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2013高考英语阅读理解(5月)训练(08)及答案cfriday, dec5, 2008college students who think all-night study sessions will help them remember facts might want to get some sleep insteadthats the message from a new study that finds that as you sleep, the mind consolidates the things you learn during the daystudy participants who learned how to play a video game in the morning or evening did a better job the next day after a nights rest, apparently because their brains were actively absorbing what theyd learned as they sleptthe finding shows that sleep is not just a passive state when no information is coming in, said howard nusbaum, a professor of psychology at the university of chicagofor the study, the researchers recruited 200 college studentsmost of them werent very familiar with playing video gamessome of the participants learned how to play the games in the morning, while others learned in the eveningthe researchers then tested the subjects on the video games 12 hours later and 24 hours laterthose who took part in the morning training sessions showed an average eight-percentage-point improvement in their performance immediately after trainingthey performed more poorlyscoring four percentage points better12 hours laterbut they scored 10 percentage points better the next morningif we train you in the morning and come back at the end of the day, you forget some of what you learned, nusbaum saidbut if you sleep after that, it restores some of what you learned the students who took part in the evening training sessions performed better the next morning after sleeping, than they did after being trainedthe role that dreams play in the learning processif anyisnt clearbut some dreams could serve as a kind of practice for the brain, nusbaum saidif you play a video game a lot, and youre playing in your dreams, maybe that could help you learnjerry siegel, professor at the center for sleep research at the university of calfornia, los angeles, said going without sleep hurts performance, but hes not convinced that sleep itself actively contributes to learningif you take a break for a few hours, it can easily be shown that learning did occur, because performance is better at the start of a new learning session than it was at the end of the initial session, he saidno sleep needs to occur for this to happen still, siegel suggested that sleep before learning a skill is crucialfor long-term retention, it is more important to be well rested and therefore attentive when you are doing the learning than afterwards, he saidit is even better if you dont have to choose and get your natural amounts of sleep every day 9what does the underlined word want (in paragraph 1) mean? alackbwish cdesiredneed 10what is mainly talked about in this text? athe effect of video games on learningbthe relation between sleep and learningcthe role of dreams in the learning processdthe difference between morning and evening trainings11what would be the best title for the text? asleep strengthens learningbdreams clearly help learningca break before learning is betterdvideo games improve performance12which of the following statements is true according to the passage? atraining in the morning showed better results at onceblearning wont occur during sleeping without dreamscsleeping well helps to absorb what one learneddstudying all night helps to remember more facts参考答案 9-12 dbac *结束dan analysis of studies in 40 countries around the globe proves a long-standing assumption that the more a person knows about science, the more he or she tends to support scientific effortsin fact, studies that have tested the link between a persons level of scientific knowledge and attitudes towards the field have generated mixed resultsits been a very hard question, says sociologist nick allum of the university of surrey in guildford, ukto resolve the issue, allum and his colleagues pulled together the results of nearly 200 surveys carried out between 1998 and 2003 in countries from australia to bulgariathese studies assessed, for example, whether participants knew certain scientific facts and whether they supported developments in genetically modified food or nanotechnologyto some extent, the results prove the belief widely held by science supporters: the more people know about science, the more favourably they tend to view it, in spite of other factors such as age, nationality and level of educationallum presented his results at the meeting of the american association for the advancement of science in washington dc last weekbut now this question is cleared up, researchers must begin to deal with more pressing questions, allum saysthe argument should move onhis finding cannot, for example, show whether better science education will increase general support for the fieldthis is because researchers have yet to figure out whether people who learn more about science then tend to like it or, on the contrary, whether people who already like and support science are simply tend to learn further factsand a persons level of scientific knowledge actually goes a very tiny way towards explaining their attitudes towards scienceallum believes that there are probably far more important factors, such as their moral values, religious beliefs and political leaningand peoples trust in science may be influenced by how tightly regulated they believe the process to be in their countrythis might explain, in part, why those living in different countries tend to hold different attitudes: europeans tend to be more doubtful of genetically modified crops than those in the united states, for examplefinally, science lovers hope to strengthen support for the field, but it looks as if simple science education will not be enoughas allum says: its all horribly complicated13in allums opinion, _ will have little influence on a persons attitude towards scienceascientific knowledgebmoral valuescreligious beliefsdpolitical leaning14from the passage we can infer that _ athe surveys were carried out in a few countriesbeuropeans love science more than americans callum kept his research results a secretdnick allum is not a natural scientist15the underlined word those refers to _ascience loversbdifferent attitudes cpeople in generaldgenetically modified crops16what is mainly talked about in this passage? aspecial beliefs of the sociologist nick allumblink between knowledge and love of sciencecways in which people love sciencedthe function of science education参考答案 13-16 adcb*结束2.