



Module 6 Entertainment 同步练习(2)Unit 2 随堂练习一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. They f _against each other for some unknown reasons.2. It looks t _, and it must rain heavily later on.3. It was r _that nobody got hurt in the traffic accident.4. I like a _movies, but I dont like thrillers.5. The child wanted to s _some pocket money to give it to charities.6. In _(总体;概括),you must give up your wrong opinions.7. They _(建议)me to go to college.8. _(虽然)he is alone, he doesnt feel lonely.9. I will never forget the _(浪漫的)party.10. I think what the boy said is _(可信的).二、词形转换(10分)1fight(名词) _2general(副词) _3advice(动词) _410se(形容词) _5act(名词) _6believe(形容词) _7terrible(副词) _8show(过去分词) _9enjoy(形容词) _10eight(同音词) _三、英汉互译(15分)1文化报道 _2fantastic adventure films_3try to do sth_4lost gold_5一位富商的女儿_6太多的战斗_7be sure_8建议某人做某事_9House of Fl2ving Daggers_10Pirates of the Caribbean_四、根据汉语完成句子(10分)1她说人民电影院将会上映这部影片。 She said the film_ _ _ in the Peoples Cinema2这两部影片都很受欢迎,都很著名。 The two films_ _ _ _ _ .3游乐园中的风景是美丽而浪漫的。 The scene of the amusement park is _and _.4除此之外,他一无所有。 _ _ _,he has nothing5关于它,你妈妈是怎样说的? _ _your mother say _it?五、阅读理解(20分)A It was Toms birthday, and he was five years old. He got quite a lot of presents from his family. His grandpa gave him a beautiful big drum. Of all thepresents, Tom liked his drum best. He made terrible noise(难听的声音) with it, but his mother did not mind. His father was working in the daytime and Tom was in bed when he got home in the evening. So he did not hear noise. But one of the neighbours(邻居) did not like noise. So one morning she took a knife and went to Toms house when he was hitting (敲打)his drum. She said to him, Hello, Tom, doyou know there is something very nice inside your drum? Here is a knife. Open the drum and lets find it. 1. Tom got the drum _. A. on his birthday B. when he was going to be five C. in the evening D. on Sunday2. Toms _bought the drum for him. A. father B. mother C. grandpa D. grandma3. Toms father did not hear the noise because _. A. Tom hit the drum very gently(轻轻地) B. his father wasnt at home when he played C. his father was ill D. he played in the daytime4. The neighbour wanted Tom to cut the drum open because _. A. there was something nice inside the drum B. there was something wrong with the drum C. she wanted to stop the terrible noise D. she wanted to enjoy the noise of the drum5. Was there anything very nice in the drum really? _. A. No, there was B. Yes, there wasnt C. No, there wasnt D. Yes, there was B I dont mind living in a tall building. I quite like the exercise. Of course, its difficult for old people, but I dont mind. If you live on the top floor, likeMrs Smith, its not easy. You see she will be seventy-eight next birthday, and its difficult for her to walk up to the top floor. I dont like the ground floor. I dont think its safe. But I like my place. Ive got three floors below and three above. I feel very safe. My mother lives here, on the ground floor. She cantgo upstairs because of her leg. Shes got a bad leg. I go to see her sometimes.6. How old was Mrs Smith last year? A. 76 years old B. 77 years old C. 78 years old D. 85 years old7. From the text we know the writer of the text lives on the _. A. top floor B. ground floor C. sixth floor D. fourth floor8. The writer doesnt like the ground floor because _. A. his mother lives there B. he doesnt think its safe C. theres too much noise there D. he likes the exercise very much9. For Mrs Smith, living on the top floor is _. A. a pleasure B. dangerous C. not difficult D. not easy10. The writers mother cant go upstairs because _. A. she likes the ground floor B. she is as old as Mrs Smith C. she doesnt feel safe enough there D. theres something wrong with one of her legs参考答案Unit 2随堂练习一、1fought分析:fight against是“与打架”之意。2terrible 分析:从下文的“晚些时候要下大雨”可得到答案,terrible是“可怕的”之意。3reported 分析:It is reported是“据报道”之意。4action分析:从下文的thrillers可推出答案,action movies是“动作片”之意。5save 分析:save意为“节省”。6general 分析:in general意为“一般来说”。7advised 分析:advise sbto do sth是“建议某人干某事”之意,是一个固定词组。8AlthoughThough 分析:这两个连词都用于引导让步状语从句。9romantic分析:romantic是“浪漫的”之意。10believable分析:believable是“可信的”之意。二、1.fighter 分析:v+er =n,这是一种构词法。2generally 分析:形容词+ly构成副词。3advise4lost5action 6believable7terribly8showedshown9enjoyable10ate三、1culture report 分析:这是一个名词修饰名词的结构。2极好的惊险片3尽力干某事 分析:try to do sth是“尽力干某事”之意,而try doing sth是“试着干某事”之意。4丢失的金子 分析:lost是“丢失的”之意。5a rich businessmans daughter6too much fighting分析:fightin9是“战斗”之意。7确信8advise sbto do sth9十面埋伏10加勒比海盗四、1would be on 分析:主句用的一般过去时,从句也要用过去的某种时态,“影片将会上映”,故用过去将来时。be on意为“上映”。2are both popular and famous 分析:both要放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。3beautiful;romantic 分析:形容词在句子中常作表语。4Apart from that分析:apart from是“除之外”的意思。5What did;about五、A 1A分析:文章的第一句话交代了汤姆收到礼物的时间。2C 分析:“His grandpa gave him a beautiful big drum”一句话揭示出了答案。 3B 分析:从“His father was working in the daytime and Tom was in bed when he got home in the evening”可知,汤姆玩小鼓时爸爸在上班,故不知道这件事。4C 分析:从“But one of the neighbours did not like noise”可知,她让Tom割破鼓的原因。5C 分析:鼓里面不可能有什么东西。B 6A 分析:从“she will be


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