



通州区金郊初中“导学式”高效课堂八年级英语学科导学案 2015-6-13八(下) Unit 8 Reading 2主备人: 周芳 审核人:导学目标: 1.掌握课文中的语言点; 2.学会如何生活,有利环保。导学过程:【复习导入】 根据课文内容填空: My online friend Martina wrote last week about how they protect the e_ in Switzerland. In Switzerland, glass, plastic and paper are s_ into different groups and then r_. An organization c_ old clothes from around the country. Then some are sold in charity show, some are given to the poor and others are sent to f_ for recycling. Their government have many l_ to protect the environment too. For example, people will be p_ if they cut down trees because its not a_. And they dont drop l_ in a public place. Otherwise, theyll be f_ by the police. They think that our human beings d_ on the nature, so it is important for us to protect it w_. We can use energy from the sun, wind and water because these new types of energy will never run out and even they p_ little pollution. 【自主学习】翻译下列短语、句子:1.尽力做某事 _2.被分成 _3.一个回收旧衣服的组织_4.收集来自全国的旧衣服_5.送给某人某物_ 6.有法律做某事_7.允许某人做某事_8.砍伐树木 _9.限制空气、水污染_10.依靠某物/某人_11.使用来自太阳的能量_12.世界环境日_13.瑞士是一个有高山、干净蓝湖的国家。_14. 岛很漂亮,而且我们应该一直让它保持那样。_14. 一些旧的衣服和鞋子可以被循环利用。_15. 我和我的家人经常把我们的旧衣服送给这个组织。_16. 我们的政府已经有了许多法律来保护环境。 _17.如果我们在公众场所扔垃圾,我们将会被警方罚款。_【合作探究】 各小组选择任一话题( P111, B3),复述课文。【精讲点拨】1. Its beautiful, and we should try to keep it that way. 它很美,而且我们应该尽力让它一直保持那样。 句中的way可以和this、that等连用。 e.g. 他为什么这样做? Why does he act this way? 2. In Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into differentgroups and then recycled. 在瑞士,像玻璃、塑料和纸被分成不同的小组,然后回收利用。separateinto 把分开,隔开 be separated into 被 分开,隔开 e.g. 那些儿童分成小组做游戏。The children were separated into groups for the game. 咱们把孩子们分成6组。_3. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling. 一些衣服放在慈善店出售,一些送给穷人,还有一些送到工厂循环再生。 句型Some, some, and others. 表示“一些, 一些, 还有一些”。一些学生在安静地看书,一些在做笔记,还有一些在上网查资料。_4. We are not allowed to cut down trees. 我们是不允许砍伐树木的。 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 sb. be allowed to do sth. 某人被允许做某事 老板不允许我上班期间使用电话。_5. Nature is our greatest treasure. We depend on its rich resources to live, so it is important for us to protect it wisely. 大自然是我们最大的财富。我们依靠其丰富的资源生存,所以要理智地保护它,这一点很重要。depend on 依靠,依赖,取决于 我不想太依靠我父母。_6. These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out. 这些新型能源不仅成本低廉,而且用之不尽。run out 用完,耗尽我们的食物不久就吃光了。_ 7. Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference! 记住每个人都可以做点(对保护环境)有益的事!make a / no/ some/ much difference to 对有/没有/有些/有很大作用、关系、影响这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。 _ 【自主评价】一、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. We shouldnt use _ (塑料) bags when we go shopping . 2. Boys and girls will be _ (分开) into two groups . 3. He will be _ (惩罚) by the police because of stealing. 4. You should spend your money _ (明智地). 5. There are many rich _ (资源) in our country.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. There are many _ (different) between American English and British English. 2. We are not allowed _ (cut) down trees. 3. I learned about an organization for _ (recycle) clothes. 4. He is much _ (rich) than me. 5. If we drop litter in a public place, we _ (fine) by the police. 6. How old these photos are! They (take) in the USA many years ago.三、单项选择:( )1. Do you like fruit? -Yes. I like some of them, apples, oranges and peaches. A. like B. such as C. for example D. as( )2. Lily and her sister look the same. I cant find the . A. differently B. different C. differences D. differ( )3. They all like their Chinese teacher. Yes. She always makes her Chinese classes . A. interested B. interest C. interesting D. interests( )4. Colors can change our moods(情绪) and make us happy or sad. A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling( )5. Lucy knew nothing about it her sister told her. A. because B. until C. if D. after( )6. We have many laws the environment. A. to protecting B. to protect C. protecting D. protect( )7. Have you finished your work? Not yet. Ill take me ten minutes. A. other B. another C. the other D. others( )8. We were feel happy by the little girl. A. made to B. to make C. making D. made四. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我的老板不允许我在办公室吸烟。 My boss doesnt _ _ _ _ in office.2. 我们的钱不多了,所以应该在一切方面减少开支。We have little mo


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