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2008年北京市海淀区中考英语一模试卷第卷(机读卷 共70分)语言知识运用(共30分)三、单项填空(共18分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。15Whose book is it?Oh, its _.AIBmeCmyDmine16Last night I called him _ 8:30, but he was not in.AbyBatCinDon17_ do you come to school every day?By bus.AHowBWhyCWhenDWhere18David has grown up. Now he is much _ than his mother.AtallBtallerCtallestDthe tallest19Sams birthday is coming. What should I get him?What about a _ ? He loves reading.AfootballBcakeCbookDpicture20Whats Carol doing?Shes busy _ letters.AwritingBwriteCwroteDto write21Its quite _ outside. I dont think you need to wear a jacket.AwarmBcoldCdarkDbright22Id like to play tennis if the weather _ nice.Awill beBbeCisDwas23The bus was empty; there was _ on it.AsomebodyBnobodyCanybodyDeverybody24Sally, may I borrow your notebook?Sure, but you _ return it tomorrow.AneedBmustCcanDmay25If Peter phones me when Im out, please tell him _ a message.AleaveBleftCleavingDto leave26My grandma fell asleep while she _ TV last night.AwatchesBwatchedCwas watchingDhas watched27You cant go out and play _ youve done your homework.AwhenBsinceCwhileDuntil28Johns car is not here. I think he _ somewhere.AgoesBwentChas goneDwill go29When can we get the exam results?They _ to you next Monday.Awill be sentBare sendingCwill sendDare sent30Im _ my little dog. Have you seen him?Alooking atBlooking forClooking afterDlooking forward to31The teacher asked Alice _ yesterday.Awhy she misses schoolBwhy does she miss schoolCwhy she missed schoolDwhy did she miss school32Hello, can I speak to Tom, please?_.AYoure welcome.BWith pleasure.CId love to.DJust a moment, please.四、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。One day the bathroom door had slammed on Timmys finger. The doctor asked if we had found the tip of Timmys finger. He said there was a small chance of 33 it if we could get it to him quickly. Pulling myself out of a daze, I ran back to the bathroom. 34 , it had already turned blue. I knew from the look on the doctors face that it was too late. I felt helpless, unable to take the pain away from my little boy. Then a(n) 35 came to me. I whispered in his ear, “Timmy, did you know that lizards grow their tails 36 and little boys can grow their fingers back too?” Timmys soft green eyes grew wide with 37 . “They can?” he asked, obviously surprised by the thought. “And 38 ?”I told him,“ Inside your head you have a little voice telling your finger how much you love it and how much you 39 it.” I could see Timmys little face focused in deep concentration. Then I continued, “Now just say, grow for me finger, grow. I love you and I need you.” A few days later, Timmy said to me quietly, “Im talking to my finger every day, 40 it well.” Weeks later, with a joyful burst of 41 , Timmy ran towards me. “See,” he said, “its growing back really good!” A year later, Timmys finger grew back and became well again just as any finger 42 be.Timmy remains forever in my heart as a constant reminder of the 43 of miracles. He also inspires me to 44 beyond the accepted knowledge of the times, and to remember that all things are possible if you truly believe.33AputtingBsavingCkeepingDlosing34AUnfortunatelyBClearlyCPossiblyDStrangely35AplanBideaCdreamDanswer36AlongBshortCbackDup37AinterestBpleasureCwonderDexcitement38AhowBwhyCwhenDwhere39AthankBgiveChelpDneed40AgettingBwishingCmakingDknowing41AhopeBspeedCenergyDmind42AshouldBcouldCmightDwould43AchanceBstrengthCimportanceDpossibility44AworkBlookCreachDthink阅读理解(共22分)五、阅读理解(共22分,每小题2分)阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文,根据其内容,从每题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。45If you want to be a tutor, you can call _.A293-7742B555-3721C667-8973D556-382646People who like dancing can come at _.A7:45 pmB11:45 amC12:15 pmD2: 00 pm47Ms. Martin really needs a _.AtutorBmusicianCcleanerDdancer(B)I am an eighth-grade student at Central Middle School. In my three years at the school, I have played soccer, basketball, and baseball. I love sports and really enjoy being part of a team. Playing on our school sports teams has been the best part of middle school for me. I know Im lucky that Ive had this opportunity.Some kids have not been so lucky. In fact, many kids who love sports dont have the chance to play on a school team. Thats because, to make a team, you have to try out. The idea is that kids who are good at sports will do well in tryouts and make the team. But what about the kids who dont do well during tryouts? Maybe they are ill that day, or nervous, or are just having a bad day, so they dont play their best. They dont make the team, and that is too bad.Also, there are kids who really dont have the skills to play well. They never make a team, and that isnt fair either. How will kids ever learn the skills if they dont have a chance to play? Remember, this is the school and students are here to learn. All kids should have the chance to learn sports skills and teamwork by playing on a school sports team.There are other reasons why every student should have the chance to play sports. Sports are important for good health and fitness. They help kids feel good about themselves and their school. They build friendships among teammates. Coaches are good role models, and students who play team sports learn good sportsmanship. And, most important, team sports are fun! Players have fun playing, and their parents have fun watching and cheering for the team. So, sports bring kids and parents together, too.By now you know how I feel. Every kid who wants to play on a school sports team should have the chance. These teams are for fun and fitnesstheyre not professional teams! Lets change the rules for making a team. Lets get rid of tryouts. Lets give every student at Central Middle School the chance to wear a team uniform.48How many kinds of sports has the writer played in the three years at school?