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2013届高考英语一轮复习外研版高频考点探究 外研英语3 units1-3课标词汇考点探究 1 across介词,意思为:横穿;穿过【思维拓展】辨析across / over / through/ cross1) across当意思为“横穿,穿过”时,着重指从一条线或一物体表面的一边到另一边,含义与on有关,多用于平面上的横过。如: when walking across the street, you should be careful.当你横穿街道时,一定要小心。2) through 穿过;从中通过。着重指从空间一头纵穿到另一头,含义与in有关,多指三维的穿过,如: he walked through the crowd.他穿过了人群 。3) over跨过;越过。尤指翻越障碍物,从一边到另一边。如: we climbed over the mountain at last.我们终于翻过了那座山。 4) cross是动词,意思为“横越”、“渡过”之意,在拼写上与across仅差一字之微,故很易混淆,如:he has crossed the border into another territory.他已越过边界进入别国的领土。they have crossed over to japan.他们已东渡去日本了。【设考2013】可能这样考look! jane is _the street. why don t you go_ and say hello?.a. across; across b. through; throughc. through; across d. across; through答案:_解析:_答案:a 解析:第一空用across,意为“在的那边,在对面”;第二空也用across,意为“横过”,表示从一端到另一端,从物体表面上通过。through意为“穿过”,表示从内部通过。句意为“看,简在路的对面。你为什么不过去跟她打个招呼?”。考点探究 2 in terms of以的观点;就而说i feel sure that in terms of qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. 我肯定,根据资格、能力和经验,你完全适合我们心中想到的工作。in terms of money, she is quite rich. however, this does not mean that she is happy.就钱而言,她很富裕。然而这并不意味着她幸福。【高考真题1】(2011湖北卷)when asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _ younger men.a. in terms of b. in need ofc. in favor ofd. in praise of答案:c 【思维拓展】in no uncertain terms毫不含糊地,直截了当地 in the long term从长远的观点看in the short term从眼前的观点看on good/ friendly terms好的关系on bad terms坏的关系on speaking terms友好的关系come to terms with与达成协议,甘心忍受【设考2013】可能这样考i feel sure that _ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. a. in case of b. in terms of c. in the opinion of d. in the course of答案:_解析:_答案:b. 解析:in terms of关于;就而言;in case of万一;in the opinion of按照的看法;in the course of在的过程中,在期间。本题译文:我肯定,根据资格、能力和经验,你完全适合我们心中想到的工作。考点探究 3 measure n. 度量单位;措施;手段;vt. 测量;计量;大量 【思维拓展】make sth. to sb.s measure照某人的尺寸做某物。take sb.s measure或take the measure of sb.给某人量尺寸考点探究 4 effort n. 努力;成就,努力的尝试it takes a lot of time and effort to get an exhibition ready.准备一次展览要花费很多时间和精力。victory is just around the comer; make one more effort. 胜利即将来临;再努一把力。he lifted up the rock without effort.他毫不费力地举起石头。【高考真题】(2009福建卷)the world health organization gave a warning to the public without any _when the virus of h1n1 hit mexico in april. a. delay b. effort c. schedule d. consideration 答案:a 解析:考查名词词义辨析。delay“耽搁;延误”;effort“努力”;schedule“时间表”;consideration“考虑;体谅;关心”。题干意思是:当h1n1型2009年4月袭击墨西哥时,世界卫生组织毫不犹豫地向人们提出了警告。选a。【思维拓展】 make effort 尽力,努力he made an effort to climb the wall.他尽力爬上墙。victory is just around the comer; make one more effort.胜利即将来临,再努一把力。【设考2013】可能这样考if you must stick to your idea, you can do it. but as far as im concerned , its not worth the _ it involves. a. attempt b. trial c. effort d. strength答案:_解析:_答案:c 解析:考查名词的辨析。本句意为“如果你坚持自己的想法,是可以做好的;据我所知,这不值得你这样努力”,c项最符合题意。考点探究 5 pickup卷起,掀起;(指不是通过正规教育和指导)学会;掌握;(尤指偶然地)得到消息the big hurricane picked up the roof of mikes house yesterday evening .昨天晚上的大飓风把麦克家的屋顶卷走了。