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A2 aortic second sound主动脉区第二音中英文翻译AA amino acid 氨基酸中英文翻译中英文翻译AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm 腹主动脉瘤Ab antibody 抗体ABE acute bacterial endocarditis 急性细菌性心内膜炎ABG arterial blood gases 动脉血气中英文翻译ABI ankle brachial index 踝肱指数ABP arterial blood pressure 动脉血压ABPM ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 动态血压监测AC alternating current 交流电AC aortic closure 动脉闭锁ACAT acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase 胆固醇酰基转移酶ACE angiotensin converting enzyme 血管紧张素转化酶中英文翻译ACEI angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂ACG angiocardiography 心血管造影术ACh acetylcholine乙酰胆碱ACS acute coronary syndromes急性冠状动脉综合症ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素ADH antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素ADP adenosine diphosphate二磷酸腺苷AECG ambulatory electrocardiography动态心电图AEDs automatic external defibrillators 自动体外除颤器AF atrial fibrillation房颤中英文翻译AFL atrial flutter心房扑动AG atrial gallop 心房性奔马律AHA American Heart Association 美国心脏协会AHP apical hypertrophy 心尖部肥厚AI aortic incompetence 主动脉瓣关闭不全AI aortic insufficiency 主动脉瓣功能不全AI apical impulse 心尖搏动AICD automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 埋藏式自动心脏复律除颤器AICDS automatic implanted cardioverter defibrillators自动植入式心脏复律除颤器AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 爱滋病AIVR Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 加速性心室自主节律中英文翻译ALT alanine aminotransferase 丙氨酸氨基转移酶AMI acute myocardial imfarction急性心肌梗塞AML anterior mitral valve leaflet二尖瓣前叶ANA antinuclear antibody 抗核抗体ANCA antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies 抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体ANGII angiotensin II血管紧张素IIANOVA analysis of variance 方差分析ANP atrial natriuretic hormone 心房利钠激素ANP atrial natriuretic peptide心房利钠肽ANS autonomic nervous system自主神经系统Ao aorta主动脉AO opening of the atrioventricular valves 房室瓣张开中英文翻译AoP aortic pressure主动脉压力AP accessory pathway 旁路AP action potential 动作电位AP angina pectoris 心绞痛AP arterial pressure 动脉压APB atrial premature beat 房性早搏APC atrial premature complex 房性早搏APH apical hypertrophy 心尖部肥厚中英文翻译APA action potential amplitude 动作电位幅度APC activated protein C活化的蛋白CAPD action potential duration 动作电位时间apoA apolipoprotein A 载脂蛋白AapoB apolipoprotein B 载脂蛋白BaPPT actived partial thromboplastin time 激活的部分凝血活酶时间APSAC anisolysated plasminogen streptokinase activated complex苯甲氧酰纤溶酶原链激酶活化复合物AR aortic regurgitation主动脉瓣关闭不全AR alarm reaction 应激反应AR artificial respiration 人工呼吸中英文翻译ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome成人呼吸窘迫综合症Arg arginine 精氨酸ARP atrial refractory period心房不应期ARVD arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia致心律失常性右心室发育不良AS aortic stenosis主动脉瓣狭窄AS arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease 动脉粥样硬化性心血管病ASD atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损ASH asymmetric septal hypertrophy非对称性心室间隔肥厚ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease 动脉硬化性心脏病中英文翻译ASO anti-streptolysin O 抗链球菌溶血素OASO arteriosclerosis obliterans 闭塞性动脉硬化AST aspartate aminotransferase天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶AT angiotensin receptor 血管紧张素受体AT atrial tachycardia 房性心动过速AT-:A antithrombin activity 抗凝血酶活性ATP adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷ATP antitachycardia pacing 抗心动过速起搏ATPase adenosinetriphosphatase 三磷酸腺苷酶中英文翻译AVA-V atrioventricular 房室性的AVN atrioventricular node 房室结AVNRT atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia 房室结折返性心动过速AVO atrioventricular orifice 房室口AVP arginine vasopressin 精氨酸加压素AVR aortic valve replacement 主动脉瓣置换术AVRT atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia 房室交互性心动过速BBBB blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障BBB bundle