



附 录 Take Between Shaft Differential Thansfer Characteristic Analysis In many of the drive shaft car, it is a thansfer transmission and between axles in the transmission chain of used to increase output, transmission torque, to enlarge the scope of change, and torque distribution to driving axle. Thansfer types and characteristics From the structure and function to see, can be divided into two kinds big. Thansfer The first kind is gear type thansfer. General gear type thansfer drive, rear axle before two of output shaft in joints front drive meshing set for when the rigid connection. This kind of simple structure, the past in thansfer all kinds of full wheel drive car widely used, its shortcoming is no guarantee that the place before, rear wheel speed is equal, in the course of driving inevitably will generate the power cycle phenomenon. This will make the drive wheels load, a substantial increase in the tire and wear parts intensifies, fuel economy down. Therefore, should be in a separation of thansfer front axle drive device, in car through the gliding paragraph can engage front axle. In addition, general gear type thansfer assigned to the former, rear axle torque ratio between. So this will add to the adhesive condition good driving axle driving force, but may make the bridge for overload and damage. Therefore, currently USES this kind of thansfer car less and less. Another kind is to take between shaft differential thansfer. This kind of thansfer in before and after the output shaft is between a planetary gear shaft type between differential. Its just overcome the shortcomings, two of the output shaft can be different speed rotation, and according to certain proportion will be assigned to torque, before and after driving axle, already can make the front axle often in driving conditions, and can keep the wheel motor coordination, so dont need a pick up front axle drive from the device. In selecting a belt between shaft differential thansfer, try to make before, rear axle shaft torque distribution close to Hollywood, and to make RenYiQiao distribution of the maximum input torque not more than the bridges allow input torque. In order to avoid a bridge in the wheels skid completely lost when driving force, this kind of thansfer needs to set between shaft differential locks, so that in a bridge in the wheel slippage will thansfer before and after the output shaft for an organic whole, improve the lock by sex. Take between shaft differential thansfer characteristic analysis Take axis of the differential between general set apart in thansfer differential planetary mechanism, can exercise decomposition and synthesis; And make thansfer compact structure, carrying capacity, stable, the noise is small, the life is long. The differential between shaft thansfer is essentially a two degrees of freedom differential linear, of which planet shelf to active parts, surface wheel and tooth lap is center follower, respectively with the before and after the output shaft drive connected. Two follower influenced by certain external conditions, thus make the constraints of the planet reliable transmission line. ( 1) Torque distribution characteristics This illustration shows the belt between shaft differential transmission schemes, among them, thansfer respectively, the sun wheel, tooth circle and planet shelf rotation velocity;For the sun, respectively, and the circle and planet shelf rotation radius. Thansfer in before and after the output shaft speed operation, have =. The planet round 4 revolution and not only rotation, the planet round on A, B, C, respectively, linear velocity at three V1 = r1w1 V2 = r2w2 V3 = (V1 + V2) / 2 so at this moment, the whole planet similar row A whole participate in transmission, differential doesnt work. ( 2) Differential property Thansfer output shaft rotation speed before and after the car in the actual operation of the rare. Due to the differences between road conditions and radius, the turning of the car driving, and other factors, the shaft will work between differential. Here in the shaft of the differential between biaxial car as an example: Before and after the car wheels that bridge rolling radius, making for a greater than driving axle wheels, before and after the wheel axis of the translation of the actual speed and driving speed, will produce consistent before sliding of the rear wheel turn skaters movement, thus cause to the trend and produce different direction wheel additional cut to force. These additional cut to force reaction to thansfer planet round, will make the planet wheel lock by torque no longer balance, and happen, the rotation angular velocity for rotation. Due to the rotation of the planet round, the A and B two points on the linear velocity will also take place corresponding velocity increment. The show that at any time in the differential between shaft thansfer can be the law, so that it can avoid running all the wheel drive power cycle when phenomenon. Due to differential output shaft of two speed maintain these relations, so as to make the translation speed control of the wheel, tend to be equal to keep up the pure rolling and no sliding state. (3) Thansfer characteristics of the car through the sexual influence Take shaft differential between two thansfer shaft torque always maintain certain relation, the car through the difficult road is very harmful. For example when a car is unnecessary wheel in the pavement, other smaller adhesion wheels in a good road, the car driving resistance of much bigger, because the shaft of the differential effect between thansfer, in good road wheels stop and do not move, and the output shaft before thansfer to certain speed rotation, drive wheels skid, car cant front axle road, this kind of circumstance, such as in time, make thansfer self-locking differential output shaft is two shaft into the shaft, rigid connection between differential doesnt work, the output shaft after thansfer torque increases, which make full use of the wheel and the surface, make good adhesive condition car pulled out of difficult sections. 带轴间差速器的分动器特性分析 在多轴驱动的汽车上设有分动器,它位于变速器和驱动桥之间的传动链中,用来增大变速器输出的转矩,以扩大变范围,并将转矩分配给驱动桥。 分动器类型及其特点 从结构和功能来看,分动器可分为两大类。 第一种是齿轮式分动器。一般齿轮式分动器驱动 前,后桥的两根输出轴在接合前驱动啮合套时为刚性连接。这类分动器结构简单,过去在各类全轮驱动的汽车上广泛使用,其缺点是不能保证前、后轮的地方速度相等,在行驶过程中不可避免地要产生功率循环现象。这将使驱动轮载荷大幅度增加,轮胎及机件磨损加剧,燃油经济性下降。为此,需在分动器中另设分离前桥驱动的装置,在汽车通过滑溜段时可以接合前桥。另外,一般齿轮式分动器分配给前、后桥的转矩比例不定。这样虽然会增加附着条件较好的驱动桥的驱动力,但可能使该桥因超载而损坏。为此,目前采用这类分动器的汽车越来越少。 另一种是带轴间差速器 的分动器。这类分动器在前、后输出轴之间有一个行星齿轮式轴间差速器。它正好克服了上述缺点,两根输出轴可以不同的转速旋转,并按一定的比例将转矩分配给前、后驱动桥,既可使前桥经常处于驱动状态,又可保证各车轮运动协调,所以不需要另设接离前桥驱动的装置。在选用带轴间差速器的分动器时,尽量使前、后桥转矩分配接近于轴荷分配,并使任一桥的最大输入转矩不超过该桥的允许输入转矩。为了避免在某一桥的车轮打滑时完全丧失驱动力,这类分动器需设轴间差速锁,以便在某一桥车轮出现打滑的情况下将分动器前、后输出轴锁为一体,提高通过性。 带轴 间差速器的分动器特性分析 带轴间差速器的分动器中一般设置单排行星机构差速器,可进行运动分解和合成;并使分动器结构紧凑,承载能力大,工作平稳,噪声小,寿命长。分动器中的轴间差速器实质上是一个二自由度的差动轮系,其中行星架为主动件,面中心轮及齿圈为从动件,分别与前、后驱动桥的输出轴相连。两从动件受一定的外界条件的约束,从而使行星排可靠地传动。 ( 1)转矩分配特性 下图为带轴间差速器的分动器传动示意图,其中 1 、 2 、 3 分别为太阳轮、齿圈及行星架的转动角速度; 1r 、 2r 、 3


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