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小学四年级英语下册第一单元测试题姓名 成绩 一、判断每组中的发音是否相同,相同的花“”,不同的画“”。1、cake bag( ) 2、cat hat( ) 3、snake face ( ) 4、bag snake( )5、grape cake ( )6、apple bag( )7、apple snake( )8、hat apple( )二、圈出每组单词中与众不同的一个。A B C D1、 lungh dinner breakfast library 2、 canteen garden playground music3、 art room computer room gym TV4、 music class English class P.E class snake5、 what whose welcome where三、写出对应的英语单词计算机 写字板 电扇 灯 讲台 图画 地板 墙四、汉译英。(注意:第一个字母大写,并加上正确的标点符号。)这是我的计算机。 那是你的计算机。这是讲台吗? 是,它是。五、选择。1、This is my dress. A、is B、am C、are2、These my jeans. A、is B、am C、are3、Theres a map the wall. A、on B、at C、in4、Whats your classroom? A、on B、at C、in5、 this your shirt? A、is B、Is C、are6、Is this a teachers desk? Yes, . A、is it B、it is C、it isnt7、Its 10 oclock.Its time go to school. A、to B、for C、/8、 go there. A、Let B、Lets C、Play D、What9、 school is beautiful. A、You B、your C、Your10、Look,one ,two A、board fan B、boards fans C、board fans11、Its 7:05.Its time go to school. A、to B、for C、/12、Its 9:30.Its time P.E.class. A、to B、for C、/六、上下句连线。1、Where is the canteen? A、No,it isnt.2、Is that the TV room? B、Its on the first floor.3、What time is it? C、Water the flowers.4、Go to the garden. D、Its nine oclock.5、Go to the library. E、Eat some noodles.6、Go to the canteen. F、Read a story-book.7、Go to the teachers office. G、Hand in the homework.8、Go to the playground. H 、Play football.七、阅读理解。(正确的用”T” 错误的用”F”)We have a new computer room.Its on the second floor.Look,two fans and eight lights are in it. How many computers are there in our computer room?There are 50.There are so cool .This is a picture and that is a map .The floor is green.The wall is white. I like our computer room.( )1、We have a new musice room. ( )2、The computer room is on the first floor.( )3、The computer room has six lights. ( )4、The computer room s wall is white.( )5、I like our computer room.八、选择正确的一项,将序号填在题前括号中。A、art room B、canteen C、gym D、librarySchool days,school days.What a lot of run!Read in the . Drow in the .Eat in the . Play in the . School days ,school days, What a lot of run!九、选择合适序号,填在图片下的括号里。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A、Put on your T-shirt. B、Hang up your skirt. C、Take off your jacket. D、Fold your dress. E、Wash your shirt. F、Put away your sweater.小学四年级英语下册第二单元测试题姓名 成绩 一、判断每组中的发音是否相同,相同的花“”,不同的画“”。1、we she( ) 2、bed he ( ) 3、desk me( ) 4、egg desk( ) 5、pen egg( ) 6、me he ( ) 7、bed she ( ) 8、me desk( )二、圈出每组单词中与众不同的一个。1、 breakfast lunch dinner morning2、 P.E. music English time3、 library canteen garden over三、写出对应的英语单词数学 语文 英语 体育 音乐 点钟 时间四、汉译英。(注意:第一个字母大写,并加上正确的标点符号。)几点了? 两点了。9:45了。 到上数学课的时间了。 五、选择。1、What time ? A、it is B、is it C、it isnt 2、Its time Eng lish class. A、for B、to C、in3、Its time get up. A、for B、to C、on4、School is over.Lets go the playgroung. A、/ B、to C、for5、你想知道现在几点了,会问: A、What time is it? B、What time is it now? C、What time it is now?6、I ready! A、am B、is C、are7、你想知道别人在干什么时,会问: A、What are you doing? B、What can you do? C、Where are you doing?8、你想告诉别人该上学时,会说: A、Its time to go to school. B、Its time go school. C、Its timen for go to school.9、邀请别人去操场时会说: A、Lets go to the playground. B、Lets the playground. C、Lets go the playgroung.10、Lets run! A、to B、go C、/11、 a minute. A、Go B、What C、Just六、上下句连线。