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小学生英语阅读材料英语故事汇编 1A tiny family袖珍家庭故事简介:大家好,我是一个袖珍女孩。我和家人住在一个花园里。一天,一个超大的女孩带着一条超大的狗闯进了我们的院子,还拿走了我爷爷的雨伞。于是,我和弟弟的“寻伞”行动就开始了1. Hello. Im a tiny girl. I live with my tiny family in a garden. Our home is under the flowers.2. Both my brother and I like to climb. One day, we climb to the top of the tallest flower in the garden. When I look down, I am scared.3. A giant girl is talking to a giant dog. There is something in its paw. Its Grandpas umbrella! What a pretty little umbrella! says the girl. And she runs to her house with it. 4. That night, when Grandpa is sleeping, my brother and I get up. We have to get the umbrella back. We go up the hill to the giant girls house. 5. We find an open window. We climb up. The girl is sleeping. Grandpas umbrella is on the table. 6. How can we get onto that table? I have an idea. We can build steps. Good! I get the umbrella!7. Just then, the giant girl picks me up. Oh, I am scared! Who are you? she asks. I tell her about us. I also tell her about Grandpas umbrella. 8. The giant girl is very kind. She gives us the umbrella and takes us back to our garden. 动动手下面说法哪些是正确的呢,请在括号里打对号。( ) 1. The tiny girl has a sister. ( ) 2. The tiny girl lives under the flowers. ( ) 3. The umbrella is the tiny girls Grandmas. ( ) 4. The tiny girl goes to the giant girls house with her brother. ( ) 5. The giant girl doesnt close her window. ( ) 6. The giant girl puts the umbrella in a box. ( ) 7. The giant girl doesnt give back the little umbrella.生词大本营tiny 微小的scared 恐惧的giant 巨大的umbrella 雨伞build 修建pick 捡Big egg大鸡蛋故事简介:母鸡有一些蛋,其中有一个比其它的大好多。母鸡说:“这个蛋不是我的!”于是她挨家挨户寻找大蛋的主人。猫、狗和猪说不是,奶牛和山羊也说不是,而狐狸却说是。狐狸真是大蛋的主人吗?快看故事吧。1. Hen has some eggs. One is big. The rest are small. This is not my egg! says Hen. Whose egg is it? Hen wants to find out. She goes from door to door.Is it a cat egg?No, I dont lay eggs, says Cat.2. Is it a dog egg? No, I dont lay eggs, says Dog.3. Is it a pig egg? No, I dont lay eggs, says Pig.4. Is it a cow egg? No, I dont lay eggs, says Cow.5. Is it a goat egg? No, I dont lay eggs, says Goat.6. Is it a fox egg? Yes! Its my egg. Im looking for it, says Fox.7. At that time, the small eggs crack.Peep! Peep! say the small chicks. Then the big egg also cracks. Squawk! says the big chick.8. Run! says Hen.9. Hen has some chicks. One is big. The rest are small. Hen loves them all.练一练Whose big egg is it?Its _.A. DogsB. PigsC. CowsD. FoxsE. GoatsF. HensKey: F生词大本营rest 其余,其他lay 下(蛋)crack 破裂Clifford the firehouse dog消防队员大红狗故事简介:大家好,我是 Emily。有一天,我陪 Clifford 去消防队看望他的哥哥 Nero。Nero 正在给一群孩子上安全课呢。突然,警报器响了。有火灾!Clifford 也参加了紧张的救火工作,表现得非常勇敢。他做了些什么呢?快看故事吧。1. Clifford and I go to visit Cliffords brother, Nero. He is a fire rescue dog.2. When we get there, a group of children come to have a class.3. Nero shows them what to do if their clothing is on fire. Just then, we hear the siren. There is a fire!4. Clifford and I run ahead. He clears the street for the fire trucks. Then he takes the people to a safe place.5. Some fire-fighters are in trouble. Clifford helps them out.6. Clifford makes a hole in the roof. He gives the fire-fighters some water. Then he clears the smoke away.7. When the fire is out, Clifford helps the fire-fighters get out of the building safely. 8. We give the fire-fighters a ride back to the firehouse. Clifford is a hero! He is as brave as his brother, Nero.练一练请选择正确的答案吧。1. -Where does Cliffords brother Nero work?-He works in a_.A. schoolB. firehouseC. hospital2. -What does Clifford do before he gives the fire-fighters some water?-He _.A. clears the street for the fire trucksB. makes a hole in the roofC. clears the smoke awayKey: 1. B 2. B生词大本营rescue 救援siren 警报器clear 清理trouble 困难roof 屋顶brave 勇敢的Fathers Day父亲节Characters: Amy, Sam, Little brother, Mum, Dad, 2 assisstants(父亲节到了,Amy和Sam正在街上为爸爸买礼物呢。)1. Amy: Ive got twenty-five yuan.Sam: Ive got fifteen yuan.Amy: What can we buy for our father? Look! Theres a clothes shop.Shop assistant 1: Can I help you?Amy: Were looking for a present for our father.Shop assistant 1: Heres a nice hat.Sam: Oh good! How much is it?Shop assistant 1: Its fifty yuan. Amy: Sorry. We dont have enough money.2. Sam: Look! A sweet shop!Amy: Oh! I like chocolate.Sam: I like chocolate too. And Dad likes chocolate very much.Shop assistant 2: Can I help you?Amy: Can we have a box of chocolates, please?Sam: Its a present for our father.Amy: How much is it?Shop assistant 2: Its thirty-four yuan. Sam: Ok. Well take it.3. Mum: Hello, children. Whats that?Amy: Its a present for Dad. Its a box of chocolates.Mum: Thats a nice present. I like chocolates, too.Little brother: Me, too.Sam: Weve got six yuan left.Amy: Look! Theres a balloon man.Sam: Lets buy som


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