评价1、每组展示完成后,其余小组可争取一次“质疑”机会;质疑成功的小组可获得1加分;获得表扬的组也可加1;2、负责下一展示任务的小组对上一组的展示进行评价和打分;(1-5)交流研讨:10 1、step2. 1英汉互译;2、step2.2 课本p97,1b。3、step2.3 重点句梳理。step5 展示展示任务一:交流研讨1:【 step2. 1英汉互译】建议:1、白板展示step2. 1英汉互译;2、口头展示:按照读-译-讲解-拓展的步骤进行讲解展示(方式:全班读译,分组读译,个人读译pk等)展示任务二:交流研讨2:【step2.2 课本p97,1b】建议:1、白板展示step2. 2 课p93页1b内容及答案;2、口头展示以多种方式竞读,争取调动全班的竟读氛围,朗读流利有感情,展示自然大方。(读的方式:领读、翻译、一口气pk读等)展示任务三:交流研讨3:step2.3 重点句梳理建议:1、白板展示step2.3 重点句梳理;2、口头展示:按照读-译-讲解-拓展的步骤进行讲解展示。课堂评价要素:1、 合理评价组员,全员参与,有序展示;2、 书写规范,工整美观,双色笔运用得当;3、 发音清晰,声音洪亮;4、 面向全体,自然大方,肢体语言运用得当;5、展示生动活泼,独具特色。模块三:练习训练(独立完成) (practice & consolidation) 预时5分钟学法指导训练内容随堂笔记step7 当堂反馈:单选( ) 1. the apples in this basket are bigger than _ in that basket. a. them b. those c. / d. that( ) 2. the famous painting was named_ autumn. a. to b. as c. for d. after( ) 3. uncle wangs purse was found by a _ girl named ann. a. 12-year-old b. 12-years-old c. 12 years old d. 12 year old( ) mars bigger than the earth? -no. its about_ the earth. a. as big as b. as small as c. the same big as d. a quarter as big as( ) 5. _ since the pet dog ran away from its owner. a. it is three days b. it has been three days c. three days has passed d. a, b or c教学后记:_河源中英文实验学校两段五环讲学稿(9英)执笔 王科艳 审核 教研组长 授课时间 第12周 班级 姓名 课题:unit4 topic3 i dont think aliens can be found in space section c p97-98【日日清检测过关】1、用时:15分钟 2、训练方式:独立完成 3、互动(整理提高):15分钟基础题:一、单项选择。( ) 1. there are all kinds of living things _. but we havent found any lives on other planets. a. in the world b. in earth c. in the earth d. on earth( ) 2. -where is the supermarket? -its _ the railway station. a. closed to b. close to c. close from d. closed from( ) 3. -where do they want to move? -they want to move to a warmer _.a. climate b. weather c. weathers d. climates( ) 4. you must stay away from that box _ a distance of 20 meters.a. in b. at c. during d. to ( ) 5. there were about six_students in the school building during the earthquake, and _of them didnt run out.a. hundred, two third b. hundred, two thirds c. hundreds, two thirds d. hundreds, two third二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. zhaolin middle school is _(name) after a hero.2. she has been working there since the _(begin) of last summer.3. they are busy _(search) for more information about space.4. it_(take) the moon about a month to go around the earth one circle.5. look at the photo. the _(four) one from the right is my teacher.*发展题:阅读理解。now satellites are helping us to forecast the weather. they are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. the satellites take pictures of atmosphere(大气). so the scientists there can see the weather of any part of the world and how the weather will change. today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries can receive satellite pictures. when they receive the new pictures, they compare(比较) them with the earlier ones. perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours. this may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. in their next weather forecast, they can tell people about it. so the weather satellites are of great help to the scientists at the station. in the past they could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours earlier. now they can make good forecast for 3 or 5 days. soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead. 根据短文内容, 判断正(t)误(f)。( ) 1. the weather satellites in space can help the scientists to know everything. ( ) 2. changing clouds in the atmosphere means that weather may change. ( ) 3. without satellites, scientists could forecast the weather for 3 or 5 days ahead. ( ) 4. today, every country has its own weather station which can receive satellite pictures. ( ) 5. the main idea of this passage is that


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