



浙江省平阳县第三中学高三英语复习资料1第一卷(选择题 共80分)一、单词辨音(5%)从下列a 、b、c、d四个选项中找出划线部分读音不同的单词选项,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题一分,共计5分)。1. a .hot b. lost c .lock d. close2.a .doctor b. sport c. forget d. actor3.a. complete b .these c .bed d. she4.a. school b .chalk c .choose d. teach5.a. advice b. brave c. around d. about二词汇语法(30%)part a:词汇。从下列a 、b、c三个选项中选出一个与句子划线部分意思相近的选项或在空白处填入最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计10分)。6.we neednt hurry. we have plenty of time.a. little b. a little c. much7.i didnt go to the concert because i was preparing for the job interview.a. looking for b. getting ready for c. waiting for8.i dont feel like going out. i prefer to stay at home .a. would rather b. had better c. have to9. how about going swimming this afternoon?a. what about b. what for c. what with10.it was raining hard when i got home yesterday.a. lightly b .hardly c. heavily11.i _a bad headache and couldnt sleep last light.a. got b. took c. made12.when class was over. i went home _.a. carefully b. clearly c. immediately13.i must be off. it is late. _,i have a bad cold.a. besides b. however c .otherwise14.i have made up my _to study hard.a. heart b. head c. mind15.my mother _me when i was ill.a. looked after b. went through c. put uppart b:词法知识。从下列a 、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项填入空白处,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计20分)16._party held last weekend was a success.a. the b. a c.不填17._of the population in the city come from other provinces.a. two fifths b. two fifth c. second fifths18.-shall i type the report for you? -no, you_.a. cant b .might not c. neednt19. i wont believe such a thing _i see it with my own eyes.a. if b. unless c. as20. i _tv when the telephone rang.a. was watching b. had watched c. would watch21. the old man has two sons. one is a doctor. _ a teacher.a. other b. the other c. another22. now there are many _in primary schools.a. women teacher b. woman teachers c. women teachers23. fuzhou is _city in fujian.a. the biggest b. a bigger c. the bigger24. the taxi driver _for returning the wallet to the passenger.a. praised b. was praised c. was praising25. he was _angry that he left the office without saying a word.a. such b. too c. so26._interesting it is to swim in summera. how b. what c. whether27. your mother is sleeping. _such a noisea. not make b. dont make c. make not28. it is careless _so many mistakes.a. for you make b. of you making c. of you to make29.li ming does _in english.a. good b. well c. nice30. mr wang is my good friend. we _-each other since 2005.a. knew b. have known c. had known31. no sooner had i got home _it started to rain.a. than b. after c. since32. do you remember _you saw last night?a. how b. what c. that33. the boy _to the teacher is our monitor.a. speaks b. speak c. speaking34.my aunt _in shanghai. i _to see her this weekend.a. lives; am going b. live; go c. live; am going35.when i passed the classroom. i saw him _his homework.a. doing b. does c. did三、完形填空(10%)从下列a 、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项填入空白处,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计10分)dear eric,i hope you are feeling better and will soon be out of hospital.36 you come back to school. youll meet our 37 classmate, yao xiangyu. she is an exchange student from china.shes very 38 maths while i am not. so she ive been helping her with it. 39 ,ive been helping her with english. shes learning very quickly 40 i think shes very clever. shes also a really nice person 41 everyone in the class likes. she doesnt talk much but shes not 42 and she laughs a lot.she didnt like our western food 43 because it made her sick but she kept 44 it and now shes used to it.well, i have to stop here, but ill write 45 next week. get well soon, we all miss you.36.a. when b. before c. unless37.a. ordinary b. new c. famous38.a. happy with b. good at c. poor at39.a. in the end b. in fact c. in return40.a. and b. but c. or41.a. who b .where c .what42.a. shy b. old c .rude 43.a. at last b. at once c. at first44.a. making b .trying c. doing 45.a. then b. away c. again四、阅读理解(20%)阅读下面4篇短文并根据文章内容从四个选项中选出一个最佳选项或根据短文内容判断句子正误,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计20分)(a)an old woman went suddenly blind. she promised a doctor a lot of money if he could make her see again. “if you fail, you will get nothing.” she said. the doctor agreed.the doctor soon discovered what was wrong with her, but he decided not to cure her right away. instead, each time he visited, he secretly took some of her things. when he had taken everything he wanted, he cured her blindness and sent her a large bill.now when the ole woman could see again, she noticed that all her things had gone and she refused to pay the bill. so the doctor took her before a judge.