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.49The writer believes that tryouts are _.AfunBhardCusefulDunfair50Which of the following is NOT true according to the fourth paragraph?ASports bring kids and parents together.BSports build friendships among teammates.CSports help kids feel good about themselves.DSports are fun and make students study better.51The writers main purpose for writing this article is to _.Aadvise kids not to try out for a school teamBtell about exciting moments on sports fieldsCmake people believe all kids should play team sportsDshare his opinions of playing team sports with readers(C)Ever since we became pen pals, Julien has sent me strange things. Once, she sent her sneeze in a jar.(“I have a cold, can you tell?” she wrote.) Then she sent her fingerprint.(“So youll recognize me in a crowd.”)Julien sent me breakfast, all right: cornflakes. Soggy, milky, grainy, crumbly, limp cornflakes scraped from the bottom of her cereal bowl. I lost my appetite, but I read the letter.Dear Caitlin,These cornflakes were so nutritious that I wanted to share this high-fiber, low-so-dium, just-three-calories, balanced breakfast with you.Enjoy,JulienP. S. Next week Im sending you a sunset.“Shes mistaken,” I told my mom. “No one can send a sunset, not even Julien. Its impossible.”“I dont know,” Mom said. “Julien might find a way. After all, she did send you her sneeze.”A week later I checked the mail and found a box with air holes and the words “FRAGILETHIS SIDE UP” printed in bold black letters on the top. It was from Julien.I stroked the box with my fingers. It was perfectly dry. I smelled it. It didnt smell. I held my breath and started opening the package. What if sunbeams spring out and hit me in the face like those fake snakes in a can? I thought.My hands shook as I lifted the last flap and peeked inside. Where in the world was the sunset? All I could find was a letter and a twisty, gray, papery shell. It looked like a submarine. I read the letter.Dear Caitlin ,The sunsets at my house are so beautiful that I had to give you a piece. I counted at least five different colors in one yesterday. Can you find more?Hugs and smoochies,JulienI looked again at the gray shell. Thats no sunset, I thought. “You must mean the submarines at your house, Julien,” I said. Without reading the postscript, I laid the letter and the submarine on the kitchen table. Then I left the room to find a pen so that I could cross out “sunset” and write “submarine” above it.When I returned, I stared in shock at the submarine. A creature was oozing out of it! Was it a sea monster? I looked closer. It was a winged creature. an insect. a butterfly. An orange, blue, purple, red, and gold butterfly. It looked like. a sunset!While the sunset opened and closed its wings to dry them, I read Juliens postscript. It said, “P. S. Next week Im sending you Japan.”52What does the underlined word“ oozing” probably mean?AMoving.BJumping.CSwimming.DFlying.53What did Julien really want Caitlin to see in the fourth mail?AThe setting sun.BColors of a sunset.CA colorful butterfly.DA new submarine.54We can learn from the passage that Julien was _.Astrange and cleverBhonest and friendlyCcreative and givingDfunny and inventive55What can be inferred from the passage?ACaitlin was from Japan and had never seen Julien.BCaitlins mom thought Juliens gifts were fantastic.CCaitlin was pleased with the cornflakes that Julien sent.DCaitlin was expecting another unusual gift from Julien.第卷(非机读卷 共50分)语言知识运用(共17分)二、根据对话内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(共7分,每空1分)good,homework,study,and,party,flower,listenM: What are your plans for the weekend, Gina?W: On Saturday morning, Im going to check my email and then do my 1_. In the afternoon, I need to go to a piano lesson. How about you?M: Well, I plan to buy some 2_ for my moms birthday on Saturday afternoon.W: There will be a 3_ at a friends home on Saturday evening. Were going to 4_ to some music. Would you like to come?M: Yes, thats a 5_ idea.W: Are you doing anything special on Sunday?M: No. I just want to stay at home and 6_ for my test. And you?W: Ill meet Linda and Tony at 9:00 am in the park, 7_ were going to have a picnic there. Join us, will you?M: Sure, Id love to!三、根据中文意思完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)1七点钟了,该上学了。Its seven oclock._.2北京以长城闻名。每年都有许多外国朋友来参观长城。Beijing _ the Great Wall. Thousands of foreign friends visit it every year.3你昨晚没有去参加聚会。你怎么了?You didnt go to the party yesterday evening. _?4我很高兴自从来这以后我交了许多朋友。I _ since I came here.5我有两个学习英语的方法。一个是大声朗读英语,另一个是坚持收看英语电视节目。I have two ways of learning English. _.