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浙江省永嘉县大若岩镇中学九年级英语全册 阅读竞赛(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第5页
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浙江省永嘉县大若岩镇中学2013届九年级英语全册 阅读竞赛 人教新目标版 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,并把它前面的代号(、或)填入括号内: (一)over thirty thousand years ago people from northern asia (亚洲北部) went to america. today, we call these people indians(印第安人). the indians went to america because the weather began to change. nothern asia became very cold. everything froze. they had to move or die. how did the first indians go to america? they walked! later columbus found the new world in 1492. at first, only a few europeans followed(跟随). they travelled to america in boats. for the next three hundred years, about 500,000 people went there. then the number grew very quickly. from 1815 to 1915, over thirty-two million europeans left their countries and went to the united states. the biggest groups were from germany and italy (意大利). these europeans spoke many different languages. most of them took almost no money. they went to america so that they could find a better life.1. _ went to america first. a) people from northern asia b) people from europec) people from germany d) columbus 2. why did the indians go to america? because _.a) northern asia became very hot b) northern asia became very cold c) they were interested in america d) they liked travelling3. the new world was _. a) italy b) northern asia c) germany d) america4. the first europeans went to america _. a) by ship b) by bike c) by boat d) by train5. these europeans _. a) didnt speak the same language b) spoke english onlyc) spoke german only d) spoke both english and german 6. the europeans went to america in order to _.a) find the new world b) find a better life c) build more boats d) learn english (二) waston won his most important game and became southern chess master (南部象棋大师) in 1977. he was given the silver (银) cup. “it isnt rightly mine,”he said, when he was holding the cup.“it was won two years ago when i was on holiday in “a family was staying at my hotel (旅馆) at that time. mrs prag, the mother, was told that i played chess; and she begged me to give her young son a game. hes only ten.she said, ive been told that he plays quite well. “well,as you can guess, i wasnt too happy. a player likes the opponent (对手) to play as well as he does. but it was holiday time and i agreed to play. we placed the board (棋盘) in the garden. the game began. i hoped it would be quickand so it was. “soon knew that david prag was no learner. after ten minutes his sister came outside and began to play tennis against a wall.the boy seemed to lose interest in our game. he moved a piece (棋子) without care. i gave my attention to the board. “ call me when you are ready, mr watson,he said. “when i was ready?i looked up.he had gone off to play with his sis- ter.i studied the boardand found i was driven into corner.so it went on with david: a quick move, then tennis, back to the board,then back to his sister. my difficult condition became impossible to change. i was beaten,oh so easily,by a ten-year-old chess player.he was the winner in twenty-eight minutes. “david prag: a name to remember. i had a chance to use his game today, and it won this cup for me. to him, of course, it is only one of a hundred, or perhaps a thousand, winning games.”7. when mr watson said, “it isnt rightly mine. it was won ”,he meant _ two years before. a. he had played chess with a little boy for twenty-eight minutes b. he had had a chance to take part in an important game c. he had learned how to play chess from a child d. he had learned a good game from a child 8. befor the game, mr watson was quite sure that _. a. the boy played as well as he did b. he would be southern chese master two years later c. he could win the game easily d. the boy would win the game quickly 9. why did david play tennis while he was playing chess with watson? because he _. a. had no interest in playing chess with adults (成年人) b. was not good at playing chess c. liked playing tennis much better than playing chess d. played chess much better than watson 10. from the story, we know that _. a. david prag was the real winner b. mr watson was the real winner c. neither of them was the real winner d. both of them were the real winners ( ) 11. which of the following (下列) is not true? a. sometimes young children can beat adults in playing chess. b. watson thought he could win the game quickly, and so he did. c. watson learned something from david and won the silver cup. d. watson would never forget the name of the boy. ( ) (三)we can see walls everywhere in the world. but the great wall of china is the biggest of all. the chinese call it“the ten-thousand-li great w-all”. it is in fact more than 6,000 kilometres long. it is 4-5 metres wide. in most places, five horses or ten men can walk side by side. when you visit the great wall,you cant help wondering how the chinese people were able to build such a great wall thousands of years ago. witho -ut any modern machine, it was really very difficult to build it. they had to do all the work by hand.it took millions of men hundreds of yearsto build it. the great wall has a history of over two thousand years. the kings began to build the first parts of it around two thousand seven hundred years ago. then qin shihuang had all the walls joined up. he thought that could keep the enemy out of the country. today the great wall has become a place of interest. not only chinese people but also people from all over the world come to visit it.12. the great wall is the biggest of all walls in _. a. china b. europe c. the world d. asia (亚洲) 13. how long is the great wall? a. its less than six hundred kilometres. b. its over six million kilometres. c. its six thousand kilometres. d. its more than six thousand kilometres. 14. it took _ men _ years to build the great wall. a. millions;millions b. hundreds of; hundreds of c. millions of; hundreds of d. hundreds of; millions of 15. the great wall was built _. a. by people all over the world b. without any modern machines c. with some other countrieshelp d. by all chinese kings 16. qin shihuang thought the great wall could _. a. keep the enemy out of his country b. keep his body in it c. be visited by all the people d. make his country beautiful (四)one day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood (木头) near a river.suddenly his old axe(斧子)fell into the water. he felt very sad because he lost his only axe.then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女) came out and asked the man what was the matter. “i have lost my axe,”he said.