



八年级英语下期末测试卷(16)姓名:_ 学号:_ 班次:_ 记分:_I词语释义。选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。(共10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. The man got to London last night.A. arrived at B. arrived in C.reached to D. reached at( ) 2. You must look out when you cross the road. A. be careful B. look up C. take care of D. look over( ) 3. Its hard to learn English well. A. easy B. different C .difficult D.tired( ) 4. Il1 give back_ the book to the library A. come back B. get back C. bring D. return ( ) 5. My pen landed on the playground. A. dropped B. ran C.stood D.lay( ) 6. 111 go to see my uncle next Sunday. A. find B. help C. visit D. fint out( ) 7. Her mother will go to Japan by air next month. A. by bike B. by train C. by plane D. by sea( ) 8. He had a good time at the party. A. enjoys himself B. enjoyed himself C. had a good rest D. have a good rest( ) 9. Lei Fmag often helps her mother do some washing on Sunday. A. wash clothes B. do some cleaning C. wash faces D. clean the room( ) 10. He finished doing his homework at last. A. at that time B. in the end C. at once D. at timesII、词形转变。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(共10分,每小题1分)1. My brother is one of the best in the factory. (work)2. Can you look after when Im away?” Yes,I can (you)3. September is the month of the year. (nine)4. Which is beef or pork?(popular)5. Lin Tao often helps Han Mei with English.(she)6. Uncle Wang doesnt drive as as Uncle Liu.(careful)7. I cant hear (something)8. Thmlk you for us.(help)9. Why is she looking ?(worry)10. He wants bananas very much.(eat)III、选择填空。(共15分,每小题1分)( )1. Everyone good at English in our class.A. are B. is C. am D. has( )2. Does Betty write A. good B. well C. best D. better( ) 3. ,may I speak to Xiao Wang?A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. OK D. Hello( )4. Her brother was born May 3rd ,1981A. in B. on C. at D. to( )5. They all enjoy. TV after supper. A. to watch B. to see C. seeing D. watching( )6. classroom is bright, but is much brighter than ours A. Our/theirs B. Ours/their C. Our/their D. Ours/theirs( )7. Is there wrong, your bike? A. something/with B. anything/with C. nothing/to D. everything/for( )8.I got up late, I run to school yesterday. A. have B. has to C. had to D. have to( )9. Her grandfather is old, he goes on workingA. and B. but C. so D.for( )10. Its half four now, Lets_ homeA.past/to go B.pass/go C.past/go D.pass/going( )11. Must we clean our classroom today? No,you A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. couldnt( )12. large the city is! A. What a B. How C. What D. How a( )13. Please away this old shirt and _me the clean one.A. take/bring B. bring/take C. carry/take D. put/carry( )14. Can you it in Epglish? A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak( )15.If it tomorrow, well go to the Great Wall.A. rain B. rains C. doesnt rain D. isnt rain IV、情景配伍。从B)组选出A组中各句的正确答案。(共10分,每小题1分)A) B)1. This way,please.( ) a. OK,here you are.2. Chocolate is good for your health.( ) b. Why not?3. Would you like to have dinner with us?( ) c. Im not sure.4. Could you pass me some salt?( ) d. Even worse.5. How can I get to the zoo?( ) e. Sorry to hear that6. What are you going to do this?( ) f. Thank you.7. Whats the matter wath you? ( ) g. I dont agree with you.8. How are you feeling now? ( ) h. I have a cough.9. Lets go to climb the hill. ( ) i. Go up this road to the endl0. Jacks grandmother has cancer. ( ) j. Yes,Id love to.V、完形填空。(共10分,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Last Sunday my classmates all went to the park.They had a good time 1 I dichat go. After lunch Aunt Liu came in and looked 2 .Giandma is ill,I must take her 3 hospital.But my babyI cant leave her by _4 _. Xiao Ming thougkt for a few seconds and said, Dont worry, I can look after 5 .The baby 6 aboat ten months old. At first she was asleep. Half ma hour 7 , She woke up and began to cry. I said to her. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I turn:don the radio. She stopped 8 and listened to the music. After a few minutes she started to cry again. Then I started 9 the baby watched mad listeied, and she didnt cry any lnore Then I made faces and jumped _10 _a monkey. The baby laughed and laughed.( ) 1. A. and B. but C. so D. for( ) 2. A. worry B. worrying C. worried D.to worry( ) 3. A. to. B. in C. at D.for( ) 4. A.she B.himself C.her D.herselt( ) 5. A,her B. herself C.she D. me( )6. A,is B. was C.be D. are( ) 7. A. late B. ately C. later D.after( ) 8. A. crying B. to cry C.cry D.cries( ) 9. A, to sing B.sing C. sang D.sung( ) 10. A.for B.to C.as D.likeVI.阅读理解。(共20分,每小题2分)根据以下短文,从下列各题所给四个答案中选择最佳答案 (A) Mr. Turner works in a factory. He often feels tired and likes sleepingat home. His wife is a conductor and likes dancing. She often goes dancingif she isn t on duty. He tells her to do some housework, but she doesn tlisten to him. His mother Mrs. Turner has to do all for them. Once the old woman was ill and had to be in hospital. Her daughterwent to look after her there. Two months later she came back, all theirrooms were in terrible mess(零乱不堪). She couldnt tidy them and toldher son to do it. The young man didn t answer her. She said nothing andhad to stay in bed. One day, Mr. Turners wife was free. She wanted to go dancing, butshe didnt find her new sweater. She asked her husband to help her. Theyoung man didnt do it, Our sheet(床单)isn t clean, said the woman,Youd better wash it tomorrow. I 11 be busy, said the man. Turn itover. How lazy(懒)you are! said the woman, I turned it over one anda half months ago! ( ) 1. The old woman has to do all for her son and his wife.( ) 2. The rooms were all in a terrible mess for more than two months.( ) 3. Mr. Turner s mother is too old to help her son.( )4. The phrase(短语)turn overin the story means“翻过来”。( )5.The wife is not the laziest in the family(B) Mrs. Harris lived in a small village. Her husband was dead, but shehad one son. He was twenty-one, and his name was Geoff. He worked in atown and lived there. Its name was Blue-sea;It was quite a long way fromhis mothers village, and she was unhappy about this, but Geoff said,There isnt any good work for me in the village, mother, and t can get alot of money in Blue-sea and send you some every week. One day Mrs. Harris was very angry. She got on a train and went toher sons house in Blue-sea. Then she said to her son, Geoff, why do younever call me?. Geoff laughed. But mother, he said. You havent got a tele-phone. No, she answered, I haven t, but you have got one. ( ) 1. Geoff s father_ A. was 21 years old B. died C. was a father D. lived in Blue-sea ( ) 2. Mrs. Harris s village was Blue-sea. A. beside B. near C. in D. far from ( )3. Geoff went to work in Blue-sea because _ A. He wanted to work in town B. he wanted to get more money C. he didnt like to live with his mother D. there was no telephone in the village ( )4. Mrs. Harris was very angry one day because_. A. her husband died B. her son left her C. her son didnt give her any money D. Geoff never called her ( )5. Mr. Harris_. A. often called her son from the village B. knew how to callVII.补全对话。(共10分,每空1分)A)根据对话内容,在空白处填入适当的词,使对话完整。每空一词,缩写词算一个。(共5分,每空0.5分)(At the school library)T: Can I help you?David: I want to 1 a book on computer tectmology.T: Let me 2 . Here you are. It must 3 very helpful.David: Great! How 4 may I 5 it?T: Two weeks.Day/d: I see. Ill give it back 6 two weeks.( In the classroom )David: Hi, Jack ! Here s a boo


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