1、What time is it? A、Jump and run.2、Time for P.E. B、Its nine oclock.3、Time for English. C、Sing and dance.4、Time for music. D、Read and write.5、Its 9:45 E、Its time for math class.七、用英语写出答案。2-1= 41= 1+6= 62= 3+6= 1+5= 2+6= 21 = 八、根据汉语提示写短语。一个写字板 两台电扇 五盏灯七个苹果 八只狗 十只兔子九、选择正确的短语,填在横线上。get up go to school go home go to bedIts 6:30.Its time to . Its7:05.Its time to .Its 4:30.Its time to . Its 9:00.Its time to .小学四年级英语下册第三单元测试题姓名 成绩 一、判断每组中的发音是否相同,相同的花“”,不同的画“”。( ) bike kite ( ) fish window ( ) fish rice ( ) ice-cream window( ) mike pig ( ) rice pig ( ) milk fish ( ) ice-cream bike二、圈出每组单词中与众不同的一个。A B C 1、seven duess twenty2、jeans pants green3、shoes yellow socks 4、skirt weeater apple5、banana grape jacket三、按要求写红色的苹果 蓝色的短裙 黄色的衬衫 绿色的夹克衫 白色的连衣裙它是什么颜色的? 它是白色的。四、选择1、I like the white sweater the green skirt. A、to B、and C、with2、 is my skirt? Its on the bed. A、What B、Where C、How many3、 is it? Blue. A、What B、Where C、What colour4、 is it? Its my T-shirt. A、What B、Where C、Whose5、Oh!Its baby brothers! A、you B、your C、/6、Where my socks? A、am B、is C、are 7、Our neignour a new baby! A、have B、has C、had 8、I have a new dress my birthday party. A、to B、for C、/9、My are white. A、dress B、jacket C、shoes五、为问句找答语。( )1、Where is my skirt? A、Hes my brother.( )2、Who is he? B、Its my T-shirt.( )3、Whoes is it? C、Blue.( )4、What colour is it? D、They are socks.( )5、What are they? E、forty-five.( )6、How many students are there? F、Its ninety yuan.( )7、How much is it? G、Yes,it is.( )8、Is thie your t-shirt? H、No,they arent.( )9、Are they tomotoes? I、Its on the desk.六、根据课文,用所给单词填空。A、Oh!Its your baby brothers. B、Where is my T-shirt? C、What colour is it? D、Whose is it?Alice: Where is my skirt?Mike: Alice: Blue.Mike: Is this your skirt,Alice?Alice: Yes,it is. Thank you.Dad: Mike: Is that your T-shirt,Dad?Dad: No,its not.Mike: Mom: Its my T-shirt.Mike: Whose is this?Mom: 七、按照所给图片填空。小学四年级英语下册第四单元测试题一、判断每组中的发音是否相同,相同的画“”,不同的画“”。( )lock rose ( )fox nose ( )hole fox ( ) rose hole ( )home hose ( )home orange ( )box fox ( )orange lock二、圈出每组单词中与众不同的一个。A B C DCold hot warm weathercool rainy snowy pantsHarbin HonKong OK LhasaLondon Moscow Sydney footballjacket sweater coat today三、写出对应的英语单词牛仔裤 长裤 袜子 鞋 晴朗的 暖和的 寒冷的 下雪的今天很暖和。 让我们一起踢足球吧。 Its cool. (改写成一般疑问句) 四、选择。1、Its cold Kun ming. A、in B、on C、at2、Tack your jacket. A、on B、at C、off3、Put your shirt. A、on B、in C、under4、Whats the weather today? A、in B、at C、like5、Look my T Shirt. A、in B、on C、at6、Whats the matter you? A、of B、with C、by7、Here your coat. A、am B、are C、is 8、Ill go to Da lian see you. A、/ B、to C、with 9、今天天气很热,你想穿上你的T-shirt,会问妈妈: A、Mom,can I wear my new shirt today? B、Mom,canI wear my new T-shirt today?C、Yes, you can.10、You can wear new shirt. A、you B、your11、Where my shoes? A、am B、is C、are12、Its time go. A、to B、for C、/13、Those my shoes. A、am B、is C、are14、They are your feet! A、in B、on C、at15、What are you ? A、do B、doing16、I have close the window. A、to B、at C、in D、/五、为问句找答语。( )1、Can I wear my new shirt today? A、They are pants.( )2、What are they? B、Not much.