“it fell into the water when i was cutting the wood.” the fairy showed him a gold(金) axe and asked,“is this yours?” “no,”said the man. the fairy then showed him a silver(银) axe and asked again,“is this yours?”“no,”again answered the man. then she showed him the old axe. “yes,that is mine,”called out the happy man. “i know it well enough,”said the fairy.“i only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth,and now ill give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.” 在括号内选出一个符合短文内容的答案,将它的序号填在括号里。 17. one day when the man was cutting something, _. a.he fell into the water b.his axe dropped into the river c.his axe fell into a lake d.he saw a beautiful fairy ( ) 18. the man was sad because _. a.he was poor and had no other axes b.he could not go on working c.he liked his axe very much d.his axe was a gold axe ( ) 19. the fairy gave him a gold axe and a silver axe but he didnt take them.because he _. a.did not like them b.did not know they were made of gold and silver c.was very rich d.knew these axes were not his ( ) 20. at the end of the story the man had _. a.only one axe b.two axes c.three axes d.many axes ( ) 21. the fairy helped the man because he was _ man. a.an old b.a young c. a poor d. an honest(诚实的) (五)one day little mikes mother went to the river to do some washing. before she left, she said to him, “mike, while i am away, stay near the door and watch it all the time!” she said this because she was afraid of the thieves. mike sat down beside the door. after an hour, one of his uncles came. he asked mike,“where is your mother?”“she has gone to the river to do some washing,”mike answered.“well,”said his uncle,“now it is a quarte -r to two.three hours later we are going to visit your family.go and tel -l her about it, for im too busy. i have to hurry.” after his uncle had gone away, mike began to think: mother had asked me to watch the door all the time and my uncle told me to go and tell my mother. “what shall i do?”he thought and thought.finally he pulled down the door, put it on his back and went to the river with it.22. what did mikes mother ask him to do while she was away? a. to wait for her. b. to watch the house. c. to look after the door. d. to wait for his uncle. 23. how many uncles did mike have?a. one. b. two.c. three. d. we dont know. 24. what time did mikes mother go to the river? a.115. b.215. c.1245. d.145. 25. when would mikes uncle come to see them? a. in the evening. b. in the morning. c. in the afternoon. d. at night. 26. what should mike do? a. he should lock the door before he went to the river. b. he should ask his uncle to tell his mother. c. he should go to the river with the door. d. he should make a telephone call to his mother.(六) jane got home late at night. she was going to knock at the door. just then it opened. her father was standing by the door.he was a tall man with white hair. “come in,”he said.“i am getting cold.” jane went in. her mother was waiting in the room. her mother was a short woman in her early forties. she was wearing a nightdress(睡衣). her father closed the door. “well,”he said,“where have you been? you promised to be home at eleven oclock. its one oclock now.” “its only ten to one.” “that doesnt make any difference,”her father replied angrily. “weve been very worried about you,”said her mother. “im sorry,”jane said.“i was at a dance.i didnt notice the time.” “youve got a watch,”said her father.“your mother and i have waited for a long time. we didnt know where you were.” “i can look after myself,” replied jane.“im not a baby any more.”27 who opened the door? a. janes mother. b. janes father. c. jane herself. d. the door itself. 28 when jane got home,her parents _. a. were in bed b. turned on the light c. were waiting for her d. did not get up 29 jane promised to be home at eleven, _. a. but she was nearly two hours late b. and she came back before dark c. but she stayed out the whole night d. and she returned on time 30 why did jane get home late? a. she had to walk a long way. b. she left her watch at home. c. her watch stopped. d. time passed before she knew it. 31 which of the following is true? a. janes parents knew when she would be back. b. jane refused to apologize,so her parents were angry. c. jane thought she was old enough to take care of herself. d. janes mother was as tall as her father.(七)little tom likes cartoonsvery much when the cartoons begin on tv,he does nothing until theyre oversometimes hed rather wait for a long time and go to bed latein the morning his mother has to wake him up,or hell be late for schoolyesterday tom heard there would be an interesting cartoon todaythis morning,as soon as he got up,he turned on the television,but didnt receive the programmehe had to have breakfast and then went to schoolafter school he ran home while his mother was cooking sup- per in the kitchenhe hurried to the sitting room and turned on the television again,but he couldnt find the cartoonhe rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother for help“its only five now,”said the woman“your programme will be after supper”“well,lets have supper right now!”notes:cartoon kb:tu:nn动画片 kitchen kitfnn厨房32tom goes to bed late sometimes,so _ ahes late for school bhe goes to school by bus che cant wake up himself in the morning dhe has to go to school without breakfast33tom spends much time _ when hes free aplaying football bwatching football matches on tv cdoing his homework dwatching cartoons on tv34 _,so he turned on the television after getting up this morning atom thought he had some time left btom didnt know when the cartoon would begin ctom wanted to know the important news dtom hoped to watch a tv play35tom was afraid _ ,so he ran home ato miss the interesting cartoon bto miss the last bus che would be hungry dhe had little time to finish his homework36tom thought _ asupper should be ready bhis mothers watch was slow cthe cartoon would be as soon as he finished supper dhis mother cooked supper too late (八)people like to talk about“first”they like to remember their first love or their first carbut not all firsts are happy onesfew people enjoy the firsts that are badone of historys bad but important firsts was the first car accidentcars were still young when it happenedit took place in new york in may 1896a man from ma


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