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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Teaching contents: Unit 1Teaching aims and demands: Let students grasp new words and expressions.Guitar, join, dance, swim, sing, chess, paint, speak, kid, our, drum, piano, trumpet, violin, or, musician, then, be, rock, band, show, Sunday, pm, kung fu, may, draw, little, a little, e-mail, address, why.Can you dance? Yes, I can. No , I cant.What club do you want to join?Key points: new words and expressions.Difficult points: Modal verb can.Allocation for this unit: five periods.the First PeriodTeaching content: Section A 1a-2dTeaching objectives: The students should master the new dialogues and useful expressions.Language focus:Guitar, join, dance, swim, sing, Can you dance? Yes, I can. No , I cant. What club do you want to join?Teaching aids and methods:Aids: A tape recorderMethods: Lecturing Teaching Steps:Step 1.Warming-up and revision (1) Daily greetings to the students T: Good morning/afternoon. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Sir/Miss. T: What day is it today? Ss: Its Monday/Tuesday/?etc T: Whats the date today? Ss: Its May 12th,ect T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny/cloudy/?etcWrite the students answers on the blackboard. (2) RevisionT: What day do you like?/Do you /Does he like Sunday/Tuesday?Do you like sunny days/ rainy days/?Does he /she like salad/orange/?Do you like baseball/basketball/?Step 2. PresentationT:(Ask and answer with individual students.)Do you like singing/music/art/painting/English/?etc.S: No, I dont./ Yes, I do. T: Oh, what do you like?S1: I like swimming.S2: I like playing basketballS3 I like dancing. S4 I like. etcT: Oh, good. Our school has a music club. (show the photo of the school music club) Its great.Right? Do you want to join it?(If the students answer is“No”)Oh, you can join other clubs. Our school has a lot of clubs.Lets see what clubs we have.OK?S: The art club, the English club, the swimming club,(use the photos of clubs to help the students)T: Do you want to join the art club?S: No, I dont./Yes, I do.T: What club do you want to join?( Ask individual students)S: I want to join the chess club/ English club/ Step 3.Listen and circle. T: Now lets listen to the tape, find out what clubs they want to join.T: Now lets check the answers.Step 4. Make a surveT: Our school has many clubs. What clubs do you want to join? Please ask and answer in groups. Write down your group members answers in the form. And then give us a report.NameWants to joinLi Lei English clubStep 5. PresentationT: Oh, you want to join the art club. But I want to join the music club. I like singing. I can sing very well. But I cant play the guitar. Look, he can play the guitar.Then to the individual students, ask.T: Can you play the guitar?S: No, I cant. /Yes, I can.T: Can you swim/paint/dance/?ect.Step 6. PracticeT: Now please ask and answer one by one like this.A: Can you sing?B: Yes, I can. Can you draw?C: No, I cant. (But I can dance.) Can you play the guitar?D: Yes, I can., etc.Step 7. Match the words with the people.show the picture in 1a to the students.T: There are many clubs. Lets see what clubs they want to join. And what can they do? Please look carefully, match the words with the people.T: Now lets check the answers.Step 8. Work on 1bT: Now lets listen to the tape, and number the conversations1-3T: Lets check the answers.Step 9 .Homework: 1. Oral work:2. Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it.3. Written work: Copy the words and phrases line each. the Second PeriodTeaching content: Section A 3a-3cTeaching objectives: The students should master the new dialogues and useful expressions.Language focus: chess, paint, speak, kid, our, drum, piano, trumpet, violin, or, musician, Can you dance? Yes, I can. No , I cant.What club do you want to join?Teaching aids and methods:Aids: A tape recorderMethods: Lecturing Teaching Steps:Step 1.Warming-up and revision (1) Daily greetings to the students(2) RevisionAsk some students to read out their compositions.Step 2.PresatationT: What can you do?/ Can you sing?S: I can play the guitar.T: What club do you want to join?S: I want to join the music club.T: What about you?(to the other students)Ask individual students.Step 3.Put the conversation in order. T: Lets put the conversation in order.T: Lets check the answers. AnswersThe lines are numbered in this order:2,3,1,4.Let the students read the conversation loudly and make up similar conversations.Ask some pairs to act out.Step 4.PresentationT: Is this your clock.