branch block束支传导阻滞中英文翻译BBBB bilateral bundle branch block 双侧束支传导阻滞BBT basal body temperature 基础体温BDS biodegradable stents 生物可降解支架BFP biologic false-positive 生物学假阳性BLS basic life support 基础生命支持BMI body mass index 体质指数BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BNP brain natriuretic peptide 脑钠肽BUN blood urea nitrogen 尿素氮中英文翻译BP blood pressure血压BPV blood pressure variability 血压波动性BRF renal blood flow肾血流B.S. breath sounds 呼吸音B.S. blood sugar 血糖BSA body surface area体表面积BUN blood urea nitrogen 血尿素氮BVAD biventricular assist device 两心室辅助装置CCA cardiac arrest 心脏停搏中英文翻译CA coronary artery 冠状动脉CA catecholamine 儿茶酚胺C.A. circumflex coronary artery左回旋支冠状动脉CABG coronary artery bypass grafting冠状动脉旁路移植术CABS coronary artery bypass surgery 冠状动脉分流术CAD coronary artery disease冠状动脉疾病CAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate环磷酸腺苷CAVB complete atrioventricular block 完全房室传导阻滞CBC complete blood count 全血细胞计数CBF cerebral blood flow 脑血流量中英文翻译CC chief complaint 主诉CCPR cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation 心肺脑复苏CCU coronary care unit冠心病监护病房CCU critical care unit 危症监护病房CD curative dose 有效量治疗量CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 疾病预防控制中心CEA carcinoembryonic antigen 癌胚抗原CEI cardiac effort index 心脏负荷指数CETP cholesteryl ester transfer protein胆固醇酯转移蛋白CF cardiac failure 心力衰竭CFR coronary flow reserve 冠状动脉血流储备cGMP cyclic guanosine monophosphate 环-磷酸鸟苷CHD coronary heart disease 冠心病中英文翻译CHF congestive heart failure充血性心力衰竭CHO Chinese hamster ovary (cell) 中国仓鼠卵巢细胞CI cardiac index心脏指数CIC circulating immune complex循环免疫复合物CIE counterimmunoelectrophoresis 对流免疫电泳CK creatine kinase 肌酸激酶CK-BB creatine kinase with brain subunits 肌酸激酶BB亚单位CK-MB creatine kinase-MB 肌酸激酶MB亚单位CK-MM creatine kinase with muscle subunits 肌酸激酶MM亚单位CM chylomicron 乳糜微粒CMLC cardiac myosin light chains心脏肌凝蛋白轻链CMT circus movement tachycardia环形运动性心动过速CNS central nervous system中枢神经系统中英文翻译CO cardiac output 心输出量CoA coenzyme A 辅酶 ACOPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease慢性阻塞性肺病CPB cardiopulmonary bypass 体外循环CPAP continuous positive airway pressure持续气道正压呼吸CPC clinicopathological conference 临床病历讨论会CPK creatine phosphokinase磷酸肌酸激酶CPK-MB MB fraction of creatine phosphokinase磷酸肌酸激酶同功酶MBCPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏CRH corticotropin-releasing hormone促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素CRP C-reactive protein C反应蛋白CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy 心脏再同步治疗中英文翻译CS coronary sinus 冠状窦CSF colony-stimulating factor 集落刺激因子CSF cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液CSM carotid sinus massage 颈动脉窦按摩CSNRT corrected SNRT 校正的窦房结恢复时间CT clotting time 凝血时间CT computed Tomography计算机体层线摄影CTA CT angiography CT血管造影cTnI cardiac troponin I 心肌肌钙蛋白IcTnT cardiac troponin T 心肌肌钙蛋白TCTO chronic total occlusion 慢性闭塞病变CV cardiovascular 心血管的CVA cerebrovascular accident脑血管意外CVD cardiovascular disease心血管疾病CVP central venous pressure 中心静脉压中英文翻译CVS cardiovascular system 心血管系统DDAD delayed afterdepolarization 延迟后去极化D.A.H disordered action of heart 心功能失调DBP diastolic blood pressure 舒张压DC direct-current 直流电DCM dilated cardiomyopathy 扩张性心脏病DHEA-S dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate硫酸脱氢异雄酮DHF diastolic heart failure 舒张性心力衰竭DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation弥漫性血管内凝血DL diffusion capacity 弥散量DM diabetes mellitus糖尿病DM diastolic murmur 舒张期杂音DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DNR do not resuscitate 不复苏DOA dead on arrival 到达时已死亡DOC deoxycorticosterone 脱氧皮质酮DSA digital subtraction angiography 数字减影血管造影术dsDNA double-stranded DNA 双链脱氧核糖核酸DTPA diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid 二乙烯三胺五乙酸DVT deep venous thrombosis深静脉血栓形成EEAD early afterdepolarization 早期后除极EAVNC