(2011湖北卷)cin todays throw away society, dealing with the citys growing mountain of waste is an inereasing challenge for the city countil(市议会)。 recently. edinburgh is faced with the problem of dssposing of(处理)about250,000million tons of waster a year . despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green manner-largely through encouraging tecycling-its aging facilities such as the powderhall landfill do not have the ability to deal with it. the european union(eu) has issued a new policy, regulating how such mountains of waster are to hr disposed of. the five councils (edinburgh. east lothian. west lothian. midlethian and borders) face fine around $18million a year from 2013 it they dont inerease recycling levels and rely less on landfill. with this in mind, the coumlls got together with the idea of building a lage incinerator plant (垃圾焚烧厂)to burn half of the waste produced in their districts. but the plan fell apart after the change of target levels by a new uk government waste policy which required that no more than 25% of the citys waste should be disposed of in this way by 2025.after the plan was abandoned, a private company which already transported millions of tons of the citys wast by train to a landfill site near dunbar, offered an alternative soution when it suggested opening a huge waste site near portobello.since powderhall is supposed to close in 2015, it seemed necessary for the members of the edinburgh council to accept the suggestion. but soon they turned it downafter 700 local objections reached thembecause it would have meant hundreds of lorries a day making loud noise through heavily populated areas.that still leaves eth council with a problem. by 2013,only50%of 1995 levels of waste will benllewed to be sent to landfill. even if recveling large are met, there will still be a large amount of rubbish to be burnt up. due build an edinburgh and midlothian councils have now decided to work together to build an ineinerator plant as time to find a solution is fast running out.59. the main way of handling waste in a green manmer in edinburgh is .a. recyeling b. restoring c. burying d. burning60. the five councils worked out a plan to build an incinerator plant to .a. reduce the roast of burying waste b. meets the eu requirements c. speed up waste recycling d. tempter landfill sites 61. the city council of edinburgh rejected the suggestion to open a huge landfill site near portobello because .a. a name from a private company b. the comelier was not interested in it c. it was not supports by eud. the local poodle was waist it 62. what is the final dream an edinburgh and midlothian country? a. to open a new landfill nearby b. to close the powder hall landfill in 2015c. to set up a plan for burning wasted. to persuade people to deduce their waste.【答案】abdc*结束estreamwood, illfor years, attendance was small at tefft middle schools yearly parent-teacher conferences, but the principal did not blame families for their poor responseinstead, she blamed the poor way the conferences were conducted“five years ago, the most important personthe studentwas left out of the parent-teacher conference,” teffts principal, lavonne smiley, said“the old conferences were such a negative thing, so we turned it around,” allowing students not only to attend but also to lead the gatherings instead of anxiously awaiting their parents return home with the teachers opinion on their classroom performancerecently, 525 parents attended parent-teacher-student conferences, mssmiley said, compared with 75 parents in 2003no appointments were needed, and everyone was welcome at the conferences this year, spread over two days that school officials called a celebration of learning“i think were learning that every school has its own dna, and there is not a prescription for conferences that works for every school,” mskinney said“there is such an increasingly diverse population at our nations schools, the one-size-fits-all model conference just doesnt work anymore”at some schools, not only are students on hand for conferences, but their siblings are also welcome, as are grandparents, aunts and uncles, even family friendswhen mark heller accepted a job as an assistant principal at the middle school in his hometown of plano, ill, he discovered that the community had changed a lot in the eight years he had been a teacher in iowathe population had nearly doubled to 10,000 residents, and 37 percent of the students at plano middle school were now from low-income familiesthe traditional parent-teacher conferences without a student present are always available by appointment, and sometimes necessary, for example, to discuss a private matter concerning a non-custodial (无监护权的) parent, a family crisis the child is unaware of or a special education diagnosisstill, mrheller is convinced that a true dialogue concerning a students academic progress is impossible without both the child and the parent engaged and present, and with


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