广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit1 第2学时 Language points学案 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit1 第2学时 Language points学案 新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit1 第2学时 Language points学案 新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit1 第2学时 Language points学案 新人教版必修1.doc_第4页




广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 unit1 第2学时 language points学案 新人教版必修1task1. summary fill in the blanks according to the text and then read the passage below.i lived in amsterdam in the netherlands during(1)_. my family were (2)_( jew), so we had to hide(3)_ for a year and a half in order not to be caught by the german nazis. during that time i wasnt able to go outdoors for so long that i had (4)_( grow) so crazy about everything to do (5)_nature. once, i decided to look at the moon at (6)_by myself. but i didnt dare to open the window to see the night face(7)_ face because i was afraid of being discovered by the nazis. i felt very(8)_ (lone) without seeing my old friends. so i had to make a new (9)_- my diary kitty, whom i could tell everything to. sadly, at last my family was discovered and caught by the german nazis sometime(10) _(late).task2. lets learn some useful expressions!1)add up your score and see how many points you get.add up 合计,把加起来 思维拓展:addto把加到上 add to增加 add up to总计达,总共有词组填空(1) if the tea is too strong, please_ some hot water _it(2) his whole school education_ only one year.(3) his illness _the familys trouble.(4) we have planted flowers and green trees around the buildings, which_ the beauty of the city. a.add to. b. add up. c. add up to. d. added to 2)ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.a) ignore 忽视,不理汉译英: 你忽视他的存在是不礼貌的._b) calm (sb) down 让某人冷静汉译英: 我们花了半个小时才让小婴儿平静下来 ._3)tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after clas and talk concerned about 关心 思维拓展:concern oneself with/ in sth. 关心,挂念 英译汉:1. she concerned herself with/in social welfare._2. she is concerned about her sons future. _4)or would not understand what you are going through?go through sth. : 经历思维拓展猜下列句子中的go through 分别是什么意思:1. he would go through fire and water for his country.( )2. they went through our luggage at the customs. ( )3. we spent several days going through the materials. ( )4. can the table go through the door? ( )5).i wonder if its because i havent been able to be outdoors for so long that ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.e.g. i wonder if it is true that he hid away for one year.我想知道他是不是真的躲藏了一年。i wonder whether he is telling the truth.我不知道他是否在讲真话。汉译英:1. 我想知道他是否会遵守他的诺言._2. 我想知道他敢那样做吗._6) it /this is the first time that 这是第一次做(现在完成时)it /that was the first time that 那是第一次做(过去完成时)汉译英:1 这是我第一次来北京。_2 那是他第三次上班迟到。_.task3. 当堂检测 translate the following into english, using the useful expressions in the text.1、正因为他太沉迷电脑游戏,才会考得一塌糊涂。_2、请加点盐到汤上,太淡了_3、我想向他解释但他不理我_4、他们经历了生与死的考验。_5、这是我有生以来头一次体验蹦极。_unit2第2学时参考答案 war ii;2.jewish;3.away ;4.grown; 5.with; midnight ; 8.lonely; 9.friend ;10.later.task2(1) add , to (2) added up to (3) added to (4)a1)2 ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.a) ignore 忽视,不理汉译英: 你忽视他的存在是不礼貌的.its impolite of you to ignore him. b) calm (sb) down 让某人冷静汉译英: 我们花了半个小时才让小婴儿平静下来 .it took us half an hour to calm the baby down.2)tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after clas and talk concerned about 关心 思维拓展:concern oneself with/ in sth. 关心,挂念 英译汉:1. she concerned herself with/in social welfare.她关心福利事业。2. she is concerned about her sons future. 她关心她儿子的前途。3)or would not understand what you are going through?go through sth. : 经历思维拓展猜下列句子中的go through 分别是什么意思:1. he would go through fire and water for his country.( 经历 ) 2. they went through our luggage at the customs. ( 检查 ) 3. we spent several days going through the materials. ( 查阅,读完 ) 4. can the table go through the door? ( 穿过,经过 )5).i wonder if its because i havent been able to be outdoors for so long that ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.e.g. i wonder if it is true that he hid away for one year. 我想知道他是不是真的躲藏了一年。i wonder whether he is telling the truth.我不知道他是否在讲真话。汉译英:1. 我想知道他是否会遵守他的诺言. i wonder if he will keep his promise.2. 我想知道他敢那样做吗. i wonder if he dares to do so.6) it /this is the first time that 这是第一次做(现在完成时)it /that was the first time that 那是第一次做(过去完成时)汉译英:1 这是我第一次来北京。this is the first time that i have been in beijing2 那是他第三次上班迟到。it was the third time that the man had been late for work.task 3. 当堂检测 translate the following into english, using the useful expressions in the text.1、正因为他太沉迷电脑游戏,才会考得一塌糊涂。it was because he had been addicted to the computer games that he failed (to pass) the exam.2、请加点盐到汤上,太淡了please add some salt to


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