i dont know where my children have picked up those rude words.我不知道我的孩子在哪儿学来的那些粗话。he picked up some rumor that the singer had died.他偶然听到了一个谣传,说是这个歌手已经去世了。 【高考真题1】(2010山东卷)sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. a. brought up b. looked up c. picked up d. set up答案:c解析:本题考查动词短语意义辨析。句意应为“山姆只是凭借看别人操作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。”表示“学会”用pick up; pick up另外还有“捡起; 顺车接送,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开始;获得”等义;bring up 表示“抚养,教育;提出;呕吐”;look up 表示“向上看;(形势)好转,改善;查阅”;set up表示“建立,设置;造成,产生”。【高考真题2】(2006福建) she _ japanese when she was in japan. now she can speak it freely. a. picked out b. made out c. make up d. picked up 答案:d 解析:pick up这里的意思是“学会(语言等)”,句意为:当她在日本的时候她学会了日语,现在说得很流利。youd better pick up the tools after finishing the work.完成工作后你最好把这些工具收拾起来。 【思维拓展2】pick out选出;挑出pick at 不断挑剔别人,找茬儿 【设考2013】可能这样考- this afternoon ill drive to _ our daughter after work.-so, you mean i should go home and make dinner ? a. pick up b. pick out c. take up d. take out 答案:_解析:_答案:a解析:根据句子的意思:去接孩子,pick sb up“(开车)接人”,符合句意。pick out“挑选”,take up“从事,占据”,take out“拿出”,均不符合题意。考点探究6 neither nor 表示“既不也不”, 其对应词为either.or.“要么 要么 ”。-are you good at either english _ chinese?in fact , neither english nor chinese _my favorite subject.a. or; is b. nor ; are c. nor ; are d. nor; is答案:_解析:_答案:d解析:neithernor 表示“既不 也不”;either.or.“要么 要么 ”。并且谓语动词都要符合就近原则。因此选择d。重点语法考点探究 1 被动语态的命题趋势【高考真题1】(2011北京卷)experiments of this kind _in both the u.s. and europe well before the second world war.a. have conducted b. have been conducted c. had conducted d. had been conducted答案 d解析: 考查动词时态和语态,句意为“就在二战爆发前,美国和欧洲都进行过这种实验。”首先考虑语态,主语experiment与conduct构成动宾关系,谓语使用被动形式。题干中出现the second war是过去的时间点,before the second war是过去的过去,因此使用过去完成时。选d。【高考真题2】(2011四川卷)all visitors to this village _ with kindness.a. treat b. are treated c. are treating d. had been treated 答案 b解析:考查动词的时态和语态。句意为“所有到这个村子的来访者都会受到善意的接待。”表示经常性或习惯性的动作,用一般现在时。来访者与招待存在着被动关系。由于没有交代过去时间,had been treated过去的过去不能用。因此选b。【趋势精点】被动语态多年来一直是高考中考察的重点,并且体现在上下文语境当中,这就增加了试题的难度。因此,要做好被动语态试题除了掌握被动语态的基本含义、基本构成之外,还要注意与时态的联系,并注意应将动词的用法放在具体的语言中去运用。一般来说,当句子的主语是句子谓语动作的承受者时,句子要用被动语态而不能用主动语态。例如: in the museum, visitorsarerequestednottotouchtheexhibits.在博物馆里,游客不允许触摸展览品。bytheendoflastyear,anothernewgymnasiumhadbeencompletedinbeijing.到去年末为止,又一座体育馆在北京竣工了。the flowers were so lovely that they were sold in no time.这些花如此的可爱,因此立刻被买没了。用过去时的被动语态。they have been helped by us for two weeks. 他们得到我们帮助有两周了。【设考2013】可能这样考as you know , i need one more stamp before my collection _.a. has completed b. completes c. has been completed d. is completed答案:_解析:_答案:d 解析:时间状语从句中的主语是my collection,谓语动词要用被动语态。before引导的时间状语从句中谓语动词是用一般现在时,还是用现在完成时,服从下列规律:(1)当从句中将来意义的动作先于主句动词发生时,从句可用现在完成时代替一般现在时。(2)当从句中的将来意义的动作后于主句动词发生时,从句不能用现在完成时。考点探究2 并列连词的命题趋势【高考真题1】(2011山东) find ways to praise your children often, _ youll find they will open their hearts to you. a. till b. or c. and d. but并列连词是连接主语与主语,谓语与谓语,句子与句子,分词与分词的词,它要求前后两部分有相同的形式和语法作用。