(Point to the clock on the wall in the classroom)S: Yes, it is.T: Yes, its our clock. Am I your teacher?S: Yes, you are our teacher.( Help the students to answer.)T: You know me well. Can I speak English?S1: Yes, you can.T: Yes, I can speak it very well. What else can I do?S2: You can paint.T: Yes, I can. But I cant paint well.Then ask the students individuallyT: What can you do?S: I can dance.T: Can you do it well?S: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Step 5.Group workT: Work on groups of four. Make up similar conversations. Please write down the answers in the form.(First do a sample with a student)Namecanwell not well Li LeiswimMarysingStep 6. PresentationT: What can you do? ( Ask one boy student)S1: I can play basketball.T: Can you play it well? S1: Yes, I can.T: Can he play basketball?( Point to the boy student, ask one girl student)S2: Yes, he can. T: Can he play it well?S2: Yes, he can.( He can play it well.)T: What can you do then?S2: I can dance.T: Can you do it well?S2: No,I cant.T; Can she dance?( Point to the girl student, ask another student)S3: Yes, she can.T: Can she do it well?S3: No, she cant.T; What about you?Step 7. PracticeAsk the students to ask and answer as the teacher does in step 6.Step 8. Make a reportT: Now use the form we have done in 3b. Tell us what your group members can do. e.g Tom can play the guitar. But he cant play it well.Step 9. Work on for GroupworkStep 10. HomeworkCopy the sentences in Grammar Focus twice the Third PeriodTeaching content: Section B 1a-1fTeaching objectives: The students should master the new dialogues and useful expressions.Language focus: then, be, rock, band, show, Sunday, pm, kung fu, may, draw,Can you dance? Yes, I can. No , I cant.What club do you want to join?Teaching aids and methods:Aids: A tape recorderMethods: Lecturing Teaching Steps:Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1)Daily greetings to the students: T: Hello/Hi, everyone. How are you today? Ss: Im great/fine/so-so/very well. And you?T: Im great. And I have something good to tell you. We have many different clubs in our school for you to join. The art club, the music club, the English club, the basketball club2) Revision T: What club do you want to join?S: I want to joinT: Can you? /Can you do sth. well? I think you can also join the club because.T: What club does want to join? Can he/she ? Can he/she do it well?Step 2 Presentation:T: Now, lets see how many of you want to join each of the club. How many of you want to join the art club? Please hands up.How many of you want to join the music club?Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the guitar? Can you play the drums? Can you the piano? Can you play the trumpet? Can you play the violin?T:Im sorry most of you dont want to join the music club. Maybe you cant sing, dance or play the guitar, but you can learn a lot in the music club, and its very nice. What can you do in the music club? OK, you can play the guitar. You can play the piano, play the drums, play the trumpet or play the violin. Match the words with the pictures. T: Now lets do 1a on P62, match the words with the pictures. See who can do it correctly and quickly.Step 3. Pairwork T: OK, you know the names of the these instruments, I want to know if you can play the instruments.T: Can you play the piano? S: Yes, I can./No, I cant. Can you play the drums? S: (Dont forget the before the intruments.)Pairwork: Students ask and answer questions about the instruments.Step 4. Listen 1) Get the students to read the list of words to the class.Use the picture in 1a to remind students what the words mean, if necessary.