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主谓一致原则讲解 Pleasemakethebestchoice 一 整体原则 1 表示时间 重量 长度 价格等的复数名词 作主语从整体来看时 谓语动词用单数 例如 Fiftyyearsisnotalongtime 1 Tenthousanddollars quitealargesum A areB isC hasD have 2 Sixtimesseven forty two A areB isC haveD was 2 非谓语动词 从句或其他短语作主语 谓语动词用单数形式 例如 1 Togetupearlyandtogotosleepearly goodforyourhealth A isB areC wasD were 由and连接两个名词 包括两个不定式 两个动名词作主语 若指同一件事或一个概念事 谓语动词用单数形式 2 Whenandwheretobuildthenewfactory yet A isnotdecidedB arenotdecidedC hasnotdecodedD havenotdecided 当when和where加不定式指的是同一件事时 谓语动词用单数 3 Playingfootballnotonly usgrowuptallandstrongbutalso usasenseoffairplayandteamspirit A make giveB makes givesC makes giveD make gives 4 Whenwewillholdthemeeting notdecidedyet A isB areC beD was 2 舍近求远的原则 语法一致的原则是指主语为单数或复数时 其谓语动词要与其相呼应 但我们要注意一些特殊情况 1 以alongwith togetherwith with aswellas accompaniedby ratherthan but except连接的两个主语 其谓语的单复数以第一个主语为主 例如 1 NobodybutJane thesecret knowB knowsC haveknownD isknown 2 I ratherthanyou responsiblefortheaccident AamBareChasDhave 3 Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks tothenationasagift isofferedB hasofferedC areofferedD haveoffered 4 Allbutone herejustnow isB wasC hasbeenD were 5 Tomaswellastwoofhisclassmates invitedtotheparty A wasB wereC havebeenD hadbeen Thehouse includingthegardenandthegarage wassoldout 6 Nooneexceptmyparents anythingaboutit A knowB knowsC isknowingD haveknown Severalpassengers togetherwiththedriver werehurt 1 由notonly butalso neither nor either or not but以及or连接的并列主语 谓语动词要与最靠近它的主语在数上保持一致 Notonlyyourfather sfriendsbutalsoyourfatherlikessmoking 3 就近一致原则 1 NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother A isB areC amD be 2 Oneorperhapsmorepages missing isB areC hasbeenD havebeen Areyouorhetodrive Wassheoryouthere 3 Peter perhapsJohn playingwiththelittledog A seemsB wereC areD is 4 he Ifinishedtheexperiment Haveneither norHasneither norC Haveneither orD Haveeither or 5 eitherheorIfitforthejob Neitherhenoryou A Am areB Is areC Are areD Is is Hereisapen afewenvelopesandsomepaperforyou guess 2 在倒装句中以及在Therebe 结构中 如主语是并列的 谓语动词往往和其后面的第一个主语取得数上的一致 Whereisyourmotherandyoungersister Thereisapen twopencilsandfivebooksonthedesk 1 Onthewall famouspaintings A haveB areC isD has 2 There alotofmilkinthebottle A areB isC wereD has 1 并列主语如果指的是同一人 同一物或同一概念 谓语动词用单数 这时and后面的名词前没有冠词 ThesecretaryofthePartybranchanddirectorofthatfactoryoftenworkswiththeworkers 意义一致 1 Boththesecretaryandthemanager agreedtoattendthemeeting A hasB haveC areD is 2 Thesecretaryandmanager verybusynow A isB areC hasbeenD were 2 陈述部分用everybody everyone somebody someone anybody anyone nobody noone或no 复数名词等作主语时 反意部分用they 而陈述部分用everything something nothing anything时 反意部分代词则采用单数 用it Somebodyiswaitingforyou aren they Everythingisallright isn tit 3 主语是以 ics结尾的学科名词以及news works 工厂 等都属形式复数 而意义单数的名词 其谓语用单数形式 另外means一词单复数同形应视具体情况而定 Mathematicsseemstobedifficulttolearn Anewmeansofteachingisbeingusedinthatschool 1 Everymeans beentriedsincethen A hasB wereC wasD hasbeen 注 学科名词前如有物主代词修饰时 谓语常用复数 Mymathematicsareweak 2 Allmeans beenused A hasB wasC haveD be 4 the 形容词或分词作主语时 如指一类人 其谓语用复数 如指抽象概念 其谓语用单数 如 Thericharenotalwayshappy Thenewissuretoreplacetheold Theold welllookedafterbythegovernmentinChina A isB areC hasbeenD was 5 主语是family team group crowd class committee等集合名词时 如果作为一个整体看待 谓语用单数形式 如指的是全体人员时 谓语用复数 Hisfamilyareallmusiclovers 类似这样的集体名词有 family class audience committee 委员会 crowd crew group party population team public council 理事会 village等 Thepopulationoftheearthisincreasingveryfast 1 Hesaidthathisfamily allverywell A areB wereC