



Topic 2 All these problems are very seriousSection A洪湖老湾中心学校 胡国华I. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: sand, although, sandstorm, desert, human being, reduce, completely, change into, stop from, blow/ wash away, as a resultSentences: A lot of water can be saved by forests.Although we have built “The Green Great Wall”, we still need to do something to protect the environment.2. Difficult points: 1 Let ss get the answer by listening to the tape.2 Let students describe the cause of sandstorms through the pictures and the words beside them.IITeaching procedures Step1:Play a short video about a sandstorm and let Ss guess what kind of weather it is.T: Hi, boys and girls! Its a fine day, isnt it?Ss: Yes.T: Now watch the short movie and guess what kind of weather it is?T: Can you tell me what the weather is?Ss: Yes, 沙尘暴.T: Right. We call it “sandstorm”. Its a kind of storm caused by sand. So we call it sandstorm. Now read after me, “sand”“sand”.(Point to a scene in the video.)Ss: “sand”, “sand”T: “storm”, “storm”Ss: “storm”, “storm”T:“sandstorm”,“sandstorm”Show the pictures of a sandstorm, let the Ss guess how sandstorm comes into being and number the pictures in 3.T: OK, do you know how sandstorm comes into being? Please look at the pictures, discuss and number them in groups.T: OK, how does the sandstorm come into being? Tell me the right order, please.Let the Ss talk about sandstorm according to the pictures and the given words in 3 in groups.T: Yeah, you are right. With the help of pictures and the words below, can you talk something about sandstorm?Ss: Yes.T: Now discuss with your group members.T: OK, who can try?S1: Long ago, there were lots of trees and forests. But people needed some wood to build houses and do other things, so they cut down the trees day by day. And the forests have gone slowlyS2: Step2:Present the picture in 1a. Let the Ss listen to 1a once and do 1b alone.T: Right. Now look at this picture. Whats the weather like?S1: Its a sandstorm. T: How do you like the weather?S2: I think its terrible.T: People cant see things clearly. And its bad for our health. Now listen to the tape and choose the best answer in 1b. When you are listening, pay attention to the main idea.T: Now please check answers. The boy and girls are talking aboutS1: B, the reasons for sandstorms.Step 3: Let the Ss listen to 1a again and complete the functions of trees in 1c. They can discuss in pairs.T: Listen to 1a again and find the functions in 1c.T: What are the trees functions?S1: Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.S2: They can also stop the water from washing the earth away.Step 4: Let the Ss read 1a in groups and then role play it.T: Read 1a with your group members and act it out.Step5: Let the Ss read again and find the important phrases in 1a. Then write them down on the Bb.T: Now read 1a sentence by sentence, underline the important phrases and then write them down on the Bb behind.T: OK, lets look at your notes. No.1, “change into”. Who can tell us its meaning?S1: It means “turn into”.T: Right. Who can make a sentence with it?S2: We can change ice into waterT: Wonderful! If your group also has this phrase, please tick it out. Now next one, “stopfrom doing sth.” Who can make a sentence with it?(Teach other phrases in the same way.)Step 6: Lead the Ss to complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given phrases in the box in 2.III. Blackboard designAll these problems are very serious.Section AWords:sand / sandstormalthoughdesertreducecompletelyPhrases:change intostop fromblow/


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