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time studetns circle each word they hear mentioned in the conversaiotn on the recording.Check the answers.Circled items: sing, dance, drums, pianoT: Now look at 2b on page 62, listen again and fill in the chart with the words in the box. Lets see what Bill, Jennifer and Victor can do, and what they cant do.Play the recording. Students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their charts.Check the answers. Answers cancantBillplay the guitarsingJennifersing, play the drumsplay the pianoVictorplay the pianodance, singTask one: Pairwork.T: Now, you look at the chart and I dont, please ask me questions about Bill, Jennifer or Victor.S: Can Bill play the guitar? (possible question) T: Yes ,he can, but he cant sing. (possible answer)T: Its your turn now, first your ask and answer in pairs with books open, then I will ask some pairs to ask and answer with the books closed.Task two: GroupworkT: Bills teacher wants some students for the school concert. And we want to have an English party. What can you do in the party? Please discuss in groups of four, then make a list.NameWhat can you do?Step 5 Homework:Copy new words one line each: drums, piano,trumpet, violin the Fourth PeriodTeaching content: Section B 2a-2cTeaching objectives: The students should master the new dialogues and useful expressions.Language focus : rock, band, show, Sunday, pm, kung fu, may, draw, little, a little, e-mail, address, why.Can you dance? Yes, I can. No , I cant. Do you like sports?What sports do you like?What sports can you do?What sports do you know in English?What club do you want to join?Teaching aids and methods:Aids: A tape recorderMethods: Lecturing Teaching Steps:Step 1. Warming-up and revisionT: Good morning/afternoon! How are you today? How is the weather today? S: Its fine/rainy/cloudy/.T: Oh, the weather today is good/not good. What can you do then?(after collecting some answers)T: And the oral work we left yesterday, what can you do in our English party?Step 2. Presentation: T: You can do so many different things in the English party. It must be wonderful. Maybe you can be in our school music festival. Here is an ad from the school magazine. See if you can join it.Let students read the ad quickly and answer the questions.Questions: -Who do they want for school music festival? -Musicians. -Do you know the meaning of musicians?1). Read and underline.the things they want people to do for the school music festival.Check the answers with your partners.Now answer, what do they want people to do for the school music festival?Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar?T: Who do you call if you want to join them?S: Zhang Heng.T: Whats Zhang Hengs telephone number?S: Its 622-6033.T: Can you write an ad or a poster now? Who do they want?Ss: Musicians.T: Yes, also musicians.How many musicians do they want?Ss: They want two.T: Do they want musicians for school music festival?Ss: No, they dont. (Help them answer) They want two good musicians for a rock band.T: Do you know rock band? Can you name some rock bands you know?Examples: chess/volleyball/ping-pong/football/swim/tennis/basketball/Chinese Kung fu/etc.T: Can you write a poster for a sports day now?T: I want you to write the poster first, then if you like, you can OK. What can you do? Come and show us!What can you do in the school show? Lets see which group can give us the best show.(After they have finished, ask some groups to give their reports.)T: Now please tell us what your troup can do in the school show. You may say like this: Sb. can T: You can do so many things, thats great. Can you set up your own club now? What clubs do you want to set up?(Ask some students randomly)art club/swimming club/English club/music club/rock&roll club/Chinese chess club/badminton club/basketball club/football club/guitar club/Chinese Kung fu club/composition club/movie club,etc.T: So many interesting clubs. Please make a poster or ad for your club! Then many students, maybe teachers will come to join you.Step 3. HomeworkWritten work: Write a poster or an ad for your own club. The fifth periodTeaching Contents and Analysis: 3a- Self-check Language points Review the key words presented in this unit and add five new words to the vocab-Builder.Analysis of key items and difficulties of teachingImportant Points :new words and expressions.Difficult Points: Modal verb can.Teaching stepsStep 1 Warming-up and revision1) Daily greetings:T: Good morning/afternoon!2) Have some students read and show their posters and have more students say the names of their clubs.T: First I want to have a look at the posters of your clubs. Then we will choose some clubs to join.(name), what is the name of your club? What do you say in your poster?(more possible questions)Why do you want to set up club?Can you?Oh, sounds good! What can you do?Step 2. Group work.T: How to join a club? What questions do they ask?T: Now look at Part 3. Read the co


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