enhanced A-V nodal conduction 房室结加速传导EBV Epstein-Barr virusEB病毒ECC external chest compression 胸外心脏按压ECG electrocardiogram 心电图ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 体外循环膜氧合ECS electrocerebral silence 脑电静止ECS endocannabinoid system 内分泌大麻系统ED emergency department 急诊室ED effective dose 有效剂量EDCFs endothelium-derived constricting factor 内皮衍生的收缩因子EDHF endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor 内皮衍生超极化因子EDRF endothelium-derived relaxing factor 内皮衍生的松弛因子EDV end-diastolic volume舒张末期容积EERP extended endocardial resection procedure 心内膜伸展切除法EEV encircling endocardial ventriculotomy 心内膜面心室环切术EF ejection fraction射血分数EKG electrocardiogram 心电图ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫吸附试验EMD electromechanical dissociation电机械分离EMS emergency medical service 急救医疗服务ERBF effective renal blood flow 有效肾血流量EPS electrophysiology study电生理检查EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential 兴奋性突触后电位ER endoplasmic reticulum 内质网ERBF effective renal blood flow 有效肾血流量ERP effective refractory period 有效适应期ERP endocardial resection procedure 心内膜切除术ERT estrogen replacement therapy 雌激素替代疗法ERV expiratory reserve volume 补呼气容积ES cells Embryonic stem cells胚胎干细胞ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate血细胞沉降率ESRD end-stage renal disease 终末期肾脏疾病ESV end-systolic volume收缩末期容积ET excitability threshold 兴奋性阈值ET endothelin 内皮素F中英文翻译Fab fragmentantigen-binding 抗原结合片断FABP fatty acid binding protein 脂肪酸结合蛋白FBG fasting blood glucose 空腹血糖FDP fibrinogen degradation products 纤维蛋白原降解产物FEV1.0 forced expiratory volume in one second 第1秒用力呼气容积FFA free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸FGF fibroblast growth factor纤维母细胞生长因子FH familial hypercholesterolemia家族性高胆固醇血症FHC familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy家族性肥厚型心肌病FIO2 fraction of inspired oxygen吸入气氧分数FML flail mitral leaflet连枷样瓣叶FRC functional residual capacity 功能残气量FT3 free triiodothyronine 游离型T3FT4 free thyroxine 游离型甲状腺素FUO fever of undetermined origin 不明原因发热FVC forced vital capacity 用力肺活量GGAD glutamic acid decarboxylase 谷氨酸脱羧酶GAP GTPase-activating proteinGTP酶活化蛋白GBM glomerular basement membrane 肾小球基底膜G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor粒细胞集落刺激因子GFR glomerular filtration rate肾小球滤过率GHb glycosylated hemoglobin 糖化血红蛋白GI gastrointestinal 胃肠的GIK glucose_insulin_potassium葡萄糖胰岛素钾(极化液)GITS the gastrointestinal therapeutic system胃肠道治疗系统GMP guanosine monophosphate一磷酸鸟苷GPBB glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme糖原磷酸化酶同工酶BBGPT glutamic-pyruvic transaminase 谷丙转氨酶GTP guanosine triphosphate三磷酸鸟苷GTT glucose tolerance test 葡萄糖耐量试验HHAV hepatitis A virus 甲肝病毒Hb hemoglobin 血红蛋白HbA1c Hemoglobin A1c 糖化血红蛋白 A1cHBcAg hepatitis B core antigen 乙肝核心抗原HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen 乙肝e抗原HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen 乙肝e抗原HBE His bundle electrogram希氏束电图HBV hepatitis B virus 乙肝病毒HbO2 oxyhemoglobin 氧合血红蛋白HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肥厚型心肌病HCT hematocrit 血细胞比容,红细胞压积中英文翻译HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇HERG Human Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene人类eag相关基因HF heart failure心力衰竭hFABP heart fatty acid binding protein心脏脂肪酸结合蛋白HIT heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 肝素导致的血小板减少症HIV human immunodeficiency virus人类免疫缺陷病毒HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome 左心发育不良综合征HMG-COA 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A羟甲基戊二酰辅酶HMWK high molecular weight kininogen 高分子量激肽原HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 肥厚梗阻性心肌病HOP high oxygen pressure 高压氧HP haptoglobin 结合珠蛋白,触珠蛋白HPI history of the present illness 现病史HPS His-Purkinje system 希氏束-浦肯野系统HR heart rate心率HRV heart rate variability心率变异性中英文翻译HuIFN