( )3、What are you doing? C、Its rainy in Beijing.( )4、Whats the weather like in Bei jing? D、Its windy now.I have to close the window( )5、Whats the matter? E、No,tis not.( )6、Is it cold? F、Yes,you can.六、根据提示为图片涂色,并将短语抄写在四线格内。red blue white greensweater T-shirt socks skirt、小学四年级英语下册第五单元测试题姓名 成绩 一、判断每组中的发音是否相同,相同的花“”,不同的画“”。( )1、student bus ( )2、umbrella cup ( )3、music tube ( )4、toothbrush cup( )5、cute tube ( )6、music cup ( )7、umbrella student ( )8、tube cup二、圈出每组单词中与众不同的一个。A B C colourful pretty dresssnadals boots sockson in helpsandals slippers cheap三、按要求画,并写出短语。五个苹果 两根香蕉 三个橙子 两个梨 一个西瓜四、写出两组反义词。五、选择。1、Look that dress. A、on B、at C、in2、How much that colourful dress? A、is B、are C、am3、到商店,售货员通常会对你说: A、Thank you. B、Can I help you? C、Sorry. 4、It me well. A、fit B、fits5、I take it. A、will B、/6、I want slippers. A、a B、a pair fo C、a pair of 7、想知道别人的脚的尺寸,会问: A、What size? B、Size five?8、How much they? A、am B、is C、are9、We take them. A、will B、/10、用 字母代表小号。A、L B、M C、S六、选择合适的答语。( )1、How much is that skirt? A、Its ten yuan.( )2、How much are they? B、Sive five.( )3、What sive? C、I can see five.( )4、How many tomatoes can you see? D、Its on the first floor.( )5、Where is the canteen? E、They are thirty yuan.七、选择,将其序号填在题前括号里。( )1、I want to water the flowers. A、Go to the playground.( )2、I want to read a story-book. B、Go to the library. ( )3、I want to eat some noodles. C、Go to the garden.( )4、I want to hand in the homework. D、Go to the canteen.( )5、I want to play football. E、Go to the teachers office.八、阅读理解:请仔细阅读下面的短文,根据短文判断正(Y)误(N)。Dear Grandma,Thank you for the new shorts .They are cool !Its hot in Beijing. Its sunny too .I can wear my shorts and T-shirt. I have a new jacket . My old jacket is too small .I want to buy a hat .It is fifty yuan .Its too expensive.Whats the weather like at the farm ?Is it warm ?How many new ducks are there?LoveJohn1.It is hot in Beijing. ( )2.John has a small jacket. ( )3.Grandma is at the home. ( )4.The jacket is fifty yuan. ( )5.Its sunny at farm. ( )1、John goes to school at 8 oclock.( ) 2、Johns jacket is green.( )3、John is in the library at 11 oclock. ( )4、John eats lunch in the playground.( )5、John goes to English class at 10 oclock. ( )6、John has white shoes.( )小学四年级英语下册第六单元测试题姓名 成绩 一、找出与所给字母发音相同的一个。( )1、 a A cake B hat( )2、 e A bed B me ( )3、 i A milk B kite ( )4、 o A nose B box ( )5、 u A student B bus 二、圈出每组单词中与众不同的一个。A B C sheep cow oniongoat lamb tomatohen horse carratcucumber potato canteen三、写出对应的英语单词猫 兔子 猪 鸭子四、汉译英。(注意:第一个字母大写,并加上正确的标点符号。)它们是鸭子吗? 不,它们不是。这有多少匹马? 12匹。 五、选择。1、Are they sheep? No, A、they are B、they arent C、it is2、How many do you have? A、cow B、cows3、How many can you see? A、goose B、geese4、What are ? A、this B、that C、these六、选择,将其序号填在题前括号里。( )1、What are those? A、Wow ,so many!( )2、There are one hundred! B、Ten. ( )3、Are they goats? C、Thirty yuan.( )4、How many sheep are there? D、No, they arent.( )5、How much is this shirt? E、They are ducks.七、将正确答案的序号填在题前括号里。( )1、What is the canteen? A、Its on the first floor.( )2、Is this a library? B、It is a computer.( )3、How many students are there? C、Tha


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