isD was 2 Thepopulationofthecity increasingfast A wereB beC isD are 3 TheUnitedStates madeupof50states oneofwhich Kentucky is areB is isC are isD are are 4 Zhang sfamily ratherbig withtwelvepeopleinall A isB areC beingD was 5 Nowthepolice searchingthetownforthelostchild A wasB wereC isD are 6 Thepolice theblackinwinter wearsB wearC putonD putson 主语people作 人们 人民 解时 谓语动词用复数 作 民族 解时 有单复数之分 police cattle public Ourpeopleisagreatone Thereare56peoplesinChina 6 主语是疑问代词who what which 不定代词all more most any none等以及名词half part therest等既可表示复数意义又可表示单数意义 其谓语视情况而定 HalfofthevisitorsarefromEurope Halfofthefruitisbad Therestofhisjourneywaspleasant Therestofthegirlsarefondofmusic Allofyourworkiswelldone Allofyouranswersarecorrect 2019 12 19 39 可编辑 1 Mostofhissparetime spentinreading areB wereC wasD havebeen 2 Where thatfivepoundsIlentyou A isB haveC wasD were 3 Twoofthemwillgofirst therest tostay A isB areC usedD has 4 ItisnotIwho wrong A isB areC amD hasbeen 2 的几分之几 和 的百分之几 作主语时 其谓语用单数或复数取决于of后的名词 Three fourthsofthesurfaceoftheearthissea 40percentofthestudentsinourclassaregirls 70percentofthesurfaceiscoveredwithwater 70percentofthefarmershaveimprovedtheirlivingconditions 1 Onethirdofthepopulationhere workers A isB haveC beD are 2 About20percentofthework doneyesterday A areB isC wereD was 8 oneof 复数名词 定语从句 之前有theonly thevery the等限定词和修饰语时 定语从句的谓语动词用单数形式 Sheistheonlyoneofthesewomenwhoplaystheviolin 1 Johnistheonlyoneofthestudentsinourclasswho toschoolonfoot goB goesC havegoneD aregoing 2 Hewastheoneofthestudentswho praisedatthemeeting A wasB wereC isD are 注意 1 oneof 复数名词 单 谓语 如 Oneofthestudentsisfromthesouth 2 oneof 复数名词 定语从句 从句动词用复数 如 Heisoneoftheboyswhoarereadytohelpothers 3 the only oneof 名词 复数 定语从句 从句中谓语动词用单数 表示众多中只有一个 如 Heistheonlyoneofthestudentswhocomesearly 1 如果主语是由and连接的两个单数名词 谓语用复数 但前面有each every no等词修饰时 谓语用单数 例如 语法一致 Bothriceandwheat growninthatcountry A isB areC wasD has Everyboyandgirlinthisregionistaughttoreadandwrite Nostudentandnoteacherisinvitedtotheparty Eachdoctorandeachnursewassentfor 1 Duringtheholidayseverytrainandship crowded A areB wereC wasD has 2 Noteacherandnostudent admittedinhere areB wereC isD has 主谓一致的测试热点 2 由manya或morethan 单数名词作主语时 其谓语用单数形式 ManyaforeignerhasbeentotheGreatWall Morethanonestudenthasvisitedtheexhibition 1 Morethanonepersonhere withthedisease hasbeeninfectedB havebeeninfectedC hasbeeninfectingD havebeeninfecting 2 Manyastudent thatmistakebefore A hadmadeB hasbeenmadeC havemadeD hasmade 3 主语是一些只有复数形式的名词 如clothes trousers glasses compasses scissors shoes socks gloves等时 谓语用复数 但这类表示成双的东西的名词前有apairof修饰时 谓语用单数 Mytrousersarebeingwashednow Thereisapairofshoesinthebox Thispairofshoes madeinourfactory A isB areC havebeenD hadbeen 4 anumberof 名词复数 作主语 谓语用复数 thenumberof 名词复数 作主语 谓语用单数 Anumberofpupilslikereadingpicture books Thenumberofthestudentsinourclassis55 2 Thenumberofstudentsthatyouhavemet thelifeoftheteam areB isC wereD be 1 Anumberofstudents fromthesouth A areB isC haveD has 成对的名词 如breadandbutter涂黄油的面包 sodaandwater汽水 coffeeandmilk加牛奶的咖啡 aimandend目的 saltandwater盐开水等 虽然有and连接 但仍表单一概念 作主语时 谓语用单数 Aknifeandforkisonthetable 特殊知识点 2 在定语从句中主语是关系代词who that which 谓语动词的数应与先行词的数一致 I whoamyourteacher willteachyoueverythingIknow ItisnotIwho wrong isB areC amD hasbeen He who yourgoodfriend willshareyourjoysandsorrows wasB areC isD am 3 主语是用作书名 剧名 报纸名 国名等的复数名词 谓语一般用单数形式 TheUnitedStatesisadevelopedcountry 1 TheArabianNights wellknowntoEnglishlovers A isbeingB areC wereD is 2 TheUnitedStates foundedin1776 A wasB isC wereD are 4 主语是表示数量的 on


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