human interferon 人体干扰素IIAB intraaortic balloon 主动脉内气囊IABP intraaortic balloon pump主动脉内气囊泵IC inspiratory capacity 深吸气量 ICD implantable cardioverter-defibrillator埋藏式心脏复律除颤器ICU intensive care unit 重症监护病房IDD insulin-dependent diabetes 胰岛素依赖性糖尿病IDL intermediate-density lipoprotein中间密度脂蛋白IE infective endocarditis感染性心内膜IFG impaired fasting glucose 空腹血糖调节受损IFN interferon 干扰素IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor-1 胰岛素样生长因子-1IGT impaired glucose tolerance 葡萄糖耐量降低IHD ischemic heart disease 缺血性心脏病IHR intrinsic heart rate固有心率IHSS idiopathic hypertrophy subaortic stenosis 特发性肥厚型主动脉瓣下狭窄IHUT isoproterenol-head-up tilt testing 异丙肾上腺素-倾斜试验IMA internal mammary artery内乳动脉INR international normalized ratio 国际标准化比值IPG impedance plethysmography阻抗容积描记法IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing 间歇性正压呼吸IR insulin resistance胰岛素抵抗IRMS insulin resistance metabolic syndrome 胰岛素抵抗代谢综合征IRS insulin resistance syndrome 胰岛素抵抗综合征IRV inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气容积ISA intrinsic sympathomimetic activity内源性拟交感活性IU international unit 国际单位IV intravenously 静脉注射IVC inferior vena cava 下腔静脉IVP intravenous pyelography静脉肾盂造影IVRT isovolumic relaxation time 等容舒张时间IVS interventricular septum 室间隔IVST interventricular septal thickness 室间隔厚度IVUS intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声JJ joule 焦耳KKD Keshan disease 克山病LLA left arm左臂LA left atrium左心房LAD left anterior descending (coronary artery)冠状动脉左前降支LAD left axis deviation 电轴左偏中英文翻译LADA latent autoimmune diabetes in adult 成人隐匿自身免疫糖尿病LAE left atrial enlargement 左心房扩大LAFB left anterior fascicular block 左前分支阻滞LAH left anterior hemiblock 左前分支阻滞LAO left anterior oblique 左前斜位LAP left atrial pressure 左心房压力LAPB left anterior parietal block左前分支末梢阻滞LATS long-acting thyroid stimulator 长效甲状腺刺激素LBBB left bundle branch block左束支传导阻滞LCA left coronary artery 左冠状动脉LCAT lecithin :cholesterol acyltransferase卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶LCX left circumflex artery左冠状动脉回旋支LDH lactate dehydrogenase乳酸脱氢酶LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol低密度脂蛋白胆固醇LF left leg左腿LP() -lipoprotein 脂蛋白中英文翻译LPFB left posterior fascicular block 左后分支阻滞LPH left posterior hemiblock 左后半阻滞LPL lipoprotein lipase 脂蛋白酯酶LQ-T1 long Q-T locus 1长QT位点1LQTS long QT syndrome长QT综合症LRL lower rate limit下限频率LV left ventricle左心室LVAD left ventricular assist device 左室辅助装置LVEDP left ventricular end-diastolic pressure 左室舒张末压LVEDV left ventricular end-diastolic volume 左室舒张末容积LVET left ventricular ejection time左心室射血时间LVH left ventricular hypertrophy 左室肥厚LVMI left ventricular mass index 左室重量指数MMAF macrophage activating factor 巨噬细胞活化因子MAG3 mercaptoacetyltriglycine 巯基乙酰三甘氨酸MAO monoamine oxidase 单胺氧化酶MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor 单胺氧化酶抑制剂MAP mean arterial pressure 平均动脉压MAPK mitogen-actived protein kinase有丝分裂激活的蛋白激酶MAT multifocal atrial tachycardia 多源性房性心动过速MBC minimum bactericidal concentration最小杀菌浓度中英文翻译MB-CK MB creatine kinase肌酸磷酸激酶MB亚单位MCE myocardial contrast echocardiography 心肌造影超声心动图MCF macrophage chemotactic factor 巨噬细胞趋化因子MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin 红细胞平均血红蛋白量MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度MCT mean circulation time 平均循环时间MCV mean corpuscular volume 平均红细胞容积MDF myocardial depressant factor 心肌抑制因子MDP maximum diastolic potential 最大舒张电位MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia多发性内分泌肿瘤METS multiple of basal metabolic oxygen consumption基础代谢氧消耗倍数MHC myosin heavy chain肌球蛋白重链MI myocardial imfarction心肌梗塞MIC minimum inhibitory concentration最小抑菌浓度MLC myosin light chain肌凝蛋白轻链MMD minor myocardial damage 微小心肌损伤MODS multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 多脏器功能障碍综合征MPD maximum permissible dose 最大允许剂量MPS