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John Lewis 圣诞广告:我的小伙伴 收藏 86 Christmas just wouldnt be Christmas without mince pies, roast turkey, crackersand a tear-jerking advert from John Lewis. 有些东西是圣诞节必不可少的,例如肉馅饼、烤火鸡、圣诞饼干、还有一则约翰 路易斯 公司的催泪广告。 The department store has long made it its mission to convert even the most avowed Scrooges, and this year is no exception. 这家百货公司一向以感化人心为己任,哪怕是最冷血的吝啬鬼 ,今年也不例外。 The 7million Disney-inspired advert, which makes its TV debut tomorrow, tells the story of a selfless hare who is determined to make sure his best friend, a bear, doesnt miss Christmas for once. 这则受迪士尼动画启发而来的广告耗资 700万 美元,于 11月 9日首次在电视上亮相。它讲述了一只无私的野兔如何保证自己最好的朋友 一只熊今年不再错过圣诞节的感人故事。 The commercial features the tale of two good friends, a bear and a hare, who are sad at the thought of being separated for Christmas. 这则广告中故事的主角是一对好朋友 一头熊和一只野兔,随着圣诞节临近,他们正为彼此分别而感伤。 The store has used hand drawn animation to tell the story with the result the commercial looks very much like a classic Disney film from the 1940s, such as Bambi, which has been watched by generations of children. 该公司采用了手绘动画的形式来讲述这个故事,完成后的广告效果看起来酷似二十世纪 40年代的迪士尼卡通电影,比如受到 几代人喜爱的小鹿斑比。 The technique taps in to feelings of nostalgia, while it also tells a heart-warming story which, based on past experience, will have many in tears. 这则广告采用手绘动画的形式是为了唤起人们对童心的怀念,同时它也讲述了一个温暖人心的故事,根据以往的经验,这个故事会让很多人潸然泪下。 相关阅读: 约翰 刘易斯 2012年圣诞广告:雪人的旅行(视频) 约翰 路易斯爱情广告:穿越时空 当过去的她遇到现在的他(视频) The commercial, which carries the strapline Give someone a Christmas theyll never forget, is the first for the chain to use hand drawn animation. 这则广告的标语是 “给你爱的人一个难忘的圣诞 ”,这是约翰 路易斯公司的第一则手绘动画圣诞广告,今后数年该公司将推出一系列的手绘圣诞广告。 A spokesman said: The story evokes the excitement of a first Christmas and the importance of friendship and thoughtfulness. 一位约翰 路易斯公司的发言人称, “这个故事唤起了人们第一次过圣诞节的兴奋感,也使人们意识到友谊的重要,关怀他人的重要。 ” Ive got your back: The new John Lewis Christmas advert features a hare and a bear. 我在你身边: 今年的约翰 路易斯圣诞广告的主角是一只野兔和一头熊。 So happy together: The hare and the bear enjoy autumn together. 快乐的小伙伴: 野兔和熊一起享受秋天。 Sleepy: But as winter begins its time for the bear to hibernate. 困倦: 但是随着冬天到来,该是熊冬眠的 时候了 Looking for a place to rest: So the bear treks through the wilderness to find a likely spot. 寻找冬眠之地: 熊在树林深处四处跋涉,寻找适合的地点 Christmas is coming: While the bear sleeps, the other woodland animals get on with decorating the tree. 圣诞节到了: 熊睡去了,树林中其他动物开始装饰树木。 Sad: The hare fears that the bear is missing out, so he comes up with a bright idea. 悲伤: 野兔担心熊会错过圣诞节, 于是它想到了一个聪明的办法。 Best friends: Carrying a gift, the hare follows the bear into the wilderness where he is in hibernation. 真挚友情: 野兔带着礼物,在树林深处追随着 熊的踪迹,找到了熊冬眠的地方。 Christmas gift: The hare leaves the bear a mystery gift - an alarm clock. 圣诞礼物: 野兔为熊留下了一


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