高三英语二轮专题演练 单项填空17.doc_第1页
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高三英语二轮专题演练 单项填空17.doc_第4页




2013届高三英语二轮专题演练:单项填空171(2011福建高考)nowadays,there is a _ increase in childrens creativity,for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents.asharpbslightcnatural dmodest解析:句意:如今,儿童的创造力急剧增强,因为他们被大大地鼓励去发展他们的才能。a.急剧的;b.稍微的;c.自然的;d.谦虚的。答案:a2(2010山东高考)the school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day,_ accompanied by an adultaonce bwhencif dunless解析:句意:学校规则规定:除非有大人的陪伴,否则任何孩子白天都不允许出校门。unless accompanied.为状语从句的省略。答案:d3(2010山东高考)those who suffer from headache will find they get _ from this medicine.arelief bsafetycdefense dshelter解析:句意:患头痛的人将会发现通过使用这种药,他们的头痛会得到缓解。relief 轻松,缓和;safety 安全;defense 防御,保护;shelter居所,庇护。答案:a4evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _a scientific theory.aconfirm bconcludecconsult dconfuse解析:句意:从观察和试验中得到的证据常常被用来印证一个科学理论。a.验证;确认;b.得出结论;c.咨询,查阅;d.混淆。答案:a5some parents are just too protective.they want to _ their kids from every kind of danger,real or imagined.aspot bdismisscshelter ddistinguish解析:shelter sb./sth.from sb./sth.为提供保护,庇护;dismiss sb.from sth.解除,免职;distinguish a from b 辨别a与b。答案:c6some of you may have finished unit one._,you can go on to unit two.aif you may bif you docif not dif so7(2012河南实验中学月考)henry has been teaching english in peking university for many years.its no _he can speak chinese so well and idiomatically. amatter bdoubtcproblem dwonder解析:考查句型习惯搭配。答语句意:难怪他汉语说得那么好那么地道。its no wonder that 难怪,不足为奇。there is no doubt that.无疑;no problem 没问题;it doesnt matter 没关系。答案:d8(2012信阳月考)_achievement,last weeks ministerial meeting of the wto here earned a low,though not failing,grade.ain terms of bin case ofcas a result of din face of解析:句意:就成绩而言,上周的wto部长级会议获得了一个较低,但还不算失败的成绩。in terms of 就而言。答案:a9(2012安阳月考)lack of money _her not continuing her studies.aaccounts for bcares forcexplains to dapproves of解析:句意:缺钱是她不能继续上学的原因。account for 说明的原因。答案:a10(2012三门峡月考)_ to his research,he spared no time to spend a weekend with us.adevoting bdevotedccaught dlost11you didnt tell me the truth about this matter,barbara.are you _ me of lying?acharging bcriticizingccatching daccusing解析:句意:你没告诉我事情的真相,巴巴拉。你在指责我说谎吗?accuse 常用于accuse sb.of sth.“指责某人某事,控告某人犯了罪”。charge sb.with sth./with doing sth.“指责/指控某人(做)某事”。答案:d12(2012信阳模拟)bob failed in the exam again.he _ it;he never worked hard.adeserved bsucceededcmissed dconsidered解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:bob考试又没及格。那是他应得的,他从来不努力学习。deserve 应得,值得;succeed 成功;miss 错过,想念;consider 考虑。答案:a13she was so angry with the young man that she _him and rushed out into the dark night.asmiled at bstared atcglared at dglanced at 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:她对那个年轻人如此生气以至于愤怒地瞪着他,然后冲进漆黑的夜色之中。smile at “朝微笑”;stare at “盯着看”;glare at “怒视”;glance at “瞥一眼”。答案:c14(2012合肥模拟)as the train was to pull out,her husband came running along and climbed_.aabroad bbroadcaboard dboard解析:此处指爬上车;aboard 在火车上。答案:c15after he retired from office,rogers _ painting for a while,but soon lost interest.atook up bsaved upckept up ddrew up解析:take up“从事”;save up“省出”;keep up“保持,使不低落”;draw up“草拟”。答案:a16we are at your service.dont _to turn to us if you have any further problems.abeg bhesitatecdesire dseek解析:beg 乞求,乞讨,恳求;hesitate 犹豫,踌躇;desire 欲望;愿望;seek试图,要求。句意:我们为你服务。当你有任何问题时,请毫不犹豫地向我们求助。答案:b17at the news of the accident,the girl cant help _ worried.aget bto getcgetting dbut getting解析:句意:听到事故的消息,那个女孩禁不住担心起来。cant help doing 与 cant help but do表示禁不住。答案:c18there is too much noise outside.i can hardly_my attention on my book.afill bpaycconnect dconcentrate解析:句意:外面很吵,我几乎不能把注意力集中在书上。concentrate ones attention on .“把某人的注意力集中在”。答案:d交际用语19do you mind if i close the window?_.we should let in more fresh air.ayes,go aheadbof course notci would like to close itdid appreciate it if you didnt解析:句意:你介意我关上窗户吗?如果你不关的话我会很感激你。我们应该让更多的新鲜空气进来。go ahead “行”;of co


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