mononuclear phagocyte system 单核巨噬细胞系统MPS mucopolysaccharidosis 粘多糖(贮积)病MR mitral regurgitation二尖瓣关闭不全MRA magnetic resonance angiography 核磁共振血管造影MRI magnetic resonance imaging核磁共振显像mRNA messenger RNA 信使核糖核酸MS metabolic syndrome 代谢综合征MS mitral stenosis二尖瓣狭窄MSCT multi-slice computed tomography 多层螺旋CTMSCTCA MSCT coronary angiography 多层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影MSL midsternal line 胸骨中线中英文翻译MV mitral valve 二尖瓣MVO2 myocardial oxygen requirements心肌需氧量MVP mitral valve prolapse二尖瓣脱垂MVV maximal voluntary ventilation 最大自主通气量NNBTE nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis 非细菌性血栓性心内膜炎NED no evidence of disease 无疾病证据NEFA nonesterified fatty acids 非酯型脂肪酸游离脂肪酸NEP neutral endopeptidase中性内肽酶NIDD non-insulin-dependent diabetes 非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病NMR nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振NO nitric oxide一氧化氮NPN nonprotein nitrogenNQWMI non-Q-wave myocardial infarction非波心肌梗塞NSAIA nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic 非类固醇消炎止痛药NSAIDs nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs非甾族抗炎药物NSR normal sinus rhythm 正常窦律NTP normal temperature and pressure 正常体温与血压NVE native valve endocarditis 自身瓣膜心内膜炎NYHA New York Heart Association 纽约心脏协会OOMB obtuse marginal branch 钝缘支OR operating room 手术室OS opening snap开放拍击音OSAS obstructive sleep apnea syndrome阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征OTC over the counter 非处方药物OTD organ tolerance dose 器官耐受剂量(X线)PP2 pulmonic second sound 肺动脉第二心音PA posteroanterior 后前位的PA pulmonary artery 肺动脉PAC premature atrial complex 期前心房复合波PAF platelet-activating factor血小板激活因子PAI-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1纤维蛋白酶原激活物抑制剂-1PAP plasmin-antiplasmin complex 纤溶酶抗纤溶酶复合物PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia 阵发性房性中英文翻译心动过速PAWP pulmonary artery wedge pressure 肺动脉楔压力PBAV percutaneous balloon aortic valvuloplasty经皮球囊主动脉瓣成形术PBMV percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty经皮球囊二尖瓣成形术PBPV percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty 经皮球囊肺动脉瓣成形术PC:A protein C activity 蛋白C活性PCG phonocardiogram 心音图PCI percutaneous coronary intervention 经皮冠状动脉介入干预Pco2 carbon dioxide partial pressure 二氧化碳分压力Pco2 carbon dioxide partial tension 二氧化碳分张力PCR polymerase chain reaction聚合酶链反应PCV packed cell volume 血细胞压积PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 肺毛细血管楔压PDA patent ductus arteriosus 动脉导管未闭PDA posterior descending coronary artery 冠脉后降支PDE phosphodiesterase磷酸二酯酶PDIs Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 磷酸二酯酶抑制剂PDGF platelet derived growth factor 血小板源生长因子PEA pulseless electrical activity 无脉性电活动PEEP positive endexpiratory pressure呼气末正压呼吸PES programmed electrical stimulation 程控电刺激PET positron emission-computed tomography正电子发射型计算机断层显像PF4 platelet factor 4 血小板第4因子PG prostaglandin 前列腺素PGI2 prostacyclin前列环素PICVI Percutaneous in situ coronary venous arterialization 经皮原位冠状静脉动脉化PJRT permanent junctional repciprocating tachycardia 持久性交界性交互心动过速PJT paroxysmal junctional tachycardia 阵发性交界性心动过速PKC protein kinase C蛋白激酶CPLAATO Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Transcatheter Occluder 经皮导管左心耳闭塞器PLS prolonged life support 延续生命支持PMI point of maximal impulse最强心尖搏动点PMVL posterior mitral valve leaflet二尖瓣后叶PMT pacemaker mediated tachycardia起搏器介入性心动过速PO2 oxygen partial pressure 氧分压力PO2 oxygen partial tension 氧分张力POCT point of care test 床旁检查中英文翻译PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor 过氧化物酶体增生物活化受体PPD purified protein derivative (tuberculin) 精制蛋白衍化物(结核菌素)PR peripheral resistance 外周阻力PR pulmonic regurgitation肺动脉瓣关闭不全PRA plasma renin activity血浆肾素活性PRG phleborheography静脉血流描记法PS protein S 蛋白SPS pulmonic stenosi


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