阅读与表达(共25分)四、阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题(共10分,每小题2分)Imagine having a bedroom that interacts with you. If youre sad, it will arrange for some of your friends to come over to cheer you up. If youre happy, it might respond by playing your favorite game with you.Does it sound like something out of a science-fiction movie? Well, its really something out of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Irfan Essa works at the computer lab there. He has developed a computer system that can look at you and recognize your mood. He calls it the “Expression Recognition System”. Essa says, “We are trying to get computers to act like a human brain. But the human brain is not like one computer, it is like many working together.”In Essas system, many computers work together. First, a camera in the bedroom takes a picture of your face. The camera feeds the image to a computer. In the computers memory, there are pictures showing how the muscles of your face move when you are in different moods. For example, cheek muscles move in one way when you are happy and smiling and in another way when you are nervous and tense. The computer compares your picture to the facemuscle images stored in its memory. It tries to find the best match. Thats how it figures out your mood! Then the computer sends messages to other computers in the system. If you look happy, a computer may put on lively music. If you look tired and discouraged, a different computer may turn on the TV for you.How could the “Expression Recognition System” help us in important ways? Essa thinks that the system can help us create computers that are better teachers. Many people learn new skills through computer programs. “When I teach, I look at peoples faces,” Essa explains. “If my students look confused, I know they didnt understand. With this technology, a computer can also know if a student is learning.”Today, this new technology can be found only in labs, but Essa predicts well see it out of the lab in a few years. So get ready. One day, you might walk into a room that will soon become your best friend.1Can the new computer system look at you and recognize your mood?_2What happens first in the bedroom in Essas system?_3Will the computer put on lively music or turn on the TV if you look happy?_4How does the “Expression Recognition System” make computers better teachers?_5What will future rooms be like?_参考答案2008年北京市海淀区中考英语一模试卷第卷(机读卷 共70分)15D 16B 17A 18B 19C 20A 21A 22C 23B 24B 25D26C 27D 28C 29A 30B 31C 32D 33B 34A 35B 36C 37D38A 39D 40B 41C 42A 43D 44C 45B 46A 47C 48B 49D50D 51C 52A 53B 54C 55D第卷(非机读卷 共50分)二、根据对话内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(共7分,每空1分)1homework 2flowers 3party 4listen 5good 6study 7and三、根据中文意思完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)1Its time to go to school 2is famous for 3What was wrong with you 4am glad that I have made a lot of friends 5One is to readreading English aloud, and the other is to keep watching English TV programs四、阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题(共10分,每小题2分)1Yes. 2A camera in the bedroom takes a picture of your face. 3Put on lively music.4It can help computers to know if a student is learning. 5They will be friendly, smart, more comfortable and more modern.2008年北京市海淀区中考英语二模试卷语言知识运用(共30分)三、单项填空(共18分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。15Lucy, please show _ your new e-dictionary.OK. Here you are.AIBmeCmyDmine16Fathers Day is _ June 22nd this year.AinBatConDto17Which subject do you like _, Chinese, math, or English?Of course math.AgoodBwellCbetterDbest18_ did you spend your winter vacation?In England.AWhereBWhatCWhichDWhy19Im afraid I cant finish _ the report this week.Dont worry. Ill give you a hand.Ato writeBwriteCwritingDwrote20How can we get to the Water Cube?Sorry, I dont know, either. Why not look it up on the _?AmapBtreeCboxDtable21Where is Tom?He _ the Olympic Torch Relay in the street now.AwatchesBwatchCwatchedDis watching22Our teacher often tells us _ the windows before we leave.AcloseBclosedCto closeDclosing23Little Mary is only three years old, but she _ read storybooks.AmayBcanCmustDneed24Whats the news today?There isnt _ special in todays newspaper.AnothingBsomethingCeverythingDanything25Youd better _ right now, or you will be late for the concert.AgoBwentCgoingDto go26The Art Festival _ in our town every year.AholdsBis heldCis holdingDwas held27I will drive the children to school if it _ tomorrow.Ahas rainedBwill rainCrainedDrains28Many people move to the countryside _ they can enjoy the quiet life there.AuntilBifCbecauseDbefore29Tom helped a lost child, so he _ home late last night.Agot upBgot backCturned onDturned down30David _ Chinese since 20 years ago, and now he speaks it quite well.AlearnsBlearnedChas learnedDwill learn31Do you know _ this weekend?We plan to visit the Science Museum.Awhat we are going to doBwhat are we going to doCwhat we were going to doDwhat were we going to do32Would you like to go to see the film Iron Man with me?_.AThats all rightBOf course notCYes, I doDYes, Id love to四、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。The Need To Give UpTwo friends visited a zoo together. The zoo was very 33 and it was impossible to go everywhere. They had to 34 where and which animal to visit as their time was limited(限定). So 35 of them agreed not to go back after choosing a road at every fork.A road sign at the first fork showed one way to the 36 quarters and the other to the tiger hill. They decided on the former after a 37 discussion because lions are “the kings of the forest.” The second 38 a fork going separately to the panda and the peacock. They chose the panda as it is the nations treasure, so they 39 its way.


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