“what the doctor says is true,” she said to the judge. “but i say i am not cured, because i still cant see any of the things in my house.”the old woman won the case and the doctor went away unhappily without getting his pay.正误判断:正确的在答题卡上填涂a。错误的则填涂b。46.the doctor made the treatment longer than necessary on purpose.47.each time he visited the old woman ,the doctor brought her a lot of things.48.the doctor asked the old woman for a lot of money after he cured her blindness.49.the doctor won the case.50.the old woman paid the doctor for the treatment at last.(b)dear abbie and mike,eric and i are having a great time here in beijing. there is so much to see and so much history to learn about. for the last two days we have been visiting the hutongs (胡同)near the palace museum. hutongs are narrow lanes (小巷) that were built near the emperors palace during the yuan dynasty, and then more were added over the centuries. important people lived in the best hutongs to the cast and west of the palace while ordinary people had houses to the north and south. most houses have the same design with a courtyard in the middle and rooms around each side. the houses of rich and important people were very large and beautiful while poor peoples houses were smaller and plainer. some of the larger houses are now hotels and you can go inside and look around.when you are walking through the hutongs, all you can see of the houses are high grey walls with only a door in the front wall. however, you can tell which are the houses of the rich because the doors are larger and they often have stone lions outside.some of the lanes are so narrow that only one person can pass through at a time but others are wider and lines with trees. it is really easy to get lost, but thats all part of the fun and gives you a chance to watch people doing about their daily lives.you would both love it here . perhaps you will come with us when we return to see all the things weve missed on this visit.see you in a weeks time. love lucy选择最佳选项。51.who visit beijng according to the passage?a. abbie and mike b. mike and lucy c. lucy and abbie d. eric and lucy52.the hutongs were built near the emperors palace during _.a. the yuan dynasty b. the tang dynasty c. the ming dynasty d. the qing dynasty53.what s the color of the hutongs walls?a. grey b. green c. white d. yellow54.lucy will probably meet abbie and mike in _.a. four days b. five days c. six days d. seven days55the passage is mainly about_.a. the stone lions b. the turning lanes c. the hutongs d. the daily lives(c)saturday, october7i had a fantastic afternoon. it was warm and sunny. so jane and i decided to go for a swim. when we got to the beach., tim,paul and mary were already there. we joined them and spent the afternoon swimming and talking together. the sea was perfect because it was warm and as smooth as a mirror. i was pleased because i dont like big waves, but tim and paul were a little disappointed as they like swimming in huge waves. when we got hungry and thirsty, we bought hotdogs and lemonade from a little shop close to the beach. after that, we had enough energy to play football on the sand. paul and i won the game, which surprised the others because they had three in their team. after the game, we relaxed on our towels for a while. then, at about half past four, it began to get cooler so we packed up our things and went home. everyone said they had really enjoyed the afternoon.选择最佳选项。56.the underlined word “fantastic” in the passage probably mean “_”.a. strange b. special c. wonderful d. terrible57.how many people spent the afternoon together according to the passage?a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 658.they left the beach and went home at about _.a. 4:00 pm b.4:30 pm c. 5:00 pm d. 5:30 pm59.which of the following statements is true according to the passage?a. they set out for the beach together.b. huge waves were breaking on the beach.c. they spent every saturday afternoon together.d.jane,tim and mary lost the football game.60.we can learn from the passage that_.a. paul was good at swimming in the sea.b. they brought hotdogs and lemonade with them.c. they bought towels from a small shop.d.tim was disappointed because he lost the football game.