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小学五年级英语复习资料句 子一般现在时 一般现在时表示: 1. 经常发生的动作或存在状态,常和always(总是), usually(通常), often(经常), sometimes(有时候), everyday(每天), every week(每周)等时间状语连用。 2.表示普遍真理一、陈述句:肯定句:主语be动词1. I am a teacher. 我是老师2. Spring is green with flowers and songs. 绿色的春天,鸟语花香。 我爱春天。3. My birthday is on October 1st.我的生日在十月一日主语动词1. I often play football on Sundays. 我经常在周日踢足球。2. I like spring.我喜欢春天 1. She likes summer. 她喜欢夏天否定句: 主语be动词not 如:You are not a student. 你不是学生 主语do not +动词如: I dont go to school every day. 我每天不去上学 如: She doesnt go shopping on Saturdays. 她在周六不购物。二、一般疑问句(句型、用法) 陈述句变一般疑问句时,1. 把be动词移到主语前面,即Be动词主语 如: -Are you a student?-Yes, I am. 2. 把do或does移到句首,即Do (Does)+主语动词原型 如:-Do you have English class on Mondays? - No, we dont. - Does he play football every day? - Yes, he does.(练习,按要求做题)1. I am a teacher. (变成否定句)2. You are student. (变成一般疑问句)3. We have math class on Tuesday. (变成一般疑问句)三、 特殊疑问句(句型、用法) 1. What do you do on the weekend? 你周末干什么? 2. When do you get up?你什么时候起床? 3. What time is it now?现在几点了 4. Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节? 5. When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?(练习,给上面的特殊问句找到合适的答语,将字母标号写在横线上) A. I get up at 9:00. B. Its June 3rd . C. I like fall best. D. Its 7:30 now. E. I usually climb mountains 四、 There be (is, are)句型1. There is 单数名词场所 如: 1. There is a bed in the room. 房间里有一张床。 2. There is a book on the table. 桌上有一本书。 3. -Is there a picture on the wall? 墙上有照片吗? - Yes, there is.2. There are +复数名词场所如:1. There are many students in our school.我们学校有许多学生 2. There are many eggs in the kitchen. 厨房里有许多蛋.3. -Are there any fish in the river? 河里有鱼吗?- Yes, there are.(练习,填写合适的be动词)1. There an apple in the box. 盒子里有一个苹果。2. There many trees round the house. 房子四周有许多数。现在进行时现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。一、陈述句结构: 主语 be动词现在分词(现在分词是:动词ing) 如:1. I am watching TV now. 我正在看电视。2. We are playing chess. 我们正在下棋。 3. She is catching butterflies in the woods.她正在树林里捉蝴蝶。二、否定句和疑问句(句型、用法) 否定句:主语be not 现在分词 如:1. I am not picking up leaves. 我没有摘树叶。 2. She isnt writing a report. 她没有在写报告。 3. We arent having a picnic. 我们没有野餐。 疑问句:Be动词主语现在分词 如: 1. Are you taking pictures? 你(们)正在照相吗? 2. Is he collecting leaves? 他正在收集树叶吗?三、特殊疑问句(句型、用法) 结构:特殊疑问词be动词主语现在分词 如: 1. What are you doing? 你(们)正在干什么? 2. What is John doing? 约翰正在干什么?副 词(种类、用法)副词在句子中修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。用来表示时间、场所、状态及程度。如:1. well(好) fast (快) slowly(慢) carefully(仔细)2. very(很) much(很) enough (足够的)3. here(这里) there(那里) out (在外)4. soon(不久) already(已经) now(现在) today(今天)5. always(总是) usually(通常) often(经常) never(从来不) sometimes(有时) 6. also(也) either(也) too (也) only(仅仅)用法举例:1. She is very tall.(她非常高)2. I am very well.(我很好)3. hes over there.(他在那里)4. Its raining now. (现在正下着雨)5. I often do my homework on the weekend. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.我经常在周末写作业,有时候去看望祖父母。6. Usually I clean my room. I often go hiking, too. (too用在肯定句后)我通常打扫房间,也常常去远足。7. I cant play football in the rain. I cant go hiking, either. (either用在否定句后)我既不会在雨中踢足球,也不会去远足。(会读会背以上单词和句型)动 词(be动词、动词短语、现在分词)在英语中,每个句子都有一个动词来说明主语“是什么”或“做什么”,从动词的变化,可以看出句子是现在时或过去时,了解动词的时态,在英语学习上相当重要。一、be动词 ( 表示“是,在”的意思。现在式有am is are 三种,这三种的原型动词是be,所以它们称为be动词)用法:am is are 这三种形式分别接在不同人称的主语后面,用图表来表示:人称主语be动词缩略式中文意第一人称(单数) I am (复数) we areImwere我是我们是第二人称(单数)You are(复数)You areYoureYoure你是你们是第三人称(单数) He isShe is It is(复数)They areHesShes ItsTheyre他是她是它是他们是be动词的否定形式:be+notis not = isnt are not = arent am not(不能缩写)(句子练习,按要求填上适当的be动词): 1. Mary a nurse. (玛丽不是护士)2.Miss White a teacher.(怀特小姐是老师。)3.He at school. (他在学校。)4.She at home.(她不在家)5.You doctor. (你是医生)6.I a doctor ,too.