根据其意义,可以分为以and 为代表的表示联合关系的并列连词;以or 为代表的表示选择关系的并列连词;以but , however, while 为代表的表示转折意义的并列连词;以so 为代表的表示因果关系的并列连词。【设考2013】可能这样考hurry up,_ youll be late for school.a. and b. but c. so d. or答案:_解析:_答案:d 解析:该题包含的是一个选择关系的并列句,其句型是:“祈使句or陈述句”,前边的祈使句表示一个否定的条件。hurry up,or youll be late for school.if you dont hurry up,youll be late for school.该题正确答案为d。考点探究 3 直接引语变间接引语的命题趋势一般说来,陈述句的直接引语变为由that引导的宾语从句;一般疑问句的直接引语变为由whether或if引导的宾语从句;特殊疑问句的直接引语变为由原特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句;祈使句的直接引语变为含不定式的复合结构。直接引语变为宾语从句后要主要注意以下三个问题: 语序-陈述句语序:不管直接引语原来是陈述语序还是疑问语序,变为宾语从句后一律用陈述语序。 时态变化:直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的变化。一般规律是:现在时改为过去时;过去时改为完成时;过去完成时不变。人称变化。这里要注意三点:第一:要注意好主语的处理:,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰, 从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化。第二:要注意好宾语的处理:如果主语是第二人称或被第二人称所修饰,从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致; 如果引号外的主句没有宾语,也可以用第一人称。第三:要注意好人称不变的处理:第三人称或被第三人称所修饰,从句中的人称一般不需要变化。引导词的选用:第一:陈述句的直接引语变为由that引导的宾语从句,一般可以省略。第二:一般疑问句的直接引语变为由whether或if引导的宾语从句。第三:特殊疑问句的直接引语变为由原特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。第四:祈使句的直接引语通常变为带不定式的复合结构。【设考2013】可能这样考they asked me to have a drink with them. i said that it was at least ten years since i _ a good drink.a. had enjoyed b. was enjoyed c. enjoyed d. had been enjoyed 答案:_解析:_答案:a 解析:该题旨在通过直接宾语和间接宾语这一语法项目来考查考生对时态的掌握情况。根据直接宾语变间接宾语的规则,即一般现在式变为一般过去式,过去式变成过去完成式,那么,该题的正确答案为a。同步达标小测(15小题;共计15分;用时10分钟)1. the new railway winds its way to lhasa , _ mountains, _ tunnels and _ rivers .a. across; over; through b. over; across; through c. over; through ; across d. through; over ; across2.mr. scott was once a millionaire, so he cant _ terms with being poor now.a. go to b. turn to c. come to d. get to3. _ability and experience , he cant be compared with you. a. in terms of b . in case of c. in favour of d. in face of4. those who live well and happily must help others to live well and happily, for the value of a life is _ by the lives it touches. a. praised b. criticized c. counted d. measured5. peoples status in society is frequently _by how much they own.a. measured b. examined c. tested d. questioned6. it was a great _ for him to please people he didnt like. a. aim b. trouble c. power d. effort7. mary _ a lot of native language by playing with the native buys and girls. a. picked upb. took up c. made up d. turned up8. although there were so many people in the square, i could _ my friend. 2008青岛模拟a. pick up b. pick out c. make up d. set out9. either our headmaster or the mayor _ the prize to those gifted students at the meeting. a. is handing out b. are to hand out c. are handing out c. is to hand out 10.the reporters exposed the corruption (腐败) of several high officials in the government; as a result, they _ to resign from office.a. asked b. were asked c. had been asked d. have asked11. this is teds photo .we m


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