(d)the story is about two old people named david and rosy jackson. both of them had very bad memories. fox example, rosy would forget to cook dinner, or david would show up for work on sunday, thinking it was monday. one winter they were to take a long trip. when they arrived at the airport, there were ten minutes left, in that situation anyone would get into the plane right away. but mr and mrs jackson didnt do so. they went to buy some flight insurance first. immediately after put a two-pound note into a machine, their insurance policy(保险单) came out.“who would get the money if the plane crashed(坠毁), i wonder?” asked rosy, “my mother , of course.” her husband replied. “we will post the policy to her. now quickly give me a stamp, will you?” he said.” the plane is going to take off in another minute.” david put the stamp on the envelope, dropped it into a postbox, and suddenly let out a cry. who do you suppose happened to him? he had posted their plane tickets to his mother. unfortunately, they missed the flight.正误判断:正确的在答题卡上填涂a。错误的则填涂b。61 .rosy was davids wife.62. david and rosy usually worked on sunday.63. david wanted to post his mother a two-pound note.64. mr.jackson posted the plane tickets by mistake.65. david and rosy got on the plane on time.五、情景交际(15%)part a:从下列a 、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项完成简短对话,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计10分)66. speaker a: hello, tang huahow was your vacation? speaker b: _a. thank you very much b. i went to harbin with my parents c. it was interesting but tiring67. speaker a: would you like to have dinner with me tonight/ speaker b: _a. fine, its very kind of you b. yes, nice meeting you c. dont mention it68. speaker a: _ speaker b: well, i can speak fluent french and japanese.a. what do you do every day ? b. what foreign language can you speak? c. what do you think of english?69. speaker a: how did you go to beijing? speaker b:_a. three times b. by train c. quite beautiful70. speaker a: id like to go boating this sunday, _, baobao? speaker b: im not sure, maybe i will stay at home.a. why are you here b. how about you c. what did you do last sunday71. speaker a: _ speaker b: well, turn the corner. the subway is on your left. you cant miss it.a. excuse me, could you tell me the way to the subway?b. excuse me, what did she say? c. excuse me, where is she going?72. speaker a: how did you find your visit to hainan, kate? speaker b:_a. i went there alone b.a guide showed me the way c. oh, wonderful indeed73. speaker a: well, dr king is free at 2:00 this afternoon. will that be ok for you? speaker b: _a. can you make it earlier? b. sorry, i dont know c. im fine ,thank you74. speaker a: well be on holiday next week, why not travel together? speaker b: _a. shall we book a hotel? b. i have a very good tent c. thats a great idea75. speaker a: _ speaker b: well, about one hour.a. how long do you spend online every day? b. may i ask you a few questions?c. how do you use the internet to learn english?part b:用方框内所给的a、b、c、d、e五个句子完成对话,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑(每题1分,共计5分)a: can i help you, sir?b: _76_a: we have lots of t-shirts here, what color do you prefer?b: _77_a: ok, have a look at this oneb: let me see, what is it made of?a: _78_b: it looks nice. _79_a: its made in china.b: great, but do you have a larger size?a: _80_ the dressing room is over there.a. blue, please.b. where is it made?c. its made of cotton.d. sure, here you are.e. well, im looking for a t-shirt.第二卷(非选择题 共20分)六、句子翻译(10%)请将以下英文段落中划线的句子翻译成汉语(每题2分,共10分)81. many american students learn business skills in school. they read books about business and talk about business problems. some students learn business skills by operating their own companies.82. studying in a foreign country is not easy. but i will never give up. after going through the past years, i become more confident in overcoming difficulties. i strongly believe that all my efforts will bring me great success.83. ten years later i am in new york again for a business trip, ive been here for only two weeks, but ive already experienced the great changes. the public transportation has improved a lot.84. it has been ten years since i last came to new york. when i first came to study in a university in 2001


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