(我也是医生)7.We students. (我们是学生)8.They friends. (他们不是朋友。)二、一般动词和动词短语正确朗读和背诵下列的一般动词和动词短语一般动词: 如:become give catch come climb go eat fight find fly know leave let make read run say see send sing sleep smell speak swing take tell think write walk swim skate jump play study talk动词短语如:1.at home just do it have a try play chessuse a computer look at watch TV2. cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floorclean the bedroom wash the window do houseworkempty the trash make the bed set the tablewash the clothes do the dishes put away the clothes3. do morning exercises eat breakfast have English class4.go shopping play the piano visit grandparentsgo hiking make a snowman plant treesdraw pictures cook dinner read a bookanswer the phone see you later listen to musicdrink water take pictures watch insectspick up leaves do an experiment count insectsplay sports eat dinner get up climb mountainswrite a letterwrite an e-mail speak to hold oncatch butterflies collect leaves write a report have a picnic三、一般动词的现在时和现在分词1.一般动词的现在时,第一、第二人称用动词原型如:I go to school every day.我每天都去上学 You study English every day.你每天都学英语(第三人称单数时动词要s或es)如:She goes to school every day. 她每天去上学He likes cats.他喜欢猫(在否定句和疑问句要加助动词do 或does,后面动词用原型)如:I do not go to school every day .我每天不去上学 Does she do morning exercises every day?她每天做早操吗?2.Can 表示能力:“能,会,可以”它没有人称和数的变化,它后面必须跟动词原型。 can (能、会)can not = cant (不能、不会)如:The birds can fly. The cats cant fly. I can make a snowman I cant swim in the sea.3.现在分词是指:动词ing的形式,它和be 动词连用,表示现在正在做的动作。如:I am reading a book. You are cooking dinner. She is counting insects. They are playing chess.动词的现在分词构成:构成法例词一般加ing (以y结尾也直接加ingwalk-walkingfly-flying以e结尾的词去e后加ingwrite-writinghave-havingtake-taking以重读闭音节或r音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,要双写这个辅音字母,再加ingrun-runningswim-swimming以ie为结尾的重读开音节的词,改ie为y,再加ingdie-dying(综合练习,用动词的适当形式填空。)1.I usually at 6:30. (我每天六点半起床) 2. I often on Sunday.(我经常在周六踢足球) 3. He every day.(他每天去上学) 4. He can (他会游泳)5.Amy is butterflies. (埃米正在捉蝴蝶)介词(种类、用法)一、表示时间的介词: at on in before after1. at, on, in 的用法和区别 at: (用于表示时刻、时间的某一点) at nine (oclock) 在九点at 6:30I get up at 7:00 every day. 我每天在七点钟起床。on: (用于表示具体的某一天,具体某天的上午或下午) on Monday 在周一 on Tuesday morning在周二的早上 on June 6th 在六月六号on the weekend 在周末in: (用于月、年、季节,泛指的上午或下午)in May in July in summer in winter in 1996 in 2008 in the morning in the afternoon 2. before,after的用法和区别before(在之前)Wash your hands before dinner. 晚餐前要洗手after(在之后)Lets play together after school. 放学后我们一起玩(练习,填入合适的介词)1. I go to bed 9:30.2. We have English class 10:003. I often play the piano Sundays.4. Teachers day is September.5. My birthday is December 12th二、表示场所、方向的介词1.表示场所:at ,inat: 在某地点(比较狭窄的地方)at school 在学校 at home 在家in:在某地(比较宽阔的场所)in Beijing 在北京in China 在中国in the world在世界上in the street 在街上 2. 表示方位的介词:in在里面on在上面(紧贴着)under在.下面over 在上方(正上方)next to在旁边 near近的,不远的in front of 在前面behind在后面between在两者之间around 环绕,在四周(读读背背,并将下列句子翻译成汉语)1. I study at school1. I do my homework at home.3. My sister lives in Beijing. 4. The pencil is in the pencil box.5. The books are on the desk.6. The ball is under the table7. The bridge is over the river.8. My house is near the school 9. Tom is standing in front of me.10 There is tree behind the house.11. My teacher is sitting between Tom and Mike .12. They are walking around the street特殊疑问词(种类、用法)一、特殊疑问词what(什么) who(谁)which(哪个)where(哪里)why (为什么)whose(谁的)when (何时)How (如何)How many(多少个)How much (多少钱)二、读读背背,并写出下列特殊疑问句的汉意。what 引导的特殊问句?1. Whats your name?2. What do you do? 3. What do you like to eat?4. What do you do on the weekends?5. What ab


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